Theft of the Heart Ch. 02


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Aleks pocketed both Chella's car keys and her phone, then held the door open for her and her sister to walk into his library. He still had to figure out what he was going to do with the two women. He wouldn't mind taking Chella up to his room and ravishing her tiny body until she screamed his name in passion. Or even bending her over his office desk and taking her hard from behind. Or..wait, there's something he was forgetting; what was it?


Tiffany found herself in awe of Aleks' house. 'He is a son of a bitch with taste and a lot of money apparently.' She could definitely find it in her heart to forgive him for abandoning her. Men like him are in short supply in their little town and it wouldn't do for her to be so wasteful.

She followed the sound of voices down a long hallway. Maybe Aleks was talking to his domestic staff, to make the night more enjoyable for her. 'Maybe some champagne and strawberries,' she thought with a smile.

"What the fuck?" Tiffany cried out when she saw Aleks with Nicholas' precious twins. "What the hell are they doing here?" she asked Aleks.

Chellas's heart skipped a beat. Now there was no way of Nicholas not finding out about their little escapade. This night could officially not get any worse for them right now.


Aleks had completely forgotten about his guest. He could kick himself for not hearing her approach, or even smelling that nasty overpowering perfume she was wearing. How could he have been so distracted? This was so unlike him.

"I thought I told you to stay put!" he spat out in anger, only he wasn't sure if he was angry at the girl or himself.

"I must stay put while you entertain the Winters twins," she responded sarcastically. She never understood what the fascination with the two women was. Nicholas and all his staff at Cloned and other businesses were absolutely fixated with them. Tiffany was also sure that they were the reason Nicholas could never take her seriously.

"You know these two?"

"Of course I do, who doesn't know Nicholas' precious girls?"

"Ferris, Nicholas Ferris?" he asked more to himself than anyone else. He didn't need an answer because he could see by the looks on the faces of the two women that he was right. Aleks could feel his rage bubbling up. Nicholas had the audacity to summon him to make sure he respects the border lines and property of the dogs, and then he sends these two to violate his. He would make sure Ferris came to regret this.

He didn't wait for her to respond to that last question. "Go wait for me outside Melanie, I'm going to drive you home," he said still not taking his eyes of the twins.


"What?" finally turning around to look at her.

"My name; it's Tiffany not Melanie. Are you really going to send me home because of these two?" she asked snidely.

Aleks' patience was rapidly waning. This is not how he had imagined his homecoming would be. He was too tired to deal with this and 'Tiffany's' little attitude wasn't helping much either. He took a deep breath and took a step to come to an imposing stop in front of her.

"I said wait for me outside Tiffany!" he said in a tone that made everyone in the room shake with fear.

Without saying another word, Tiffany turned on her heels and almost jogged back to where she was. Normally she would have said something about the way he had spoken to her, but this time even she could tell that would have been dangerous for her, she did the smartest thing she could do and retreated.


Aleks used Tiffany's retreat to try to rein in on his temper. He took another deep breath and turned to face the twins again.

"Why did Ferris send you here?"

It was Zan's turn to feel her stomach drop. The last thing she wanted was to get Nicholas in trouble. In one night she had managed to get her sister and herself kidnapped and to top it all off, Nicholas was about to be very disappointed in them.

"Nicholas didn't send us here, we didn't even know you knew him,' Zan finally said. "And he doesn't have to know about this, you know. We didn't take anything, so I'm sure we can come to some agreement here."

Aleks cocked his head to the side and considered Chella's twin sister. For some reason he believed her when she said Nicholas didn't know.

"What sort of agreement?" he asked, slightly amused by the balls it takes to attempt a deal with an imposing figure who has so much leverage over them.

"No agreement, just call the cops." Chella interjected.

"Wait Chelles, hear me out.."

"No Zan, there's no agreement to be made with this psychopath!" she said looking him in the eye.

Aleks sneered at her, and it was all she could do not to cower away. There was something really creepy about this guy and there was no way she was going to make a deal with the proverbial devil.

"But..." Zan started, before Chella cut her off again.

"No Zan!"

"Well seems like you two have some things to discuss. In the mean time, I'm going to take my guest home, maybe when I get back you will have thought of something, right Zan?" he said with a smile. With that he closed the door to his library and made sure it was locked. Before he got far, a thought came to his mind, 'if they could break into his house, that means they can break out'; and with that he turned and made his way back to the library to make sure they would be there when he returned.


Chella glared at Zan as soon she heard Aleks turn the lock on the key. She really couldn't believe her sister. She always knew she was a bit insane; but this is a new level of madness that she reached. She was just about to tell her that when they heard the key turn in the door and Aleks walked back in.

Aleks went to a painting Chella recognised as one done by an 18th century artist that wasn't that well known. He pushed the painting to the side to reveal a safe. He pressed some buttons on the safe door and then pulled it open. The twins couldn't see what Aleks retrieved until he turned back around. Their faces paled as soon as he did.

"Wait a minute now, I thought we were going to talk about this, make a deal you know. That is not necessary." Zan said to him.

He spoke before Chella could say anything, "I know. These..." he said holding up three pairs of antique looking hand cuffs, "are just to make sure you will be here when I return."

He pushed a chair to where Chella was standing and told her to sit. Chella would have resisted but figured the sooner he left the sooner she could figure out a way to get them the hell out of dodge.

She sat down and watched as he locked two of the cuffs to the arms of the chair she was on. He held out his hand for hers. Chella hesitantly gave her hand over to Aleks.

Electricity shot through her body when their hands made contact. She could see Aleks was also affected by it because he drew a startled breath just like she did. 'What just happened?' they both thought to themselves. 'Must be static,' she decided.

Aleks moved quickly to cuff Chella to the chair. He needed to get out of there and think about what just happen, to decide what it means. He moved to her sister and tied her hands behind her back with the last pair of cuffs, then made his way out the library without saying a word.

Aleks locked the door behind him once more, but unlike the first time he leaned his head against the door he just exited and took a deep breath. Sweet strawberry assaulted his senses again and he felt like his knees were about to give in. 'What is it about that girl?' If he were to be honest with himself, he didn't really want to know the answer to that question. Maybe the drive into town would clear his head.


It took a while for Chella to clear her thoughts enough to even think about escaping when Aleks left. Something about him affected her deeply, and that scared the hell out of her. Now it was even more vital for them to leave that house and never look back. They were a good fifteen minute out of town by car, so they had thirty minutes to get out the cuffs and out the house before he returned. Their best bet would be the woods behind the house since they didn't even have the luxury of a car or Zan's death trap of a bike. It would take them longer, much longer to get back to town but at least that way they could be sure they wouldn't run into him on their way back.

"My hair pin Zan," Chella said once her wits finally returned to her.

"I'm sorry Chelles," Zan said moving forward to where Chella was seated.

"Not now Zan, can we get out of here first?"Chella said curtly. She didn't mean to come off so harsh, but she really didn't want either of them in that house any longer. There would be time for apologies later but right now getting out was the most important thing.

Zan moved quietly to where her sister was seated. They were lucky she wasn't tied up in the same way Chella was, at least she had the advantage of movement even if she couldn't see what she was doing.

Chella tilted her head backwards so that Zan could have better reach of the pin that was on top of her ponytail. As soon as Zan got the pin, she quickly worked on straightening it and then handed it to her sister.

Chella wasn't even sure if she could get them out of these things. They looked like they came out some medieval movie set or something. 'What sort of a person keeps handcuffs in his study any way?' she asked herself. 'Could he get any creepier?'


Aleks had thought that the drive into town would help him put his thoughts and hormones into perspective where Chella was concerned. He soon realised that would not happen. He couldn't wait to get back to her, even though he had no idea what he was going to do with her. He couldn't stop thinking about how her tiny body would feel on top of his, or how beautiful the contrast would be between his pale skin and her beautiful golden brown skin. He groaned at the thought. He really hoped the deal her sister came up with would have something that would allow that to happen. That would certainly make things interesting.


"What's taking so long Chelles?" Zan finally asked. She had been working on her lock for a while now and she was sure Aleks would be on his way back now.

"What, besides the fact that my hands are tied to a freakin' chair?" Chella responded sarcastically. "This shit is archaic, I may as well be working in the dark, I'd appreciate some patience right about now."

"Yeah would love to give you some Chelles, but we don't have much time left, I'm sure he's on his way back by now."

"You don't say, Einstein," Chella remarked snidely.

"I said I was sorry Chella. I don't know what else you want me to do to make you accept that."

"Just let me finish what I'm doing in silence, please Zavagne."

Zan knew that anytime Chella used her full name, she had reached the end of her fuse. It would be better for the both of them if she just kept quiet, before they said things both of them would regret, which always happened when they got really mad at each other.

"Yes!" Chella whispered through clenched teeth. It took her a little over fifteen minutes but she finally did it. One of Zan's cuffs was off her wrist. There was absolutely no time to get her out of both the cuffs right now, of that she was certain. And another thing she knew for sure is that she was going to have a hard time convincing her sister to leave her behind to get some help.

"Finally, so how do I do it?" Zan said excitedly, "A little faster though."

Zan had never been good at breaking locks, that has always been her sister's speciality, but she could take instructions well. She was sure she could get Chella out of her cuffs before Aleks got back, even though they would be cutting it very close.

"You can't Zanny."

"What? What do you mean Chelles? We need to get you out of here pronto pronto! Now what should I do, how do I get you out of here?"

"There's no time Zanny, you have to leave me behind."

"What?" Zan asked in disbelief. Her eyes started to glass over because she knew her sister was serious. But there was no way she could do it, especially since this whole situation was her fault.

"I could break this chair, give me a minute I'll find a saw or something. There's no way I'm leaving you here with that crazy ass guy."

"You didn't think he was crazy when you were trying to cut a deal with him," Chella remarked and then regretted it almost immediately. "I'm sorry Zanny, I didn't mean that. We don't have much time left honey, he'll be here any minute and you need to be gone by then."

"No, I can't leave you here, this is my fault. I won't leave. I can't leave you here!" Zan said while shaking her head.

"We can't both stay here, you have to get some help. Get Nicholas, he'll know what to do. We can't get to him if we are both stuck here."

"No Chelles, I can't! What if he hurts you? I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you."

"And I would never forgive you if anything happened to you because you wouldn't listen to me. Get a fucking grip and leave Zan, NOW!" she said now screaming at her sister. They really didn't have much time left. They had no time for Zan to be having a break down. "Please honey, focus. You need to leave and come back with help, Zavagne."

"But.." Zan started to say in quivering voice.

"I'll be fine. Just go, please."

"I love you sis. I'll be back, I promise."

"I know honey, and I love you too. Now go, hurry!"


Daniel couldn't wait to take his mate for a run and almost broke the hospital entrance doors of their hinges to get to her.

"Whoa, slow down there big guy, where are you heading off to in such a rush?" asked Maggie. She was the oldest pack member to have moved back with them. She was like everybody's surrogate mother. She grew up on these lands and was heart-broken when the Alpha at that time decided that the pack would move up north. She jumped at the opportunity to move back.

"Oh, sorry Maggs," Danny said feeling like a little pup again. Maggie had a way of making even the largest pack member feel like a pup. "I was looking for Lizzy."

"And that's a good reason to break down the hospital door?"

"Uhm, I guess not, Maggs." He said running a hand through his long shaggy hair feeling appropriately contrite.

Maggie smiled at the Alpha's younger brother and pack Beta. He was a large guy, but he always treated her with respect, and for that she would always love him like a son. He and the Alpha were the closest things she had to having her own children, and she cherished that. They thought that her reason for returning to these lands was that she missed it here, but in actual fact he came here for them.

"You guess right there, young man. What's so important that you feel the need to break down the door anyway?"

"Well I just wanted to take her for a run on the rest of the packlands.We just got the all clear from the Alpha, ma'am."

"Wow, really? That's fantastic news!" Elisabeth said almost jumping into her mate's arms. He caught her by the waist and lifted her up easily and spun her around before planting a slow sensual kiss on her plump soft lips.

"Yip, and I'm giving you the honor of the first tour sweetheart."

"Mmm...lucky me," Liz responded, then gave her mate another kiss that seemed to melt the big guy into a puddle.

"Ok you two, go on and get out of here. There are pups here that don't need to be seeing what you two are about to do right by the entrance here," Maggie said fondly to the couple.

"Sorry Maggs," the two said at the same time, before leaving the hospital.


Aleks bounded up the stairs to his house eagerly. He hated to admit it to himself, but he was really excited to see his little Chella. 'Wait, did I just think of her as mine? Where did that thought come from?' he thought, them immediately pushed that aside.

"Damn it!" he said as soon as he realised that one of the sisters was gone. The door to his study was open and he could no longer sense Zan in his house.

He knew he should be pissed off that one of them had left. She would most likely return with the police but he was sure he could handle that. He would just have compel them to turn back; one of the many skills his age afforded him. On some deep level he was pleased that Zan had left her sister behind. Now he had the opportunity to seduce her without a third wheel.

When he walked in to his study, Chella had both her legs up on his desk with her head thrown over the back of the chair. She looked so relaxed and at peace while thoroughly studying one of his favorite paintings in his study, but he could still sense some fear and uncertainty.

She looked so beautiful. Her brow was farrowed and she was biting on her bottom lip in the most sexy way Aleks had ever seen. His cock responded to the image immediately. He imagined himself biting and sucking on that plump bottom lip till he drew some blood; the taste of which he was sure would blow him away completely. A groan almost escaped his mouth at that thought. 'Focus Novak,' he said to himself just before he walked into the room.


Zan was frantic as she ran through the wood behind Aleks' house. She had one thing on her mind, and that was her sister. How could she have been so stupid? It was all her fault that her sister was in that situation. She didn't deserve this. "It should be me the left in that house," she whispered to herself. If anything happened to her sister she would hate herself forever. "God I'm such a skrew up," she cried, then she heard what she was sure was animal noises. 'Could this night get any worse?' she asked herself. She could hear yelping and barking, then she heard a loud howl that almost made her piss her pants. "Wolves? Really karma, fucking wolves?" she whispered to the sky.

At least she was upwind, hopefully they wouldn't be able to pick out her scent and they would just pass by, then she would be on her way again. She looked for a good tree and climbed up as fast as her short legs could take her.


Liz and Danny had shifted as soon as they made the tree line at the compound. Danny had given his mate a head start before he started hunting for his beautiful black wolf. His inner beast loved it when his mate made him hunt for her. His wolf loved the thrill of the chase and Lizzy knew that.

She took off as fast as she could in the direction her mate had told her to take. She knew he would find her eventually, but she loved making him work for her. She could tell he was catching up to her when she heard him howl loudly behind her. The sound made her wolf instantly wet.

Danny could track his mate just on her arousal. Nothing else mattered to him at that point, nothing but sinking his painfully throbbing cock into the tight confines of his mate's warm cunt. The thought made him run even faster till he could see her dark tail teasing him.

'I found you, submit mate,' he sent to her through their mate bond.

'You have to catch me first mate,' she responded. She couldn't wait for him to catch her. Her cunt was already twitching so was eager to have him in her. She had unconscious slowed down and in the process made it all too easy for Danny to pin her to the ground by her neck.

'Submit!' Danny repeated to his mate.

After a bit of yelping and uninspired whining Liz finally submitted to her mate.


'Oh great, I get to watch a canine porno. Really karma do you have anything else under your sleeve you evil bitch?' Zan thought to herself as a large grey wolf mounted a smaller black one. Well, relatively small. She was almost positive wolves aren't suppose to be that big, but her evening was already fucked up anyway, so what difference would two huge wolves make.

Liz's pussy was literally dripping by the time Danny pinned her. 'You caught me mate, now fuck me!' she said just before shifting back into her human form.