Unloved Ch. 01

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A son's neglect by his mom for his sisters gets even.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/08/2017
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Mark sat at his desk, in his big office and looked across at the woman seated before him. It had been three years since he had seen her last. Three years! And looking at her face, she had aged. Oh, she still had her youthful figure. Even at 53, she still had the body of a 30 something.

Mark allowed his eyes to travel from her face to her feet. He had purposely placed the chair back, so he could see all of her as she sat before him. Her breast looked full and firm. Even as she sat, he could see the trim waist that led to her small hips. And she still had legs that could stop traffic.

She knew that he was looking at her. It was as if he was slowly undressing her with his eyes. It made her feel very uncomfortable. She sat in her chair, trying not to show her nervousness. But she couldn't stop wringing her hands together.

She looked at his face, and her heart stopped. He looked so much like Mark Sr. so much about him reminder her of his father. The way he sat in his chair! The way he twirled his pen! Even the way he looked at her. She shivered, as her body reacted to her long suppressed sexual memories.

"What exactly do you want from me? I haven't heard from you, nor seen you in three years. THREE YEARS! You're my fuckin mother! At dad's funeral, all you worried about was Helen and Monica. You left me alone by myself while you consoled them. Didn't you think that I loved him too?"

She began to cry. The things that he said were true, and she could never deny them. Her and her husband had denied him their love and attention. Instead, they showered his sisters with all their love and attention. But damnit! He was her son! He was supposed to help his family. And her and his sisters needed his help. They needed his money. And he had enough to give them some.

"Mark, please! This is not easy for me. I know that the way that we all treated you was wrong. We did love you. But your sisters needed that encouragement that we gave them."

Mark sat and looked at his mom. Well she was his mom by birth anyway. She had never shown her motherly love to him. She had given his sisters everything. Gave in to all their whining and wanting. But him! No! For him, it was always "Later Mark. Maybe after we take care of Helen or Monica's needs we will think about yours".

"They need! They always need! You and dad spoiled them so fuckin' much, they will always need. What happened to dad's insurance money? You never called or gave me any of it. I know it was a lot; cause right after the funeral; Helen and Monica drove around in brand new cars. Wasn't I supposed to get any of it? Or maybe you felt that I didn't need it, so they could get all they wanted. But they blew it, didn't they! Just like they do with everything you do for them. And now you're here begging me for more."

Sarah got up and walked around to his chair. Mark swiveled around so that he faced her. There were tears running down her eyes as she looked at him. He had to help her. Those two girls had ruined everything for her. They had used up all their own money, and then started in on hers. She was now so deep in debt, she was going to lose her home. And still her daughter's pestered her for money. But Mark had his own company. He had lots of money. And she was determined to get as much from him as she could.

"Mark you're right! We didn't treat you like a son. And I'm so sorry for that. It isn't easy for me to stand here and beg you for money. And I wouldn't blame you if you threw me out. But I'm about to lose the house. Your sisters have used me and used me, until there isn't much left. I can't pay the mortgage. The house is in foreclosure. Please Mark! I don't want to lose my home. The home you grew up in. You have to help me! You just have to!"

Mark looked his mom up and down. She hadn't changed much. Oh she was older in the face, but neither her body nor her attitude had changed. And knowing that, he became even angrier than he was when she first called him begging.

Mark turned and picked up a piece of paper from his desk. "You haven't paid your mortgage in four months. Every credit card you own has been maxed out! The cars that Helen and Monica drive are in your name, and they are about to be repossessed. You're fucked! And so now you come around to me. The son that you couldn't have cared a shit about before!

And you have the nerve to beg me for money! And not just a couple of dollars either! You're asking for a considerable amount of money. And if I give it to you, you will give it to those two sluts and be right back looking for more in a few months. Do I look stupid to you? Do you really think that I am that fuckin' dumb? That I owe you that much?"

He was her last hope. All last night, her daughters badgered her about coming to him for help. They wouldn't come themselves. Oh no! They had always treated him like shit. Rubbed it in his face that they were the favored ones and he didn't matter. He would do nothing for them and they knew it. But he might help his mom. Then they could get it from her like they always did.

"How badly do you need this money mom? Or should I ask how badly do my two sisters need this money. Cause as sure as I'm sitting here, and you're standing before me beggin, you're doing this more for them then yourself. You never treated me like your son. So don't act the part of the hurt and needy parent now. What will you do for the money mom? How much is it worth to you?"

Sarah looked down at her son. He had grown up without the love her and her husband should have showered him with. So he had grown up distant and hard. And she couldn't blame him for his anger. He knew that she was begging for his sisters. He knew them all so well.

"Mark! I really need your help! I don't want to lose the house. And you're right! I am asking you to help your sisters by helping me. I know I don't have the right to ask you for anything. I know that we never really gave you the love that you should have had by right. But I'll do anything! Please help us! Please Mark?"

Mark looked her up and down. Damn! She did have a nice body. And from what he had heard, she hadn't taken up with anyone since his dad's death. Those two bitches probably wouldn't let another man close to her for fear of him taking before they did.

"What's in it for me mom? You're asking for a lot. What do I get? You have used me all my life. I had to take care of those two spoiled cunts all my life until I left home. You were never the mom you should have been. So I don't see you as my mom now. What will you do for me if I give you the money?"

Sarah was taken back! Surely he wasn't hinting at what she thought he was? He was her son! But seeing the look in his eyes, as he looked her up and down, her heart beat faster.

"What! What do you want Mark? I can come and work for you. I can become your secretary. Whatever you need me to be. That way you can look at it like you are paying me in advance."

Mark got up and walked around her. Sarah tensed as he bent over her shoulder and whispered in her ear. "You were never my mom! So I won't treat you like it. You're a woman in financial trouble. And there is no one but me that can get you out of it. Are you really ready to do anything for my help? You have one chance mom! Either you're willing to do anything, or you can get the fuck out of my office! You're choice mom! The clock is ticking!"

Sarah had been holding her breath. He wasn't HINTING about anything! He was going to extract a price for his help. And that price was her! Her body! But he was her son. Then it hit her. He wouldn't really do anything to her. He was just making her pay for the way that they had all treated him. She smiled, thinking that this had really been easier than she thought it would be.

Sarah took a deep breath! "I said that I would do anything Mark! I know that you're angry. But I'm still you mother and you would not do anything to hurt me." She felt smug. She was still smiling when he walked back around and stood in front of her.

Mark stood only inches from her. He leaned in until his lips were only about 2 inches from hers. "Say it again! And say it like you mean it. Tell me what you will do for my help." He didn't want her to even think that she had gotten over on him. His voice was hard and cold, and he smiled inside as he saw her flinch.

"Eh, anything! Mark! I... I... I would do anything for your help." When he didn't back up, she became afraid. Even as a child, Mark could become hard and cruel at times. And when he did, he could really become scary. She took a deep breath and stood up straight. She decided to try and bluff him out. She looked him directly in his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Anything Mark! I'll do whatever I have to do! Is that what you wanted to hear? Did you want to shame me and embarrass me? Make me pay for how we treated you? Ok! We treated you like shit! I'll do anything for you help! So there! I said it! Now are you gonna help me or what?"

Mark looked at her. He stepped back, never taking his eyes off hers. Then he began to laugh. Just a slight smile at first, but it turned into a belly-shaking laugh. Sarah, thinking that she had won, began to smile also. They were soon laughing together. Her smile of triumph grew. Then suddenly he changed. She felt it immediately. He stopped laughing and looked at her. Her face froze in her laughter!


Sarah was shocked! "What? What did you say?"

"I said strip bitch! You want my money? Well I asked you what you would do for it. You said anything! Strip! If I'm gonna pay you, you're gonna work like hell for it."

"But...but...but I'm your mother! I'm not gonna strip for you! Not now! Not ever! How can you ask me to do a thing like that?"

Mark stood there looking at her. "You may be the woman that gave me birth. But from the time Helen was born, I stopped being your son. And when Monica came along, you treated me like you wished I wasn't even in the house. So don't ask me to treat you like a loving son now. You want my money? It comes with a price. You won't pay my price? Get the fuck out my office. It's late and I want to close up and go home."

Mark turned around and began to clear his desk. Behind him, Sarah began to cry. How could her son treat her like this? But even as she asked the question in her mind, she already knew the answer. They had created him! Their actions towards him while he grew up had turned him into the monster that stood before her. She had nothing! He had everything that she needed. And she had said that she would do anything. She would do it for her daughters. She did everything for them. Why stop now?

With trembling fingers, she unzipped her skirt. When she unbuttoned it, it fell to the floor. She sobbed, and her fingers fumbled, as she unbuttoned her blouse. Then she pushed her slip to the floor. She stood before him in bra and panties. But he had not turned around yet.

"Mark", she said in a whisper.

Mark turned around and looked at her. For a small woman, she still had a nice full body. Her tits filled her bra, and he could see the fold where the crotch of her panty rode between her pussy lips. "You still never listen to me when I talk to you. I said strip! That means totally naked."

"Mark! Surely, whatever you want me to do, I can do without taking all my clothes off. We are in your office. Someone could come in. You would not want them to see your mother standing before you naked would you?"

"My building is closed. The front door locks automatically, and the cleaners don't come in until 5 in the morning. For once, you will do everything that I tell you to do. Exactly like you made me do whatever you and dad told me to do. You used me over and over to do whatever those two lazy sluts wanted. Now it's my turn. Take those fuckin clothes off!"

Her fingers fumbled as she slipped off her bra straps. Then she pulled it around until she could unclasp it. Mark watched her tits come into view. Her nipples were fat and long. He remembered how they always stood out no matter what she wore. Then her hands went to her panty.

Sarah watched her son watching her. It made her shiver, that after three years, a man was watching her undress. Sarah couldn't deny, that even though this was her son watching her, she was becoming wet.

Mark walked over to his mom, who now stood before him naked. He let his hands caress her body, as she shivered and shook. "You are still a beautiful woman. And I intend to enjoy you. Will you still do anything for the money mom? I want to hear the words come out your mouth. I want you to tell me just how badly you want to please those two cunts you call my sisters."

Sarah looked down at the floor between them. She felt so ashamed! So Debased! She was naked before her son, and she was doing it to satisfy her two daughters who couldn't give a damn about what she had to do, as long as she did it and gave them the money. But she knew she would. She always did for them.

"I'll do whatever you want me to do Mark. I'll do anything you tell me to do." Her voice cracked as she talked. Mark knew that she was on the verge of crying.

"Good! Now get on your knees! Take my dick out my pants and show me how well you can suck it! If I'm gonna pay you whore, you are gonna work hard for the money!"

She looked up at her son. "I knew that you hated me Mark! But I never thought that even you would stoop so low! You're willing to give me the money, but you intend to use me like a common whore to get it? I'm ashamed to call you my son."

Mark pushed his face in until he was nose to nose with this woman. "Then get dressed and fuck you! Fuck you, and those two "sisters" of mine. All of you used me. And you never showed me the love you showed them. Get dressed and get out!"

This time, he turned and finished gathering his things. When he turned around, she was kneeling on the rug. Tears were streaming down her face. She looked up at him. "Do what you will!"

Mark looked at her. He should have felt pity for this woman. She wanted to do for her daughters so much, that she would prostitute herself with her own son for his money. But her actions only made him angry. She would never have done anything like this for him.

"Get dressed mom! You had your chance! I'm not gonna keep talking to you over and over to get this over with. I don't have the patience to deal with you. I hope that you and the girls can get by with whatever you are left with. Now get dressed so I can go home."

Sarah realized that she had fucked up. He may have been her son, but he had every right to be angry. And if in his anger, he would put her to shame, she would do it. But she needed that money. She couldn't go home and face her girls without it. They would be so angry with her. And she would face his anger before she faced theirs.

She crawled to him. On her hands and knees, she crawled to him. "Mark, please? I'm sorry! I'll do whatever you tell me to do. I'll suck your dick! I'll let you fuck me. You can use me anyway you wish! But we need that money! Please?"

She was at his feet, her hands fumbling with his zipper. But he brushed her hands aside. "So now the truth comes out. "WE need this money!" It's still all about Helen and Monica! You would whore yourself to your own son to satisfy those two no good cunts!. Well it's late and I'm tired. Tomorrow is Saturday. You come to my house tomorrow at 9am. I'm sure that we can work out a deal. Bring all your credit card statements. I want all the papers on the cars. And bring all the papers they sent you about the house."

He watched her dress. When she walked out the door, he locked it and turned towards his car. Then he stopped. "You're gonna become my whore. And you will not say a word about it to those two. If you do, all deals are off. And mom, I won't do everything at once, nor will I give you control of the money. We will do this my way. And no matter what I decide, you and the girls will have to go along with it. Do I make myself clear?"

Sarah looked up at him. She shivered at the look of malice that was on his face. But she nodded her head. "Yes Mark! I understand completely."

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Helen1899Helen18993 months ago

Promising starter

somewhatniceguysomewhatniceguyover 5 years ago
oh man

write a sequel; bring Helen back; the way she turned out wasn't entirely her fault; it was the fault of their parents, and she was spoiled by them. Once they get spoiled there's no telling what kind of personality they will develop. The last two paras plain enough indicate he has feelings for her. Don't cut her off; bring her, and the ones who hate so much are the ones who are capable of giving full on love. Consider it, please. Let Mark save her ass from trouble; her tears, emotional, as described, is worth getting her back. Let her keep running and get tired and desperate, and Mark move in to save her. There should be a final chapter when Mark is finally happy and is showered with true love of his family once they realize and truly repent what they did to him. Even though he did act out in revenge, he did love them. Mark needs closure, in a good way, that is; make it happen.

chytownchytownalmost 6 years ago
I love The Start*****

Great read. Thank for sharing.

auhunter04auhunter04about 7 years ago
Now me

I would deal with the Mortgage. Credit cards and other debt but not the cars

and I would make the snots pony up their sex too

FreakonaLeash73FreakonaLeash73about 7 years ago

Bring the 2 daughters/bitches into the equation and write a character profile of Mark, Mom, and the Sisters. Write the story using plenty of dialogue and refrain from writing any sex scenes in the first person view. Write down the screams and moans in full caps with exclamation marks. Remember it's your job to pull the READER into the story as if we were there watching the entire episode unfold before our eyes. I also noticed there isn't the slightest bit of a back story to any of this. Hopefully the second chapter has more insight into the full scope of the story and the so called Sisters should be included most definitely. I'm curious so keep writing.

rightbankrightbankabout 7 years ago
Interesting beginning

It could go anywhere from here. I too favor the softer gentler touch. Perhaps this is a learning opportunity, at least for mother and son. To make up for the past and get to know each other as people. But the tags do not bode well for that scenario.

horny2doithorny2doitabout 7 years ago

Yes, an interesting start and a story with so much potential. Yes, things got redundant later in this chapter But it shows how strong he'll be and that he wants to get revenge etc.

I think the 2 sisters should be part of the strip and get all the sex he can from them. After all, they were the major reason he got nothing from his parents or them all his life. They should be made to pay in spades too; especially where Mom will give them everything.

I look forward to more chapters and did enjoy the build up, thanks!

TSreaderTSreaderabout 7 years ago
A great start!

A really great start to this story! I look forward to more! Thank you!

Epiphany_JonesEpiphany_Jonesabout 7 years ago
There is "setting the stage" and then there is "beating a dead horse". Your dialog up to the point where mom stripped was the definition of redundant.

I got it when Mark said Sarah wasn't affectionate towards him. I got it when he said his sisters were selfish and also treated him like shit. I got it when you repeated all of it. And when you repeated it again. And again. I know a number of people who have a habit of repeating themselves. They'll tell you something, repeat it, change it slightly and tell you again, then bounce back to the original version. If I didn't cut them off, they'd waste hours of my day. (Kind of like I'm doing with this comment that keeps repeating the same point, hopefully illustrating how your mind will drift when someone refuses to move on, and chooses instead to revisit the same ground, over and over. Get it?)

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