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Indian wife's lover becomes extra demanding.
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"Today, I will also be taking you up the ass."

He said it so nonchalantly, like telling me what he was ordering for dinner. And he moved his finger slowly from my clit to my asshole and pressed it gently.

"Don't I get a say in it?" I winced as his finger pierced my anus but also got goosebumps.

He took his hand away and sat up, making my naked body slide off him. We had just finished having sex for almost an hour during which I got more orgasms than during my entire ongoing marriage. I hated how good he was at sex. And I hated myself for liking it so much.

"You always have a say. The door is right there!"

I sat up too, annoyed. That was a trump card he kept playing. Do what I like or get the fuck out, I'm not your husband! This time though, he followed it up with a rare display of tenderness.

"I'll be careful. And you said you were curious. And had tried it." He said putting his palm on my naked ass and pulling me over to his naked body. My breasts slammed against his side. He kissed me. I hated how well he kissed.

"Just tried. Not did." I said, slowly stroking his thick snake that I was addicted to.

It always ended up like this. He would say something obnoxious. I would get upset. He would not care. I would sulk a little. But then remember why I was with this asshole in the first place. And start stroking his cock.

"What is the difference?" he asked, rubbing my clit with his knee. He really was worth the self loathing.

"My husband just about pushed the tip in. Many years ago. When we still had the spark left. But his foreskin...He is not circumcised... pulled back in a painful way. So he didn't try it any more."

"No such problems with me. I'm circumcised and experienced!"

He pushed my fingers up and down his big circumcised gorgeous cock. The one and only reason I let myself get debased on a regular basis by this obnoxious almost sociopathic man. This cock.

There's something messed up in my head. There's no insulting comment someone can leave here that can surpass the loathing I often feel for myself. But the orgasms make up for it.

I've never liked him and my husband barely tolerates him. He was never even really a friend, but rather friend of a friend of a friend. We only met him at large parties. He was always the guy at the center of all the attention and making jokes at others expense. The textbook bully from every high school movie. His family's wealth gave him a very alpha arrogance. That most people found off-putting. I would later realize that it was literally big dick energy.

"So wait....He felt the pain. Not you?"

I was wondering when he would notice that. He was great at picking up on vulnerabilities. Why I was one of the many married women he banged on the side. At parties, from the looks I got when we did casual conversations in front of our spouses, I could tell who else was an adulteress like me. Who was looking at me from the corner of her eyes, envious that I was the hottest of his harem now.

He had never told me the names of the other women he slept with. Saying he didn't tell them my name either. But he dropped enough hints that I figured out most of them. I mean if you tell me you fucked a woman on a tennis court, who else could it be but Maya who was always playing tennis? I was sure that other women knew of me, not just from their looks, but also this.

"It was uncomfortable. But not painful."

And I smiled at the unusual new sensation all those years ago. I had really wanted my husband to shove it in properly. I had wondered about anal sex for ages. But he felt pain and decided that so did I. I had told him to try it with a condom on to help with the foreskin. But he said no, it's fine, like he wanted to spare me the pain. Which, knowing him, he sincerely did.

Why could I not just tell my hubby that I actively want to try anal sex? I don't know. It was a different time. I was a different person.

"So you want to try it too."

I smiled and looked away.

He looked jubilant. This was as much of a green signal as he was going to get from me. He knew how to play me. It had taken him years to talk me to his bed. He often told me I was his hardest "conquest".

In the initial years of our tertiary friendship, we barely exchanged a few words. We met maybe once or twice a year at parties with mutual friends. It was just hi-hello on the surface. But his eye was different. And I could tell. I could tell that he was "interested" in me.

He didn't start off saying it explicitly of course. He is too smooth for that. But I could tell. A woman can generally tell. The way he would almost wait until I was completely alone to just materialize out of nowhere and start making humorous small talk. And compliment my looks in a classy way. Make me blush. Tell some really good jokes.

But if we were in a group with others, he didn't talk to me as much. He did often throw me a meaningful smile while someone else talked, as if to share a personal joke. But generally in a group, he talked mostly with the husbands. Hugging his wife often as he talked.

In the initial years, I found it dorky and charming. His very obvious "PUA" moves but without the "begging". His slick ability to flirt without flirting. Suggesting things without saying anything, in ways that the men didn't notice but his targets did.

That was when the husband and I were in the prime of our sexual lives. Which isn't saying much, in hindsight. But at least I was satisfied with my home bed and not looking even remotely for a dalliance. I was that innocent naive believer in monogamy.

So in those years, his flirtatious attempts held just amusement value for me. And boosted my ego that this handsome guy, even if a bit of an asshole, obviously has a crush on me.

But then the embers started cooling off at home rapidly after our second child. Childcare and the rat race combined to turn my marriage into something like a chore. And the sex suffered.

My husband is a good husband and a good father and overall a good person. And he's a pretty competent lover. Decently sized too. But middle age and career pursuits took their toll. And he kind of stagnated sexually.

"I'll go down on you first though. Been a while since you came."

This guy said and did stuff my husband never even thought of. It had been fifteen minutes since my last orgasm. Hardly an eternity. But he kept getting me off and keeping me hooked. My husband seemed to be getting less interested in sex with each passing year.

Whereas somehow, motherhood changed me in the opposite way. Especially after the second baby when I was ready for post partum. When it took a strange form. Perpetual horniness.

I had been the typical monogamous middle class career woman till then. Running around with that checklist of a good college, good job, good husband, happy marriage, healthy kids, great house and school for kids, enough money for nice vacations, and all that took up most of my time and mental space since puberty. Leaving very little for sex or my body.

It's not like I was a virgin or repressed. I had boyfriends in college. I had sex. I liked it too. But it was never as much of a in priority as it is for guys at that age. My priority was stability and conventional happiness.

Motherhood and crossing 30 also coincided with financial stability, even affluence. Suddenly, it was like my checklist was finished. And maybe I could get around to actually enjoying life!

So I was ready to start soaring and exploring the ocean when my mate was happy just nesting and tending to the nest. And climbing higher in the tree.

It's not like I woke up one day and decided, I'm going to start cheating on my husband. No one thinks of being an adulteress as a life goal.

But I do clearly remember the first time I started the thought process for sure. It was during an unusually dry phase at home. My husband had a really crazy stretch of work and also extended family commitments. And I on the other hand, had more free time than ever, having nicely settled into a comfort spot in my career and kids pretty much independent and mostly at school or at after school activities or with friends in the safe suburban neighborhood.

I was just always horny! Always!

It really threw me off at first. I seriously thought something was hormonally wrong with me. I got a full obgyn check-up and bloodwork done. Normal! Turns out I was a sexual being and it had taken until my late 30s for it to really start playing a part in my daily life.

It's not like I started cheating right away. I tried to keep it within the house.

My masturbation frequency shot up ten times. I actually moved my hours of work such that I would have the house to myself after the kids went to school and the husband went to work. And then I'd just get in the bath with the shower head and bring myself off over and over until I was too exhausted. Then take a nap and head to work.

After every orgasm, I was like, I get why young men are always jacking off. They have the free time and head space and carefree attitude to experiment with their bodies. We women on the other hand, often start a war with our body at puberty that only ends at menopause, if ever.

I wonder if my colleagues at work noticed that I was slipping away to the bathroom very often these days and thought I had a UTI or something, haha. But it was to go and quickly rub one out if I was starting to feel horny and finding myself staring at a good looking colleague a couple of seconds too long.

I was not and still am not stupid enough to even think of a work romance. Not in my line of work. But men around me started entering my fantasies as I played with myself.

"Ohhh that's so good!" I moaned in genuine appreciation. He knew how to use his tongue to insult you but also to excite you. I grabbed the bedding, knowing he wanted to get me off soon.

It's as if he feared that if I got out of that orgasmic dopamine boost zone, I would realize what an asshole he was and walk away. Why he would almost always fuck me till I was so exhausted and satisfied that I'd pass out. And then he'd leave the room while I slept. On his own terms.

I was now a proper adulteress but for a long time, I tried to resist.

The next stage after serial masturbation was sex toys. I had never bought one. I asked a few girlfriends and got a few recommendations and discreet online links. A couple of dildos and a vibrator.

In the final weeks of my faithful life, I think I was masturbating once an hour, in addition to the long baths alone. Sex with my husband was down to once a month or so, even with my multiple attempts. He was in line for a Directorship at work.

Something was missing and it was starting to make me perpetually tense and crabby. I started snapping at my husband and kids and even colleagues for the tiniest reasons. It got worse during the periods. Not the pain. The horniness!

"Okay, get on this pillow on your stomach so we can get your ass nice and ready for a buggering."

He touched my butt and pushed. I obediently moved.

The first time he had made a physical move on me is when I realized, maybe it was actual male touch that was missing.

It wasn't too blatant. He's smooth like that.

We had just run into each other at a party and we were doing that friendly hug that male and female friends not sleeping together do. With a half inch gap everywhere. Like we had done many times before.

But this time, he brought his lips close to my ears, put both his hands on my waist over my dress, gave a quick firm squeeze, whispered rapidly "you're looking so hot today!"

Then he let go of my waist, stepped back, gave me an intense look and moved on to say hi to someone else.

I found myself more turned on than shocked or offended. I went to the bathroom at the party venue and masturbated, imagining him ravaging me.

I tried to avoid him the rest of the night. He must have picked up on why.

The next day, I got a text from him.

- Last night was fun. You looked amazing. You free for lunch? I have the afternoon off and finished a meeting near your place.

Later in one of his cockier moods, he had chuckled and said there had been no meeting. He could just read in my eyes that I was ready to be taken.

I did make him wait fifteen minutes and figured out all the pros and cons. Also deluded a part of myself saying it's just an innocent lunch. And replied.

- Sure. I'm free till 4 when I have to pick up the kids. Just come home. I'll cook.

His reply had been swift.

- c u xoxo

He had shown up right away. I had opened the door in a robe over pyjamas, often what I wore when home alone. Hardly sexy wear. He walked in. Made some small talk. He stood in the kitchen talking to me, giving me compliments. I dutifully blushed.

Finally he made his move. He got really close to me and said,

"I'm sorry if I'm crossing a line but I find you irresistible."

"Ummm...." I stupidly said trying to think of something.

He went in for a kiss. I didn't pull away. He pulled me into an embrace. A married man making a move on a married woman.

That first time, he went really slow, as if to not scare me away. Gently kissing leading to more kissing leading to groping. He made out with me around ten minutes before attempting to disrobe me.

He first took off my pyjama bottoms, keeping the robe on. Moving my panties to the side, he went down on me. It was heavenly. I came so fast and so hard, that he knew I was ready for the taking.

"Oh wow." I said as he pulled down his pants.

I had heard rumors that he was a big boy but whoa, this was porn like! I spread my legs instinctively.

"Open your mouth wide."

"Just put it in me."

"No, you need to suck it first. Get it nice and wet with spit so it slides in easier."

He had just given me really good head so I felt obliged to return the favor. I opened my mouth to give him a blowjob.

But he grabbed my head and started face fucking me instead. Hard. It took me by surprise and made me gag and cough.

"Gently." I said between coughing.

"Shut up, slut!" he said and face fucked me even harder. With a feral intensity my husband had been too decent to ever try.

That got me wet and desperate to have this thick dong inside me. It was stretching my mouth to the limit. What would it do to my cunt?

I was about to find out. He laid me flat on the sofa after stripping me naked.

"Has a man ever hit bottom with you?"

I stared at him confused.

"You'll find out."

He put the tip in and pushed. I inhaled and grabbed his arm.

"Damn you're tight! Did you have C-sections?"

I shook my head and closed my eyes as the cock went in even more. And more.

"Unghgggggg!" I could not believe the girth and that I was able to keep taking it.

"You'll take it, bitch, and you'll like it." he growled into my ear.

I had liked it. Liked it a lot.

He did hit bottom with me. It almost felt like it pushed against my throat, it was so deep inside me. I came hard and loudly, as he slapped my face throughout. Gently. Never leaving a mark. But showing his dominance.

He fucked me thoroughly that day, to half a dozen orgasms. I was elated.

He left well before I had to go pick up my kids.

Who commented on the spring in my step the next day. As did my husband.

I did feel happier than I had ever felt. But I could hardly tell my family that it was because I was having an affair with an orgasm machine.

The guilt was sporadic. It was strong when it came. I compensated by being the doting mother and wife.

But once a week, I was getting pounded hard and licked hard and fingered hard to multiple orgasms by that asshole. And it somehow worked for my family life too.

That justification eventually won through and I was convinced that I could have my cake and eat it too. It's not like I was denying my husband sex. If anything, I managed to get things hotter in the bedroom with him too. Whatever lingerie or other sexual knick knacks my arrogant lover got for me, I also turned around and used with my husband, presenting them as my own purchases. He was thrilled!

I remember when I brought home the butt plug with other things. Hubby examined it keenly, especially the shiny red handle.

"I'm trying to imagine how this would look between your butt cheeks." Hubby said and giggled.

I wanted to tell him, it's already been there. My lover fucked me earlier in the day after inserting this "gift" in and I loved it. And I wanted to repeat the sensation with my husband.

"You wanna put it in?" I turned my naked ass towards him.

"Hehe no, looks uncomfortable."


Things my husband just talked about and fantasized about and giggled about, He would actually do. Very well.

He had been putting the butt plug in me regularly. And it did make sex better. He eventually got a bigger smoother one. That with his dick in my pussy, made me feel so stuffed, just that sensation generated orgasms like clockwork.

And that's what had brought us here. Me turned over on pillows, my naked ass pointing at him, my ass cheeks flexed open.

"I'm first gonna get it nicely lubed in your pussy."

And he fucked me hard in the cunt, creaming it well. I was very close to an orgasm when he pulled out. And then I felt it. The tip pressing on my butthole.


"Yeah." I said, putting a pillow between my teeth.

And it went in. My butt almost convulsed with the intrusion. But it felt nicely warm. Way nicer than the metallic butt plugs.

"Oh fuck it's big!"

I mean I was liking it, but damn, was it a workout! It was this continuous struggle to accept the pain and move past it to the pleasure. Which I was able to.

As he started reaming my asshole, I could feel the mother of all orgasms coming. He kept kissing my ear lobes and muttering dirty stuff in my ear, calling me a slut shamelessly getting ass fucked by someone else's husband. That made me cum. Hard.

After ten minutes of this, he flipped me over and entered my cunt again. And my butt suddenly felt the absence of that rod.

Half an hour later, I was a drooling blabbering mess as he fucked me alternately in all 3 holes, working me harder than ever. And I impressed myself by not missing a beat. It helped to think of these sexual bouts as athletic achievements.

Later as I was moaning, after swallowing his cum, he spanked my ass lightly.

"Good job, babe. You felt really good up there. You should try your husband to give it a go too."

He got up and started getting dressed.

"I'm thinking tomorrow, we will try DP."

"DP?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Double penetration."

"I know what it is. You want to bring another guy into this?"

"Yeah.... Don't worry. No one you know. Not even from this country in fact."

And with that he left. Leaving me wondering how a threesome would feel.

I thought about it all the way home, continuing the dopamine high a day with him always gave me. I cranked out a superb dinner that day. And then we had family board game night.

As we retired to our bedroom, I started taking my clothes off. And said to my husband.

"Today, I want you to fuck me in the ass. And I won't take no for an answer."

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

What a day?!!! Fantastic.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Providing the backstory through flashbacks without interrupting the flow was done really artfully.

Do hope that you will add more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

"Today" deserves to be followed by "Another Day".

Do keep writing. This one was masterfully written.

cdman55cdman55about 1 year ago

How can anyone say they hate a story & author but read it until the end to give a comment. But hey if thats your kink hahaaaaa. You negative folks love it... just admit and enjoy the story. Its just fantasy. And this is a hot dirty erotic cheating sex story. You rock as always Shiprat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

nothing but another one of shitrats dirty tales... a wife who places her moist hole more important then her family! Deludes herself that .... hubby will find out and bitch will be history...

If she was needing more sex did she talk to her hubby?. no... so its hustified for her to have a cock on the side .. and have hubby for security? What a cunt!

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