Trouser Snake 4 : The Trousening


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"Daddy? Uh, Mr Holloway?" She cried out, after enduring it for a good fifteen minutes. "Daddy!?"

Bernie shook his head, gasping for breath as he came back from the hypnotic effects of his daughter's tight asshole.

"Yes honey? Oooh."

"Can – oo – you tell – ah – yet?"

"Huh? Oh, not yet, honey. God, so tight. It's so tight."

"It's just a bit sore, Daddy," Hayley called as the penis surged up into her again. "Your penis is – ah! – too big. Can we stop soon?"

Bernie was totally loving the feeling of fucking her ass, rocking her hips back onto his rod with every thrust, the slick passage gripping him all up his length. Even so, he didn't feel like he was going to cum.

"Maybe I could fu-, I mean, what if I put it in your pus-, I mean, your female area, honey?" Bernie asked, still ramming her anus as he spoke. "I bet that would get me cu-, I mean, get the venom out. Oooh yeah."

"Okay Daddy, it's more comfortable that way."

He pulled his cock out of her asshole, lube dribbling down her legs. He shifted the phone books around in front of her with his foot. When he looked up he was struck dumb by the beauty of his only child, her arms stretched above her muscular body, her breasts swelling out towards him, her face sweat-streaked and glorious, framed by a cascade of blonde hair. Her mouth was open with effort, that beautiful mouth he loved fucking more than any of her holes.

He stood up on the books in front of her, his red dick bobbing with excitement, so close that the tips of her breasts touched his chest and sent a shiver of lust right through him. Damn, he thought, now what do I do?

"Mr, uh, Holloway?" Hayley asked, smiling. "Should we start?"

"Yes, honey, just, um, trying to figure out how we can do it."

"Oh," She looked seriously at his cock, craning her neck to peer around her chest, and seemed to think it through. "Maybe if you held my legs up, I could put them around your waist?"

"Huh?" Bernie responded vaguely, his hands having found the firm globes and started fondling them.

"It'll be like a piggy-back ride," She explained. "Just the other way. A piggy-front ride!"

She burst into cute giggles, shaking the tits he was mauling, as the plan filtered through his addled mind. Jesus, it would be amazing. His cock throbbed just from thinking about it. That and the feel of her tits, he guessed.

"Good idea, honey. What a clever girl you are," He said throatily, making Hayley beam. "Okay, now, how do I get your legs-"

He was cut short by the gorgeous teenager tensing her arms and lifting her legs off the floor, the long tawny limbs swinging up easily and wrapping themselves around his waist. His mouth hung slackly open in shock as his daughter pulled him closer with surprising strength, her breasts squashing against his chest, her crotch hot on the top of his shaft.

"Oh, Daddy, you feel so feverish," She said worriedly, her sweet breath cool on his hot face. "You should put you penis in, then I can get that venom out quick as a bunny!"

"Okay, honey." Bernie said dumbly. He might have fallen over if her powerful thighs hadn't been holding him upright. He actually felt nervous as he reached between her thighs and got hold of his slippery dick, guiding it up to the lips of her cunt. His other hand held her firm ass for balance.

A deep groan escaped his throat as the dome of his cockhead pressed into the warmth of her opening, the hot lips of her labia kissing his lubed tip. He couldn't control himself, pushing the head inside and grabbing her ass with both hands, pulling her against his thrusting hips and sinking into her in one violent motion.

Hayley squealed in his ear, her back arching. Bernie clutched his child's hard backside and fucked her madly, yelling with pleasure, pushing and pulling at her. It was stunning to be so close to her, to feel the heat of her tits against his sweaty body, her breath on his face, her pelvis and hard stomach rubbing his gut as he kept himself mostly in, fucking only an inch or so in and out.

Despite the awkwardness of the position, Hayley was surprised to find that she was having fun. Ever since they had started doing tests this way she had found herself being less and less adverse to them. In her bottom it felt uncomfortable and sometimes painful, but in her female area her father's penis actually felt quite nice. Sometimes it hurt there too, though it was a more enjoyable feeling anyway.

The novelty of doing the test this way appealed to her, too. She was pleased by the strength of her legs as she used them to pull her father in each time he pushed, as well as the strength of her arms holding her up. The swollen penis felt as though it stretched her out inside and filled her up with its rigid heat, which she was enjoying. It was good to be so close to her father, to have this quality time with him and also to be helping to keep him in good health. She was so happy she laughed aloud.

"Honey?" Her father asked through wheezing breath. "You okay?"

"Yes, Daddy," She replied brightly, her face close to his. "It's just nice to help you."

"Wow," Her father breathed, his mad thrusting slowing down. "Maybe you could help Daddy another way."

"How?" She asked. She felt a little disappointed that he was slowing his movements, it had been feeling quite nice.

"You could say some things for me," He said. "Some things that might help the venom, uh, come out."

"Oh, okay," Unconsciously she was rubbing herself harder on the penis, liking the sensation of it against the opening of her body. "Like, ooh, what sort of things?"

"Tell me that you're my little slut," He said in an odd voice. "And that you love getting fucked."

"I'm your little slut, Daddy!" She exclaimed happily. Inside, she could feel his penis throb powerfully, almost as though it was about to eject venom. Encouraged, she went on. "I love getting fucked!"

"Oh God," Her father prayed as he often did, his penetration of her increasing in pace and force, his fingers sinking hard into the cheeks of her bottom. "Oh God, so good. Say it again!"

She said it a few more times for him. "Daddy," She asked afterwards. "Ooh, uh, what's a slut?"

"It's a good girl, honey." Her father said quickly, his eyes fixed on her chest as he rammed away.

"And what's 'fucked' mean?"

"It's just a – oh God - special word for helping." He said.

"Oh," she said, already distracted by the sensations in her female area. "Okay. I do love getting fucked then."

"Oh God!"

Her father was really being rough now, his penis pumping in and out of her, its length wet and hot. She was enjoying it immensely now, moaning as much as he was. A feeling was starting, one she had noticed lately, almost like she had to pee. She remembered Jacinta peeing on her father during a test, which she seemed to enjoy as well. She knew she'd be mortified if she peed on him, so she fought down the urge and tried to concentrate on timing her movements, meeting her father's sweaty belly with a loud smack every time he pushed.

Her father was shouting prayers now, calling out the name of God over and over in his feverish state. Caught up in his rapture, Hayley starting calling out for Him as well, her legs cramming her father's hips into her body. She smiled as her prayers were answered, her buttocks were crushed by her father's grip as the penis exploded with venom deep in her female area. Still pumping and pumping the appendage into her, he howled as she felt herself filling with the thick warmth of the discharge.

He clutched her against his sweaty body for a long time. She didn't mind, she enjoyed the feeling of her legs wrapped around him and the glowing warmth inside her. She felt the swelling going down until the reduced penis slipped out of her, followed by the sounds of spattering venom on the carpet.

"Oh, Daddy," She said softly. "This is so nice."

He looked into her face with love. He was about to speak when there was a beep from the intercom behind them, startling them both.

"Mr Holloway, don't forget your lunch appointment." His secretary's voice admonished.

"Thankyou!" Bernie called, waiting until he heard the intercom click off before he breathed out and released the hot young body.

"I guess I should let you go," Hayley said, lowering her legs to the floor. "Can you untie me, Mr Holloway?"

"Sure, honey," He pulled over a chair and stood on it, stretching up to unhook the cuffs and undo them. "Are your arms okay?"

"Oh fine, Daddy," She said, looking at her wrists, which were a little pink. "I do more than that in gymnastics class."

"So you're okay?"

"Yes, Daddy, stop worrying," She grinned at him, her flushed face and bright eyes beautiful. "It feels much better in the front."

"What does, honey?"

"The test, silly," She said, laughing. "Your penis feels quite nice in there. It gives me a kind of funny feeling."

"Oh," He said, a strange expression on his face. "Like what?"

"Kind of like, oh, like I need to pee, but not," She frowned. "It's pretty weird. But nice. It's a nice feeling."

"Oh." Bernie said simply. What was he feeling now? Guilt? Why the hell was he feeling so uncomfortable now? He wasn't sure if it was guilt, still something about Hayley's admission made him feel uneasy.

"You should get ready, Daddy, you'll be late."

"Mr Holloway," Bernie corrected, looking for his pants. "You get cleaned up, honey, and maybe do your pelvic floor exercises. Then head down to the gym and work out, okay?"

"Oh, yes, definitely, Mr Holloway, sir." She said happily, also looking for her clothes.

"I should be back from lunch soon."

He got dressed. Hayley was still sponging out her vagina, and he gave his daughter a long look before going out.


If anyone had been on the suburban street they would have likely noticed a man who was trying not to be noticed. He was sitting slouched right down in the driver's seat of a dented little car parked on the verge, so that only his head from the nose up peered over the door. He was wearing an old hat which would have suited Dick Tracy, plus cheap plastic sunglasses. Occasionally he brought up a set of binoculars, then lowered them quickly. On the rear bumper of his car was a Jesus fish, next to a worn yellow sticker saying 'God's love on board!'.

As soon as the perp comes back I'll make him squeal, Father Bland thought. Though I wish I'd brought those chips now.

The Wesley house was right across the road from where he had parked, the curtains drawn and the driveway empty. He had tried calling Rick Wesley at work, giving a fake name, only to find out that he was taking leave. There had been no answer at the house, though a neighbour told him that they had been there that morning.

Stakeouts are hard work, he thought. The hat and trenchcoat he'd fished from the charity bin were scratchy and a bit smelly. His car's seats weren't very comfortable either. He glanced at his watch. 1 pm. He'd been there for two hours. Maybe he should just leave.

He was about to start the car when a silver SUV came speeding down the street and pulled neatly into the Wesley's driveway. Peering over the edge of the door, the priest watched as the family got out of the car. First he saw Rick's wife, a tall and attractive woman with deep brown skin. She looked like she was in a bad mood. Then Rick himself came around from the driver's side, his formidable figure on display under a red muscle shirt and shorts. Miranda followed him and Bland gasped as he saw her.

He remembered Miranda Wesley as a somewhat shy, genial girl who always wore sensible dresses. Though he was sure this was the same girl, he found it hard to believe. She looked more like a prostitute. Miranda was walking on tall red heels, her backside was barely covered by a tight pink skirt, her big firm bust was stretching a tiny pink t-shirt that left her washboard stomach bare and clearly defined each breast. He realised that the 18 year old wasn't even wearing a bra. Her hair seemed to have been styled differently, more like a popular musician. Her eyes were covered by stylish shades.

Father Bland watched with his mouth agape as Miranda sashayed over to her father, who put an arm around her, grasping her butt with his big hand. Bland couldn't hear what he was saying, but Miranda was smiling broadly with her bright white teeth. Her mother was shaking her head. Miranda said something else and her father used his other hand to give one of her breasts a quick squeeze, then led her up to the front door. Rick's wife followed, still shaking her head. Before the door closed, Bland clearly saw Rick kissing and groping his own daughter.

Oh merciful Lord, the priest thought desperately, what was going on? Has the world been consumed by evil? Now there were two of his parishioners who seemed to be abusing their daughters in the most evil, incestuous fashion. Even worse, the girls seemed to be going along with it willingly! His soul cried out that there must be some mistake, he must be misunderstanding what was going on.

He could still see those hands, grasping those proud breasts.

Bland fought down the wave of heat that was rising through him. The only thing he had to decide now was: what was he going to do? He lowered his head and closed his eyes, pushing away the evil images, praying for some sort of guidance. Oh Lord, he thought, give me the wisdom to know what to do.

As he opened his eyes, it came to him that he knew what he had to do. He had to rescue these girls, he had to save them from the evil clutches they had fallen into. No matter how far the corruption spread in his community, he had to discover it and destroy it. Starting with the Wesleys.

Keeping low, Father Bland opened his door and slid into a crouch next to it, closing the door as softly as possible. When he was sure the coast was clear, he darted across the road in a kind of crouching run until he was in the shadow of the Wesley house. He squatted at the corner of the building, watching the street. Totally empty. It was the middle of a weekday, after all.

He looked at the house instead. There were two big windows at the front, both with curtains drawn. Down the side of the house there was another window, with a fence set well back beyond it. He doubted he could jump the fence quietly, it had been a long time since he had vaulted anything. He decided to look at the window instead. Swallowing thickly, he crept along the wall to the window sill.

He heard voices from inside.

"... Not going to do it, no way. I can't believe you did that in the street." A mature woman's voice was saying angrily. Bland figured it was Mrs Wesley.

"I'll do what I want, woman. Those motherfuckers out there prob'ly need the excitement. You're daughter doesn't mind, does she?" A male voice said, obviously Rick.

"No, Daddy, it was fun." A younger female voice replied, obviously Miranda.

"But she's your daughter too, Rick!" Mrs Wesley cried. "This whole thing is so unbelievable. I never would have thought you would go so low, you-"

"Careful now," Rick's voice interrupted. "Careful what you say. Maybe you'll end up out on that street. See what those precious neighbours do for you then."

"You bastard."

"Oooo, language, language. Now you stay right there, my dear. Okay, baby, Daddy's got a problem. Yeah, you know what to do. See, you're daughter knows what I like, huh?"

Under the window, Bland heard a strange sound, like someone sucking their fingers after a meal. Then Rick groaned and swore.

"Disgusting!" Mrs Wesley spat.

"You stay right there, bitch. I want you to watch." Rick answered and laughed. The sucking noise continued. Father Bland's curiosity was outweighing his dread. Bracing himself, he slowly raised his head so that he could see over the sill. There were no curtains here, only blinds that were pulled halfway up. He could see the whole room from here, though he wished he hadn't.

"Jesus save me." He whispered.

Mrs Wesley was standing to one side, her back to the window, her hands held up to her head. Rick Wesley was sitting across the room on a sofa, his shorts nearby on the floor, his massive erection mostly visible over his bulging testicles. Miranda was kneeling on the sofa next to him, her face in his lap, a large amount of his penis in her mouth. As the priest watched, she energetically bobbed her head on the thick member, which was slick with her drool.

"Yeah, that's my little cocksucker." Rick crooned, running his hands over his daughter's back and buttocks.

"Oh my God." His wife muttered.

Father Bland's eyes were glued to the ebony teenager's barely concealed body and the unclean act she was performing. He had never seen such sexuality, had never watched pornography, never seen another person's genitals. Evil thoughts whirled through his mind and his body reacted automatically, his own penis stiffening in his pants.

He looked away from the window, trying to focus on the Lord's Prayer, repeating it over and over. The sounds were still there though, wet sucking and slurping, driving away any peace he might have achieved.

"Yeah, let's get those tits out," Rick's voice said. "Fuckin' big titties."

The priest looked back into the room. Miranda had straightened up and was pulling her little shirt over her head. He gasped as he saw the large brown breasts revealed, so big on the teenager's slim body. She threw the shirt aside with a laugh.

"Fuckin' big dick, Daddy."

"Oh Miranda," Her mother wailed. "Please stop."

"I can't Mummy. I want that big dick too much."

Rick grabbed his daughter's arm and spun her onto her back on the couch, the teenager giggling as he mounted her midriff. Father Bland's eyes widened as he watched Rick straddle her and position his enormous wet penis between her bountiful breasts. Big hands took hold of the mounds and squeezed them together over the erection, before his hips started pumping away. The priest had never imagined such a thing. He was having sex with her bosom!

"Yeah, fuck those titties, Daddy!" Miranda laughed, stroking his chest. Rick increased his efforts in response, his thighs slapping the underside of her breasts. He was moaning and swearing continuously, his lips drawn back from his teeth.

Bland was disgusted, especially at his own body's response. He could not, however, take his eyes off them. It was so alien to him, so beyond his experience. Here was the sin always described to him, made manifest. It was horribly fascinating.

The manipulation of her breasts went on for several minutes before Rick released them and climbed off her. He moved around so that Bland's view of her face was blocked by his muscular backside.

"Suck Daddy's cock, baby." The wet slurping sounds started again. This time Rick seemed to be holding her head and thrusting his hips, making new sounds of gagging and spluttering. It must have felt good, because Rick threw back his head and let out roars of pleasure.

"You sick bastard." His wife said weakly.

"Shut the fuck up, woman," Rick said, turning around, his penis dripping strings of saliva. "Shut up and watch me fuck our little girl."

"No Rick, please."

"She wants it, don't you, baby?"

"Oh yes, Daddy," Miranda said seductively, smiling up at him with wet lips. "Give it to me. Fuck me hard."

"Miranda, no." Her mother said.

"Turn over baby," Rick said. "Get that ass up in the air."

Bland watched the gorgeous teenager pull off her shorts, the smooth flawless brown skin of her legs and buttocks making his breath quicken. She turned over and leant on the arm of the chair, kneeling on the cushion, firm bottom poking up. Rick got onto the sofa behind her, rubbing her buttocks with his hands, sliding one down between her thighs. The girl moaned.

"See, woman," Rick said, holding his fingers out to his wife. "She's fucking wet."