Third Rate Romance, Low Rent...


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"Wow....wonderfully dirty and nasty." He intoned.

"You already know I'm a slut but that is the first time I've ever let a man bareback me and then sucked his cock clean. You bring out the worst in me."

"Or the best, depending on your perspective." He replied softly. "Get naked wench and help me get this stuff out of the trunk."


"Blankets, pillows, wine, desert...the usual."

Soon they were sitting together cross legged at the edge of the water feeding each other healthy treats and enjoying another excellent bottle of wine.

"This would be quite romantic, Brian if your cum wasn't still seeping out of my ass."

"You refuse to even accept the possibility that you and I could have romance?"

"Men don't get romantic with fuck just..."

He quieted her with his lips, softly caressing her body with his hands. She didn't fight it; it just felt too damned good. He was hard again---or still. And then he had the unmitigated gall to do something she had not let a man do to her in over a decade; he made love to her. And she let him. When they both came almost at the same instant and he said her name and held her lovingly in his arms she began to cry.

"That was very nice...very special and almost surreal. Oh, Brian what have you done? One tender moment of love making doesn't a relationship make! I'll always be...."


"No, no I'll always be..."

"Beautiful, amazing, sweet, caring and terribly lonely?"

"Yes to the lonely part. You know what I'm trying to say. I'll always be a slut and someday it will come back to haunt"

"What are you doing this weekend?"

"What? I don't know...nothing...I..."

"What do you enjoy?"


"Modern art, music, garden shows, baseball...what do you enjoy?"

"Okay, I'll play. I love all kinds of music with jazz—real jazz---at the top of the list. I love baseball. Art---particularly most modern art not so much. I love flowers...roses...I love roses!"

"What's your favorite city?"

"Hands down, San Francisco."

"Guess what? It's my favorite too. They have baseball, jazz and lots of roses. Let's go there; let's blow off Friday and go there. It's less than two and a half hours by air. We can stay at the Mark or the Mayfair or wherever you'd like."

"The Mayfair."


"You are quite insane."

"We will have sex, of that I'm sure. And we'll ride the cable cars, and we'll visit rose gardens, eat wonderful food, listen to great jazz, stuff ourselves with Dim Sum, hold hands and..."

"Fall in love?"

"Stranger things have happened."

"I'm growing very fond of you in an alarmingly short time. I need to get away and Friday is pretty much a down day so if you are really serious I'll be glad to go Dutch."

"No. This is my treat. I'm the one with the agenda, remember?"

"And your agenda is?"

"Explore the possibilities?"

"We need to get airline tickets and reservations and..."

"And I'll take care of all of that; pack light and bring a sweater. Both teams are in town on alternate nights. Now, I made the wild assed guess that you really live in Bentonville. How early can I pick you up on Friday morning?"

"I'm an early riser and we're going to have to drive to Jackson---here---to get a flight so..."

"Let me worry about that. Eight o'clock?"

"Sure. Where do you live?"

"Right here."

"In Jackson?"

"Even more right here. I live on the other side of this lake...want to see it?"

"No...not yet...I don't want to get that close until after the weekend. I think you are nuts but I also believe we'll have fun this weekend."

"Good start! Should we head back?"

"Don't tell me you have a room back there at the Colony!"

"That seemed a little foolish so I was hoping a certain friend of mine would be willing to share."

"How presumptuous of you."

Jackie and Brian enjoyed another typically nasty slut fuck as soon as they got insider her room. He slammed into from behind on the floor while finger fucking her sweet little ass. In the early morning hours he awoke first. The son of a bitch did it to her again; he made love to her. He redeemed himself with a very dirty ass fuck which also involved a little pissing on each other in the morning in the shower. Before he left he held her tightly and kissed her softly and in that instant Jackie almost began to believe in miracles.


He called her at quarter to eight Friday morning to indicate that he was on time. He arrived in a limo. "You took a limo from Jackson? That's two must have cost a fortune."

"Hush woman, all in good time." Ten minutes later they pulled into a small private air park. He retrieved her bag from the driver and took her hand to lead her across the tarmac. There was only one plane in front of them; she knew nothing about airplanes but the one in from of her was sleek and sexy and didn't appear to have propellers. A ground handler opened the stairway as they approached. Brian indicated that she should go first; she was surprised at how much roomier it was inside than she was expecting.

He followed her, pulled the steps up behind him, and directed her to the left. "Right seat." He intoned, helping her turn the swivel seat back to the front and fasten the safety harness. He sat down in the other seat, strapped in, gave a thumbs up to the ground handler and quickly ignited the sleek plane's twin turbofans. She was still speechless as they rolled on to the single active and he pushed both throttles to take off power and they quickly began hurtling down the runway. She felt them leave the ground and heard the gear come up and marveled as the sheer power and the steep climb angle pushed her back in the seat. She almost came on the spot. They leveled out, made a small turn and he activated the auto pilot. Pushing his seat back he turned to her, releases her seat and unlocked her safety harness and smiled.

"No fucking way!" She giggled.

"Way!" He intoned in the spirit of Mike Meyers.

"Are we a mile high yet?" She said with an evil grin.

"Three miles, actually and going for almost six. Unfortunately I can't leave this seat---no co-pilot---and at least until we get cleared to our assigned altitude and final heading I need to pay attention."

"You'll let me know when I can get frisky?"

"I'm pretty sure I will, but even then, I can't safely leave the cockpit. Oops! There's our clearance; standby." Regaining control of the aircraft he completed the final climb to 35,000 feet, turned to their destination heading and reengaged the auto pilot.

"Ever gotten blown in this little jewel?"

"No, but today I kind of have my hopes up." Jackie was on her knees with his cock out of his shorts and in her mouth in a nanosecond. She had skipped breakfast; Brian served her his own special protein blend.

" usual you're still hard! But with you stuck in that seat..."

"Where there's a will there's a way. Take off your shorts. Ah, always ready, I underwear. Turn around and bring that gorgeous ass of yours over here. Sit on my cock you hot little bitch...fuck my dick with that tight little cunt of yours. Oh fuck yes! That's it...oh bob up and down...oh Christ!" Jackie milked him dry grinning at their new found position. Recovering her shorts she pushed her slimly little muff into his face; he cleaned her inside and out of every vestige of his special sauce.

"I wasn't sure you'd be up for that but you kissed me after you came in my mouth so I felt there was a chance."

"I don't ever plan to suck another man's cum out of your hot little twat but any guy that get's turned off by his own cum when he's sucking it out of his girl's pussy---or ass—is just nuts."

"You'd suck your cum out of my ass? I'm going to hold you to that. Wait a I your girl?"

"Don't you want to be?"

"Yeah, I think I do...I like the sound of it. I enjoy being your slut...but I love being your girl."

"I hope you'll want to be both and more."

"Oh baby one step at a time...okay, sugar? I'm pretty much completely blown away right now. I may be a great fuck but this world is full of women that know how to fuck. Everything about you says you don't have any problems getting all the willing pussy---and ass---you want. And...and...then it hits me...of all the women in the world that could be sitting next to you right picked me?"

"I did, didn't I?"

"You are still way ahead of me; please don't jump to the L word just in case you had any thoughts in that direction. Let me just get used to being your girl...okay?"

"Okay, but please stop selling yourself short. You are bright, well educated, well spoken, successful and we aren't that far apart in age. You have to know that you are an incredibly beautiful and desirable woman. You don't seem to have any major mental deficiencies. I know what the big issue is...the slut factor. Guys fuck sluts---they don't date them or marry them...right?"

"Right on Bubba."

"Why? It's simple. It's not that they wouldn't love to have a hot and nasty little fuck slut in their marital bed for the rest of their lives it's that they're afraid that it won't be an exclusive relationship. They assume that a woman that likes to fuck and is very good at it...that they won't be able to satisfy her and she'll stray. It's their own lack of self confidence."

"Okay, what's your answer to this age old quandary?"

"First I don't think loving sex and being promiscuous---or unfaithful---are necessarily related. Secondly, in all humility I'm pretty damned confident that I can keep this slut sitting next to me satisfied come hell or high water. Any arguments on that point?"

"Not on your life! No man has ever fucked me the way you do...or made love to me the way you have now done on more than one occasion. Brian, it's the same old story. I was in love; he couldn't deal with the fact that I made more than he did or liked to fuck more than he did. I tried to change---but I couldn't. Guys that were good in the sack were often guys that weren't good for me or ones I never wanted to see again after I got my rock off. I went through a string of crappy relationships and finally just gave up. I'd get lonely and horny and pick up the best looking man I could---didn't care if had a wife---fuck his brains out and then lose him. Then you came along and wouldn't let me lose you." She kissed him softly. "Thank you."

"Stop fighting it...let it happen if it's going to. If it does and I'm pretty optimistic, it's just all upside. We have a little under an hour. Be a good little flight attendant and push the red button under the coffee pot behind you and them tell me everything there is to know about Jackie." She told her saga and before she knew it Brian had to get back to work flying the airplane as they began their decent into the Bay area. They had a few more minutes to chat during a traffic hold.

"Whose plane is this?"

"It's mine."

"Oh, my! What in the hell do you do for a living?"

"I used to be a sales rep just like you; the company got stupid and made some very bad decisions. Several of us pulled off a leverage buy out of the parts that still worked. We turned it around and took it public again after five years. I'm the CEO of a company called Consolidated Electronics."

"Are you kidding me? I sell some of their products---quite a few actually. We're an aftermarket electronic distributor."

"Wait a minute; are you will Delta Distribution?"

"I thought you knew---shit we never did exchange business cards...fancy that."

"Lock your harness with the little lever right by...that's it. We're cleared inbound and cleared to land but have been told to expedite. We're going to get some clear air turbulence off the asphalt and concrete so it's going to be a little bumpy."

It was a bit bumpier than she was used to in an airliner but Brian seemed unconcerned and calm which made her feel safe. Safe...oh my God...this man makes me feel safe. It's been so long since anyone---any man---made me feel that way. It was turning into a wild ride...did it...could it have a storybook ending? Before she realized it they were touching down; the thrust reversers threw her forward against the harness and then they were taxiing off the runway. They exited the aircraft and another limo pulled out on the tarmac.

"I never could drive in this city." She nodded.

Nothing that would happen on this weekend would surprise her after the way it had started...or so she thought.

They did it all; they absorbed every ounce of the wonderful culture that is San Francisco. They went to wine country; they had prime seats at two baseball games. They fucked in every spare moment and in every way imaginable. They made love, the last time just before they checked out to head back to the air park. The biggest surprise of the weekend was of her own making; she said it first. She said, "I love you". And he hugged her even tighter. The words scared her.

"I fell in love with you that first night on that silly little balcony. Now I can say it; I love you Jackie Kane." And her fear instantly melted away. She wasn't a slut anymore. She still loved to fuck like one but only with the man who had only a couple of days earlier called her, "his girl". She would soon become his fiancée, his wife and the mother of his children.

Maybe the most important part of the story is that sweet, kind hearted Jackie would never suffer another lonely minute and would live a long and happy life surrounded by tender love and kindness.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

What makes this story to good? It is so wonderful it has to be a fantasy. 5

MysticMysteryMysticMystery2 months ago

I just read this one 5* so very well done

Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

Well Done, great story with great end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good work!

I only gave you a 4 because I felt you rushed the epilogue. Why not have them deal with wild sex while Jackie is pregnant?

You'd need to do a re-write because the ending is nailed shut. It might be worthwhile, up to you.

Good job, just don't be in such a hurry to close out a story.

I don't set up an account because I'm up to here in userid's and pw's. When I do truly care, I give my name.

All the best to you Dinsmore,


TavadelphinTavadelphinover 9 years ago
Sometimes the road out is long and painful -

But sometimes we make t - she did cool story -

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Wrong artist

The only thing really wrong with this story is in the very first paragraph. Any good music lover knows it wasn't the Eagles that did "Third Rate Romance," but the Amazing Rhythm Aces, a really fine country-rock band of the 70s.

Sidney43Sidney43about 12 years ago

OMG, I loved this story.

ruffnreadyruffnreadyover 13 years ago
One of the Best

This story epitomizes the best of literotica, at least for me.

Hope and passion and Hot Sex can be possible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Very Good

An enjoyable reading experience.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Pissing? Pissing On Each Other ! What the Hell

Self destruction for what? Pissing on each other - how warm - did they do it in each other mouths?

Why would you ruin a perfectly neat tale with pissing? One handing it again eh.

With much less regard

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