Three Square Meals Ch. 063


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Calara hesitated, and said, "I couldn't find any pictures, but I discovered a couple of videos. Would you like to see them instead?"

"Oh, yes! Please..." the other girl replied, reaching out to grasp Calara's hand.

The Latina stroked that shaking hand, and said quietly, "Of course, but you might find them difficult to watch. The first was their appeal for your return."

When Sakura gave a slight nod of her head, Calara picked up the remote from the table, and pressed play on the view screen. A middle aged Asian couple appeared on the screen, both looking haggard and tense with worry. The video had been paused just after the police officer beside them had finished talking to the press, and he turned to Sakura's father and nodded his head respectfully. Across the bottom of the screen, the banner read "Shiro and Emiko Honami make a statement regarding their missing daughter, Sakura."

Shiro began to speak, and the camera zoomed in on his wan face as he said, "We are making this statement to plead with our daughter's kidnappers to contact us with their demands. I am willing to meet whatever the price, but please don't hurt Sakura. We just-..." He broke off, choked up with emotion and unable to continue.

Fresh tears had started rolling down Sakura's cheeks as she watched her father, and she let out a quiet sob to see her father so overcome.

Her mother, Emiko continued where her husband had left off, "We just want our daughter returned safe and well. She's the most precious thing we have, and we're begging you to bring her back to us." She took a shaky breath, then said, "We love you Sakura, we're praying for your safe return."

The video changed to the news studio, and Calara paused it, then turned to look at the weeping girl, and said, "I'm so sorry. They loved you very much."

Sakura brushed away her tears, desperately fighting back the urge to cry, as she said, "You said you had two videos?"

Calara nodded, then turned to face the viewscreen again and pressed a couple more buttons. The news studio disappeared, and this time the image was frozen on Shiro Honami, with his wife, Emiko, at his side. They looked much older now, both having gone grey, and were standing beside a simple but beautiful shrine. The couple were addressing a crowd of reporters, who were gathered around, listening attentively.

"This video was taken in 2742, forty years after you were abducted," Calara said, her voice sombre, and she pressed a button on the remote, playing the video.

Shiro stared into the camera, and his voice was tightly controlled as he said, "Thank you for attending this press conference. Forty years to the day after our beloved daughter was taken from us, I would like to announce that we are setting up the Sakura Honami trust. We hope that her memory can live on, by providing grants for students, so that they can study the law that she loved so much." He turned to his wife, and nodded for her to continue.

Emiko's face was shadowed with grief and loss, but her voice was strong as she said, "Sakura believed in justice. She once told me that was the reason she chose to study law, so that she could help people get the justice that only the law could provide. While she never received that which she believed in the most, it is our dearest wish that the trust will help others to pursue her dream."

The video ended, frozen on the image of her parents, and the room went quiet apart from the heart-rending sobs coming from the grief stricken girl. John walked around the table to her side, then squatted down beside her. She was hugging herself, arms tight across her chest as she leaned forward and wept for her parents. He stroked her shoulder comfortingly, wishing he could do more for the mourning girl.

"I'm sorry Sakura," he said quietly. "Would you like us to give you some time alone?"

She managed to get her crying under control, and after a long moment, she looked his way from under her veil of jet-black hair. Her voice sounded hollow as she said, "I know they never caught Mikaboshi. What about the three men who kidnapped and raped me?"

John turned to Calara, and asked, "Did you manage to find anything?"

Calara shook her head slowly, her face filled with remorse as she said, "I'm sorry, Sakura, they never found them. I searched through the New Eden criminal databases, looking through old case files, and no one was ever charged with your abduction. Alyssa gave me detailed descriptions of the men, but it doesn't look like they were ever charged for any other crimes either."

Sakura nodded slowly, looking tired and defeated. Her eyes flicked to the frozen image of her mourning parents, and she whispered, "I've lost everything."

John rubbed her shoulder gently, and said, "What's happened to you and your parents was horrendous, but you don't have to let those evil bastards rob you of a normal life." He glanced at the viewscreen, and continued tentatively, "Your mother said you loved the law, and were studying to become a lawyer. I have money, and I could help you continue at university if you want?"

Her eyes narrowed with barely controlled fury as she snapped, "Fuck the law! It failed me, and my parents. What justice did any of us ever get?"

He rocked back, startled at her vehement tone, and replied, "You could become a lawyer, help people get the justice that you never received."

She laughed hysterically, holding up her hands, and looking at them as though they were dripping in blood. Her tone was incredulous as she replied, "Shinatobe murdered hundreds of people, and I can remember all of it! How could I go back to a normal life after all this?!"

John was quiet as he replied, "I'm sorry I brought this up. You have too much to deal with already, and I shouldn't have burdened you with anything else." He sighed before he continued, "The reason I did, was because it's not too late for me to help you forget everything that happened. If you want, I could wipe your memory of the kidnapping, and everything that Shinatobe did."

He placed his hand lightly on her stomach for a brief moment, before pulling it away. Sakura looked down at her rounded tummy as she suddenly understood what he was referring to.

She stared into his eyes, and replied fiercely, "No! I need to remember everything that Mikaboshi did to me. I don't want you to wipe my memory."

"What do you want then?" John asked her simply.

Her voice was chilling as she replied, "Revenge."

He met her burning gaze, and said, "I have every intention of hunting that bastard down. There's no need for you to throw your life away on a quest for vengeance."

She shook her head, and pleaded, "Let me join you! I know I could help you catch him!"

John slowly stood up, and his voice was sympathetic but firm, when he said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have raised this now. You're not in any state to make such a life-changing decision."

The door opened behind him, and Rachel walked into the room. She had an apologetic smile on her face as she said, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we're about to jump into the Delta-Draconis system. There's a massive Terran Federation fleet there, and we've picked up Fleet Admiral Buckingham's flagship."

"Thanks, Rachel," John said, giving her an appreciative nod.

"You're welcome," she replied, before leaving the room.

He turned back to Sakura, and said, "I'm afraid I have an important meeting I can't delay. We can discuss this again, when I return." Glancing at Alyssa, he said, "I'll need you with me, XO."

She met his gaze, then slowly shook her head, and replied, "You have Edraele to help with the politics, and Calara will be more useful on the Terran Federation Navy side. I think I'll stay here. I want to have a chat with Sakura."

John was shocked at her declining his request to join him, and he blinked in surprise. He quickly shook it off, then looked at Calara, and said, "Are you ready, Commander?"

She snapped him a sharp salute, and replied, "Of course, Admiral."

He smiled at her, then looked down at the forlorn young girl sitting besides the long desk, her face a mask of sorrow. Sakura's anger had burned itself out as fast as it had arrived, and she looked lost and alone once more. "Everything will be alright, Sakura," he said kindly. "We'll take care of you, I promise."

She nodded distractedly, and with a final curious look at Alyssa, he turned and left the room.


"No life signs! We're gonna make a tidy packet from this one, just you wait!" the heavyset man exclaimed jubilantly, his moustache twitching as his face lit up in a grin.

"I don't recognise the configuration," the skinny man in overalls replied, looking at the small ship that was highlighted in the holographic System Map. He bit his thumbnail nervously as he added, "I bet the sensors are malfunctioning, and there's probably a ravenous Drakkar hiding in it. We'll be killed and eaten for sure."

The big man chuckled with a jolly laugh, and said, "Ever the pessimist, Cliff. Been watching too many holo-movies?"

"It's called being a realist, Barry," Cliff replied with a worried frown. "If there's no one aboard, who set off the emergency distress beacon?"

Barry grinned at him, then gave him a wink as he replied, "Maybe they went for a spacewalk without a tether? Anyway, I'm happy to take your share if you don't want to help..." He rose from his chair, then grabbed his grey leather jacket, and pulled it over his Pilot's jumpsuit. Clapping the smaller man on the shoulder, he said, "Activate the tractor beam, there's a good lad."

Cliff was torn with indecision, but the shuttle did look expensive with its sleek lines and jet-black hull. He finally nodded, and said, "Alright, I'll pull it towards the Scamander, then you engage the docking clamps."

"Marvellous!" Barry exclaimed cheerfully, then turned to take a look at a wall-mounted monitor in the confined cockpit.

He cycled through the cargo manifest, nodding with satisfaction as he perused the list. If they dumped twenty tonnes of New Caladon grain, they'd have plenty of space for the shuttle in the Scamander's Cargo Bay.

"It's in position," Cliff said, glancing at the big man who was lost in thought as he stared at the monitor. Rolling his eyes, he got up from his chair, then flipped the overhead switch that engaged the docking clamps. He had to admit the excitement of a big salvage score was starting to overcome his worries. He walked past Barry, and said over his shoulder, "We're all set."

Barry grinned at him, then started to whistle an out-of-tune rendition of an old sea shanty. Cliff grimaced, but knew better to ask the Scamander's Captain to stop. Last time he'd done so, Barry had hummed the Terran Federation anthem for the rest of the day. They stepped into the elevator, then rode down the three levels to the Airlock and Cargo Bay.

Barry drew his heavy pistol from the holster at his waist, brandishing it with a flourish as he said, "Just in case there's a sneaky Drakkar ready to pounce on us!"

"Yeah, yeah, alright," Cliff grumbled, as he strolled over to the airlock door. He clenched his fist, then gently tapped it on the button to open the airlock.

The heavy doors clanked open, with the grinding squeal of hydraulics that were badly in need of some maintenance. Barry frowned at him, and wagged a finger as he said, "That doesn't sound too healthy. I thought I was paying you to look after my ship?"

"I'll take a look at it later," Cliff promised through gritted teeth.

Barry waited until the doors had fully opened, then sprang into the shuttle, waving his pistol around dramatically. The big man looked so ridiculous that Cliff couldn't help but laugh.

"I can't see a bloody thing in here," Barry grumbled. "Can you see a lightswitch, lad?"

Cliff scratched his ear, and said, "I think I've got a flashlight up in the maintenance room. Want me to go and get it?"

There was a strange wet sound like a carving knife being used to slice an over-ripe melon, followed by a quiet gurgle.

"Barry? Everything alright in there?" Cliff called out to his shipmate.

There was furtive movement in the darkness, and a chilling voice replied, "I'm afraid Barry had an unfortunate case of death."

A moment later, a horrifying figure emerged from the gloom. He was missing his left arm, and his face was a shattered ruin of fragmented ceramic and metal. In his right hand, he held a black sword that glistened wetly, leaving a trail of red drops on the floor.

Cliff backed away, his eyes going wide at the sight of the horrifying cyborg. "What do you w-w-want?" he stammered, his throat constricting with terror.

"To choke the life out of John Blake," Mikaboshi replied, the words coming out slightly distorted from his twisted lips. "But first I need to kill you, then steal your ship."

Mikaboshi slowly advanced towards the tech, and relished the stink of fear radiating from the man as he backed him into a corner. The terrified technician huddled on the floor, staring up at the blood-drenched sword as the cyborg raised it above his head for the killing strike. Mikaboshi changed his mind at the last moment though, and the Cargo Bay echoed with the hideous sounds of the man's prolonged and agonised death.

"Yes, doing that to John Blake would be far more satisfying," Mikaboshi said, as he wiped his blood-spattered hand on the relatively clean part of the tech's overalls.

He straightened, then strode out of the Cargo Bay to look for the cockpit. Now he had a hyper-warp capable ship, he needed to plot a course to Yomi-no-kuni, his fortress and base of operations. He had a great deal of preparations to make before he risked facing John Blake once again.

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laughdruidlaughdruid2 months ago

So, John let 100.000 enemy infantry live to fight another day because he felt bad for them.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith10 months ago

-- Evil Cyborg Assassins, Deadly Lizard-men, and damn Political games in the Admiralty, ... the fun just doesn't stop, ...

-- and I still think that they should save this version of the Invictus to gift to Charles, but later, ... just remove the Nova Lances, then add a few (Dana) upgraded Heavy Cannons, and Brimorian Shields, and Charles will just love it, ... a great retirement present, ... ;-) ttfn

ranec1ranec1about 1 year ago
Mean As!!


I was really fucking pissed at the time!

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

The wonderful, shooting Lizards in a barrel, nebula battle, and then the lengthy operation to rescue Sakura (the next new member of John's lovely crew?), ... also, Master Assassin Mikaboshi's taking of a FTL capable ship, ... with Revenge sought by both Sakura and Mikaboshi, ... should be interesting in the next chapters, .... ;-) TTFN

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Evil still pervades, looks as though the Invictus gets another crew member in their fight for justice.

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