Three Square Meals Ch. 128


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John was already very turned on, after riding the two assassins into orgasmic oblivion. His pre-cum filled Lilyana's mouth and she moaned wantonly as she swallowed it down, the sweet aftertaste tantalising her taste buds. Alyssa had been waiting for that precise moment, but she wasn't prepared for the immense weight of psychic strength that crashed into her mental barrier. Lilyana hummed in delight, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked eagerly, maintaining eye contact with John as she silently begged him to fill her hungry stomach.

The look of eager submission tipped him over the edge and John climaxed hard, filling Lilyana's mouth with cum. She gulped it down and her eyes glazed over, John bulldozing Alyssa's mental barrier aside with almost contemptuous ease. Lilyana was in the suckling trance now and she eased forward, sliding his cock down her throat until her lips were circling the base of his shaft. He gently held her in place as he climaxed, pumping long spurts of cum down her clenching throat. Alyssa pouted in frustration, then hugged Lilyana, stroking her swelling stomach as it grew rounded with pints of spunk.

"That's a good girl," she whispered in her ear. "When you wake up, you'll have lovely long hair, just like all the rest of us who are going to have his babies..."

Lilyana groaned, her eyelashes fluttering as Alyssa's words penetrated her dazed state. Her hands cradled her growing belly and she hummed in contentment, her throat bobbing as she swallowed down every last drop of cum from his four balls. By the time John had finished climaxing and slid his deflating cock from her lips, Lilyana was in a state of rapture, her blue stomach hugely curved with his prodigious load.

John let out a shuddering sigh, then sagged in his chair. "Damn... I needed that."

Alyssa pouted as she stroked Lilyana's rounded tummy.

"What's the matter?" he asked, surprised by her reaction.

"I tried to shield her mind from you, so you wouldn't leave her dazed," she explained with a rueful frown.

"Why would you do that?" he asked in confusion.

"Because you hate seeing the girls like this?" Alyssa replied, nodding towards the comatose Maliri. "I wanted Lilyana to tell you how much she loved emptying your quad, but as soon as you started filling her up with cum, trying to keep you out of her mind was impossible. I had no idea you were so strong!"

John scooped up the drowsy fleet commander and glanced at her swollen belly. "Rachel did say my cum was a psychic catalyst; that's probably why you found it so difficult."

He carried Lilyana to the bed, where he gently separated the two assassins and placed her between them. The sleeping Maliri embraced her instinctively, snuggling up together as John covered them with a silken sheet.

"I think it's fair to say they all had a good time," he said, smiling fondly at the three slumbering women.

*They're not the only ones...* Edraele murmured, lost in thought.

John smiled as he started gathering up his clothes. "Yeah, I really did. It was wonderful seeing Almari and Ilyana again... I'd missed them a lot. I'm glad we were able to give Lilyana some extra motivation too."

*The assassins adore you and now so does Lilyana,* the Maliri Queen agreed. *But I wasn't actually referring to you either. I was so focused on all of you that I only just noticed this now, but all my wards in Lilyana's fleet are shining with psychic energy... far brighter than ever before.*

"It sounds like you made a good impression, Baen'thelas," Alyssa said with a teasing smile. "Maybe you really are meant to be their boss."

"Addressing the fleet like that felt right," he agreed, nodding with satisfaction. "I'm glad I told them about my plans for the Maliri; it sounds like I gave them hope for a better life in the future."

Alyssa looked at him in astonishment. "How come you're not freaking out about this whole leadership thing?!" She narrowed her eyes, pretending to glare at him with suspicion. "You're not your guide, are you?"

He laughed and shook his head. "No, I don't think so." Starting to dress in his new suit, he continued, "Let's go take a shower back on the Invictus. I prefer Terran ones to Maliri."

"Wait..." Alyssa said, placing her hand on his chest to stop him. "You really aren't upset about leading the Maliri, are you?"

"No, I'm actually okay with it," he stated calmly, meeting her quizzical gaze. "Edraele was right; I have been making all the big decisions for the Protectorate, so this doesn't change anything. I might have to take a more prominent role in leading the Council of Matriarchs, but I'll leave administering the Maliri star systems in their capable hands. My brilliant queen has been doing an incredible job with everything I delegated to her, so as long as Edraele is comfortable with the status quo, then I'm happy too."

*I would be delighted to continue supporting you in this fashion,* Edraele gushed, sounding elated. *Do you really not have any doubts, John?*

He thought about it, then shook his head. *I care about the Maliri very much. I think at this point, I've got used to the idea that protecting all of you is my responsibility. We're at war with scores of Progenitors, who are each leading a legion of thralls... I have no intention of letting you face that onslaught alone.*

Edraele laughed, her tension easing. *That's such a relief... you have no idea how much!*

"We weren't sure if you were ready," Alyssa admitted, looking equally relieved. "With everything you're dealing with at the moment, the last thing we wanted to do is pile more responsibilities on your shoulders."

"This doesn't feel like a burden," he said, breathing deep before letting it out. "It feels... right."

Alyssa grinned and kissed him on the tip of his nose. "Aren't you full of surprises!"

John laughed and resumed dressing, sharing the occasional smile with Alyssa as she slipped on her dress and pulled on her high-heeled shoes. He leaned over the bed to kiss each of the three sleeping Maliri goodbye, then opened the door to Lilyana's quarters and followed his blonde matriarch outside. They strolled back down to the shuttle bay, passing dozens of startled Maliri on the way, the beautiful aliens gaping at John when he greeted them with a friendly smile.

*Is it exciting knowing that you could bed every woman in this fleet?* Alyssa asked, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

*I've already got a harem of insatiable girls and I just slept with Lilyana and the assassins. I'll also be seeing Edraele and the Young Matriarchs in just a few days' time... so why would I be fantasising about bedding random Maliri?* he asked, genuinely curious.

She gave him an indignant frown. *Hey, I'm the one asking the questions!*

John chuckled and hugged her as they walked along. *I'm just surprised you haven't cashed in your favour. I was expecting you to ask for a complement of Maliri to help crew the Invictus.*

Alyssa stared at him incredulously. *You'd actually agree to that?!*

*I said I'd agree to one favour,* he replied, nodding to a passing navigation officer who nearly tripped over her own feet in shock. *Why? Is that what you want?*

*What are you up to, Mr. Blake?* she asked, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

He held his hands up defensively. *Nothing! I was just curious.*

*Well... no, I think that'd be a waste,* she replied after a moment's hesitation. *We'll be based in Genthalas soon and then you'll be surrounded by gorgeous blue babes. I'll leave seducing them in Edraele's capable hands... she's already done a fine job of convincing you to knock up Maliri girls.*

*Okay, fair enough,* he said with an amiable shrug.

*Seriously though... if I had asked, you wouldn't have vetoed it?* Alyssa asked, looking intrigued.

John led her through the doors into the shuttle bay, where the Raptor was waiting for them. *I'll only say no if you ask me to recruit a girl who's already attached... but you know that already.*

*So I can't tempt you with Maria then?* she asked with a grin.

*Hmm... we'd have to do something about Jack,* he mused, rubbing his chin. *Maybe we could set him up with a blonde half his age?*

Alyssa couldn't believe her ears for a moment, then she realised he was joking and her melodic laughter echoed around the hangar.

She bounded up the ramp into the gunship with an extra spring in her step. *Leading the Maliri suits you, handsome. You're way more fun!*


The Forge of Ukonlir had disengaged from the Invictus by the time they returned, allowing Alyssa to land the Raptor in the Secondary Hangar. As John shut down the gunship's systems, Alyssa waved at Calara, who was waiting for them outside.

When they strode down the ramp to join her, the Latina shook her head in feigned disapproval. "Look at you two doing the walk of shame..."

John glanced down at his rumpled suit and couldn't help blushing.

"He has nothing to be ashamed of," Alyssa gushed, giving John a kiss on the cheek. "He pounded Almari and Ilyana through at least a dozen orgasms, then stuffed Lilyana full of cum. We left behind three very satisfied Maliri girls. Oh, and he impressed the hell out of the entire fleet, boosting their morale through the roof!"

"I had no idea you were such an exhibitionist, Admiral," Calara joked, arching an eyebrow.

He shrugged. "Nor did Almari and Ilyana, but we got down to business right there in the hangar. The crowd loved it!"

Calara burst into a fit of giggles. "Alyssa gave me a running commentary while you were over there, but now I don't know what to believe!"

He broke into a smile and gave her a hug. "If I didn't need to recuperate, I'd give you a demonstration right here and now."

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I prefer a nice soft bed to titanium deck plates," she replied, hugging him back.

"Talking of bed, why don't you two head up to the Observatory?" Alyssa suggested, smiling affectionately at them both. "I'll go up to the Bridge and lay in a course for the Terran border fleet. I should be done in a couple of minutes."

John stifled a yawn and nodded. "Sounds good to me. What's the time now anyway? About 6:00 am?"

"Six-thirty," Calara corrected him, slipping her hand into his as they walked towards the exit. "All the girls are in bed already apart from Leylira. She's on first watch."

"We should arrive at the fleet late this evening, around nine," Alyssa said, quickly planning out a flight path as they stepped into the grav-tube.

"How long will it take us to get from there to Jericho?" John asked, as they floated upwards.

"Roughly 24 hours," the blonde replied. "I'll have to be very careful plotting our course when we get close to the Core Worlds. There's a lot of hyper-warp traffic around those systems and hitting a ship with the bow wave wouldn't be good."

John looked at her quizzically. "What would happen?"

"This is theoretical because it's never happened before, but I'm guessing that the gravimetric forces would rip their hull apart like a sardine can," she replied with a wry smile.

"Yeah, we should probably try to avoid that," Calara said, hugging her girlfriend.

"That's the plan," Alyssa agreed. "Unfortunately, it means making a bunch of diversions to fly through quieter star systems, or just slowing down to normal hyper-warp speeds. Alternatively, I could stay on the Bridge and make course corrections as needed, but I'll be stuck there for the whole day."

"I'll leave it at your discretion," John said, before pulling Calara with him onto Deck Three.

Alyssa waved goodbye as she continued up to the Command Deck. "See you soon!"

John put his arm around the brunette. "Any problems while we were away?"

"No, everything went smoothly. Rachel had time to treat another thousand Trankarans infested with higher-tier eggs, then we transferred them to the Republic battleship."

"You saved a lot of lives today, honey," he said, stroking her back.

"So did you," she replied, looking up at him with admiration. "If you hadn't wiped out the Kirrix, it would have taken us hours to eliminate all the drones on the dreadnought, let alone board and clear 54 hive ships. Then we would've had to triage a million Trankarans, decide who we couldn't save in time, then treat the rest in the order they'd been infested. It would've been heartbreaking and so many would have died before we could get to them. I asked Rachel for an estimate; she thought at least 17,000 Trankarans would have been killed if you hadn't neutralised the Kirrix like that."

"It's a strange thing... having to kill to save lives," John said in a subdued voice, looking away into the distance.

Calara gave him a sympathetic hug. "I made peace with it months ago; I think I would've gone mad otherwise. I mean, how many bad guys have I killed since we started? There's ten thousand Kirrix aboard each drone carrier and I've destroyed well over a hundred of those alone."

John paused as they entered the Lagoon. "I'm sorry I put that burden on you. I never even imagined we'd be fighting battles on this scale when I took you on as my Tactical Officer."

"It's okay," she said with a shrug. "As I said, I've come to terms with it. I know we're always fighting for what's right... so I just have to remind myself that everyone I kill is a bad guy and deserves death for their crimes. I guess I'm either going to be welcomed into heaven as a glorious champion of good, or roasted for eternity as one of the most brutal killers in Terran history."

He shook his head. "I disagree."

Calara looked worried, a shadow of doubt in her dark-brown eyes. "You do?"

John ran his fingers through her long dark hair, then cupped her head in his hand. "You can't go on to an afterlife if you're immortal."

She laughed and relaxed, smiling at him in relief. "You had me worried for a moment there."

"We'd all be left absolutely devastated if anything did happen to you, but that goes without saying," he said, drawing her into a hug. "I know you'd be fine though. Fluffy clouds and angels with harps await."

"You really think so?" she asked, pulling back to gaze up at him, a look of vulnerability in her eyes.

He placed a hand on the left side of her chest. "You've got a good heart, Calara. In the battles we've fought, you were always trying to protect innocent people from the bastards that prey on them. Pirates, slavers, the Drakkar, the Kintark, the Kirrix, the Brimorians... the list seems endless."

"And now we're facing Progenitors," she said with resignation, drawing comfort from his embrace. "Larn'kelnar caused so much death and destruction... and he didn't even have his thrall fleets with him."

"We'll deal with the rest of them and do it with a clear conscience," John said firmly.

Calara rested her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat. "John... I don't think we can wipe out the Brimorians and still claim to be the good guys. If we cross that line, it'll compromise who we are."

He was quiet for a moment and found himself in agreement. "Yeah... you're right. As much as the Brimorians deserve retribution for what they've done to the Abandoned, we can't sink to their level." He gave her a reassuring pat on the back. "Don't worry, I'll figure out some way of punishing them that doesn't involve genocide."

She gave him a grateful squeeze. "I knew you would."

They separated then continued over the bridge towards the Observatory. "Have you made any plans for when Mateo and Jack are staying here?"

Calara nodded. "I have... but I hadn't planned on throwing a young blonde at my dad. Were you and Alyssa hoping to find one on the Terran fleet?"

John blushed furiously. "I can't believe she told you that!"

She giggled and bumped hips with him. "Really? This is Alyssa we're talking about."

"I was only joking, honey... I swear," John said earnestly. "I've got nothing but respect for your family. I would never dream of doing anything to damage your parents' marriage."

Calara stopped outside the Observatory door and gave him a fond smile. "I know. Alyssa was wrong, you haven't really changed."

He hesitated, then looked into her eyes. "Does my attraction to Maria make you feel uncomfortable?"

She immediately shook her head. "It's actually kind of flattering. She is my mother and I suppose we're alike in many ways." John was about to continue speaking, but she silenced him with a kiss. "I know you'd never do anything inappropriate, which makes your crush on her quite sweet. My mom flirts with you because she knows it's only innocent and that you would never try anything... otherwise she would've shut it down from the start."

John smiled with relief. "I'm glad she sees me as harmless."

Calara gave him a coy smile. "Oh, I wouldn't say that... I've never seen my mother act this way around anyone else. She definitely likes you too."

He swallowed, not sure how to respond to that.

She giggled and tapped the button to open the door. "Time for bed." As she sauntered into the bedroom, she glanced at him over her shoulder, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "You can spoon me if you want? I know you like the way I look from behind..."

"You're getting as bad as Alyssa," he whispered, trying not to wake the sleeping girls. He grasped her hand, pulling her into the bathroom. "Join me in the shower, I need to freshen up."

Calara eagerly followed him inside, the two of them stripping off and entering the shower cubicle together. When the water started to run, she gave him a flirtatious smile then turned around, giving him a spectacular view of her shapely back and deliciously round bottom. John knew exactly what she was doing, teasing him with her glorious olive-hued body like that, knowing it would be easy for him to imagine she was Maria.

He wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her cheek. "You'll have to try a lot harder than that to tease me. I've already turned down Jade when she was an exact replica of your mother."

"What?!" Calara blurted out, turning around to look at him in surprise.

His face fell and he couldn't help look guilty. "I thought you knew about that..."

She giggled, her shocked expression vanishing.

"You little minx!" he exclaimed with a good-natured chuckle. Pulling her into his arms, he continued, "I freely admit that Maria is a lovely woman... but if it came down to a choice, I'd pick you every time."

"Really?" she asked, genuinely curious.

"Of course, honey!" he said emphatically, looking deep into her eyes. "I respect your mother and I am attracted to her, but I'm only in love with you."

Calara let out a happy sigh, then gave him a tender kiss, showing him that his feelings were very much reciprocated. They shared a smile, then started washing each other in the splashing water.

"I'm really glad we had a chance to talk tonight," she said, soaping up his chest.

"Yeah, me too," he agreed. "But I don't know how I'm going to face your dad tomorrow after this conversation."

The brunette burst into another fit of giggles. "Sorry, that was bad timing."

Alyssa slipped into the shower with them and hugged Calara from behind. "Having fun tormenting John?" she asked, kissing her girlfriend on the cheek.

"It is funny seeing the only recipient of two Stellar Clusters in Terran Federation history get flustered," the Latina admitted, smiling at him affectionately. "But you don't mind a bit of teasing, do you, Admiral Blake?"

"Under the circumstances, I guess I can't complain," he conceded, returning her smile.

"I'm a very understanding fiancée," she declared with a bright smile.

"You'll make a very lovely wife to some lucky guy," he said to the brunette, giving her a kiss. He smiled at Alyssa next and kissed her over Calara's shoulder. "You will too, beautiful."

They both pretended to swoon, then laughed as they gave him a three-way hug. After they'd finished freshening up in the shower, they dried off then crept out of the bathroom. Despite all the giggling, they'd managed to avoid waking the rest of the girls, who lay snuggled up together in pairs or triples. Padding across the oval bed, they took their usual spot, with Alyssa and Calara lying on either side of John. He pulled up the covers, then put his arms around both girls, who draped themselves across him possessively.
