To Late to Talk About It

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Something we need to talk about, another sequel to Niccie's.
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The reader is cautioned to read the original story by Nicci. This is only one of many possible sequels.

Jonathan tossed and turned the entire night. Sleep kept avoiding him yet the sun finally came up, shining in his face, burning in his memory, the evening before.

In terrible turmoil, Jonathan climbed off the couch and staggered to the bathroom to pee and wash his face. Looking in the mirror over the bathroom sink, he saw pain, despair and emptiness. He smashed the mirror, cutting his right hand in the shards as they flew around the bathroom. Turning, he screamed to the empty house. He felt the demon possessing his wife laughing at him, taunting him and calling him the wimp of wimps.

The idea of living a cuckold's life caused him intense pain, anguish and searing anger. He moved to the bed he and Susan had shared for so many years. Looking at it, he saw Susan sneering up at him. She had another ghost in the bed with her and they were fucking and laughing at Jonathan.

Jonathan bent over the bed and beat the shadows until the pillows flew into a thousand pieces. He beat the imaginary figures of Susan and her lover. They continued lying on the bed laughing at him as Susan gave herself to her lover. Violently Jonathan beat the bed as he tried to destroy the imaginary figures who taunted him. Finally, Jonathan jumped onto the bed to stomp the figures but they just laughed at him and continued to fuck. He fled to the kitchen.

The house was quiet but everywhere he heard Susan's words shaming him and deriding him. When he opened the refrigerator, she whispered insults at him from somewhere. He drew back, her image appeared glaring at him and teasing him with a cock in her hand like a dildo, fucking her pussy and sneering at him. She told him what a wimp he was and how he couldn't defend himself from her adultery. Her eyes were red like coals of fire burning into his soul. Jonathan jumped back slamming the refrigerator door.

He ran from the house screaming and crying only to fall off the front steps onto the cement walkway. He sat, crying, his hands covering his face for what seemed like an eternity.

Finally he picked himself up, trudged back into the house and called work. When his Bose's secretary answered the phone, Jonathan said nothing. She asked who was calling again and again but he said nothing. Jonathan hung up. He was confused. Should he tell them anything? He just sat on the floor with the phone in his lap. He heard Susan call him from the bedroom. When he got there she was lying in bed with a man's cock in her hand, using it like a dildo. Her eyes were light bright coals and he saw horns growing from her forehead. Jonathan ran down stairs. He missed a step and fell, hitting his head and knocking himself unconscious. Sometime later he awakened with a severe headache. He recalled Susan upstairs.

Wandering around the house in turmoil, he knew he had to find out who was this person that Susan was fucking. He needed to know. He had a right to know. He felt the call to administer divine justice.

Jonathan called the police and asked them if they would take Susan in and force her to reveal who she was fucking. The voice on the phone laughed at him and derided him. Jonathan felt the world was against him. He got a very angry at the negative answer. The laughing finally stopped and he was told to hire a private investigator. He heard the voice calling him a wimp cuckold.

He shuffled through the yellow pages. After several calls he found a private investigator that could see him that morning.

Before going to the investigators office, he went by the bank and withdrew all the money in his account. He asked for all one dollar bills. The bank did not have that many one dollar bills and told him he could get it in the morning. If he wanted all his money that day, he would have to take twenties and hundred dollar bills. He took all his money and rolled it tightly, put rubber bands supplied by the cashier and stuffed the money into his pockets.

He drove his trusty friendly old Ford to the investigator's office.

Jonathan gave the office assistant all the information needed. He squinted at the forms as he filled each one out completely. When he didn't know an answer, he put something in the blank anyway. When he had to write down Susan's name, he saw her laughing at him through the paper. After the papers were completed, he wrote a large check off his empty bank account to the Investigator. Then he pulled one large roll of twenties and laid it on the desk. He told the assistant that was her tip for getting him everything he wanted.

Jonathan then was ushered into another small office where the investigator got up to shake his hand. Jonathan asked the investigator to get him the name and address of Susan's lover by the next day. When the investigator balked at such a short time, another roll of twenties appeared. The investigator told Jonathan he would have the information by the following afternoon. He left without another word.

Jonathan returned to his house. Susan had returned and was cleaning up the mess left over from the night before. As Jonathan entered his house, he determined to allow Susan to believe that he had accepted her adultery and was going to put up with it. To that end he greeted her but without warmth. As he looked at Susan, he saw her face and body turn into an ice carving. Inside the clear carving he could see a demon staring at him. Jonathan backed off and fled out to his truck. Sitting in the truck he looked at the house that once was his. He saw his yard full of "For Sale" signs and a large sign covering the front of the house with the words "WHORE / CUCKOLD HOUSE" in large red letters. Then he saw smoke coming from the front door. Like a long arm with a wispy hand the smoke swirled into his cab through the closed window, suffocating him with the smell of fresh sex, cum and pig pen. He ran from the truck down the street until he was free of the stench. The cool air brought him back to his senses and he walked back again. This time the signs were all gone and his house appeared normal.

Susan came to the door to greet him with a hug and kiss. Jonathan did not respond.

"Susan, I have decided to let you have your way. Nevertheless, I need some time to recover before we can continue our life as before. I cannot kiss you or return your hug yet. Give me time please. Someday soon, perhaps tomorrow, we will get through with this."

"Thank you, Jonathan. Last night I was afraid you would not see things as I see them. Everything between us can be just as I had hoped. I can see you love me and want me to be happy. I won't push you. Someday wee will be back together as man and wife." Susan cooed.

Jonathan excused himself to the guest bedroom, closed the door and called the PI to tell him that Susan was home at this very moment. He was instructed to do everything to keep her there inside until her car could have a bug placed with a GPS transmitter without her knowledge.

Jonathan went downstairs and confessed that he had broken the mirror in anger earlier. His eyes were cold and his speech tone was flat and emotionless.

"I have taken the day off, Susan. I want you and me to be together here just the two of us while the children are at your parent's house. I don't want to talk yet, just for us to be together inside our house."

He wanted her to stay inside long enough for her car to be bugged. He knew that his plan was coming together. It would not be long until he and Susan would be together without the demon in her and without her satanic lover stealing her from him. Jonathan was not going to share his wife. It was not going to happen again. He knew of an alternative neither she not her lover had considered. He needed no legal advice to make his perfect plan work. He wanted no counseling from family or friends.

He was at peace with himself. His plan would work perfectly so he had no need for anxiety. Jonathan felt calm and detached from the life of turmoil Susan had brought upon him.

The next afternoon he got a phone call. The PI told him he had completed his report and asked Jonathan to come to his office to go over it.

He got in his old pick-up and drove to the PI's office.

Arriving, he was ushered in politely. The PI showed him the information. There was an address, pictures of Susan's lover and house, and other information which Jonathan did not need. Jonathan thanked the PI and wrote out a final check, thanked the assistant and turned to leave. The PI asked what the information was to be used for.

"For my own purposes" was his reply. "You have no need to know as from here on it's all my business, not yours." With this Jonathan drove home to retrieve his old 12 gauge Winchester pump hunting gun. He ruffled through the box of Federal high field load shells. Taking out six, he carefully loaded the pump action with three and slipped another three in his pocket for reserves just in case he needed them. He found the truck gun rack and reinstalled it into his old pickup. He put the gun in the gun rack. .

After supper, he told Susan that he was going hunting the next day.

"Don't expect me home for supper tomorrow, Susan. We will soon be dining together forever in the heavens." He smiled at Susan and gave her a warm hug. "I love you very much. I know that I have had to share you but I'm also sure that tomorrow you will be only mine."

Susan wondered what he was talking about. She didn't intend to give up here lover tomorrow. She wondered how Jonathan could have become so gentle and sweet after his intense initial outrage. Susan couldn't figure out why the change but she was thankful to have her happy life with her lover and her husband back again. She was glad that she had confessed and gotten the response she had so badly wanted from Jonathan.

"I'm going to bed early, if you want to join me, that would be wonderful but if you are tired out from fucking your lover, I'll understand. I am at perfect peace. You need have no concerns about our happy eternal future together beginning tomorrow." With that and a hot shower Jonathan retired.

Susan came to bed much later but there was nothing left sexually for Jonathan that night. She fingered herself a little, feeling her lovers cum in her vagina. She tasted her lovers cum. She scooped out a little and reached over to coat Jonathans cock tip as he slept. She smiled in contentment knowing she had successfully cuckolded her loving wimp of a husband. She would have the loving sex with her husband and the wilder sex with her lover. She took possession of two cocks. She was thankful Jonathan didn't force sex on her after her long afternoon with its three wonderful but different orgasms with her lover.

The next morning, Jonathan was up early. He was bright and cheerful. He shaved and put on his very best clothes. He dressed exactly as if he were going to church. He went in and kissed each of his children good bye. Each got a warm hug. He knew they were going to school and then later to his parents house while Susan visited her lover. He told each one he loved them very much and for them to be good. He told them that he would not see them for a long time but they should be good. Their grandparents would take good care of them.

Jonathan left quietly, after leaving Susan a note telling her he would see her later.

Jonathan went to his favorite greasy spoon diner and had a high cholesterol, high fat breakfast of his favorites. Cheese grits, sausage, two fried eggs over lightly, toast and coffee. He chatted amicably to his waitress. He left a twenty on the table. Then as if not thinking, he pulled the last roll of twenties from his pocket and slipped it into her hand with the admonition to always be faithful to her husband thereby showing her love for her children.

Jonathan drove first to his parents' house. He told his parents that the children would be coming to stay with them after school. He asked his Mom and Dad to raise them just as good as they had raised him. They were confused. Jonathan reassured them that he loved them and that his children loved them and would depend on them. He explained that he had a heavenly wedding to attend and that was why he was all dressed up. Before they could ask any more questions, he hurried out to his faithful old Ford and drove to Susan's lovers house address. Parking a half block down the street, he went over the PI's files again.

He had a picture of her lover and the house. He checked again the address and picture of the house. They matched perfectly. He sat and waited, watching for Susan's arrival.

Susan arrived an hour later. She pulled into the driveway and on to the back of the house. Jonathan got out of his truck. He hurried closer to watch her knock on the back door. Her lover greeted her with open arms and a sensuous kiss as they embraced in the open back door. Then they disappeared inside unaware of Jonathan's presence only a few yards away.

Going back to his pick up, Jonathan again checked that shotgun was fully loaded. He knew it was powerful enough to accomplish his destroying the satanic lover and his demons that had taken over Susan. Walking to the front door, he knocked and then rang the door bell incessantly. Standing so that he was not visible from the front window he waited patiently and calmly. He checked and rechecked the safety to the on position. Jonathan was calm cool and collected. His turmoil was soon to be over.

"Who's there?" inquired the male voice from behind the front door.

"UPS Delivery!" answered Jonathan in his best official voice.

The door opened slightly and as it did Jonathan pushed his way inside. Pointing the gun at the man's chest, he commanded, "Call Susan to the front room and the two of you sit on the Love seat! DO IT NOW!" He waved the gun menacingly.

"Susan" the man yelled.

Susan appeared in the doorway. Jonathan pointed the gun at her.

"Sit" he commanded, motioning to the love seat with the shotgun. He pointed the gun at the man and then motioned him to sit beside Susan. Susan began to cry. The man sat silently, shivering, his face pale with fear as his hands sweated and fidgeted. He was truly scared.

"Don't cry Susan." Jonathan spoke to her lovingly and softly. "Today you are going to be all mine and only mine for eternity. Our happy marriage is going to be restored for all eternity just as we promised in our wedding vows."

Jonathan cocked the gun. It gave out a hard metallic clanging as the first shell slipped into the firing chamber. He looked at the pair. Both were in panic. He switched the safety to off. The little red dot shone as if it were a ruby.

Jonathan pointed the gun at the man. "What's your name?"

"Henry" he blubbered. I'm not the man you want.

Jonathan pulled the PI's photo of Susan's lover and compared it to the man sitting in front of him. The photo and the man's face were the same.

"Liar" yelled Jonathan.

"Because you lied to me I'm not going to kill you and let you go to heaven.. You will die a thousands deaths here in the evil world before you rot in hell. You will never fuck another person."

Jonathan aimed the gun at the man's chest. "Stand up and spread your legs you bastard. Remember what fucking my wife felt like forever. You will never fuck another person!" Jonathan yelled in anger.

The gun tip touched Susan's lovers genital. Then Jonathan pulled the tip about two feet away. The room was filled with the roar and shock of the blast. The genitals disappeared along with considerable other parts. The man fell backward onto the Love seat. Jonathan saw the demons fleeing the scene. He had been successful. Now he only had to start his own journey to meet his wife in paradise. Jonathan pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed 911.

"This is Jonathan. I'm at 112 Gold Street. Please send an ambulance and the police. My wife's lover is seriously injured. I am going to meet my wife in paradise. Good bye to this cruel world filled with demons." He gave the address again and laid the cell phone on the floor, still connected to 911.

"Susan, you are first to go to heaven. You will wait for me." He commanded. "I will not share you. You should have known that. I forgive you but you must pay the price for allowing Satan's demons to live in you, thus destroying you, me and our earthly marriage and my happiness. We will live happily together forever in heaven, free of demons and Satan's evil influence over you."

The morning paper recorded a mayhem, murder and suicide at 112 Gold Street.

The wimp cuckold husband had conquered the demons. His adulterous wife and her treacherous conniving predator of a lover had paid the consequences in full.

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NoBullAlNoBullAl3 months ago

Piece of crap story!! Posted in the wrong place…. Should have been in Horror or maybe not posted at all!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Nici's original is a fail in that it was supposed to be two strong believable real characters no MSR, narcissistic disorders etc ... yeah right. Fail.

This was grammatically better and more focused than this author's previous sequel attempt. It is concerning that he seems to write the husband as self righteous with religious overtones, even moreso this time, leading to triple homicide and further abandonment and traumatization of the three children all because he was cuckolded. Hopefully this is just the author writing fantasy fiction and not reflecting and projecting their issues and inner beliefs.

servant111servant1116 months ago

Fundamentally off...and not in a good way...

2 stars

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

2 stars only because you tried writing. Otherwise, this was beyond bad, totally failing Nici's work. Should've tried another story, original or otherwise. Bob

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0358 months ago

How was he not pathetic in this version?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nope, not my sort of story.

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazier11 months ago

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 A much better end to NICI's pathetic trilogy.

Of course, it would be better if the cheaters died and the husband continued on with his life. After all, he is the wronged party. Why should he bear any punishment? He didn't cause the situation.

Why would he want her that bad anyway? A whore isn't going to heaven. So, he killed himself for nothing.

So glad these aren't real people and events.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Too much gore. Divorce would be nice instead.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Pretty pathetic

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Rubbish author trying to hard to be smart. Using demons to make him the really put upon hero when all he is is a nut case

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