The Yachtsman


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She grinned, "Hey! If you don't work I sure as Hell am not going to go to work and leave you alone all day, I am going to be within touching range of you 24/7. You can teach me how to splice lines too!"

He looked at her seriously, "Do your parents live close enough for us to see them this afternoon? If so we can go see them now and let the wedding planning start."

"They live in Palm Beach and I would love to go so you can meet them. BUT! I need to talk with you before we get there. I don't want a long engagement or anything but a small, immediate family only, wedding. My perfect choice would be to take you to meet the family after we are married."

LC looked into her eyes, "Sweetie, I just want to please you. I thought every girl wanted a big wedding with all the pomp and glamour."

"No, I saw the pressure my sister went through prior to her wedding. The marriage only lasted a little over a year, she claims the pressure to have the 'perfect' wedding split them apart before they were even married. They could never work through it. I don't even care about anything anyone else thinks about our wedding, I am not competing with anyone else. You don't even have to marry me. I will be your woman anyway."

"I guess we are going to have our first fight then. We can discuss the details later, I want to put a nice diamond engagement ring on your finger. Plan a nice formal wedding to take place no more than a month from now. I don't want my bride to miss this only chance she will have for a beautiful little wedding. I want you to be able to show your daughters the pictures of your wedding with pride and joy in your face as you remember it."

Filly smiled, "I will yield to your wishes on three conditions, We must live together during the engagement, I must get down to a twenty six inch waist and the guests must be only immediate family."

"Can I invite Marsha and Momma and Poppa San? "

"Oh! Dear, I don't know about that. I'm OK with Momma and Poppa San, but Marsha is pushing it a bit. Ex-wives are just not invited to weddings."

LC reached for Philly and pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. She put her arms around his neck and kissed LC with equal ardor. She pushed him back on the bed and murmured "We can see Mom and Dad tomorrow, they are not going to ever say NO! I want you a couple of more times before I cuddle your back all night. I know I am being a little slut but I can't help it. You did this to me LC, a couple of days ago I was perfectly happy droning along, fat dumb and happy. Now you have showed me how real love feels and I can't get enough of it. You have created a sex monster."

"I am happy with what you say I created, I love it when you get horny, as long as I am the only guy you are horny for."

"Oh! I don't know about that, suppose I get real horny and you are not around? Do you expect me to just sit and wait for you to wander in?"

"Well, I think there is an obvious answer to that problem, don't you?"

"What's that?"

"I'll never get out of your sight."

"Oh! That is a perfect solution." She giggled, "Why didn't I ever think of that?"

"I suspect that you just might have already figured that out."

"Who, me?"

As it happened, LC was out of her sight numerous times over the years but not for very long. They became very close and neither could stand to be away from the other very long. Philly bore LC two daughters and two sons. They were all raised aboard the various boats the family lived aboard. The children grew up knowing they were the luckiest kids in the whole world. They got a lot of their schooling on line and visited many foreign ports, learned of many cultures, met many different people from distant lands. They were strong, independent, self confident young people belonging to a close, tight knit family who took care of each other.

Philomena and Laurence Curtis were very proud of their children and decided that the family needed a permanent family home to be able to come home to. They bought a large tract of waterfront property on the Intercoastal Waterway. The land was low and they were assured that they would be able to have a 'V' shaped canal dug from the Waterway to where they wanted the house built. The material from the canal would be used to elevate most of the property. A large basin was dug out in the point of the 'V'for a number of docks and an area where large boats could turn around. Water flowed through the canal keeping the water fresh. The Curtis home was very lovely and had six bedrooms including a guest suite.

Philly sat next to LC in a double wide lounge chair on the screened-in balcony of their home, she was snuggled tightly to her husband in the cool of the evening. Her small hand rubbed gently across his chest then slipped down and under the waistband of his loose shorts until she found her treasure, his cock. It was half way hard but grew rapidly in her hand. She pushed his shorts down until her prize was fully exposed. Philly wiggled down so she could gently place her wet warm mouth over his wonderful cock. He softly moaned and tenderly placed his hands on her head, lightly forcing her mouth further down over his rock hard cock. It was delightful, her wet tongue slipped from side to side across the bottom of his cock, her lips firmly wrapped around the rest of his cock as he thrust slowly in and out.

Suddenly he reached down and pulled her up over his hips turning her to face her. She spread her knees to straddle his hips and reached down to guide his cock into her wet little pussy. Hmmmmm! It fit real good. Tight and slippery. She was as tight, after four children, as she had been the first time they made love all those years ago. Philly had aged perfectly and looked years younger than her age. She had learned to take care of herself and to dress to accentuate her now lovely figure. LC pulled out of Philly and lifted her in his strong arms and carried her into their bedroom. He placed her carefully on the bed and reached in the cabinet beside the bed and removed a blindfold.

Philly's eyes popped open and she giggled, "Oh no! Not the old blindfold trick. HELP!"

LC laughed, "Who are you trying to fool? You know you love this blindfold. You love it when I put it on you. You love surprises, and boy, do I have one for you." He cuffed her wrists and ankles to the corners of the bed. Philly felt the tingle and excitement of the unknown. LC was very inventive but would never do anything to hurt her. She heard him leave the room and go down the stairs. She faintly heard voices and noises on the stairs.

She heard LC whisper, "You may touch and kiss her anyway you want, no penetration though, OK?"

She barely heard the answers in the affirmative. She smelled perfume and then an aftershave. Fingers lightly traced her face below the blindfold, running along her cheeks, gently touching her lips, feeling the line of her jaw and then moving down her throat and over her chest. Rougher hands caressed her breasts as she smelled the after shave more strongly. She couldn't believe LC would let another person touch her this way. How could he? She softly said, "LC, are you still here?"

"Yes Honey, just relax and enjoy the feelings, we want only to please you. Now hush or we will have to gag you Sweetie, none of us want that because we have other plans for those luscious lips of yours." Soft gentle lips pressed against her lips. The smell of the perfume was stronger then.

Gentle finger tips moved over her breasts, this time moving to her now erect nipples. The fingers gently pinched the nipples. Another hand caressed her inner thigh from the knee to the soft skin just below her pussy. Who was that? Other strange feeling fingers stroked over her flat belly and tenderly touched her mound. A shiver ran through her body. These fingers were very smooth and gentle and she jerked when they slipped slowly over her mound and down between her legs, one finger parting the delicate pussy lips. They were wet and slippery now. The finger moved back up and touched her clitoris softly, pausing to stroke it several times, then slipping back down and sliding quickly between the lips and into her vagina quickly following the top wall of her pussy to rub over her 'G-spot' then jerk completely out of her.

She heard a muffled conversation off to the side, she thought she heard LC say, "No!" but she wasn't sure.

She smelled the after shave more strongly now, then lips roughly pressed against hers, she felt the prickliness of a mustache against her upper lip, LC didn't have any facial hair. What the Hell was going on? The man's tongue slipped in her mouth and played with her tongue, she tried not to respond. He left her mouth and she felt his warn mouth suck roughly at her nipples, one after the other, his mustache touching here and there.

The odor of his aftershave grew weaker as his mouth moved across her belly and on to her mound. She felt him move over her leg and between her thighs, his rough hands spreading her thighs more widely, then his lips and tongue were in her pussy, licking, slurping and sucking. She was not prepared for the rush of pleasure this strange mouth gave her, she instantly thought she knew who the strange man was. It had to be LC, he always licked her that way. Then she felt him pull away and felt him leave the bed. The bed shifted as someone climbed between her legs, she felt someone knee walk between her legs. She heard LC yell from a distance that he would be back in a few minutes. She felt something touch her pussy, It felt like the head of a cock, sort of soft and spongy, it grew harder as it rubbed up and down between her pussy lips. When it was slippery it eased in and slid all the way inside her. It felt very good. Was it LC? She couldn't tell, it didn't move the way LC moved. It was way too fast for her to tell. It didn't take long before she felt him stiffen and she could feel hot spurts of semen spurt inside her vagina. Philly had not had an orgasm, she was close though. LC never left her this way. She heard someone quietly moving around the room, she hadn't heard LC return.

She hoped and prayed that this was not true, that LC had left her alone with a stranger who had filled her with his sperm. She was not on the pill, she usually used a diaphragm but didn't have time to put it in tonight.

It seemed a long time, then she heard someone moving around the room. She felt her feet being released, then her hands. She sat up and pulled the blindfold off. LC smiled at her. She looked at him, "Get the hell away from me, you thoughtless bastard. Don't come near me."

LC said, "Honey, it was not what you think..."

"Get the fuck out of here, what you did, or let happen, was horrible for me. It was pure rape, no matter what happened. I hated it and right now I hate you, get out of my sight, I never want to see you again."


She looked at him coldly and calmly, "Pack a bag and get the hell away from me. I'm thinking 'divorce' right now, so get the fuck out of here."

He stared at her, she saw tears run down his cheeks. His mouth opened as he started to speak, then shut as he turned away and left the room.

Philly watched him go, she desperately wanted to call him back, but she didn't say a thing. Let him sweat it out, no matter what he had done, it was horrible for her and it would be a while before she forgave him. She went to the bathroom, douched, and inserted some spermicidal foam up inside her. She would see her doctor in the morning. Maybe she would schedule an appointment to have her tubes tied. She should have had it done after the last child was born, four children were enough.

What if she was pregnant? What would she do? Could she raise another baby. She was damned near fifty years old. She would be near seventy before it left the nest. NO! She couldn't do that. Could she kill an embryo? It would be a product of rape. NO! She had to prevent conception, it was the only option, she would be at her OB/GYN doctor in the morning when they opened the door.

When Philly returned home from the doctor, she saw LC sitting on the stern of their trawler yacht tied up to the dock, she walked into the den and picked up the binoculars and focused on LC. He looked very sad, she wanted to run and comfort him, she needed to be with him, she needed his touch, his kisses, but she needed to teach him a lesson first.

At 5 that afternoon she called LC's cell phone, he answered immediately. She said, "LC, I want to talk to you tomorrow morning, I want to resolve this situation. OK?"

He said, "I want that too, I hate this. I'll be right up and we can get this over with, OK?"

"No, I have a dinner date tonight, in the morning I will call you, it may be late if I am out late tonight."

"Who are you going out with tonight?"

"LC, as far as I am concerned you have no need to know that. Last night you chose who fucked me without giving me a choice at all, tonight I will chose who fucks me or not. Understand?"

"Hey, let me explain..."

"No! You should have explained last night before it happened. Last night you either let someone fuck me or made me think that is what happened. One is almost as bad as the other. I had to go to the doctor and embarrass myself by getting a 'Morning After' contraceptive. Tonight it will be my choice." Click.

Philomena watched LC sit on the top of the pilot house of their yacht, holding a pair of binoculars. He was going to try and see who picked her up. She smiled and looked at herself in the mirror, she grinned, she looked damned good in a skin tight black cocktail dress that accentuated her generous curves. She wore stockings and very high spiked heels. She would make sure LC got a good look at her.

She walked, strutted really, across to the four car garage, she had checked and LC was still on the top of the yacht. She didn't look at him as she walked. She got into her BMW and drove away. She watched and was sure she was not followed. She had hoped she would be followed. Then she remembered that LC could follow her by the GPS in her car. She smiled. It was only a few miles to a notorious night spot and local pick-up place.

She sat at the bar and almost instantly two young men approached her. She was amused at their adolescent lines. She laughed with them and danced with each of them. When she thanked them for the dances she gently told them she was old enough to be their mother and that she would prefer a more mature man. She casually looked around the large room and saw LC watching her from a booth in a dark corner. A large black man with salt and pepper hair asked her for a dance. He was very smooth and she accepted his invitation to dance After several dances he asked her to sit at his table. She did. She told him up front that she was married and that her husband was watching them. They danced a slow number and she informed him that she was in no way going to do anything more than dance with him. He smiled and said, "At least you can put on a good show and really make him jealous."

She grinned at him. "OK, here is my plan, we will dance two more slow songs, I may kiss you, then we will leave together. I'll give you a hundred bucks to leave and not come back here."

He smiled and agreed. She excused herself and went to the ladies room. She returned to the table and verified that LC was still watching.

LC was in agony as he watched his wife dance with a large black man. His first wife had had an affair with a black, now the woman he loved more than life was with one. Tears coursed down his cheeks. He watched as she pulled the man's head down to hers and kissed him on the lips. They returned to the table, she picked up her purse and they headed for the door, She saw LC jump to his feet head to cut them off. She walked up to him and said, "LC, I'll see you in the morning."

His face was contorted in pain as he softly said, "No, if you leave with him you will never see me again. Your choice."

Philly looked up at her black companion, "I can't let that happen, thank you for the dances." She opened her purse and handed him a $100 bill. "Here is what I promised you. Good night." She turned to LC, "Come on, follow me home, we will talk when we get there."

Philly thought things over as she drove home, there was no way in hell she was going to lose LC over this. He had a thing about blacks and she had pushed him hard with her kissing her dance partner, but not as hard as he had pushed her the night before.

Philly was setting in the den when LC found her. He walked to her and held out his hands to lift her to her feet for a kiss. She shook her head and pointed to the chair opposite hers. "Let's get this ugliness out of the way first. I want the exact truth about last night."

"OK, I wanted to spice things up for us a little bit. I planned the whole thing out for a few weeks before I was ready. After I had you blindfolded and tied to the bed I turned on a CD I had recorded. I had some help from some people so it sounded as if there were two other people there. I had to watch my clock so I did things on time with the recording. There was never anyone with you but me. I wore a medical glove over one hand so it felt different.

"I guess I did too good. I never thought you would believe it for a second. I am really terribly sorry if I caused you any distress, I never intended for that to happen. I do love you with all my heart I have been in pain ever since it happened, terrified that I would lose you. That would literally kill me."

Philly had a tear trickle down her cheek. "How about the different odors I smelled?"

"A drop of perfume and one of aftershave on paper towels I had in plastic bag."

"How about the mustache?"

He grinned, "I thought you might want to see that." He pulled a small box from his pocket. He fumbled around for a minute then said, "Ta da!" Philomena convulsed in gales of laughter. The mustache was on upside down! LC smiled, "Philly, it makes my heart jump for joy to hear you laugh, am I forgiven.

"No my love I may never totally forgive you., I plan on throwing this up to you any time you displease me in any way."

"May I have a kiss?"

"Yes, dear."

LC walked to her and lifted her to her feet. He kissed her passionately for a long time. Her hands crept up around his neck, she softly moaned. He pulled back and Philomena said, "That was wonderful, I missed that last night."

"Me too! Was it as good as your black friend kissed you?"

Philly stiffened in his arms and she looked up at him, "A lady never kisses and tells, he was very sweet, he gave me his number and said he would be glad to help if I wanted to make you really jealous."

LC looked at her and said, "I had that coming. I don't think I want to know the answer anyway."

"Darling there was no contest."

LC smiled, "Philly, you bare a real bitch, I can only hope and pray that you are my bitch."

"LC, Dearest, there is NO question about that, I am your bitch, now and forever. Don't test me too often though. I can be a REAL BITCH!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well, a 70 foot yacht is not really that big of a yacht. As I was reading the tale , I was thinking more like a 70meter yacht (229+feet), quite a difference. The 70ft. yacht wou7ld, in all likely-hood not have ALL of the 'bells & whistles" as the one in the story did. The 70 meter yacht would would very well have them and then some.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 10 years ago
Yep it went about right -

He pushed too hard and she did too -

They will work it out -

Nice one -

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great until that weird ending

It was going along so well and then BOOM! What the hell was that? Why the extra drama. Just ruined the story for me. Needs a re-write.

Irish_LassIrish_Lassabout 13 years ago

I have read alot of your stories and like them. Until this one. At first it was just a little from how you kept obsession over her weight, I see now it was to make her a better stronger person but at the time it seemed like he called her a dumpy fat chick who needed to change to be good at anything. No bueno. But then you fixed it.

HOWEVER!!!!! You then wrote the joke, no ok. First it was way to close to rape for my taste, and unknown unwanted part can throw it all off. But I get that once agian he was tring to be nice and spice up thier sex life. But over all I think that it only showed him in a bad light, but also i feel you left it unresolved in the end and i think that a stronger ending would really help.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I've always liked your stories

and this one also until the business with the joke. It was so ridiculous and disgusting I didn't even vote.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

You wrote a sweet, not believable, but sweet story and then messed it up big time. It was ok that he was secretly rich, we all figured that. To have her that shy and also rich was silly and did not work. Then it read almost like an ending but you had to pull that stupid twist, and with you a cliche of another man, and of course a black man. You cannot help yourself it seems, but to take a basic good plot line, fill it with really poor and overused dialogue and always, always, have the wife come close to betrayal or pull a cruel twist. You are a decent author, but you do have some personal issues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Eagle pens a "turkey"

When you first showed up on Literotica, you turned out some really great stories. I don't know what's happened to you, but these latest few stories you've submitted have very little in common with your earlier efforts - especially this latest tale.

The dialogue is stilted, really missing the contractions that Americans normally use when speaking. You obviously intended the fact that LC owned the yacht to come as a surprise, but it was terribly predictable. And the entire "blindfold" scene was in total opposition to the nature of the characters as you had described them (and their relationship) in the prior portions of the story.

Additionally, the "romance" of the tale was far too "whirlwind" to be truly believable. While LC might have been that impulsive, the character of Philomena (as described earlier in the story) was not the sort to have gone along with such an abbreviated courtship. She agreed to marry the fellow after knowing him only a couple days. I don't know of any truly intelligent modern woman who would react that way.

In short, this tale didn't "soar", like many of the early Grey Eagle stories. It plodded along in the dirt like the turkey it was.

HammerlaneHammerlaneover 13 years ago
A lot less "icky!"

Re your last recent post - I knew you'd come through. This is more like your older stories where paradise turns to crap. Thanks.

PennLadyPennLadyover 13 years ago

I don't know quite what to think. I know it's all a fantasy and fiction and I'm trying to let some stuff go...The dialogue was very stilted; it needed more contractions, for example. "I'll" instead of "I will" and things like that. Filly was kind of makeover and she's suddenly all confident in the bedroom with LC? Not sure I (or most women) would have taken his criticisms so well, but...well, people are different. That last bit at the end, I have to agree with the previous anonymous poster -- it felt really out of left field. Neither of them had ever mentioned wanting anything like that, so why LC would think that...And the diet thing -- ugh. And I had to chuckle -- 32D? I'm sure they're out there, but...not a size one sees a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I like boats, so I read it. A bit too long, and I didn't care for the ending, but interesting. However, there were a couple of typos, where you used the wrong word ["of" instead of "or"]. In addition, after the first afternoon, you didn't have "Filly" change from her shorts and blouse back into her dress.

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