Uninvited Guests


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Everyone is getting everything they desire. I totally lost interest in trying to categorize any sexual definitions or preferences since I was getting more than I had ever dreamed of let alone wanted. Want is no longer part of my vocabulary.

(Mary) "I never thought sex with you would be this exciting and I have never had such powerful or wonderful orgasms. We knew that you would be kind to us and not hurt us but the pleasures of heterosexual sex with you is far beyond my expectations. It's the first time in our limited experience that we have fully enjoyed sex with a man. You took me into another world."

(Shelly)"When we talked with you at the Mall the last times we noticed the furs you were wearing then and thought they were beautiful and how sexy you looked in them. I even got a mild sexual charge and tingle out of it at the time. We thought then how nice it would be to have you hug us in fur and to be in our own furs. Maybe we were subconsciously hooked even then. Little did we know just how exciting having sex could be in fur until last night when we sneaked in during the party and slept on the fur spread."

(Mary)"Yes, we got nude and went crazy with the sensations of fondling each other until the other woman came in and crashed. We quietly fondled each other even after that. For a while we shut ourselves in the closet with the furs so as to not be heard. It was even more exciting and cozy with all those wonderful coats."

(Shelly)"It was then that we realized we made the right decision for sure to seduce you into being our Guardian. We became very excited about the whole idea and anticipating sex with you."

"So seduction was your plan?"

(Shelly)"Yes, we had never thought of it until we realized we had no sure shot way of convincing you. That is when we came up with the seduction plan."

"Well thank you for being so very good at convincing me of something I would have jumped at if you had proposed it to me in the middle of the Mall. I certainly know you are serious beyond a doubt now."

"One rule for propriety sake. No fondling or overly affectionate displays in public with each other, including between you two. The two of you are hot sex kittens as it is without your displays. Wearing furs you two will be the strongest of Guy magnets. We do need to have at least the pretense of propriety. Also, if you decide to start having sex with others, it's only fair that you let me know before hand. I will never interfere or be upset as it is probably inevitable. I will also let you know if a woman comes along in my life, not that you wouldn't know anyway."

(Mary) "OK. But don't be surprised if you get your butt or cock grabbed or otherwise fondled when no one is looking. We have discovered that our touching and fondling is what keeps us sane and we are including you in that now."

"I can certainly live with that and may make my own opportunities to steal a feel."

That night after retiring I awoke around 2AM and found the girls in my bed asleep each side of me. They brought the Arctic Fox fur spread with them. How thoughtful. Good thing I have an extra large King Sized bed and several fur spreads as this would become normal.

So much for "Their Room"! Shelly was snuggled up close in front of me still in the Sable and had her hand gently holding my now permanently stiff cock. I gently rolled her over on her back and slid smoothly into her as she awoke moaning quietly as I kissed her. We had quiet intercourse as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. I proceeded with slow strokes. Shelly is so fine at holding at the edge of orgasm before release.

We screwed this way for half an hour or more kissing deeply to quiet our moans. I pumped her smoothly, spasmodically ejaculated generously into her long orgasms. It was the finest love making I had ever had with many to cum. I finally get to have quality time sucking Shelly's marvelous tits and her wonderful big nipples. She is pleased in the extreme that I so love them.

Mary is smiling sweetly in her sleep and we fondled Mary's vagina with the Sable for a few minutes until she is quietly moaning in her sleep and breathing a little heavily. Mary is clearly into a very sexy dream by then. Shelly kisses her lips softly as I kiss and softly suck her sweet tight puffy labia tucking the Sable snug in her vagina and around her. Shelly and I wrap our arms around each other again both still aroused, hugging closely sliding my still stiff cock into her as we fall back to sleep in the middle of slowly moving in and out of her.

In the morning I had a short and near violent round of intercourse with Mary upon waking. She had super sexy dreams all night last night she said and was near orgasm when she woke saying she had orgasms in her sleep and demanded my immediate attention. Mary recited her very sexy dreams at breakfast that led to the urgent need to get screwed again.

Shelly and I smile with our secret. We sex showered together, Shelly and I making sure Mary was fully satisfied, then had breakfast, Mary still talking of her dreams in amazement as we ate. Hugging and kissing all around almost too much and we were off to the Office and school to register for the winter quarter.

I tell a few at the Office that the girls are live in housekeepers while they attend College. I got lots of "yea, sure" looks, especially from Trish but it was never mentioned or discussed again as they moved into my life and my interest in finding a woman vanished and was never, ever discussed again.

All day I was thinking that the whole thing could not be real. I clearly had a very active sex dream. I expected to awake from this dream at any time and they would not be there when I got home.

Each would be a prize unto themselves and there are two of them. This is every guys wildest sex fantasy, boy-on-girl-on-girl. They are so different. Not only are they so different physically but their personalities as well. I recall that from when I talked with them at the Mall those times. Mary is somewhat shy and retiring and Shelly is very outgoing and spunky. They are sure different sexually. Mary is so sweet, submissive and coy and Shelly is more aggressive yet very attentive.

I thought about our shower this morning and how wonderful to do all these things together. They are so pleasant and playful. I have the felling we will always shower together. My ex and I only showered together a few times and it was anything but exciting. I'm sure glad I don't have to chose, I don't think I could. Being with both is a fantasy dream come true. I love them both.

Upon returning home that evening it was confirmed to be reality as two excited, scantily fur clad nude girls met me at the door kissing and fur fondling me immediately. What a welcome home. Unlike anything my ex would ever dream of engaging in. They had me undressed and wrapped in furs in a wink. The house was very clean with a fur nest in waiting in front of the fireplace with a nice fire going. All the Party mess was cleaned up and I could smell a roast in the oven. We were engaged in sex almost immediately. The softness and pleasure of their bodies is indescribably erotic. Is this my new future? Erotic sex forever?

They are both already very adept at fur pleasuring and clearly love it as much as me. The way they pleasure themselves and each other with fur would be enough on its own just to watch. I am involuntarily ejaculating before I realize my level of excitement as I watch them off in a dream world of pleasure over fondling each other with the furs. Shelly clearly gets off fondling Mary's clitoris with the Sable and Mary does not protest as she drifts into a perpetual orgasmic dream like state, breathing heavily as she does.

I volunteer by fondling the rest of Mary with fur as she leans back against my chest and I have my cock between her butt cheeks as Shelly does this. Shelly then catches my ejaculation, sucking my cock and her head and hair into Mary's crotch sending Mary into another orgasm with her thick blond hair. Mary suddenly clamps Shelly's head between her thighs, grabbing fists full of Shelly's hair and Shelly responds by moving her head against Mary's vagina causing Mary to erupt in yet another moaning orgasm. Shelly moves from my cock to Mary's vagina sucking her into yet another climax.

Mary is lying back on my chest during all this with her hair laying over my bare chest and in my face having further cock stimulating effects while I continue fur fondling Mary's breasts and face, shooting into Shelly's mouth yet again. Shelly is doing an incredible number on my cock.

I then turn this into my cock in Mary doing it doggie style and Shelly lays back under Mary. Shelly gets it after Mary with Mary sandwiched between, kissing and fur fondling Shelly. Intercourse with Shelly is fantastic and Mary enjoys watching us and tending to Shelly and me as we screw. Shelly is much more energetic in her screwing. Each has her pleasures with both together at times. We are all always fully satisfied and beyond. Pleasuring each other is the ultimate pleasure.

We have a very nice dinner. It seems that the girls had learned how to cook at least to a basic level as they say, out of self preservation as neither of their moms was any good at it at all. It seems the girls raised themselves out of necessity. We sat around in furs eating dinner and watching TV. We hold and cuddle with each other and fur fondle each other from time to time as the mood would strike us.

It was then that I started muff diving them. They are both so sweet and tasty, going into orgasm at the touch of my tongue to their sensitive spots of their clitoris. This is one thing they have done from a very early age with each other and they both love having it done to them. Having me do them is now a special treat for them. The other gets to watch and assist.

I love to hold Mary's petite body in my arms and fondle her all over with fur. She is like a doll. It is very easy to bring her to an orgasm in any number of fondling ways including stroking up her thigh to her clitoris them increasingly push the fur into her clitoris, sucking her clitoris or "bouncing her in my lap", on my very stiff cock of course. She loves the shear erotic pleasure of the orgasm. I had never enjoyed having sex with petite women before but Mary is so sweet and submissive in her responses.

Mary's hair is incredibly sensual and she knows how to use it to maximum effect on Shelly and me. Screwing her in the furs makes up for her small body. She is very good at using the furs now. Caressing and fur fondling her small body is extremely erotic.

Sometimes I will lay over top of her pushing her deep into the furs and ram her very hard repeatedly to climax. She loves the aggressive intercourse and initiated it by requesting I ram her to see how she would like it. Then she said not to stop. "Harder please." It's such an extreme contrast to her petite and delicate body with her delicately plaintive grunts and moans with each ramming. This is when she screams with an explosive and massive orgasm and goes limp. She often will want a repeat. Shelly says this is very new and different for Mary.

(Mary) "I didn't know about it until we started making love and found I couldn't get enough of your cock in me hard enough and I suddenly had these fantasy thoughts of you pounding your cock into me violently and I had to have you try it. I cannot get enough now."

I know she has been totally satisfied and is ready for extended soft fur fondling for the pure pleasure. Shelly likes to do the followup.

(Shelly) "Mary is so much more satisfied now. Fur fondling her after intercourse with you provides her with much more gratification with the pleasuring and it shows."

They hug and kiss in such a passionate and sensual way that I cannot help but ejaculate with the erotic vision. Shelly sucks me off when that happens. I love to hold her head to me with my hands in her lush and gorgeous hair. It makes the ejaculation that much stronger.

Shelly also likes to pump up and down on my cock to the extreme. She will get into a groove and just not stop. She will climax herself into utter exhaustion one after the other, way beyond satiation to collapse. This is new for Shelly also. Both the girls are now totally addicted to the male side of sex as a necessity in their lives. Again categories fail me.

I began to dress my girls in fur, leather, silk and cashmere from the second day since they literally had no clothes. They like my selections for them very much and though they have salaries to buy their own things now, they depend mostly on my selections and purchases as I do not consider them as their "income". I will buy for them anything they request.

It is almost purely for my pleasure though they obviously take great pleasure in wearing the clothes as well. They began to wear the furs that fit I had bought previously right away. Mary loves the Silver Fox and Red Fox jackets. It is hard for me to not overdress them for casual as I want everything to be the very finest.

I got for Mary a white mink fully lined, reversible denim jacket with fur hood and a lynx lined hooded dark reddish brown leather jacket. Shelly loved the hooded sheared brown Beaver jacket and blond mink lined, reversible hooded tan leather jacket for daily school wear. These were my first new fur purchases for them for casual and school. Two beautiful dolls for dress up. This is what playing with dolls is really about.

Their displays are a reward in themselves as well as the daily pleasures of their visions which they share generously, most often only partially clothed around the house. I began to get them fur bras, panties and bikini sets. What a vision that is!! They went out of their minds over them and there is now a variety as regular items.

They will model the latest cashmere sweater and nothing else or the latest fur and nothing else. They wear the furs, cashmere and silk as casually as most girls wear denim. The wealthiest girls in class look cheap beside them. They are both envied and admired.

It's a lifestyle neither had ever experienced before but took to very naturally. They were always on the outside in secondary school and now they are the reference. Shelly and Mary are viewed as close friends and enigmatic, remaining aloof intentionally having only a few close friends. This served them well as their past had taught them the perils of being found out. I try to make life as easy and complete for them as I can.

They continued from then on to sleep with me in my bed going to bed together now. Falling asleep during sex without guilt is incredible. Where does the sex and dreams begin and end? I asked them about this situation after the first week.

(Shelly)"We just feel so much more secure and want you to feel us with you as much as possible. The emotional warmth of your body next to us is also very satisfying and comforting."

(Mary)"I love the occasional sex in the middle of the night with you or have you fur fondle me while I sleep. I love being so close to you all the time giving you my body. We just want to be as close to each other and you as much as possible. We love it most when you are in us as well. We're still quite insecure I am sure. Maybe this is overcompensation but it just feels so good and comfortable."

I never received any communication what so ever from their parents even though they know where the girls are. I called them and left several messages. The parents did mail them other important documents. No notes. They were disowned and abandoned. Their brothers and sisters never communicated either. This says a lot about their loneliness. The girls rerouted their mail here permanently and changed Doctors as well since they couldn't trust their original ones.

Shelly and Mary were enrolled in the University for the fall. Mary began taking Mathematics as a major and Shelly started into Chemistry and Nutrition. They both did extremely well from the very first. My financial investment in them Is certainly not wasted. I'm already a Billionaire off my emotional and sexual investment.

They are both very smart and intelligent and it was no time at all before conversation was about a lot more than sex and house chores. Not that it was all that even in the beginning. We actually have an otherwise very normal life doing very normal things and talk about what most intelligent folks talk about. Their growth and development was very rapid. Sex changed as well. It was no less frequent and interesting but initially they were only 18 after all.

Sensuality was emphasized with both sex and attire. In attire casual chic and tailored chic were the emphasis though Shelly liked the rough casual styles as regular. I got Shelly a loose cut rough and coarse wool tweed jacket with hood and leather trim and ties lined in Crystal Fox. She jumped me screwing me for two hours. She wears it everywhere often with just a cotton or cashmere Tee shirt and Jeans. My clothing budget increased to accommodate the new clothes and furs.

They were breaking new ground in being sensual-in-fur, sophisticated or rough. They make me stiff just walking around in the house. They look like Models and get responses as if they are. They are constantly approached for "acting" jobs and legitimate Modeling jobs. They will occasionally take a Modeling gig for extra cash but both say that it is not the life for them.

After their Sophomore year I asked them more seriously about guys and their plans for the future and us as a quasi Family, having been together for over two years by then.

(Shelly) "I love being with you even more now and none of the guys I have met, though much nicer now, have changed my previous opinions or feelings. I still love the intimacy that I have with Mary and now with you. Sex is much more complete but it is a lot more than that. You are becoming very dear to me and have moved into my heart."

(Mary) "I feel the same, in fact my feelings for you have grown much stronger. I think Shelly wants to say the L word. Yes I am in love with you. Life, our life and sex outside of this relationship is hard to imagine now."

(Shelly) "Yes indeed. Life seems so much more complete with us than anything else I could think of. It's like I would loose so much without it. We are a family that loves each other very deeply."

(Mary) "Not a normal family but a family none-the-less. Not at all dysfunctional as are so many other "normal" families. It is certainly less abnormal than our biological families that looked normal from the outside but where we were horribly abused, unloved and rejected. We are loving, supportive, creative and caring of each other."

"I love you both and don't think I would be at all happy without you both in my life any more. I hope you stay forever".

It was beginning to be clear as Mary began to work at my Office that she would end up there as an Engineer, and a damn good one at that. She loves the work. It fits comfortably with her well ordered mind. Her dainty image again contrasted sharply with designing heavy steel and concrete structures.

Shelly was struggling to figure out what it was that she would end up doing given her interests and talents. Shelly was taking over more and more of the cooking chores at the house as she was becoming very good at it. Cooking was becoming quite an art for her and she started to take more advanced chefs' courses outside of the University. Mary never quite got past the basics. Both professionally and as a family we have grown and filled out with our respective roles emotionally and or respective tasks.

The Girls continued to have me dress them, most often literally dress them. This has become an erotic experience we began to have from when I first started buying clothes for them. "Please dress me." In a most plaintive tone from them both. Sex or an least intimacies in some form is usually involved.