Tina's Torpedoes Ch. 04-05

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The secret is out and Stan teases Angie mercilessly.
7.3k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/03/2015
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If you're looking just for the sex scenes skip to Chapter 5. Chapter 4 is all about plot and character development. I would like to think that Chapter 5 is hot enough to make Chapter 4 worth reading anyway.


Chapter 4: The Secret Comes Out

While Stanley and Sarah were talking in the basement Tina and her mother were having a very different conversation upstairs in the kitchen. As they sat at the kitchen table Tina had explained her little plan to "educate" Sarah.

"Tina," Angela asked, "Don't you think that, after the schtuping she just got from Stanley, Sarah may not want to go back to Biff?"

"I'm counting on it, Mom," said Tina with a smirk.

"That's not your decision to make, young lady," Angela said sternly.

"Mom," said Tina defensively, "He treats her like crap. She deserves better."

"That's still not your decision to make, Tina," Angela shot back, "She has to figure that out for herself."

"So how is it going to hurt," said Tina, "to give her some additional information to help her draw a conclusion?"

"Still," Angela answered, "one of these days your meddling is going to get you into big trouble."

Changing the subject the mother asked, "Do you want some coffee? I'm about to make a pot."

"No thanks," said Tina, "I never did understand how you can drink coffee this late in the day and still get to sleep at night."

"I still have blood in my caffeine stream," said Angela as she opened the cabinet and reached for the coffee can.

She hummed as she worked. It occurred to Tina that it been a long time since she had heard her mother humming in the kitchen. Angela had taken her husband's sudden departure pretty hard. Angela had dragged herself around the house sullenly for nearly a year. But, in the last couple of weeks Tina had noticed that her mother was returning to her old self. There was a spring in her step. Her sharp sense of humor was returning. She was dressing to show off her body again. One possible explanation suddenly dawned on Tina. She figured that it couldn't hurt to ask.

"So, Mom," Tina said, "who's the lucky guy?"

Angela almost dropped the coffee can. Regaining her composure she said, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on, Mom," said Tina, "You can't fool me. Ever since Dad took off you've been grumping around the house. But, in the last two weeks or so you've been smiling, joking, and humming like you used to. You've got your old confidence back. You're showing all the signs of a woman who's getting it good and getting it regularly. So, who's the guy?"

"I don't think that's any of your business, young lady," Angela said stiffly.

Tina looked puzzled and said, "I don't get it. We've always been open about sexual things before. Why is it different this time?"

"I'm entitled to some privacy," said Angela, "Just because you enjoy bragging about you sex life doesn't mean that everybody does."

"Oh, puh-LEEZE!" Tina exclaimed, rolling her eyes, "Gimme a break, Mom. Where do you think I got that from? You've given me a blow by blow description of almost every guy you've fucked since you lost your virginity in the seventh grade."

"Eighth grade," Angela corrected.

"Whatever," said Tina, "You've even given me some pretty detailed descriptions of your early years with Dad. Why can't you tell me about this one?"

"I just don't want to talk about it. That's all," Angela said she started scooping coffee into the basket of the drip maker.

"I don't see why..." Tina stopped and her eyes went wide as a horrible thought hit her. "Oh. Mom," she said fearfully, "he's not married. Is he?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Angela shouted angrily, "How could you even think such a thing after what I've been through?"

"I've been through it , too, you know," said Tina sullenly.

Angela took a deep breath and said softly, "I know. I'm sorry. This hasn't been easy on you either."

"Why can't you tell me?" Tina asked sounding worried.

"It's complicated," said Angela in almost a whisper.

"Mom," said Tina earnestly, "you once to me that things are only as complicated as we make them. You're starting to worry me."

Angela stood silently looking at her daughter. Tina was so much like she had been at that same age. She was trying to help and Angela knew that, at some point, she and Stanley were going to have own up to their affair.

"Is it someone I know?" Tina asked, "If it is, that's not a problem, even if it's Stanley."

Angela dropped the full coffee scoop from her hand spilling grounds all over the counter.

Tina's eyes went wide again. This time she was smiling. She was sure that she had just figured out what was going on.

"It is. Isn't it?" she said.

"It is what?" said Angela pretty much knowing what was coming.

"It's Stanley!" Tina exclaimed. "You're getting a regular dicking from Stanley!"

"Maybe a little," said Angela sheepishly.

"Mom, there's nothing little about Stanley," said Tina.

Angela smirked and said, "You said a mouthful," then after a pause added, "so to speak."

"Sorry," Angela continued, "bad choice of words."

"Actually, it was almost perfect," said Tina laughed, "Except that he's way more than a mouthful."

"You've got that right," said Angela sharing in the mirth.

Angela finished cleaning up the spilled grounds, poured water into the drip maker, pushed the start button, and joined her daughter at the kitchen table.

"So, why did you think that you couldn't tell me?" Tina asked.

"We weren't sure how you'd take it," Angela answered.

"Mom," said Tina, "I love Stanley. He's been my best friend and has been for a long time. But, I'm not in love with him. I don't have any exclusive ties on him. I mean, what we were just doing in the basement with Sarah should prove that."

"I know, dear," said Angela seriously, "But, it's a different sort of thing to find out that your best friend is doing your mother. That's what we weren't sure about."

Tina thought about what her mother had said for a moment then said quietly, "That makes sense. You're right. That's a different thing. I still don't have a problem with it"

"You're not mad?" Angela asked.

"About you fucking Stanley? No. About you not telling me? A little. But, I'll get over it," said Tina with a smile.

"We really didn't intend for it to happen, you know," Angela said.

"You don't have to defend yourself, Mom. It's all cool," said Tina, "Truth to tell, you were getting so down in the dumps I was half thinking of trying to set you two up anyway."

"Well, I'm glad we dodged that bullet," said Angela as she arched one eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tina asked defensively.

"It means that you have got to stop meddling in people's lives, young lady," Angela said sternly.

"Mom, can we talk about this later?" Tina whined, "How did it start with Stanley?"

"Innocently enough, I guess," said Angela.

"So tell already," said Tina.

"Well," Angela began, "Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when Stan was supposed to help you with you math homework?"

"Wait a minute," said Tina, "Stan? You're calling him Stan?"

"Why not? It's a man's name," said Angela, "You've said yourself that he's a man in every important way."

"Truth," said Tina nodding.

"Anyway," Angela continued, "He came over to help you with your math homework and, if you'll recall, you stood him up."

"I got a little preoccupied," Tina said in self-defense.

"With the basketball team" Angela said with a smirk.

"Only three players," said Tina.

"All right," said her mother still smirking, "Only three players. In any event, Stan sat down to watch TV in the livingroom to wait for you. I was in a bad way that day, maybe at my worst. It was about a week after the divorce had been finalized. I was feeling lonely, rejected, and worthless. I wasn't sure that I could keep going."

"I didn't know that you were that bad off," said Tina softly.

"And I didn't want you to know," said Angela, "you've been having your own problems adjusting."

"I could have tried to help," said Tina,

"I know, Honey," said Angela, "But, It's my job to support you, not the other way around."

"Things being what they are, Mom, we should be supporting each other," said Tina.

Mother and daughter sat silently for a moment just looking at each other.

"You've got a point," said Angela, "We'll work on that. Anyway, I was at a point where I could sort of see the light at the end of the tunnel and was half hoping that it was an oncoming train. I almost felt like just sitting down on the tracks and letting it run over me. I sat right here in this chair and started crying.

Stan must have heard me because he turned off the TV and came in here to see what was wrong. He didn't say a word. He just pulled up a chair next to me, put his arms around me, and held me while I cried."

"That sounds like something he would do," said Tina, "He's good that way."

"He is," Angela said, "He's patient, too. I must have cried for ten or fifteen minutes. He just sat there quietly holding me while the cry played out. Even then it was another five minutes or so before he finally asked me what was wrong. I told him. He still didn't say anything except to ask an occasional question.

We just kept talking and, at some point we started kissing. It was wonderful. I hadn't been held in so long, and I certainly hadn't been kissed. It was a deep, long kiss. He wasn't making any demands. He wasn't asking anything of me. He was just holding and kissing.

When we finally came up for air we were both kind of embarrassed."

"Embarrassed?" asked Tina.

"I was kissing my daughter's eighteen year old best friend. He was kissing his best friend's mother. That's not a situation that comes up every day. Neither one of us were sure how to deal with it," said Angela.

"That would explain why the two of you were so awkward with each other the next day," said Tina.

"Was it that obvious?" asked Angela.

"Pretty much," said Tina, "You were tiptoeing around each other and going kind of out of your way not to actually touch each other. And you were both being waaayyy more polite than is normal for any five people, let alone you two in this house."

"Oh my god," said Angela with an embarrassed chuckle, "we must both have looked like idiots."

"Close enough," said Tina with a grin, "I mean, I thought I knew why he was there. He was supposedly there to help me with the math that I hadn't shown up for the night before."

"That's exactly why he was there," Angela said defensively, "I had asked him to come back and had assured him that you would be there."

"I remember how adamant you were about that," said Tina.

"You have to keep your grades up, young lady," Angela said kicking back into parent mode, "Math is your one real weak spot and Stan helps you with that."

"Okay," said Tina, "so is that's the night you decided to seduce him?"

"I didn't decide on anything except a tutoring session," said Angela, "None of the rest of what happened was planned."

"I believe you, Mom. I really do," said Tina, "So, how did it happen?"

"Well," said Angela, "You two had been at the math for a couple of hours..."

"Right," said Tina, "That's when I got that phone call from Sarah. She needed a shoulder to cry on."

"As usual, she seems to spend most of her time doing that," said Angela, "Well, I figured that you and Stan had worked hard enough for one night and let you go."

"I remember that," said Tina, "You said that you were going give Stanle- I mean Stan a ride home."

"You'll get used to it," said Angela, "it took me a while to do it consistently."

"So what happened after I left?" asked Tina.

"Well, my plan was to give him some dinner and then drive him home," said Angela, "I thought that it was the least I could do after what he'd done for me the previous night."

"He really made you feel that good?" Tina inquired.

"Honey, I hadn't had a man's arms around me in nearly a year," said Angela earnestly, "and the fact that he was so gentle and patient to boot made me feel alive again. It was the best I'd felt since before your father left. That night was also the first good night's sleep I'd had since then.

Anyway, I called his mother to make sure that it was okay for him to stay. Then we had dinner and started talking. Eventually the subject got around to what had happened the night before."

"Like things weren't awkward enough already," said Tina.

"True," said Angela, "But, neither one of us had the slightest idea how to approach the subject or what to say about it."

"So what did you wind up saying?" Tina asked.

"Well," said Angela, "for the first fifteen minutes or so we said a frightening number of really stupid things. I had no idea that either one of us were capable of being that completely inane.

So we temporarily dropped the subject and started cleaning the dinner table."

"You ate in the dining room?" Tina asked with a smirk.

"Yes," Angela answered as she blushed a bit.

"Did you turn down the dimmer on the lights?" Tina asked, by this time grinning.

"A little," said Angela like a contrite child.

By that time Tina was doing everything she could to not laugh out loud as she said, "And I'll bet that you had a couple of extra button undone on your blouse."

"That'll be enough of that, young lady!" said the mother angrily.

"Oh, get real, Mom," said Tina still grinning, "You may not have done it deliberately, but you were in full seduction mode."

Angela rolled that statement around in her mind for a minute or two then said, "You're right. I was."

"Stan had to have figured that out at some point," said Tina, "He's not stupid..."

"No, he's not," Angela agreed.

"...and he's not made of stone," said Tina.

Angela smirked and said, "Well, part of him is."

Both women exploded with mirth at that.

"And he stays that way for a long time!" Tina said when she finally caught her breath.

"Don't I know it," said Angela.

"So how did this actually start?" Tina inquired, pulling them back to her mother's story.

"Well Stan helped me clear the table. He even started trying to clean up the kitchen," said Angela.

"I'd place bets that it was less to be helpful and more to delay the inevitable," said Tina.

"You may be right about that," said Angela, "We sat down on the couch and started talking about the night before again. We agreed that it was really nice but that it probably shouldn't happen again.

After a while we started talking about other things. We were sitting very close and he had one arm around me. He was slowly stroking my arm. That's when we started kissing again."

"That was the point of no return then," Tina observed.

"Not really," Angela said, "One or the other of us could probably have pulled back from that.

I can't speak for him, but the point of no return for me was when he did that thing with his tongue and his index finger."

"Which thing?" Tina asked, "He's got a dozen tricks he does that way."

"He gently licked the inside of my ear," said Angela, "then he traced a line with his finger down my throat, across my collar bone, and down my cleavage. I don't think I've ever shivered like that at a man's touch."

"Yeah," said Tina, "I don't know how he does it, but he makes that finger feel like a feather. It drives me crazy."

"That's what it did to me, too," said Angela, "I knew, at that point, there was no turning back. We spent the next two hours making love."

"Making love?" asked Tina skeptically.

"Yes," said Angela resolutely, "we made love. Everything we've done since could reasonably be called 'fucking each other's brains out'. But, that night we made love."

Tina's brow was furrowed as she listened to her mother.

Angela reached across the table and took her daughter's hands in her own and said, "Honey, that night he was kind. He was caring. He was gentle, and loving," she paused then added, "He was also inexhaustible."

They both laughed.

"He was everything that I needed that night," Angela concluded.

Tina asked with some concern, "Mom, you're not..."

"...Falling in love with him?" Angela finished her daughter's sentence for her, "No. Not any more than you are. But, like you, I'm not going to let that big dick get too far away from me either."

As both women, once again, fell apart laughing Stan and Sarah emerged from the basement.

Chapter 5: Now what?

"It sounds like you two are having a good time," said Stanley as he emerged from the basement with Sarah following close behind.

"We've just been comparing notes, Stan," said Angela.

Stanley froze. He and Angela had agreed that she wouldn't call him 'Stan' in front of Tina until after they had told her about their affair, and that they would tell her together.

"Don't go weird on us Stan," said Tina, "the cat's out of the bag. I know about you and Mom."

"I didn't tell her," said Angela, "She worked it out for herself."

Stan looked at the two women and said, "That figures," he gesture toward Tina and addressed Angela, "we probably wouldn't have been able to hide something like that for too much longer." Then he turned to Tina and said, "You don't sound upset."

"Only that you didn't tell me, you rat!" Tina shot back smiling.

"Tell you what?" Sarah asked, "What's going on?"

"Stan and Mom have been doing the Horizontal Mambo for a couple of weeks," said Tina off handedly.

Sarah looked at Stanley with a look of amazement and said, "You and Mrs. Torpedowicz? Wow!"

Whatever changes her opinion of Stanley had gone through up to that point got set in stone and raised two notches with the news.

"Wait a minute," said Stan addressing Tina, "you're calling me 'Stan' now?"

"Yeah," said Tina, "I think Mom's right. It fits you better."

"It does. Doesn't it?" added Sarah.

"Hold it," said Stan, "Don't I get a say in this?"

"No!" said three women in unison.

"Okay. Just asking," Stan said with a shrug.

"Tina," said Sarah, "I should probably get home soon."

Angela got up from the kitchen table and walked to the counter where she had left her purse.

"I can't let you walk home dressed like that, Sarah," she said.

"I walked here like this," said Sarah, "as long as I keep the jacket closed nobody will notice the dress."

"I know," said Angela as she fished out her car keys and handed them to Tina, "But it's still early in the spring. The temperature has probably dropped and you'll freeze out there dressed like that." Then she turned to her daughter and said, "Would you be a dear and give her a ride home, please?"

"So that you and Stan can have some time alone?" said Tina with a grin. That launched her and Sarah into s giggle fit.

"Don't get smart with me, young lady," Angela barked sternly, "I'm still your mother!"

"Face it, Angie," said Stan, "She's going to kid us mercilessly about this for a while."

"Angie?" said Tina incredulously, "You call her Angie?" she turned to her mother and said, "He calls you Angie? I thought you hated that name! You didn't even let Dad call you that!"

"I know," said Angela with some embarrassment, "But, when he says it's kind of cute and I kind of like it."

Tina rolled her eyes and said, "I don't believe this." Then she said to Sarah, "Let's go."

With that Tina and Sarah skipped down the hall to the garage chanting, "Stan and Angela sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."

"You stop that right now, young lady!" Angela shouted.

She turned to Stan for help, but he was completely helpless with gut wrenching guffaws.

"And you can stop laughing!" she yelled.

Stan shook his head and squeaked, "No I can't." Then he flopped down in a kitchen chair because he could no longer stand.

When she heard the door to the garage closed she put her hands on her wide, sexy hips, tried to look stern and said, "You were a big help."