Trailing Home Ch. 13


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"She's right, Natasha." Liam's deep voice, firm with conviction, had them both whirling to face him. "Now, give me the gun."

For the first time, Natasha's hands were shaking as she held the pistol, and she waved it back and forth between Liam and Selena. Natasha saw Marcia standing just behind Liam, and her eyes flared. "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough, Natasha. We heard most of what you said." Liam's voice was deceptively calm. Without taking his eyes off Natasha, Liam held out an arm toward his wife. "Come here, Selena."

Selena started to run toward him, but Natasha stopped her with a scream.

"Stop! Don't move, you little bitch, or I'll shoot you, I swear it." Natasha's eyes were wide and crazed as she looked between the other three of them. She finally pinned her glare on Marcia. "How did you know I was here?"

Marcia took a few cautious steps forward to stand beside Liam. "I followed you, Natasha. I saw you slip out of the house, and I knew you were headed here, so I followed you. Please put the gun down, sweetheart."

"Don't call me sweetheart! You've never loved me, and neither has Daddy." Natasha's voice broke on the last.

Marcia took a few more steps toward her daughter, holding her hands out beseechingly. "We do love you dearly, Natasha. We always have. We just haven't been able to understand what you wanted sometimes. I'm so sorry if I've hurt you, baby."

Tears were streaming down Natasha's face as she faced her mother. "It's a little late for your motherly concern, Mama. All these years, you've always compared me to Susan. 'Why can't you be more like your little sister?' you would ask me. Well I hate her, and I hate you. From now on, I'm going to do whatever I like."

"Natasha, please give me the gun. I can't let you do this. I won't let you harm Selena or Liam," Marcia said as she ventured closer still.

Natasha noticed for the first time that Selena had gone to stand next to Liam, and he was about to pull her behind him. "No!" she screeched.

Natasha aimed her gun at Selena and fired, just as Marcia knocked her arm upward. The shot whizzed harmlessly into the air as mother and daughter wrestled for the gun. Liam ran to help, but just when he was a few feet away, the gun went off for a second time. Natasha's face froze in horror, and her knees buckled beneath her.

"Natasha! Oh my God, Natasha," Marcia wailed, trying to cushion her fall. "Oh baby, please be alright."

A large red stain was spreading rapidly across Natasha's chest, and she gasped for breath. She gripped her mother's hand as the color drained out of her cheeks. "Sorry Mama. Sorry."

"Oh sweetheart, I'm the one who's sorry. I love you, and I'm so sorry I hurt you." Marcia was sobbing quietly as she watched her daughter take her last breaths. "No!"

Selena knelt beside Marcia and hugged her tightly while she wept. Liam stood beside them feeling helpless. After a long time, Marcia managed to stop weeping, and she took a shaky breath before turning to Selena.

"I'm so sorry, Selena," Marcia said quietly. "I had no idea that Natasha was capable of something like this."

"None of us did, Marcia. But it's not your fault."

"Yes it is," Marcia stated. "I heard what she told you. We should have protected her. We should never have let her go to that man's house for visits, but we thought it was what she wanted." Marcia gave a short, slightly hysterical laugh. "She always seemed to enjoy her stays over there. We had no idea that evil man was hurting our daughter. She was only an innocent little girl."

Marcia began to sob once again, and Selena rocked her in her arms. Selena looked up at Liam and her eyes were full of tears. "Let's take her home," she said quietly.

"I can't leave my baby here," Marcia wailed.

"We won't," Liam assured her quietly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. He turned to Selena. "Take Marcia back to the house, and I'll bring Natasha."

Selena rose to her feet and helped Marcia to stand. She put her arm around Marcia's shoulders and led her back to the house. Liam waited just a moment before he knelt and gently closed Natasha's eyes. He looked down at her with real sadness before lifting her body in his arms. They were halfway back to the house when Aidan and Brian came running to meet them.

"What happened?" Aidan gasped. "Naomi said there might be trouble. We heard shots." His eyes widened in horror as he saw Natasha's bloody form.

"Not now," Liam said quietly. "Let's get back to the house, and we'll explain later."

When they reached the house, Sarah ran to fetch a blanket. They laid it in the bed of Marcia's wagon and wrapped Natasha's body neatly. Marcia was clearly in shock, and she was trembling violently.

"Come inside, Marcia. Let me make you some tea," Selena murmured.

"No," Marcia whispered. "I need to get home and tell Gerald and Susan what happened."

"I'll go with you," Selena said quietly.

Liam grasped her elbow and drew her to one side to whisper quietly in her ear. "Selena, you should stay here and rest after what you've been through. Let Brian or Aidan take Marcia home."

Selena shook her head. "She needs me, Liam. I have to go."

Liam could see the determination in her face and he released a long sigh. "Alright, then I'll take you."

Selena and Liam did everything they could to help the Boyds deal with their loss. Gerald was just as distraught as his wife had been to lose Natasha, and Susan wept bitterly. They kept the details of what Natasha had told them from Susan, but when Gerald found out, he became almost violent. Liam took him outside to soothe him.

Neighbors learned quickly about Natasha's death, although no one told them about the circumstances. Everyone thought she had died from an accident, nothing more. Folks were quick to bring food and help with tending the family's needs. Due to her already frayed nerves, Selena left the washing of Natasha's body to other women, while she stayed with Marcia to lend what emotional support she could.

It was late evening by the time Selena and Liam returned to their home. They had left the Boyds in good hands, with several neighbors offering to stay with them through the night. Selena leaned against Liam as he led her up the stairs to their front door. They hadn't even entered when his brothers and their wives came running. Liam realized with a sigh that he had no choice but to fill them in on what had happened.

The entire family gathered around the table in their cabin, and Selena and Liam explained the events of the day. When the tale was completed, everyone sat in silence, thinking what a tragic figure Natasha had been.

"It's really a shame," Selena said softly. "Marcia told me once that Natasha had been a sweet young girl but she changed around the age of fourteen. Now we know why, but it was too late for anyone to help her."

Brian looked over at Sarah who was holding their tiny daughter. "I feel bad for Gerald. I swear I would kill any man who did something like that to my child."

"He's vowed to punish the man. Now that Natasha is dead, it would be impossible to have him tried for rape. He would just deny the whole thing. However, there are other ways to make him pay," Liam said with a grim frown.

"What is he going to do?" asked Naomi.

"His son is still back east. Gerald said Mr. Cooper's wife is the one who holds the purse strings. Her family has always been wealthy. Gerald, through his son, will make sure that Mrs. Cooper finds out about her husband's penchant for young girls. She will likely cut him off from her wealth and make sure he doesn't get any opportunities to hurt someone else's daughter. Also, Gerald said the man will be ruined in business. Once rumors of that sort begin to circulate, Mr. Cooper won't be able to get banks or other businessmen to give him the time of day." Liam looked around at each of them. "It's not the perfect solution, but it's the closest thing to justice that Gerald is likely to get for his daughter."

"What about Marcia?" Sarah asked. "How is she holding up?"

Selena cocked her head to one side and sighed. "Amazingly well. Marcia is a very strong woman, and she knows that Natasha's death wasn't her fault. Still, she has a lot of guilt over not protecting her daughter when she was a child and making her feel unloved. But at least Marcia still has Susan nearby and her son back east. I'm sure they will help her get through this."

"And she has you," Liam said quietly, laying an arm over Selena's shoulders. "She loves you like a daughter, you know."

Selena swallowed hard and nodded. "I know. I love her too. She and Gerald have been very dear friends to both of us."

Liam directed a look to each of his brothers, and Aidan was quick to rise. "We'd better go and let you two get some rest. You must be tired after everything that's happened."

They all filed out, giving Selena and Liam quick hugs as they went. Liam closed the door and turned toward the living room only to have Selena fling herself against him. She clung to him, and his arms closed tightly around her.

"It's alright, sweetheart," he soothed.

"Oh Liam, I feel terrible about what happened to Natasha, but I can't say I'm sorry she's gone. After what I found out, that she tried to kill me and killed our baby . . . I swear, I could have strangled her myself." Selena's slender frame was trembling with shock and suppressed fury.

"I know, Selena. I felt the same way. But she won't ever be able to hurt us again." Liam smoothed her hair and laid his cheek against the top of her head. "I just wish the rest of her family didn't have to be so hurt by what happened."

Selena released a shuddering sigh. "I can't help but feel sorry for Natasha. I can imagine what she must have gone through, having that man force himself on her." Selena squeezed Liam even tighter. "If it weren't for you, Jeb might have done the same thing to me." She was surprised to hear Liam chuckle, and she tipped her head back to see his face. "What's so funny?"

Liam gave her a lopsided grin. "As I recall, I didn't do anything to save you from Jeb. You had already beaten the man up by the time I caught up with you. In fact, you were so adept at escaping from him that I almost didn't follow you today. If we had left you on your own, you would have probably broken Natasha's nose too."

"I might have," Selena said with a small smile. "I certainly wanted to a few times."

Liam's expression abruptly changed to a disapproving look. "What I want to know is why you went with Natasha in the first place. Why didn't you call for me? I'm your husband. I'm supposed to protect you."

"I was afraid she would hurt you," Selena said, tracing his lips with her finger. "Natasha was obsessed with the notion of getting rid of me, and she would have hurt anyone who got in her way. I just couldn't risk losing you. You're more important to me than anything in the world."

"Well, I still am not happy that you went off with her like that," he grumbled. "If it weren't for your tender condition, I really would take you over my knee."

Selena bit her bottom lip while she smiled up at him through her lashes. "My condition's not that tender. And you remember what Hank said. I should do whatever it takes to make sure my husband isn't mad at me when we go to bed."

Their eyes locked in warm communication before Liam bent to kiss her. All their fears dissolved as their lips melded. Having their arms around each other reassured them like nothing else could have, and by the time Liam ended the kiss, their thoughts were already turned far away from the tragic events of the day and onto more pleasant paths.

Selena laid her cheek on his chest once more. "Take me to bed, Liam. All I want is to lie in your arms, with your baby growing inside me and know that we're safe and you're mine."

"I'll always be yours, Selena. God willing, we will grow old together and raise a dozen children."

"A dozen?" Selena said with a frown. "I was thinking of four or five."

Liam bent to nuzzle her neck. "Well, it's just that I know how fertile your field is. And with the way you're always trying to get me into bed, it just seems inevitable that we'll have lots of children." When Selena punched him on the shoulder, Liam opened his eyes wide as he gave her a helpless shrug. "Don't get mad at me. What's a man to do?"

"Oh Liam, you are impossible!" Selena sighed with a happy smile. "That's one of the reasons I love you so much."

Liam's expression was serious as he met her eyes. "I love you too, Selena, with all my heart."

When Liam scooped her into his arms, Selena wound her arms around his neck. Her heart was full to overflowing. The future still held many uncertainties. Crops could fail. The sorrows of life could still darken their door. But she felt confident they could face anything together. Selena had found her home, and it was in Liam's arms.

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appyBappyB7 months ago

Wonderful story. Well written and enjoyable from start to finish. So sorry that you seem to have stopped writing, unless you are publishing elsewhere, in which case good luck to you.

CanogagirlCanogagirl10 months ago

How I wish you were still writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

...but I still read it

Lots and lots of filler, some speed reading required...

too many ''lopsided grin''(s)

too much desire for lots of progeny

''the mule drug her a few feet'' to drag is a regular verb. However, in 'murrica, there's the odd hick town with the odd unedumenicated reporter who writes drug instead of dragged. Great education, usa!

Cookiemonster1993Cookiemonster1993over 5 years ago

I don't ever comment on stories here because most of them are to get a person off, however; this one is absolutely fantastic!! I started reading this thinking as a means to an end but after the first page of the first chapter it was all for the story itself. This author is incredibly talented and if he/she has not yet published they really should! All the best to you @haremgirl!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great Western

A great story from start to finish. I was impressed in the quality of writing.

Crusader235Crusader235over 5 years ago

I truly enjoyed this series from an amazing writer. It's a blessing to have her here on Literotica for a very few short years. I hope and pray she found sucess, and fortune in the literary world. Maybe one day in the future she will visit here again. Thank you Haremgirl, where ever you are!

silverace1silverace1over 6 years ago

Enjoyed this one too

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassabout 9 years ago
One of the best...

stories I've read here. As an erotic adventure story, it would be difficult to find any better. Thanks for all the twists and turns as these pioneers made their way West.

I was sorry to come to the concluding chapter and wish you had continued the story with Liam and Selena's family, but a story has to end somewhere. Thanks for taking the time to write and post such an engaging story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well Done

truly enjoyed this story. Thanks for sharing.

VisualPervVisualPervover 10 years ago

This was such a wonderful series. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Very nice story. Hope you are still writing?...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago


tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

if nurtured and tended it blooms. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

One series down and can't wait to get to the others. superb job!

jrt6848jrt6848almost 13 years ago
Missing You!

I just finished reading "all" of your work. Once I started I just could not stop. I believe that is the ultimate compliment for a writer. It is truly a shame that you do not write anymore. I hope you are still "out there", get this message, and consider writing again.

Soul_childSoul_childabout 13 years ago

Great captivating storyline!!!! Couldnt stop reading....

lusherlusherabout 13 years ago
You should be published

You are a great romance writer. This story had me hooked from start to finish and I absolutely love Selena's strong yet vulnerable character. The historical Oregon Trail details were just icing on the cake. Thank you for a wonderful read!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Second Chances and Trailing Home are the best stories on this site. You have a real talent. Please keep them coming.

romancemultiromancemultialmost 14 years ago

great story! and I loved that you started with a premise that made so many of their difficulties along the Oregon Trail realistic. I hate when the action feels contrived and even with Natasha and Jed, your story didn't come off that way.

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