Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 13


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"The guy smiled, struggled out of bed in his Good Devil briefs with more than just a noticeable bulge showing, 'You sure have some nice tits Michelle and one very fine ass—and those blonde pubes... hmm... anytime your boyfriend needs some help—I'm available!' The frat rat was smiling a shit-eating grin as he left the room when Terry answered him, 'Sorry fella, but I won't be needing any help with this one—she's all mine!'

"I shook my head, struggled out of bed, stumbled around finding my blouse and jeans scattered across the room!

"I looked at Terry, 'Shit! I can't find my bra, cheekini panties, or my sandals!'

"Terry laughed, 'Don't worry about it, I'll come back later and pick them up—let's get dressed and get out of here.'

"I slowly got dressed, my hair was a mess—sticking up on end! My makeup was smeared all over my face. I slipped on my low cut front tie blouse. My boobs were free and bouncing gently, nipples looking perky through the thin white rayon/polyester fabric. I slipped my jeans over my bare butt and walked barefoot out of the room!

"When we were leaving, our new friend along with the rest of FIJI frat rats formed a tunnel, clapping, cheering, and chanting 'Michelle! Michelle! Michelle!' The frat rat chants were a whole lot different than the chants during a Tiger basketball game when I was ripping the nets!

"I was walking the FIJI 'Congratulatory Walk of Shame' for spending the night in the FIJI house, a frat rat tradition at Tiger. I was so embarrassed! I hid my face in my hands while Terry was giving everyone high five's as we walked down the frat rat tunnel out of FIJI house."

Angie was laughing, "Damn Coach, you sure had some awfully good times at Tiger! Did you ever get your bra, panties, or sandals back?"

Michelle grinned, "Terry went back that afternoon and retrieved my sandals, but not my bra and panties. I suspect they are hanging in the FIJI house along with other memorabilia left behind by other coeds who spent the night and made the 'Walk of Shame' the next morning!

"I really had some great times at Tiger back then! I was a happy- go-lucky girl—playing and coaching basketball, in love, enjoying sex with my boyfriend every chance I got without a care in the world—little did I know what was going to happen to me over the next several months when my world started falling apart and then finally came tumbling down before I went to Europe to coach USA Juniors."

Jamie was giggling, "Michelle, at least you did the 'Walk of Shame' with your then boyfriend!"

Michelle sighed a deep sigh, "Yes Jamie. Back then, Terry and I were in love and he was the guy I fell in love with—not what he became after we got engaged. Well actually, maybe it all started sometime before Homecoming when Charlie started filling Terry's head full of ideas before he left for Europe for a threesome and we, Terry and I, should enter into an 'open relationship,' you know having multiple sex partners before we tied the knot. I just didn't know it back then."

Misti quickly asked, "What threesome? Who is Charlie? What happened between you and Robby? Who is this guy Terry? I mean, during the game, you mentioned how excited you were when Robby took that first snap under center. And now you were about to be engaged to Terry? So, something must have happened for you to call off your engagement with Terry—right? Was it him wanting to do a threesome with Charlie or what? Unless I missed something, with Robby coming to State's homecoming game against the Tigers you and Robby must be back together—right?"

Michelle, now realizing 'new ears' were at the table, responded, "Well, I guess you could say that..."

I was still pissed at Angie for opening her big mouth and butted in with a harsh voice, "Do you all want me to continue to tell the story about Tom? Yes or no?"

Everyone looked surprise at the tone of my voice, nodding their heads, 'yes.'

I sarcastically replied, "Thank you. Now, if I may continue, Ma told me the story of how Tom's Dad, Taza wanted to name Tom, 'Geronimo,' and how she had to persuade him otherwise with several rambunctious sessions in the bedroom.

"They finally agreed to name Tom, 'Tomasso Diablo Underwood'—Tomasso after Anne's Dad and her Italian heritage. Diablo after Taza's Apache heritage. In Apache, both Taza and Diablo meant 'warrior and chief.' It was important for Taza that his son be a strong leader, 'warrior and chief' of his people and not a follower.

"I guess when Tom was maybe five or six years old a mine explosion in West Virginia killed all the miners, including Anne's husband and her dad. Anne had nothing left in the world except Tom since her mother, Maria, had passed away about a year and a half earlier from lung cancer.

"Anne and Tom moved back to Dragon at the end of Tom's first grade school year in order to be close to family—Maria's sister, Dona, still lived on the outskirts of Dragon and her brother, Marco, lived nearby between Baytown and Dragon.

"Dona and Marco never really favored Anne marrying Taza, even though Maria and Tomasso were all for the marriage.

"Anne and Taza were high school sweethearts. Taza was a multiple sport athlete playing football, baseball, and running track. Anne was a majorette in Dragon's band.

"Anne and Taza planned on going to the local Community College in Baytown together after graduation where Taza would play football and run track. However, their plans changed when Taza got drafted by the military right out of high school.

"Anne spent the next two years at Baytown Community College getting her Associate of Arts degree in business while Taza completed his military obligation. Anne and Taza got married the summer Taza returned home from the Viet Nam war. Shortly after Anne and Taza got married, Tomasso moved the family to West Virginia to work in the coal mines. Tom was born a year later.

"Anne was working as a bookkeeper for Dragon Independent schools when she met James about a year after she moved back to Dragon. James was insurance agent and a year later they got married. James adopted Tom when he was eight with the stipulation Tom would never forget who his Dad was or his Native heritage.

"Pop has always been like a Dad to Tom, raising him as if he were his own—never forgetting to remind him of Taza and how his Dad proudly served in Viet Nam as a member of the United States Marine Corps.

"Pop continuously told Tom the story on how his Dad was awarded the Silver Star, the third highest military decoration awarded to a member of the United States Armed Forces, for extraordinary gallantry while engaged in military combat against the North Vietnamese army.

"Together they worked through all the prejudice in the community not only from the young boys and girls but from closed-minded adults.

"Tom was an outcast as a young boy because he was Italian and Native—called half breed or breed, poked and made fun of all day at school.

"Tom had only one friend growing up, John Bidzill Williams, another half Native boy whose Navajo Dad deserted John and his Swedish Mother, Oliva, when John was 2 or 3 years old. Oliva Williams and Hashkeh Naabah Hashke, aka, 'Angry Warrior' in Navajo, had a shotgun wedding and Hashkeh was always running around on Oliva, never giving her or their son the time of day until he finally deserted her. Once Hashkeh deserted Oliva she took legal action and got her maiden name back for both her and John.

"Oliva renamed her son John Bidzill Williams, choosing the native Navajo name Bidzill for John, which means, 'he is strong,' something Oliva realized her son would have to be to survive in the world without his Dad to lean on. Oliva never remarried and raised John as a single Mom.

"Pop instilled this attitude, determination in Tom at a young age, not to fail, be a leader not a follower and be proud of his Native and Italian heritages that no one is better than the other—he was not inferior to anyone! Tom's attitude rubbed off on John and the two of them became inseparable—always together, covering each other's back.

"In junior high Tom and John began to grow and so did their God- given ability in athletics. Tom was always involved in team sports— football, basketball, and baseball while John concentrated on the individual sports—wrestling, track and gymnastics.

"Once in high school they were no longer referred to as breed or half breed—both John and Tom were popular among all the students, becoming All State athletes. John in wrestling and Tom on the football field. Both received full athletic scholarships to State and today everyone saw Tom walk onto the field as captain of State's football team. Next Saturday, John will be part of the opening Olympic ceremonies representing the USA in wrestling.

"Tom's burning desire to never fail has gotten him to where he is today—and even in these hard times we're going through, he is still one special guy."

Misti sighed, "Sue, you are sooo, sooo lucky! Tom Sanders is an absolute HUNK! He is all I could ever ask for in a guy—I mean he is a guy to-die-for!! Soo, soo good-looking, clean-cut, built like a Greek god, smart, athletic, ambitious—really, what more could a girl ever want?"

Angie just laughed, "Misti, sounds like you are licking your lips and salivating at just the thought of Tom-boy, huh?

Misti never answered Angie only grinned a devilish grin ear to ear!

Angie let out a deep sigh, "Trust me Misti, I know the feeling all too well..."

Michelle interrupted Angie looking me in the eyes, "For heaven's sake don't make the same mistake I made, letting someone 'special' slip through your fingers—you'll never forgive yourself! I'm lucky, I got a second chance and if I can help it, I'm damn sure not going to fuck it up!

Michelle then directed her attention to Nancy, "The same advice goes for you!"

Angie sighed another deep sigh, "Listen to her, teammates! I made that mistake too, and even though things are going really good, well, actually closer to great between BW and me—I still regret breaking it off with Tom-boy and so does a certain University Cheerleader! Remember Sue, I was there and watched that 'knock out' University Cheerleader tell you, 'Don't make the same mistake I made,' while wiping tears from her eyes as she walked out of the Airline Center—remember?"

Jamie glared across the table at me, "Roommate, you need to really do some heart-searching—don't let a couple of one night stands influence you! I've walked in your shoes!

"My freshman year I fell in love with a certain freshman quarterback and before Christmas break, he had picked my cherry!

"We were lovebirds in a cozy nest for eighteen months! Our sophomore year he was the starting quarterback and I started on the court. During basketball season sometime in late February or early March I noticed a change in my quarterback and later found out he had been seeing a freshman cheerleader while I was away playing basketball. I was devastated when he told me, 'Jamie, it's been great, but it's all over. Time for me to move on!' And, just like that, Mickey Lucas walked out of my life!"

I was stunned beyond belief by what Jamie was telling me! I would have never guessed in a hundred years Mickey Lucas was the guy who broke Jamie's heart!

"It took me a while to get over Mickey but once I did, I vowed never to allow this happen to me again! Sure, just like Angie, I've had my share of one night stands, but when they were over, I never looked back! One night stands aren't meant to become long term relationships! They never work out! Fuck'm and leave'm was our motto—right Angie?"

Angie just nodded her head, 'Yes.'

"Now four years later, I'm in a relationship that will most likely lead to the wedding chapel. Both Kyle and I have had our share of disappointments, but we've found each other, love each other with all our hearts and that's what makes it so special!

"The same can be said for you and Tom before all the bullshit took place this summer, you and Tom were birds of a feather for sixteen months—getting ready to be engaged. Tom even had worked overtime on the freight docks to get your ring out of lay-a-way before school started!

"Think about it—do you really want to end up like Angie or Hot Tamale? John Williams fucked both of them for months on end then walked out of their lives—always looking for greener pastures! The same thing will happen to you! Play it smart like that University cheerleader did with the 'playboy'—one and done! Don't give him the pleasure of fucking the daylights out of you then dropping you like he did Angie and Hot Tamale.

"I now know why John Williams can't be trusted—being raised by a single mom, always playing individual sports. No wonder John has always has been 'out for himself' and can't be true to anyone—just like his Navajo Dad—like father, like son! In my opinion, John even stabbed his 'best friend' in the back and really didn't give a shit about doing it either! Remember roommate, it was Tom with help from you that pulled John out of that shit hole on skid row and got him into the rehab center. If Tom hadn't gone to bat for his best friend, John Williams wouldn't be in Europe representing the USA next weekend! Mind you, just my opinion, right Angie?"

Angie only nodded her head. My mind drifted back to the Dairy Queen when Debbie told me 'Sis, it'll work out just give it time. I'm through with John forever.' And, while John and Debbie were going strong, 'Sis, I have to wonder—does John really love me or does he just like fucking me?'

My mind continued wandering, remembering how John dropped Debbie like a 'lead balloon' when given the chance to fuck Sally in New Orleans New Year's night when the swapping between Sally, Steve, John, and Debbie started. And jilting her once again this summer that fateful night at the apartment when John dumped 'Sis' for another one night stand with Sally—leading to Tom and Debbie's one stand—which led to our relationship crumbling and finally collapsing four weeks later!

My mind was spinning faster than a merry-go-around remembering what Sally told me when we met at the high school, 'don't let a few bad weekends ruin what you and Tom had—the true love y'all shared before all this shit took place.'

I didn't answer Jamie, Michelle, or Angie and neither did Nancy. I definitely knew who the University Cheerleader was—but she was now happily married.

I never thought about it before Jamie's remarks, but in the back of my mind, I suddenly wondered was there was another University Cheerleader I never thought about? I continued to wonder—even though we'd agreed to put what happened behind us, if I kept being hard-headed and stubborn would my 'Sis' seize the opportunity to swoop down like a bald eagle snatching a fish out of water and lay claim to Tom?

After all, it was evident my 'Sis' and Tom had lustful feelings for each other even before that fateful night in the apartment—and, it was my fault that it ever happened!

I shook the cobwebs out my head remembering how I agreed to THE 'perfect plan' and when it backfired on Debbie and me—a strong sexual animalistic instinct was created deep within Tom to fuck Debbie and my Sis lusting for Tom to be the third cock to enter the sweetness of her womanhood! I guess, in a way, I had myself to blame for Debbie and Tom's one night stand!

And now, if Debbie seized the opportunity to lay claim to Tom, I'd have to shoulder the blame for not giving Tom and me a second chance.

Jamie's words were haunting me, my mind was swirling with thoughts of reconciling with Tom while I quietly sat at the dining hall's table.

Everyone was making plans for the evening. Once the team arrived back at State, Jamie and Angie would meet Kyle and BW at the Horseshoe. Donna would meet Billy at the Horseshoe along with Jimmy and Cathy while the two knock-out soccer players, Misti and Beverly, were also going back to the Horseshoe—most likely on the prowl to cheer up a couple of dejected State football players!

For some reason, I can't explain why, I wasn't overly concerned about Misti hooking up with Tom even though Misti was definitely a knock-out! But, all of a sudden my smokin' hot cheerleader Sis at University was a whole different story!

Nancy and I had mixed feelings about going to the Horseshoe, neither of us really wanted to be put into a situation of confronting Tom and Eddie—at least not right now anyway. Therefore, we just planned a quiet evening in our dorm room catching up on our little 'nitty gritty' secrets or else getting in some study time for our calc quiz on Tuesday after Coach finished telling everyone about her M-F-M, Devil's threesome experiences!

Everyone got up from the table, Misti and Beverly left for the Horseshoe, while the seven gossip queens headed to Michelle's room, to finish hearing about Michelle's recollection of her Devil's threesome experience—something she regretted ever consenting to just to please her then fiancé, Terry.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I've just got into following this series and so far, it's been great! I especially like the balance between sex and sports!! 5 stars from me!!

SweetMelodieSweetMelodiealmost 8 years ago

Having attended a major University in the SEC I truly enjoyed this Chapter. The build up to the big game, the game itself and of course the realistic sex scenes ...well done

BarbTBarbTalmost 9 years ago
This is one of the best series I have read.

Actually it is really the first series that my SO and I have read together. Beyond the sex, which always gets us started, my SO totally enjoys the sports portions. Myself, I enjoy the "nitty gritty" from the female perspective as much of what is posted on Lit is really from the male perspective or at least designed to appeal to the male. I am not into sports as I was in school before women's athletics became serious although what is now sideline cheerleading was the ultimate girl sport in my day. Yet I think the sports scenes give the characters depth.

Keep up the great work - your next story is always the first thing I look for when I come to Literotica. Take your time with Chapter 14 as great writing takes time, but hurry up so that we can find out when (not if, thanks to Chapters 11 & 12) Sue and Tom get back together. And do not worry about some low scores - your stories have rated a 5 with me for a long time - and it appears that the vast majority of voters agree with that assessment of your writing skills.

TigerPaw1010TigerPaw1010almost 9 years ago
Fantastic as always

Wow, what a piece of work. Love every twist, turn, and detail. These stories don't just appear without work, imagination, talent, and desire. Thank you, RCG! Please keep the entries cumming and don't be discouraged by the weak minded that hide behind the "anonymous" screen. Don't understand why that is even an option on this site. Maybe they should put a little energy into posting a work and see how it's critiqued since they are such "experts".

sexyjenny1995sexyjenny1995almost 9 years ago
A gresat story...

I think this is a great story by a gifted author....I can not for the life of me understand why people will vote this chapter a 2 and a 3... keep up the good work RCG...there are those of us who appreciate your talent and efforts!

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