Threads: The Island


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"Patricia?" You in here?" He called.

"Back here," She replied. Kyle found her in his dressing room, packing most of his clothes up into cases and trunks. "How was the race?"

"Hopeless. Ed sucks at driving speedboats, but he blamed it on the ballast."

"The ballast?"

"Me and Casey."

Patricia smiled as she snapped a suitcase closed and then stood up straight. "So..."

"So I chatted it over with Casey and Ed and they called me a bunch of names, mostly Ed did actually, but Casey asked me to consider what I'd want in an ideal world, so I did. I want to keep seeing you, Patricia. I like this... us. If it's going to be a casual arrangement then that's how it's going to have to be, because I'd rather have you in my life than not."

Patricia stepped around the cases and into his arms, holding him tight. Kyle knew he was smiling, and he ran his fingers down her back.

"Damn packing," Patricia murmured.

"Leave it for now," He replied, feeling her pressing against him. He kissed her softly on the forehead.

"Can't. The staff are coming to take most of it away any time now," She said, sighing. "Otherwise you'd be getting thrown on that bed, Mister."

"Later then?"

"Repeatedly," She promised, a wicked glint in her eye.

"And just so you know," Kyle added. "Some of that stuff you showed me was kinda hot."

"Now's a good time for specifics," She grinned.

"Well, I quite like the idea of you with a butt plug in while we're chatting with people or in a meeting or something, and using a toy and my cock to DP yourself. That's kinda hot too."

"It's a start," Patricia said, a thoughtful look in her eye. "I get the feeling you're not into being rough with me, and that's okay."

"It's the thought of hurting you, or lifting my hands to a woman," Kyle said quickly. "Just doesn't feel right to me, even though I know you're into it." He shrugged.

"I get it. I do. It's all good, Kyle, okay? Just do whatever you're comfortable with and I'll do the same and we'll have a lot of excellent orgasms together. Doesn't that sound good?"

"Sounds awesome," He told her, grinning as he impulsively tugged on her ponytail and kissed her. He could tell immediately that she'd enjoyed that. "You're awesome."

"You can do that again any time you like, Kyle." She fixed him with a smouldering look, and he could see the desire on her face.

"What? Pull your hair?"

"Oh, yes," She nodded. "Taking a grip of me so I have to do as I'm told? That's hot."

"Turned on a little are you?"

She grabbed Kyle's hand and pushed it inside the waistbelt of her trousers, pushing it down towards her pussy. "You tell me."

He probed with his fingers, searching for her pussy, and he found it waiting for him, ready and hungry.

"You're really fucking wet," He muttered, slipping a finger inside her.

"Oh, that's nice." She rolled her pelvis, grinding her clit against his hand.

Kyle watched her, seeing how her eyes seemed far away, her breathing was deeper and her hand clutched onto his arm. "You know, if there wasn't people coming in here any second, you could be doing that on my cock."

"Don't tempt me."

She seemed to shake herself a few moments later, and then swiftly removed his hand from inside her pants.

"So, yeah. I'm a little turned on, you could say," She added, winking at him. To his surprise, she pulled his hand up between them and began to suck his fingers clean. "Can't have you stinking of pussy, can we?"

"I'm happy if I'm stinking of your pussy."

"I bet you are. Later though, okay?"

"Sure," He nodded, releasing her. She began to pack another case and Kyle moved to help her, but she swatted him on the arm.

"What was that for?"

"For trying to do my job for me," She said, rolling her eyes. "Go have a coffee or a cocktail, sit on the balcony or something. You're distracting me."

"Distracting because you keep having wicked and impure thoughts?" He asked, grinning at her.


Perhaps because he'd sorted things out with Patricia he felt a lot better and was able to relax and chill out by the pool with his friends and the girls. The afternoon sun was hot and he had slipped into the pool, relaxing on the steps in the water water while his brain drifted.

The situation with Edwin still hung over him, but he felt comforted by having Connor on his side and Sarah secretly working with him too. He had been able for most of the day to put it to the side, distracted with other things, but now the situation kept intruding on him..

He was aware that Edwin was playing things carefully. He had to be. Kyle knew that he'd had conversations with his sisters and with Patricia that could have been recorded. He knew he'd had sex with Sarah, and done plenty with Patricia too, so if there was video recordings then Edwin had a huge amount of data that he could use.

Edwin's obsession with Patricia was a worry though. Would he just let Kyle whisk her off the Island tomrrow for a few months, effectively letting her go. Not really something a nutcase stalker would do, he thought, but the truth was he didn't know what the hell Edwin would do.

He knew that getting information on someone was only one part of blackmail or extortion or whatever. He remembered a historical fiction book he'd read about ancient Rome, and how some politician or other had said that there are three parts to any blackmail. Getting the leverage, deciding when to use it, and making sure you got what you wanted. So far, Kyle knew Edwin had the leverage. The when and what he wanted were the two things he didn't know.

"You've gone all quiet," Patricia said as she slid into the pool beside him.

"I didn't hear you come down," Kyle said, giving her a brief smile. She looked good, in a bikini the colour of brushed steel, a pair of shades covering her eyes. "Just thinking."

"About what?"

He shrugged and gave her a pointed look. "Just stuff."

"I'm sure whatever it is, it'll sort itself out," She murmured as she lifted his arm around her and draped her legs between his.

"Nice to see you relaxing," He said softly, and smiled as she gave him a soft kiss.

"Yeah, the workaholic in me is protesting bitterly." Her head rested on his shoulder. "This is nice."

"It is."

They lay there in silence, basking in the sunlight, enjoying the warm water and the touch of each other, surrounded by friends and making the most of their last full day on the Island.

"What's happening later?"

"Dinner at eight, all of us, Mister Crowler and Edwin too. We invited Connor but he begged off," Patricia explained. "I suspect he's got a few dates lined up."

Kyle's expression soured at the thought of dinner with Edwin. Having to make pleasant small-talk while the old man plotted against him and his sisters. The same man who had blackmailed Sarah and jerked off on her for a year while she dressed as Patricia.

"The food should be really good. The chef's setting up a grill and will cook whatever meat or fish you order right there in front of you. Every time he's done it in the past it smells amazing," She continued. "So there's no need to look so miserable," She added in a whisper.

Kyle forced a smile. "It does sound good. You know what I've been craving all week?"

"Apart from me and steak? And lobster?"

"Funny," He muttered, tickling her behind the knee and making her squirm.

"Stop that!"

Kyle grinned and rested his hand on her leg. "Okay, yes, I've been craving you, but what I'd really love is a really great burger, with cheese and crispy bacon. Maybe a few mushrooms too."

"I'll let the chef know," She said, smiling. "I like to keep you satisfied."

"You do more than that," He replied, tilting his head to look at her. She gave him a soft kiss and a smile.

"There you go being all sweet again, Kyle Watson. Maybe I should sneak you upstairs for a while."

"Now there's a thought," Kyle replied, but her hand kept him in the pool.

"You've had hardly any time to hang out with your friends, Kyle. Take the time, make the most of it. You've got a busy couple of weeks coming up and that's only the start of it."

Kyle looked at her, seeing her smiling at him.

"Later, I promise," She whispered.

Kyle nodded. "Come on then, let's get everyone and go do something fun."

"Lead on."

At Heidi's suggestion they all trooped down to the beach for a few hours of instructed water activities. Qualified instructors were summoned from the Islands staff and while Ed, Kara, Patricia and Margarita went parasailing out on a speedboat, Kyle, Katie, Louisa, Heidi and Casey learned how to scuba dive with oxygen tanks.

Kyle loved being under the water, not having to worry about resurfacing to breathe and as they worked their way around the Island, flapping their flippers, it opened up a whole new world for him. Seeing the local fish darting around ahead of them, or beneath them was like ghosting through someone elses house, a momentary intrusion that drew a few odd looks but then they were gone and everything returned to normal.

After that they lay on the beach for a while sharing their experiences and sipping on cocktails, then trooped back up to the main house. Casey, Ed, Margarita and Louisa stopped off at the tennis court for a game of mixed doubles, which really made Kyle laugh. Ed was all power, but Casey was going to lose some serious dude points playing tennis. It didn't matter what kind of bat, stick or racquet he held, Casey just couldn't hit his targets. It was like his hand-eye co-ordination was fine apart from when he was swinging at something. Then he turned into a clumsy two year old.

He followed the others back to the main house where everyone agreed to get changed and meet up before dinner for a few drinks. Kyle followed Patricia into his suite, shut the doors and found her in his bathroom, naked and in the shower, the door open waiting for him.

His lips met hers with a hunger that exploded through him, a hunger that was reciprocated. He felt himself growing rapidly as her hands snaked around his neck, and he slid his hands down over her breasts, down her sides, slipping under her ass.

Kyle lifted, feeling her pulling on his shoulders as she spread her legs and wrapped them around him, getting herself ready to accept him inside her.

"Oh, fucking good idea, Kyle," She said, panting for breath as they broke their kiss. He didn't say anything, knowing the intensity on his face said everything that was needed to say.

Kyle pinned her to the wall then slipped first one arm, then the other under her legs, her arms still around his neck, and then he lifted her again, jerking her upwards once and again, testing his hold to make sure he could fuck her like this, something he'd only ever seen in a porno but never attempted in person.

He saw her expression change, a broad smile on her face. Patricia adjusted her grip and slid her hand down betwen them, her fingers grasping his hard cock and positioning it just right, and as Kyle lowered her, impaled her in mid-air, she groaned.

"Oh fuck, yes."

He growled, feeling powerful and aroused, longing to fuck this beautfiul blonde woman who turned him on, and he acted on that desire.

Kyle's hips began to pump, swift, sure and smooth in their movements, plunging into her pussy time and again.

Patricia moaned, tried to kiss him but couldn't reach and moaned again as she was penetrated deep, over and over. Her eyes widened a little as she saw Kyle's eyes narrow.

He lifted her free from the wall and began to jerk her up and down with his arms, lifting her up and letting her fall on his shaft.

"Oh my fucking God," Patricia blurted as gravity dropped her onto his erection hard and fast.

For some reason the tune 'Born Slippy' by Underworld popped into Kyle's head in that instance, a hard, pounding, strong and intensive tune he'd first heard years ago on a movie, but it matched his mood. Hard, fast, aggressive, and unconsciously he matched the tempo of the music only he could hear, fucking her. Hard.

Patricia's mouth was wide open as she gasped, hammered intensely by this man holding her in mid-air, relentless in his movements.

"Kyle," She gasped, and he stared at her, every muscle in his body taught. He knew this was something new for her, as it was for him, and the knowledge spurred him on. He could feel the muscles in his legs, his stomach and back, in his arms. He could feel them reacting to the weight and responding, flooding him with adrenalin and strength, the result of a week of intensive workouts culminating in this moment, being inside this woman.

He knew there was nothing she could do but hang on for the ride.

He pounded her with the beat only he could hear, relentless and rythmic, not stopping when she quivered and shook in orgasm, not stopping or even tiring minutes later when her arms began to tremble, nor when her second orgasm struck and she nearly turned to jelly in his arms.

It was as if he was in a trance, he knew, and it was almost annoying as he felt his own balls tighten, heralding the end of the experience. He remembered that part of the tune where the drums and bass suddenly stopped and all that continued was the echoing notes of the keyboard and he echoed that moment.

He became more aware of Patricia's panting, of her moans and gasps of breath and he thrust into her and stopped as he came, holding it there for a few beats as her eyes widened, his erection twitching inside her. He eased out a few beats later then thrust back in again, holding it there as he flooded her inside, then once more, and one final time.

The music was gone, and he was there in that shower, this beautiful, exhausted and trembling woman held up in his arms.

"Kyle," She panted, staring at him in wonder. "Fuck. Wow."

He was breathing hard, still in a semi-orgasmic daze, still buried inside her, but he managed a smile.

Patricia wrapped her arms around him, kissing his neck as she took her own body weight on his shoulders, allowing him to lift her one last time. He slid out of her with regret, then lowered her legs down.

"Whoa," She muttered as her legs wobbled, and it took her a moment to be able to support her own weight again. "Holy shit, Kyle."

"You okay?" He muttered a moment later, her arms still around his neck.

"That was.... just, wow. Intense."

"Just caught in the moment." He eased himself back from her, putting a hand out to the wall to steady himself.

Patricia kissed him, a long deep kiss that felt like a thankyou for something special and he smiled gently.

"I'm gonna have to come up with something spectacular to thank you for that," She said a moment later, a wicked smile on her face.

"Just be you."

"You always say the sweetest things."

Kyle and Patricia joined the rest of the group downstairs around seven thirty and they chatted away, having a laugh and passing the time until dinner.

Shortly before eight the chef appeared along with several of the waiting and kitchen staff and they began to lay out a buffet while the chef worked the grill. Kyle had ordered a burger with some prawns on the side, while the rest of them ordered a mixture of steaks, chicken or fish.

Patricia was correct when she said how fantastic the aroma was of all the marinaded meat and fish cooking, as well as the various salads and side dishes the staff laid out next to the grill.

When each of their dishes was ready they were walked up, given their plates by the chef then helped themselves to the hot and cold buffet. Kyle ended up with a fantastic bacon cheeseburger made from bison on a bun, with fries, salad and some grilled prawns in a garlic and chilli sauce.

Sitting eating and drinking with Edwin was an unnatural feeling for Kyle. He had to force himself to smile as whenever he looked at the old man, he felt sick to his stomach. Acting on impulse though, he decided to try and get everyone at the table pretty hammered, thinking that if Edwin was drunk later then Connor would be able to surprise him that much easier. Hopefully with Kyle there too.

As soon as he finished his food he got up from the table for a smoke. One of the waiting staff asked him if he'd like a coffee but Kyle shook his head and asked that for the rest of the night, could he just be served Pepsi, even if he ordered Rum and Cola because he wanted to have a clear head in the morning.

The waiter nodded discretely and winked. "No problem, sir."

After that, Kyle did everything he could to create a real party atmosphere, suggesting drinking games, continuously ordering up drinks and making sure everyones glasses were topped up, including his own Rum and Cola, minus the rum.

At one point, Edwin got up from the table and Kyle, thinking quickly, did so too, following him to the bathroom. They stood side by side at the urinals, when Kyle spoke, taking care to act a little drunk.

"So I was thinking, right," He began, adding a slight wobble for effect. "When we're away you should do some more designing stuff. Architecting." He thought that was a nice touch.

"For what, Master Kyle?" Edwin said, turning to look at him. Kyle noted how dilated the old mans pupils were, and he stifled a smile.

"To make one of them saferoom thingy's that we don't have," He added. "It'd be right handy if I want somewhere discrete. For.... you know. With Sarah or something." Kyle added an exaggerated wink, wondering if he'd overdone it.

"Ahh, Sarah," Edwin nodded. "I'll look right into it right now, Mister Kyle."

"Pffft. No." Kyle blurted. "Do it tomorrow or next week or something."

"I shurely sall," Edwin replied, then frowned. "Shurely sall. No. Surely shall. Yes."

"Fucking cool," Kyle said, grinning. "And put a bed in it."

"Of course. No problem, Mister Kyle. Master Kyle. Yes."

Kyle washed his hands and followed Edwin, who didn't, back to the table. Once there he was quite shocked at how drunk everyone seemed to be. Patricia had stolen his seat when he got up, and insisted on him sitting back down so she could sit on his knee, her arm around his neck. Kyle kept a close eye on Edwin and caught him glancing at Patricia every so often, his eyes narrowing each time, then quickly darting away again.

At around midnight, everyone began to drift off to bed, with Casey once again charming Margarita to spend the night in his room, while Ed tried to get bets that he could jump from Kyle's balcony into the pool. Thankfully no-one was stupid enough to take the bet, or Ed would have tried it, and probably broken his legs.

Kyle carried Patricia up to bed after everyone had left. She wasn't as drunk as a few nights ago, but she'd insisted that he carry her, just because he could, and Kyle smiled and obliged her. Despite her extensive playful kisses on his neck, unfortunately all he could think about was Connor's call.

From the second Edwin had staggered out the door, Kyle had been glancing at his phone, anxiously awaiting the call, and then as the minutes dragged by he'd began to worry that he'd got Edwin that drunk that he would go home and fall asleep and they wouldn't get into the safehouse at all.

He shook his head, knowing there was nothing he could do about it anyway. It would just have to play out and he would have to wait.

Kyle closed the doors to their suite and placed Patricia gently on the bed. When he tried to get up, she kept a hold of him and pouted, causing him to laugh.

"I'm just going to the bathroom to brush my teeth."

"Oh, Okay."

He stood in front of the sink, brushing away and looked at himself in the mirror, seeing the changes a week of hard exercise and some intensive diet control had done for him. It wasn't the physical changes that were the most apparent though, but the mental.

He knew if someone told him he would be standing where he was now a week ago, he'd have laughed in their face. Now here he was, in a suite on the Island he co-owned with sisters he never knew he had. His gorgeous assistant was waiting for him in bed, and all he could think about was an old Englishman who was trying to blackmail him and abusing one of the staff, as well as being obsessed with Patricia. Now Kyle was relying on an injured Scottish bodyguard who was drunk half the time and nailing chicks the rest of it.
