Tricia's Dirty Hole


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"What's this for?"

"You need to hit a flower shop and order some flowers."

"Why? What for?"

"So you can send them to Tim at the hospital. I hear he has a broken jaw, nine missing teeth, two broken ribs, a couple of cracked ones and they are thinking they may have to remove his testicles because they got stomped pretty bad."

When I said that Trisha's face lost some of its color and she said, "Why would I want to send Tim flowers?"

"I thought he meant something to you."

"Why on Earth would you think something like that?"

"Oh I don't know; maybe this gave me the idea" and I took the cassette recorder out of my top dresser drawer and pushed in the play button.

"What time do you want me there?"

"Half an hour ago."

"On the way sugar."

"There are some pretty good parts about your "dirty hole" toward the end of the tape." I tossed the recorder to her and said, "Here, you can have this one. I've got plenty of copies."

I took my PJs out of the dresser and headed for the spare bedroom. When I got to the bedroom door I turned and said:

"You'll notice I didn't grab my pillow. That's because the dirt bag probably used it when he spent the night. Or was it nights? I'll use the spare bedroom tonight and look for an apartment tomorrow." I gave her a look that should have killed her and then I turned and left the room.

She was up and had the coffee made when I got down to the kitchen in the morning. As I poured myself a cup she said:

"Before you go any farther with this apartment nonsense we need to talk."

"We have nothing to talk about Trisha. You stabbed me in the back, you got caught, and we are history. Nothing to talk about! The end!"

"Bullshit Rob. You can't just toss sixteen years of a good marriage into the trash can because I had a little fun."

"In the first place Trisha I didn't toss anything into the trash - you did! All I'm doing is refusing to reach into that trash can and pull the marriage back out. You can't possibly have known me for as long as you have and believe that I would just accept what you did if you got caught. You should have known that there was no way in hell that I was going to say, "Well okay Trish; just don't let it happen again. No way that life was going to continue on as usual. You had to know that."

"It is still a good marriage Rob, okay, so I did play around with Tim, but have I been any less of a wife to you? I've been a loving wife and I've shown it ever day. I love you and you know it! Tim was never a danger to you. He was a toy. He was just someone who could do something for me that I liked."

"And what was that?"

"It's a woman thing Rob and you wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

"It would just make things worse Rob."

"Trisha, right now is as bad as it can possibly get. Nothing you can say can possibly make it any worse."

"You are a man Rob and men have fragile egos when it comes to some things; especially when it comes to things involving sex."

"We are worried about egos now? Like I'm not already wondering why I couldn't keep my wife to myself? Like I'm not already wondering why I seem to have failed to do my best to take care of your sexual needs? How can you trash me more than you already have?"

"You have never failed to take care of my needs Rob, not ever. I love the way you make love to me. Tim just happened to be able to give me something that you couldn't; not that you wouldn't have if you were able, but you don't have what Tim does Rob. It is all about cock size and you had no control over that. You have what you have and there is no way you can change that and even if you could I wouldn't want you to. Just like Tim's cock can do things for me that you can't, you do things to me that Tim couldn't even come close to. My problem is that I wanted both and I thought that I could have both. As long as I kept Tim hidden away from you I could have my cake and eat it too."

"Cock size huh?"

"Yes Rob, cock size. We have never been kinky with each other so we never measured your cock or even talked about it. I would guess that you are about six inches."

"Six and three quarters. There isn't a man alive that hasn't checked himself out at one time or another."

"Well Tim is nine inches long. I never measured him either, but he always brought it up like he was proud of it. That extra length meant that he was able to touch me in places you couldn't and one of those places just happened to be a place that if touched drove me out of my mind. His cock curved upward like a banana and it had a slight bend to the left - all things that put him at that special place. But length wasn't all of it Rob. His cock was skinny like a hot dog. It was absolutely perfect for fucking my dirty hole. You know how much I like anal sex, but you always hesitate to do me there because you know your fat cock hurts me when we first start. The pain goes away after a bit, but you don't even like hurting me for that short period of time and I love you for feeling that way about me. Tim's hot dog sized cock slides right into my dirty hole nice and easy and he likes my dirty hole. I think he likes my dirty hole even more than my pussy. That's why I saw Tim. Not because I didn't love you or the way you loved me, but because I got something from him that I could not physically get from you. Like I said Rob, I wanted both. What I did with Tim in no way diminishes what I feel for you. I've been a good wife to you Rob and nothing that Tim and I did has changed that."

"Maybe not in your mind Trisha, but in my mind you betrayed me; you stabbed me in the back. You trashed me Trisha. Let me try to put this on a simple level, a level you might be able to understand. Ignore that it is chauvinistic sounding, but I need to make a point here. I earned the right to your love Trisha. I bought it. I paid for it. I've worked my ass off to give you a good life; to provide for you and give you the things you wanted. I earned the right to your body. Did Tim do anything to earn what you gave him?

"On another level, who waited on you hand and foot and took care of you and pampered you when you broke your ankle skiing? Was it me or was it Tim? Who was with you holding your hand and trying to comfort you when you went through the birth of our children? Was it me or was it Tim? When your brother died who held you while you sobbed and cried and who did his best to help you get by it? Was it me or was it Tim? Who scrimped and saved up the money to take you to Cabo San Lucas for two weeks? You enjoyed it so much that all you have talked about for years now is going back there again. But who got you there Trisha? Was it me or was it Tim?

"Speaking of that vacation I can use it to draw a parallel. Do you remember how I got the money to take you to Cabo? Remember the glass jar that sat on the end of the dresser that I put all the change I had in my pocket in at the end of the day? When it was full we took it to the bank and put it into a separate savings account for vacations only, remember that? I worked for the money that I dropped in that jar. What you did was the same as letting Tim walk into our bedroom and help himself to a handful of that change. My change. Money that I had earned. Actually it was much worse that just letting Tim take a handful of what I had worked for. What you did was pick up the jar and hold it out to him and say:

"Here, help yourself."

"The sad thing is that I almost let you get away with it."

"If you could almost do it why can't you do it now?"

"Because I convinced myself that if it was only a one time mistake I could live with it. But it isn't a one time thing and that makes all the difference in the world."

"I don't understand."

"I saw you and Tim in that store room the night of the party. The two of you forgot to lock the door you were in such a hurry to get it on. I knew you were stoned out of your mind and probably didn't realize what you were doing and I loved you enough that I believed that I could put it behind me if it was only a one time thing. But I had to know that it was one time only and the only way I could do that was to spy on you. I hid voice activated tape recorders in the house and I was almost at the point where I was going to turn them off, but then I went on my trip and you brought that asshole into my house and then welcomed him to join you on my bed. If you hadn't of brought him home with you I would have never known. But you did bring him home and the bedroom tape recorder caught it all, including the part about you fucking him every Wednesday night on your so called girl's night out."

I finished my coffee and stood up.

"Where are you going Rob? We have to work this out."

"In case you have forgotten Trisha, I do have a job I have to go to. And I need to find a good attorney and an apartment."

When I got to the door I stopped and turned back to Trisha. "There is one thing I'd like to know. I know you fucked Tim almost nightly for almost two months during one of our break ups, but did you keep seeing him after we got back together?"

"Of course not! Why would you even think something like that?"

I could see from her face and tell from the tone of her voice that she was lying.

"Guess I'll have to have DNA tests done on Chris since he was born before we moved. Probably wouldn't hurt to check the others since God and you alone know who might have taken Tim's place after we moved."

She reacted as if I had slapped her face.

"That was cold and cruel Rob."

"You earned it Trisha."

I left the house and went to work.


I called around and got some recommendations on attorneys and called one of them and made an appointment and then I took the afternoon off and checked out some apartments. I found a nice two bedroom and signed a six month lease and then I went home and started to pack. Trisha came into the room and watched me for a minute and then said:

"You are really going to do it?"

"Yep! Found me an apartment and I can move in tomorrow."

"You aren't even going to try to save our marriage?"

"I can't stand to look at you Trisha. Just hearing the sound of your voice reminds me of what you did and that turns my stomach."

"I'm not giving up Rob. I'll fight you if you try to divorce me. I love you and I know you love me. I won't let you go."

"Wrong Trisha. I loved you - past tense - and now I can't stand the sight of you. You won't fight me, at least not if you know what's good for you. As it stands right now my plan is to let you keep the house until the kids start college and then it will be sold and we will split what we get out of it. I'll pay whatever the court orders in the way of child support and I will ask for shared custody. I don't want the kids to suffer any more than is necessary for your unfaithfulness, but fight me and the first thing I will do is sit the kids down and tell them in detail why we are getting the divorce and then I will play the tape for them."

"You hate me that much?"

"I'm working on it. Also, the courts in this state allow children over thirteen to express a preference as to which parent they would like to live with. That mans Chris and Bobby will get to chose. Megan still has two years to go before she can choose, but you want to bet which way Chris and Bobby will go? Especially after listening to you and Tim on tape? I believe that they need to be with their mother as long as I'm allowed to be a strong presence in their lives, but if you fight me get ready to see me be Attila the Hun pursuing a scorched earth policy.

"Fighting the divorce gets you nothing. You can not get me to stay and try to make it work with you. Get it fixed firmly in your head Trisha; it doesn't matter what you want because I want absolutely nothing to do with you anymore. You are a cheap piece of trash as far as I am concerned and the very sight of you disgusts me."

Trisha didn't fight the divorce and it became final yesterday.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Just like many other JPB stories along these lines you come away with the conclusion that the guy got what he deserved. Her character was set in college and he knew it, so continuing a relationship with her set his future path. Even a naive eighteen year old isn’t going to take being pissed about, constantly breaking up is an obvious mind game and allowing it to continue just gave her the encouragement she needed.

JRandyJJRandyJ5 months ago

I read both of these stories, the first one some one else must have finished it because The MC rigged the brakes on the black dudes truck and he went airborne over a cliff. This second part pure bullshit, what husband that is a man would still love a cunt after seeing her fucking a dude at a party.

AllNigherAllNigher6 months ago

Rm2712 said it. And aa food you the first story with the black guy kinda raping her it makes even less sense could be good but the complete change from a mistake she didn't remember quite high (more than once... She didn't remember fucking him daily before they married either) to not carrying what her husband thought was at Best jarring.

LaucaubinLaucaubin11 months ago

What? He saw Tim fucking her in the stor room. But didn’t butt in - so he could check some things out? Like what? He needed to review his marriage cert to see if there was an expiration date? Maybe he wasn’t married anymore? Dumb dumb dumb part of the story

rn2711rn2711about 1 year ago

It's like two different stories glued together. In the first part Trisha had a one-off while being stoned and don't remember a thing. She doesn't want to do it again and rebuffs all Tim attempts. She's afraid her hubby will find out.

The second story is about a slut.

The change of character is completely unreliable.

SarahwithloveSarahwithlovealmost 2 years ago

That guy has a messed up way of thinking. Good god! It started off good but then the pot amnesia in the store room started the downward slide. Not a likable character among them.

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

What a wimp for letting it drag on.He should have kicked Tim's arse when he saw them in the store room and also slapped her slut of a mate who set it up.Also as been said,what as part two got to do with part one?.

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

What a wimp,he should have kicked Tim's arse the night he caught them in the store room and slapped her slutty mate who set it up.Also as already said,what as part two got to do with part one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a total wimp dealing with a slut and a womanizer right in front of his eyes. He should have kicked his ass so hard his balls would have ended up buried in her cunt. Total wimp to do nothing. Perfect time to yell tape and make a 911 call that an a-hole is raping his stoned wife - who can’t say no. Then charge the M gal as an accessory. Then sue her and Tim for alienation of affection - and maybe dump the slit whore right then.

Instead, just continue to put up with the crap. Why bother to have recorders if you aren’t going to do anything? The point is what?

Seems the context of the story is way out of wack, but then, It is not our story, is it!

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

To anonymous: this is the MO of JPB. He builds the suspense of the story on absurdities. As the main hero had plenty of opportunity to stop the affair and wimped out every time the whole sermon in the end is a hollow garbage.

JPB preference for wimps is in a strange addition to his "Van Dame" beatings, occasionally. My guess is that this is how JPB saves himself from being called a cuck and a wimp because most of his stories are about himself being a cuck and a wimp.

This is yet another idiotic nonsense in a long line of idiotic nonsenses JPB posts as stories. My guess is that he has a semi-decent story once in 20 tries on average. He wrote so much garbage it is mindboggling how much time he spent to write that drivel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Would any man really ignore the fact his wife is being called multiple times per week by a pussy hound? Would any sane husband have allowed Maggie anywhere near their wife knowing she facilitated the sex at the party?

None that I've ever known would tolerate either of these outrageous assaults on his marriage.

BigfundrewBigfundrewalmost 3 years ago

What the hell did Trish part 2 have to do with Trish part 1?

Why were these 2 stories together?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

She’s a cheap piece of trash, but an okay mother? I don’t understand men in these stories that have the chance for the children to live with him and don’t take it. Do they want the mom teaching them her disgusting lack of values?

lee5456lee5456almost 4 years ago
Tricia had to get a new job

She now works for Sluts R Us

Robby_DRobby_Dalmost 4 years ago
Bob loves those creampies!

Instead of confronting Tricia and Tim when he catches them screwing, he takes Tricia home and eats Tim's cum out of her pussy, and tells himself that he needs to find out if she is really "unfaithful". So typical of Bob to make sure the husband stays a cuck throughout the story. Highly unsatisfying.

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