Threads: The Island


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"You're joking," Kyle said, but from her expression he could see she was serious. "And that's how I'm meant to live my life?"

"Kyle, is there something wrong with dating someone beautiful, talented and successful?" Patricia asked, an amused smile on her face.

Kyle shook his head, finding this conversation a bit much. "I think I'm getting irritable. I'm going to try and have that sleep now, I think."

"Good idea," Patricia nodded. "I'll wake you in a few hours."

As Kyle stripped off in the bedroom and slipped under the sheet he thought about what had happened since he got out of bed over twenty four hours ago. Adoption, inheritance, the cruel twist of fate when it came to his siblings, Patricia, where he was and what was else was happening to him. It was like watching a movie, he realised. A series of insane events happening to someone else.

His thoughts drifted back to Patricia. Kyle knew she was hot, and she knew he thought so. He wondered what the hell that conversation was about, telling him she frigged herself in the shower. How the hell was he meant to sleep after that.


"I'm awake," He blurted, feeling Patricia shaking his shoulder. "Hello."

"Have a good nap?"

"Uh.. What?"

Kyle looked around, blinking the sleep from his eyes as he tried to focus. He remembered where he was instantly, exactly where he was, what had happened and what was about to, but he felt like he'd only just nodded off.

"What time is it?"

"It's one. You've slept for nearly six hours."

"Oh, balls," He muttered. "What time are they arriving?"

"You've got a couple of hours," Patricia grinned.

Kyle was lying in the middle of the bed on his side and Patricia was sitting on the edge.

"I figured it's time you woke up, had some lunch and then met with a few people before your sisters arrive, so you need to get up and get in the shower, Kyle."

He rubbed at his eyes and yawned. "Okay."

"I've already turned the shower on for you so you can walk right in. Towels are on the rail." Patricia got up and walked away from the bed, her back to him. "Move it, sleepyhead."

Kyle looked in the doorway to the bathroom, the soft light in the oval white room coming from the floor. "Patricia, is the lighting in the bathroom from the floor, or are my eyes screwed up?"

"Clever, isn't it?" She replied. "The white walls reflect the light to give you an even soft light. No harsh lights or shadows in your face."

"It's weird," Kyle grunted. "I'm getting up now."

"Finally," She chuckled.

Kyle slipped out the bed, all too aware he was naked and Patricia was only six feet away, her back turned. He shook his head and walked into the bathroom, idly noting that there was no door, just an arched gap in the wall. The glass shower cubicle looked roomy and Kyle stepped inside and closed the door. As soon as it closed he blinked as the walls turned from clear to an opaque white.

The water wasn't like a normal shower, but came from a series of heads and vents, more like a steam clean than a blast of hot water, but it enveloped him in a foggy cloud of warm moisture that both cleaned and refreshed him at the same time.

"You in the shower now?"

"Yeah, the glass stopped being clear," Kyle called back. "Kinda freaky." He heard her heels click on the floor as she entered the bathroom.

"So here's what's happening," Patricia said.

"You're in here while I'm showering?" Kyle said, chuckling. He grabbed a bottle of shower gel and sniffed at it.

"You can't see me, I can't see you," Patricia pointed out. "It saves me shouting from outside the room."

Kyle smiled and shook his head at the strangeness of it all. He squeezed out a dollop of gel and began to soap up.

"When you get out the shower we'll have some lunch, and then Margaret will join us. Try not to get crabby with her."

"Is she that annoying?" Kyle asked, soaping his chest and stomach.

"Sometimes, but keep that to yourself," Patricia replied. "Then we're off down to see Julian, the personal trainer. He'll start putting a program together for you. After that we see the Doc, then back here to get changed."

"How many times a day do I need to get changed?" Kyle asked. "I seem to be going through a weeks worth of clothes in the last twenty four hours alone."

"You got something against looking good?" Patricia laughed.

Kyle didn't reply. It was a bit weird soaping his balls up while he talked to her. He paused as he realised he could be standing here jerking off while she sat a few feet away and she'd be none the wiser. His cock gave a slight lurch in response to the idea, but he shook his head and moved on.

"So after I get changed? What then?"

"You go to meet your sisters, Kyle."

"Fuck," he muttered.


"Terrified," He admitted. "Looking forward to it, but also shit scared, if you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I do," Patricia replied. "You done in there yet?"

"Just about." Kyle began to rinse off all the gel, feeling a lot more awake than he was before.

"Cool. I'll step out so you can get dried. There's some shorts and a top on the bed for you."

"You're picking out my clothes for me too?" He laughed.

"Just keeping you moving," Patricia called from outside the bathroom.

Kyle cracked the door open on the shower cubicle, blinking again as the white glass suddenly turned clear, but he could see Patricia wasn't in the room anymore, so he grabbed a towel and dried off.

Wrapping it around his waist he stepped into the bedroom, spotting a baggy pair of dark blue shorts and a dark green sleeveless t-shirt on the bed. He got dressed quickly and walked around the suite, looking for Patricia.

He found her sitting on the balcony, a low table in front of her with half a dozen different plates of food on it.

"The chef wasn't sure what you'd like for lunch, so he made you up a few platters with different stuff," She explained.

Kyle sat down and looked at the dishes. "Wow."

Patricia smiled. "Yeah, Chef's fantastic."

Kyle could see four or five different types of fish, lobster and prawns. There was chicken, steak, a pate of some sort on crumbly biscuits, different breads, vegetables and fruit, as well as several sauces, dips and garnishes.

"There's enough here for ten people," Kyle noted, grabbing a prawn. "Oh my god, that's delicious."

"I'm allergic to prawns or I would try it myself," Patricia replied, putting a piece of seared tuna and some salad on a plate. She drizzled a dressing over it, then leaned back with a fork to eat.

Kyle knew it was uncultured, poor etiquette and not a particularly good display of manners, but he simply pulled his chair closer to the table and got stuck in with his fork.

After a few minutes picking at different dishes Patricia reminded him not to overdo it as he was getting fitted for a suit and meeting with the trainer, so Kyle made a sad face and put his fork down. Any punchlines he could have made were stopped by the arrival of Margaret, a heavy older woman with a stern expression.

"You would be Kyle," She said, looking him up and down like a piece of meat that had gone mouldy. "Hmmm."

"You must be Margaret," He guessed.

"Who else would I be?" She asked, looking at him as if he was dumb. "Stand up."

Kyle looked at Patricia who had a slightly amused look on her face, obviously having dealt with Margaret before. He stood and moved away from the chair.

"Arms up. Feet apart." Kyle did as she ordered.

"Hmmm. You need to get him in shape, Patricia," Margaret stated, scowling.

"We're seeing Julian right after you."

"Can't happen soon enough," She muttered. Margaret produced a measuring tape from her pocket and began to poke and prod at Kyle, occasionally taking measurements and sighing in exasperation when he didn't lift his arms or turn around quick enough.

"Make sure Julian recommends injections, Patricia."

"Injections?" Kyle asked. "What do I need injections for?"

Margaret looked him straight in the eye. "Because you're in a pitiful condition and my work will be impossible unless every possible step is taken. Just do as you're told."

"Excuse me!" Kyle blurted. "I don't like your tone, Margaret."

"I imagine there's lots of things in life you don't like," The old woman replied. "Now, can you stop talking so I can get finished up and do my job?"

"Jesus fucking Christ," Kyle muttererd.

"Margaret," Patricia said, standing at her shoulder now. "I think you're done. Kyle has another appointment now."

"Two more measurements," She replied, ignoring Patricia's words. "I'll tell you when I'm done."

At that she dropped to her knees and Kyle felt a hand at his groin, probing and searching for his genitals. He stepped back quickly.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Margaret looked up at him. "Have you never been fitted for trousers before, young man? I need to know what side you dress to and how much room I need to allow. Now stand still."

Kyle looked at Patricia who was trying not to laugh. "This isn't funny," He muttered as he stood there, trying not to think about the annoying woman cupping his balls.

"Hmmm. You dress to the right then?"

"Yeah," Kyle grunted.

"You should have just said so," Margaret replied, sighing as she measured his inside leg.

"You didn't give me the chance."

"Whatever," Margaret said, getting to her feet. "I'm done. I'll be back tomorrow for a fitting. I'll need forty minutes."

"I'll let you know," Patricia replied. "Margaret, can you go and select an outfit for Kyle to wear when he meets his sisters please."

The old woman sniffed, then cast her eyes up and down Kyle again. "Very well."

As soon as she left Kyle lit a cigarette. "I see why her reputation proceeds her."

Patricia chuckled. "Wait until you see the suit she'll put together for you though."

Kyle put on the mock sad face. "Still, I feel violated."

"You'll get over it," Patricia said. "Come on. We need to go see Julian now."

Julian turned out to be much nicer than Margaret. Inanely cheerful and almost overdosing on enthusiasm, he bounced around full of energy and Kyle found it uplifting talking with him. He'd been working on the Island for three years now, having had a chunk shot out his buttock during military service in Afghanistan. While the Army had patched him up, he was left with a decidedly odd-looking ass, so when he was raising money for surgery to fix it, he came to the attention of Danny Tripps.

"Mister Tripps paid for the surgery, then my qualifications as a trainer, and then he hired me to work here with the staff. I've been here for nearly three years now. Man, it's an awesome place to be."

"It seems it," Kyle had agreed.

After Julian had a look at him, he had pulled out a rapid tone-up plan that would require Kyle to have three workouts per day, a special diet and he finally found out about the injections.

The first was a booster to his metabolism, enabling a rapid burn-off of his body fat. The second was a little more unusual. One of the pharmaceutical research companies owned by Danny Tripps had come up with a muscle-repair serum that enabled torn or injured muscles to repair themselves at a rapidly accelerated rate. It was designed with injured troops in mind, allowing those with minor injuries to return to the front line much quicker, and those with major injuries to repair and heal faster too. Part of it's design also assisted the extraction of protein from his diet, which helped to build more muscle. It was classified and not publicly available, being restricted to the military for the time being, but it had also been tested with a number of body builders and the results were phenomenal. Kyle was concerned that it was some form of anabilic steroid but he was assured by Julian that it was 'all cool'.

Then they were off to meet the Islands resident physician, Doctor Kerr. The doctor was in her late thirties, with short and tidy red hair, but her cheeks were flushed, as if she was having trouble with the heat.

While she gave Kyle a physical examination, he asked her about the injections that Julian had recommended. To his surprise she seemed perfectly fine with it, as long as he agreed that they lasted no more than two weeks. She also informed him that he needed a Tetanis booster, and he should probably have a contraceptive injection.

"A what?" Kyle asked.

"It's a hormonal contraceptive injection for men," She had shrugged. "Short term, only lasts for a month or so and then things are back to normal a few weeks later, but it stops the production of sperm. Given the injections you're already getting, the enhanced endorphins from the exercise and a sudden boost in confidence that you're likely to receive, it's almost certain that your libido will sky-rocket."

"My libido?" Kyle asked. "Right now it's at absolute zero."

"Oh well. That'll change."

"You seem really sure of that, Doc," Kyle pointed out.

"Kyle, I'm very good at my job. Everyone here on the Island is," She explained. "I'm recommending you have this injection, because it's the smart thing to do, and it certainly won't do any harm. Now, are you planning on having any babies in the next eight weeks?"

"What? No."

"Then what's the big deal. Take the injection." She shrugged and disappeared into a side room.

"Fucking hell," Kyle muttered, realising that no matter what had happened in the last thirtysix hours, things just kept getting crazier. "Patricia!" He shouted.

The door opened. "Yeah?"

"The Doc's saying I should have a contraceptive injection."

"Go for it," Patricia said, shrugging as if it was a no-brainer. "What's the problem?"


"Kyle, women have been taking the pill for years. Now they get injections, or these new implant things too. If you ask me, it's about time men took their turn." At that she grinned and closed the door.

Doctor Kerr re-appeared, a small tray with four needles on it. "Yes or no, Kyle?"

He closed his eyes, sighed and reminded himself it was only temporary. "Okay."

"Drop your shorts and turn around," The doctor told him, taking a seat on a chair beside him.

With a slight flush, Kyle did as requested and felt her rubbing at his buttock with an antiseptic wipe.

"You should feel a small prick," Doctor Kerr warned him. "Probably not something a lot of guys want to hear when it comes to something going in their ass, is it?"

Kyle chuckled, then flinched as she chose that moment to stick the needle in him. "Sneaky, doc."

"Only for the first one.".

Kyle felt the process repeated on his other buttock a moment later, although this time he felt heat in the muscle as the fluid entered his system.

"Right, turn around."

"With my shorts still down?" He confirmed, feeling a little uncomfortable at having his genitals right in her face.


Kyle took a breath and turned around, carefully examining the wall on the other side of the room in detail. He felt her pinch the skin a couple of inches below his belly button.

"Try and stay still, Kyle," she said as she slid the needle in.

Kyle frowned, really feeling that one. It seemed like it was in for ages and felt really uncomfortable. As soon as it was withdrawn he tensed his stomach muscles up, tilting his pelvis to try and relieve the discomfort. As he looked down he saw Doctor Kerr chuckle.

"Trying to make the little man dance?" She asked, teasing him.

"I swear, you're the strangest doctor I've ever met," Kyle replied, trying to make a joke, despite the discomfort and the awkwardness.

"I have my moments," She replied, lifting the last needle from the tray. "You know where this one goes, right?"

"No idea," Kyle shrugged, then realised what it must be. "Oh, Jesus."

"Just relax. Would you prefer to lie down?"

Kyle just wanted it over and done with. "No, as long as I don't have to look."

"There's an eyechart on the wall behind me for that very purpose."

Kyle looked at it, concentrating on reading the letters to himself. He tensed as the Doctor touched his penis, gripping it between finger and thumb and he felt her pull it upwards.

"Try to push your testicles towards me, Kyle," The Doctor said, sounding all business.

He tilted his hips again, feeling utterly exposed, but reminding himself it must be nothing in comparison to getting a smear or giving birth. "Man up, Kyle," he muttered, then it was all he could do not to move at all as he felt the needle slide in just below the base of his penis.

It tingled like crazy when the injection went in, like being tickled on the inside of your balls by feathers and he tried hard not to squirm. It was like instant relief when the needle came out and he could move around, and without conscious thought he turned and scratched furiously at his genitals, trying to relieve the tingle.

"I swear, every guy does that the instant the injections done," The doctor said, sounding like she was about to burst out laughing. "Now, you'll want to masturbate a couple of times in the next twelve hours to empty the good sperm out your testicles and then that'll be you sorted."

"Thanks, I think."

"No problem," She shrugged. "You can get dressed now, Kyle."

"Oh, shit. Yeah, of course." He grabbed his shorts and pulled them back up, sorting his top back into place. "Is that us done then, Doctor?"

"Yeah. I'll want to see you again in a couple of days to check how the program is going. If you have any trouble sleeping or are feeling particularly stressed, come and see me anytime. I can give you medication to help, or just a confidential ear if that's all you need."

"Thanks, Doc," Kyle said, shaking her hand.

"How did it go?" Patricia asked as they walked out the clinic.

"Um... interesting injection for the male contraceptive," Kyle replied carefully.

"Where about did it go in?"

"Under my err... penis," Kyle said flatly. "Felt really fucking weird."

"Oh. Ouch." Kyle could see the sympathy on her face.

"Oh, and apparently I've to masturbate a couple of times in the next twelve hours to get rid of my good sperm." Kyle shook his head at the insanity of the personal information he was telling Patricia, a relative stranger.

Patricia chuckled. "On doctors orders too? They should give you a note for that."

Kyle laughed. "Or at least a special lubricant or something."

"You can always go back and ask for one," She suggested.

"And risk getting another needle stuck in me? No, I'll pass on that one, thanks."

It only took a few minutes to walk from the clinic to the salon, so Kyle had a cigarette while they followed the path. It was the first time he'd been to the east side of the Island and he loved the flowers and bushes between the palm trees, the mixture of fragrances and fresh air being so much better than the city he was used to.

As they walked Patricia pointed out various paths leading to the helipad, the recording studios, guest and staff accommodation and the main security office. The time passed quickly and all too soon they were entering the salon.

There were three stylists who worked in bright open space. The Senior Stylist was a short japanese man with a bright purple mohawk. Both his arms were covered in tattoos, and Patricia introduced him as Shiro. Working with him was Betty, a short petite blonde who seemed to have trouble meeting his gaze and Alex, a tall bald man with a razor-thin goatee.

The three of them set to work, with Shiro taking position behind Kyle in the chair, doling out orders and cutting his hair with rapid movements. Kyle thought it was like watching the team dealing with a trauma on ER. Shiro kept asking for things Kyle had never heard of and everyone moved very quickly.

While the team got on with his hair, Patricia moved into view.

"Want me to run through the schedule for the rest of the day, Kyle?"
