Tiffany Tantrum Pt. 06

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She stuns everyone when we return for her things.
4.1k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/22/2019
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I called Bobby to let him know what time we would be there, so he would be expecting us. We arrived and exited the SUV, as the front door opened and Bobby and his new girlfriend approached us.

"Hey Brother!" I exclaimed, as we shook hands and gave each other a hug.

"Hey yourself!" he said enthusiastically. "This is Amalie; my girlfriend."

"Hi Amalie." I introduced myself. "I'm Jack. This is my wife, Tiffany."

"Your WHAT?!" Bobby asked incredulously.

I had told him I had succeeded in taming her temper, but he had no idea we'd gotten married. I grinned and motioned to Tiffany.

"Show him." I said with a smile.

Tiffany nodded and reached into her purse, retrieving the pregnancy test and holding it out.

"I meant the other thing," I said through clenched teeth, as I rubbed my fingers across my forehead,"although they now know the second surprise."

"Oh, sorry." she apologized. "I'm still just so excited about it!"

She put the test back and proudly displayed her "Sheriff's Wife" badge.

"Hey, that's a nice gesture." Bobby acknowledged. "Congrats! I'm glad things have worked out for you; I really am."

"Thank you." Tiffany said politely. "That means a lot to me."

"You know, I'm getting kinda hungry." I said suggestively. "How about if we call Mom and Pop and have them meet us at the Beef Barn for dinner?"

"Sounds good to me!" my former brother-in-law responded. "They'd love to see you again."

"They won't want to see me again, though, I'll bet." Tiffany added. "I understand though."

"You're my wife now. It'll be fine." I replied. "I'm sure Bobby's told them how you've changed."

"I have, but they're still a little skeptical." he said. "Sorry, Tiff."

"It's okay." she said quietly. "I understand, believe me. I wouldn't want to see me either. I can't believe who I used to be."

"Come on." I said encouragingly, as I put my arm around her. "We can talk about it over dinner."

Around forty five minutes later, we arrived at my favorite restaurant in the area. It was built like an old barn, with wide open spaces and quite a Western flavor. Wagon wheels and cowhides decorated the walls, along with a myriad of other cowboy kitsch. They were famous for their steaks, but my favorite was always the prime rib.

"Hi Mom! Hey Pop!" I greeted them enthusiastically, as we all hugged.

Tiffany was standing awkwardly to the side, and I motioned for her to join us.

"I'd like you guys to meet my wife." I said with a smile. "I know you used to know someone with her name that looked just like her, but trust me; that person no longer exists."

"It's very nice to see you again." she said respectfully. "Please accept my deepest apologies for who I may have been before. I am very ashamed for the things I have done and said, and I hope that you will forgive me. I know it's a lot to ask of you, but perhaps one day we can be friends again."

Bob Sr. and Lynn stared at one another in stunned disbelief. There was no way that this was the same bitch that had once been engaged to their son.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Tiffany?" Lynn inquired, as she reached out and hugged my wife. "Bobby told us you were a different person, but we didn't think it was possible."

"Neither did I." their son admitted. "Jack must have had the patience of a leopard."

"More like cheetahs." I replied, and Tiffany and I both laughed at the inside joke. "C'mon, let's go in and see if we can get a table for six."

We were seated at a round table on one end of the dining area, and the hostess left menus for us.

"I don't even need to look at mine!" I exclaimed, casting it to one side.

Bob laughed.

"Let me guess, the prime rib?"

"You know me too well." I admitted.

"So Tiffany, how have you been these past few months?" Lynn inquired, as our waitress arrived with glasses of water for everyone.

"Very well, thank you for asking." she replied politely. "It was a pretty hard transition at first, but Jack had a lot of faith in me. He worked very hard on my manners and attitude. I feel horrible for the way I used to act. I am so ashamed of what I have said and done to all of you over the years. I hope you find it in your hearts to forgive me at some point.

"It took a few months, but I was finally able to overcome most of my hate and frustrations with life. Oh, speaking of life, there's a little one on the way! We're going to be a mommy and daddy!"

"That's wonderful!" Lynn burst out. "Isn't it Bob?"

He nodded grudgingly, still not fully convinced this wasn't some sort of elaborate act on her part. The waitress took our orders and left, so we continued our conversation.

"Jack was so patient with me." Tiffany continued. "He's taught me a lot about country living and how to work with other people. They have this whole collective thing going, where a not of people in the community raise meat and vegetables and trade for stuff. It's a whole life I never knew existed, until he introduced me to it. Now, I can't think of anything else I'd rather do, or a place to be."

"Well, I'm glad you like living there." Bob responded, reaching out for the whole wheat loaf of bread and accompanying jar of real butter on the cutting board in the middle of the tasble.

Instead, he accidentally knocked Tiffany's glass of ice water over, causing it to run onto her lap. She yelped and stood up, looking at her wet jeans.

"I am so sorry!" Bob apologized, fully expecting her to fly off the handle and make a scene. "I must need new eyeglasses or something."

Tiffany reached out and picked up one of the cloth napkins, and tried to soak up as much of the liquid as she could.

"It's okay." she replied, as she daubed her waist with the absorbent material. "Lucky it wasn't red wine or tomato juice."

"Right now, it just looks like you peed your pants." I responded dryly. "Tomato juice would have looked much more embarrassing."

My wife let out a giggle and set the napkin down.

"Why don't you go to the Ladies Room and take your jeans off and use the hand dryer on them?" I suggested. "You should be back before dinner arrives. If not, we'll send Amalie to get you."

"I'll just go with her." Amalie said. "I need to use it anyway, and wash my hands."

The two women left for the restroom, and I glared at my former father-in-law.

"You did that on purpose, Pop!" I said accusingly. "That wasn't very nice."

He shrugged.

"There were a lot of times over the years I didn't want to just spill it on her, I wanted to throw it in her face." he explained. "I really thought she was putting on a show, and that she'd jump up and start screaming at me. Not only did she not throw a fit, she actually laughed at your comment! I've never seen her smile before, let alone laugh like that. I guess she really has changed."

"She has." I replied, as she and Amalie returned and sat down.

"All better?" I inquired. "Got your bladder issue all fixed?"

"Yes Sir." she answered with an affirmative nod and smile. "No harm done."

Bob looked uncomfortable.

"Actually, there was." he said quietly. "I did that on purpose to see how you would react. I'm sorry."

"But why?" Tiffany asked. "I told you I was sorry for how I used to be."

"I thought you were acting." he admitted.

"No Sir." she replied. "Being with Jack really has changed me. I know y'all are going to find that hard to believe, but it's true. He has made me very happy. Don't worry, I hated his guts at first - no offense, Sweetie - but he made me see how ugly a person I'd been."

"I believe you." Bob said contritely. "Again, I apologize for what I did."

"No worries." she said cheerily, as our food arrived. "You can make up for it later on by picking up the check."

Bob was uncertain how to respond, and I grinned.

"Believe it or not, Pop," I said with a laugh, "that was actually a joke you just heard coming out of her mouth."

"Imagine that," Tiffany said with mock stoicism, as she cut her baked potato open and dropped a glob of butter into the slit, "humor emanating from my mouth instead of profanity."

She smiled and gave me a kissy face, before slicing off a chunk of steak.

"Ooh, god Jack." she mumbled, with her mouth full. "This is really good! Don't get me wrong, I love your venison, but there's just something about a different recipe once in a while that makes it delicious."

She paused for a moment and smiled.

"Plus, there's no cat cooties on it." she said with a wink.

"Cat cooties?" Amalie echoed. "I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere, but what am I missing? Do your kitties like to nibble on your food or something?"

"Oh, I have a couple of cheetahs." I responded casually. "If a deer makes the mis-steak of jumping the fence, they become one. They drag 'em home and I give them both a leg and then have the rest butchered up. I haven't had to go deer hunting in quite some time now."

Amalie looked bewildered and went back to her food. Bobby chortled and looked at me.

"She's a city gal too." he explained.

"Come visit us sometime." I invited. "She'll be amazed at how differently we live."

He chuckled, and we went back to our wonderful steak dinners. An hour or so later, we were standing outside saying goodbye to Bob and Lynn.

"It was great seeing you again, and catching up." I said.

"Same here." Bob replied. "To both of you, and I mean it. If you ever come up this way for a few days, you're both welcome at our house."

"Thank you." Tiffany said, throwing her arms around him and giving him a huge hug.

We followed Bobby and Amalie back to their house so we could load all of her stuff into the back of the SUV from the garage. Bobby had assured me it would all fit, and I wouldn't need to rent a trailer. We spent close to two hours packing and repacking all the boxes until everything finally fit, with no room to spare. By the time we were finished it was dark, and crickets were chirping loudly outside in the cool air of the upstate New York evening.

"Wait!" Tiffany suddenly called out. "Did you pack my Christmas ornaments? I don't remember seeing a box marked fragile or anything."

"Shit." Bobby muttered. "I totally forgot. I'm sorry. Let me get the box of Christmas stuff out. You can go through it and take what belongs to you."

He retrieved the box and opened it, so that she could pick through and get her personal ornaments.

"These belonged to my grandmother." she explained, as she carefully removed several antique glass ornaments from the box.

They were beautiful; hand blown and covered with silver and enamel. They were so old that the silver had long ago tarnished to a shiny black surface.

"We'll have to be careful with these." I observed. "They've got to be really fragile."

"There's a box with some packing peanuts that was delivered yesterday." Amalie piped up. "Let me get it."

She returned a short time later and everything fit nicely. The only problem was that there wasn't any room left in the car for the box.

"Oh no!" Tiffany wailed. "I got my Christmas stuff, but now there's no room left at the inn!"

"We'll make room." I said gently. "Don't worry, Sweetheart. We'll get your ornaments home. We'lljust have to repack some of this stuff again, that's all."

"Thank you." she said with genuine feeling.

Another forty five minutes or so, and I had turned enough boxes on their sides to accept the final parcel. I closed the hatchback and sighed.

"All done." I said with a yawn. "Let's get going and find a motel outside of town. It'll be cheaper."

"You'll do no such thing!" Bobby asserted. "We still have a spare room. You can stay here tonight and head out in the morning."

"Thank you, Bobby." Tiffany spoke up. "That is very kind of you."

I locked the car, and we followed our hosts inside. To say they had done some redecorating since Tiffany had been ousted from the house was an understatement! I looked around and saw new carpeting and furniture everywhere, and there was a set of floor to ceiling bookshelves on the far end of the living room, laden with hundreds of volumes. The loud and brassy Italian influence had been replaced by a more moderate look, and the transformation was remarkable.

"Wow," I commented, "y'all've been busy."

"It was time for a change." Amalie stated. "I'm from the Midwest, and the ranch look fit a lot better. Besides, I needed space for all of my books! I'm a bookworm of sorts in case you hadn't noticed."

"I would have never guessed!" I laughed.

"Well, you know where the room is." Bobby called out. "There's towels in the bathroom closet, so help yourselves when you get up. G'nite!"

Tiffany and I closed the door and pulled the covers back before undressing.

"How's your neck feel?" she inquired.

"A little stiff." I replied. "Why."

"Lay on your stomach." she instructed. "I'll rub your shoulders and back for you. I'll get you all nice and relaxed so you'll be refreshed to drive in the morning."

That was a first! She really was becoming a dutiful wife. I had never asked for a back rub before, so this was a pleasant surprise. Tiffany ran her hands around the base of my neck and shoulders, kneading them firmly in her hands. I sighed as she continued down to my back, working out the kinks that I wasn't even aware were there.

"That feels nice!" I said quietly. "You do that very well."

"There's something else I do very well that will feel even better." she whispered softly in my ear. "Turn over."

I rolled onto my back and she smiled at me. I knew what was coming, quite literally, and this was the first time she'd offered to do it willingly. I sighed as she moved in between my legs and took my cock into her mouth. Tiffany smiled as she slid her warm, wet mouth up and down the shaft of my penis; sucking it exquisitely.

"Mmm, you've been practicing!" I sighed quietly. "That feels really nice, Tiffy."

She didn't answer, but flicked her tongue all along the underside at the same time. It wasn't long before I knew I was going to cum, and I let her know.

"Here it comes." I whispered hoarsely.

"Mm-hmm." she replied through her nose.

I groaned as quietly as I possibly could, given the circumstances, and ejaculated inside of her mouth.

"Mmm!" she responded, as she took it all and swallowed.

She continued for several more seconds, milking every last drop she could, before pulling her mouth from my dick and smiling at me.

"Feel good?" she inquired, as she sat up and faced me.

I nodded in reply.

"Yes, Sweetheart." I replied. "That was wonderful, thank you."

"You're quite welcome." she said, as she snuggled up against me. "You've been so nice to me and understanding. I wanted to do something nice for you for a change."

"Well you know... if you did that more often, maybe the pregnancy test wouldn't be positive," I joked with a facetious smile, "but I'm glad it is."

"Me too." she agreed. "I still can't believe this, Jack! A few months ago, I was a heartless bitch with nowhere to go and no one to even care about me, let alone love me. Now, I'm happily married to a wonderful man, with a child on the way. Even more in the future, I hope. I couldn't be happier Jack. Thank YOU."

"Mmm, you're welcome." I said quietly, as I snuggled up against her. "I love you, Tiffany. I never thought I would ever say that, but I do. I'm glad you're my wife too."

We embraced for several seconds, and I turned off the light.

"Get some sleep." I suggested. "You're driving the first leg tomorrow."

"And for what do I deserve THAT honor?" she inquired into my ear, as she kissed me gently on the cheek.

"I always make a wrong turn trying to find the interstate." I replied. "You know these roads, so you're the captain on the way out."

"Okay." she agreed. "Good night, Jack."

"Good night, my love." I responded.

All too soon, morning was there; annoying me with its presence. Why did it always have to arrive so damned soon? We rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom, feeling our way in the dark. It was still rather early and we didn't want to wake Bobby or Amalie just yet, so we decided to shower in the dark. It was something I was used to doing in my own house, but not someone else's.

"You know your way around." I whispered. "Turn the shower on."

We enjoyed a very nice shower together; one of us standing to one side and freezing our ass off while the other got the hot water. We finally finished and toweled off, hanging the towel over the curtain rod. By the time we returned to the spare room and got dressed, Bobby was up and had all the lights turned on.

"Well, we're ready to head on out." I said cheerily. "Thanks for letting us stay the night."

"You guys want some breakfast?" Bobby inquired. "I can make some eggs and sausage or something, if you'd like."

"Nah, we're good to go." I replied. "Thank you for the offer though. I wanna get a good start. We'll stop for lunch, once we hit Pennsyltucky."

"Okay." he said with a smile. "Drive safe, Brother."

"Thanks, but she's driving first." I responded with a grin. "I'll let you know when we get in."

"Sounds good. Take care."

We got into the SUV and I promptly fell back asleep. Sometime later, however, I was awakened by Tiffany's voice.


I opened my eyes to see the entire interior of the vehicle illuminated by flashing red lights.

"What were you doing?" I asked sleepily.

"Sixty five in a fifty five." she replied. "I think. What do I do?"

"When he asks for your driver's license and registration, open your badge carrier to get your license. He'll ask you what it's for and you say 'Sheriff's Wife.' In the meantime, turn on the interior lights and keep your hands on the wheel."


Sure enough, a New York state trooper strode up to her window and peered in.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?" he inquired authoritatively.

Tiffany shook her head.

"I haven't a clue, Sir."

"You were exceeding the posted speed limit by almost ten miles per hour." he informed her. "License and registration please.

Tiffany opened the badge case and pulled her driver's license out.

"What's the badge for?" the trooper inquired.

"Sheriff's Wife." she replied. "This is my husband."

I waved casually.

"Hey Brother." I said nonchalantly. "I was letting her drive because I was too tired. We're headed back to North Carolina with some of her aunt's stuff. We aren't familiar with the roads here, so I guess she missed the signs. I really do apologize."

The trooper nodded.

"No problem." he responded. "Just so that you know, it's double nickels until you hit the interstate, so keep it under sixty. Have a nice trip, and please drive safely while in the state of New York."

"Yes Sir." I replied. "I will see to it. You have a wonderful day, now."

"You as well."

Tiffany pulled back onto the road and set the cruise control for fifty seven miles per hour.

"Now, see how easy that was?" I asked, as the trooper's red lights faded around a curve in the road behind us.

"I'm still shaking like a leaf!" she answered.

"It'll get easier." I said confidently. "Pull into the rest area when we get into West Virginia and wake me up. I'll drive the next leg."

When Tiffany woke me up, it was well into mid morning. I was surprised at how deeply I had slept. The drive up had taken more out of me than I realized, but now, I was wide eyed and ready to take over. We used the facilities, and then got some candy bars from the canteen to keep us going until we stopped for lunch and to refuel. Some time later, as were passing through northern Virginia, Tiffany suddenly pointed to a sign for another cavern.

"Can we stop there, Sir?" she inquired.

"I thought you were sleeping." I replied.

"I was, but I woke up." she explained. "Can we? I love going through these caves for some reason."