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"Almost, and look at Barney encouraging her."

As we moved toward the action near the throne, Ellie said, "I think our party is starting to really cut loose."

"No kidding. There goes...whatever her name is. She's trying to...nope, not as far as Anita."

We stayed back a few feet to give the guests more room to huddle in around the dildo fellating women, but we could see just fine. I leaned against Ellie and said loudly enough to be heard over the commotion, "They don't even know where that thing was last."

Ellie looked at me in surprise and then smiled silently as she turned back to the action.

"Oh hell, even I can do better than that," the guy named Louie proclaimed.

"This might be interesting," I said. Seconds later, and perhaps with the relaxing and numbing effects of alcohol, he took more of the silicone toy down his throat than Jean had managed. "Maybe he's had a lot of practice," I said into Ellie's ear.

She covered her mouth as she struggled not to laugh and the group continued to play with the scepter.

Ted moved over to us and asked us, "So when do you hang the undies?"

"We could do it now. Maybe that will inspire more donations."

"Yeah, like from Dee."

"Dee, really? Cool, be right back. I ran downstairs and was soon back with an extending pole from Lowe's and I'd taped a hook on the end of it. The dildo games had subsided, and with Ted's help, the contributed intimate apparel went to the rafter hooks one by one, and I made sure that Angie's contribution was put on the hook labeled, hook of honor.

Most of the guests were watching as I hung the sexy decorations and Ted asked me, "So what's with the hook of honor?"

"I'll tell you later. It was a bribe of sorts."

"Got it, I think."

Chapter Twenty Four

By about the fourth garment, Jean appeared beside me and just watched as Ted and I draped panties and bras and a couple pair of men's briefs on the hooks. "You have many more hooks than you have garments," Jean said as she lightly pressed her breasts against my arm.

"I do have, do you have a cure for that?"

"I just might be able to contribute something. Let Ted take the pole for a minute." Ellie was in my peripheral vision and watching us closely, but she wasn't moving any closer. Did she know what was going to happen?

I certainly didn't, so Ted took the pole and I turned to Jean and asked, "Okay, now what happens?"

"Depends, would you like my bra?" My smile answered her question so she said, "First, you have to take my blouse off and then write something sexy on my bra."


It was her turn to smile as she said, "There's no better time than right now lover."

"First blouse, then marker," I repeated and smiled again, and I slowly unbuttoned her blouse and held my breath fearing that she would stop me and say she was just teasing. I really wasn't aware of it, but I heard later that all eyes were on Jean and me, and the loft became silent. The others couldn't have heard our conversation, but maybe us standing very close to each other and talking softly piqued their curiosity. Ted held the pole, but he wasn't moving. I learned later that he had heard what Jean had said.

I was almost sad when I unfastened the last button and then slowly helped her out of her blouse as we stared into each other's eyes. She was silently daring me to continue I decided, and I was up for the game. I retrieved the marker, swallowed and turned back to Jean. My damn mind wasn't coming up with anything. I could usually think of something crude to say, but I was blank. I was stalling for time when I told her, "I know, I'll write a short story. Your right breast for page one and left breast for page two."

"That would work," she said softly and then added, "Of course after you remove my bra you could always put page three on my right breast and page four on the left. You do write small don't you?"

"Not small enough to suit me," and she smiled again. Then I remembered a quote that I'd read somewhere. My heart was in my mouth and racing as I put my left hand on her right breast and began to coax the permanent marker over her very smooth bra. Our eyes locked again before I looked back to her breast and wrote, "Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question," and then looking up to her eyes again I moved over and cupped her left breast in my hand and wrote, "Yes is the answer."

"What did you write?"

I told her and her smile, if anything, grew brighter as she asked me, "Do you have one more saying in mind?"

"All at once I do seem to recall one."

"Then don't stop now honey. You're loving Ellie is watching us closely, but I think I detect a thin smile."

"Damn, I certainly hope so. I must say, I do love your breasts."

"But you haven't seen them so how can you be sure. Ted's waiting for my bra by the way."

"I think, that along with all of the other men here, Ted is wishing very much that he could trade places with me."

"Oh no, this is your night. Your reward for having this amazing party and inviting me." Ellie was the one that invited her, but I wasn't going to remind her of that little detail.

I worked hard to get my hands to stop trembling. Maybe they really weren't, but it felt that way as I put my arms around her and found her bra hooks. Our faces were a couple of inches apart as she said, "Nice and slow now baby, because I'm enjoying this very much."

"It's hard for me to believe that you can be enjoying this as much as I am."

"I can tell. Your man has bumped against my leg more than once. Maybe you should donate your tights to the rafter."

"If it was up to me, I'd do that willingly."

"I'll have a talk with Ellie."

I was hardly moving my hands, but all too soon I moved back enough to relieve her of her bra as everybody in the room applauded us and then cheered. I was still in shock that I was all but touching her naked breasts and they looked so warm and inviting. "Don't tell Ellie how much I want to be all over you right now."

"I probably won't mention that, at least until things settle down. There's no doubt that she can see you are as hard as you can be right now. Everybody can see that I'm sure, and we know the other women are checking you out."

"That's okay, but right now it's all you honey."

"Oh baby, you better step back and hang my bra before I get us into trouble." I did just that and without taking my eyes from her, I handed the bra to Ted and let go, hoping he could catch it. "Okay, one more thing. Cup my breasts again and write all over me."

"I'm your slave."

"Ooh, I love that idea." I swallowed again and worked to act cool as I cupped her warm breast in my left hand and wrote, "Men are like snow. You never know," and I stopped and whispered, "Oh shit Jean," and then cupped her left breast, paused and then wrote, "How many inches or how long it will last," and then, as I leaned close enough to feel her soft breasts against my thin costume, I whispered the quote to her.

She looked down and said, "I can guess how many inches, and I know it would last more than long enough. Thank you honey," and we tasted each other's tongue before we both stepped back and I could breathe again.

At some point Ellie had moved over close to us, so she startled me when she put her arm around me and whispered, "Your costume isn't fitting you very well right now."

"I know, and it hurts."

"Good," and she smiled.

Chapter Twenty Four

The real world was slow in coming back to me, and I was still recovering from Jean's incredible tease when Hank, Sally's shy husband, approached Ellie and whispered to her. Ellie whispered back and that went on for a good minute. Jack and Vicky's costumes were short togas and hers was especially short and the top plunging. Jack's toga was a much longer style with Birkenstocks on his bare feet.

Then Ellie smiled at me, winked and moved away a few feet as I watched to see what shy Jack and Ellie were up to. Jean was calmly slipping her blouse back on over her bare breasts when, to my total amazement, Ellie reached up under Jack's toga and pulled his boxers down and then stood up with them in her hand as the others applauded again. She and Jack moved to the bar then and they both signed the underwear and they shared a light kiss.

Not to be outdone, Vicky floated over to me and opened the top of her toga to my eyes and said, "Sorry Ben, but I'm not wearing a bra."

"Oh Vicky, I'm not sorry at all. My memory of this moment will outlast any bra hanging from a hook."

"But," she said as she covered her breasts again, "I am wearing panties that I want you to have, but like Jack with Ellie, you have to get them." Then she whispered, "Take your time honey and let the others wonder just what you're doing under my costume."

"What I'll do and what I'd like to do will be two completely different things."

"I'll think about this tonight as I slip off to sleep."

I knelt in front of her and slid my hands up her bare legs and watched her for any change of mind, but I knew this was what she wanted. I let my hands gently explore her somewhat generous, but firm ass and then my good sense left me. As my hand tugged at the waist band my other hand explored the curve of her mound and vulva. She stopped breathing and stared down at me as I paused long enough to feel the heat of her sex and I was instantly hard again. I forced myself then to focus on teasing her panties down and then she stepped out of them, and just like Jack and Ellie, we went to the bar and signed her panties before I kissed her cheek and whispered, "Thank you Vicky."

"God you surprised me Ben, but more than that, I wished we could share more."

"So do I," and I wasn't stretching the truth too much.

Vicky went back to her Jack and I fixed myself a drink, and then looked across the bar and flinched. "Jenny, when did you get here?"

She smiled and said, "About fifteen minutes ago. I didn't plan on coming, but the next thing I knew I was on the road and here I am."

"You came alone?"

"I did."

"Then by all means stay with us tonight and go home in the morning."

"Thank you, I accept."

"Do you have a drink?"

"I just finished one, but..."

"Jack and Coke work?"

"Perfect. I introduced myself to Ellie just a few minutes ago."

"Oh shit, you saw all of that with..."

"Oh yes I did, but your secret is safe with me boss."

"I'm not your boss here. Out of the office you have no boss and as far as I'm concerned, no rules."

"Oh, is that right."

"As you can see, if there were rules they've all been broken by now."

"When you have a party, you really have a party."

"Well I've never had anything like this and that's for sure."

"That woman in the toga...you really had her going."

"Did I?"

"Couldn't you tell?"

"I'm just a little overwhelmed by everything that is happening."

"Oh, and nice costume too. Fits you nicely. No rules right?"

"That's right."

"Okay, then what I was going to say, is you make those tights look nice."

"Thank you. So did you bring something to donate to the loft?"

"I didn't know about the no rules thing at the time, but maybe I can get something to you. Maybe a plain brown wrapped package will come to your desk."

"Thank you very much. You look a lot nicer than at the office."

"I doubt it. It's probably just because we aren't at work."

"Well maybe, but I'll never see you quite the same again."

"Maybe that's a good thing. So are you and Ellie in a serious relationship?"

"You'll find out after while."

"Uh oh, you are serious then."

"Oh damn."

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, I made up a little game that I was going to start, but...with you here and..."

"Don't worry about me Ben, I'm not at all fragile."

"Good, okay stick close then and I'll get everybody's attention and explain the game." I climbed up on the bar and loudly said, "Hey everybody, I need your attention for a second."

I held up two short decks of cards and said, "These are regular playing cards except for one thing. They're blank on one side, so I've been putting some things on the cards. So here's what we'll do." I looked down and said, "Jenny, ring that dinner bell nice and loud." She did just that and then I said, "Here's how it works. Two stacks. One stack has fairly tame things for the card holder to do. Also in this deck of about twenty cards are a couple that says you can select anybody you want to do what is on the card you hold. Just two of those though in this deck. So say you draw this card and it reads...you must deeply kiss the person of the opposite sex that is closest to you. Okay, very simple. So if you want to take a chance, ring the bell loudly and draw a card and see what will happen. Now this other deck of twenty cards is the same thing. Well not quite, because this deck has four cards that say you choose somebody else to act out what is on the card. But here's the catch. The cards in this deck are more adult rated. Choose the deck of cards you want to draw from, ring the bell and have fun if you dare. Simple as that and the cards will be here at the end of the bar." I jumped down and put the cards on the tray with the little signs saying mild and spicy, and put the bell next to the cards.

Jenny came back to me just as Ellie joined me and I slipped my arm around both of them as Ellie asked, "Do you think anybody will try one of the cards?"

"We'll find out. Either way I'm out less than ten bucks, so I'm not worried.

"Will you Ellie?" Jenny asked.

"I haven't decided, what about you?"

"Same here, but then I'm only into drink number two."

"Oh honey," I said, "I asked Jenny to spend the night with us so she isn't driving home alone in the middle of the night."

"Well actually," Jenny said, "I was going to find a motel."

Ellie smiled and told her, "No Ben's right, stay in our guest room."

"Thank you very much."

"Ben is having an exceptional evening."

"I've only been here a short time, but from what I've seen, I'd say he is."

I didn't even realize I was doing it at the time, but I pulled Jenny closer to me as I said, "But as you saw, Ellie had her moment of excitement too."

"I did see, and Ellie, did you notice your guy staring down at you with flushed cheeks?"


"Oh yes."

"I didn't..." and the little dinner bell called out to all and a guy was holding the bell in his hand.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Ellie.

"Roger Layton, and his girlfriend is Fran, but I don't know where she is at the moment."

"Pick a card," Somebody called out.

"I'm trying to decide which deck."

"Well the dirty one of course," and everybody laughed, but he opted for the deck marked mild. "Read it to us," the voice added.

"I'm to have the woman nearest me stand behind me and put her hand in my pocket and count my change. If there is no change, she is to explore as much as possible for one full minute." Our group was well into the party mode and they clapped, and more than one said they would time the lucky woman.

"Oh no," Ellie whispered, "The nearest one is Mary and she's not the groping type as far as I know."

"Well now this will be interesting." I still wasn't aware of how close I was holding Jenny and that she was leaning into me with her arm loosely around my waist with her hand about half on my tights clad ass.

Ellie whispered to me again, "How is it to feel your secretary's hand on your almost naked ass? Guess you should have worn briefs huh."

"My briefs looked awful under these tights, and I never thought she would even come to the party or that she'd be so friendly."

"We didn't think Angie would show up either, or be so friendly."

"I guess we were wrong on all counts."

"It would seem so."

"Oh, and it feels just fine having her hand on my ass."

"You are so easy."

"Shh, don't tell anybody."

Chapter Twenty Five

We were all watching very closely as Roger turned around, and blushing Mary was trying to sneak away as Roger put his hand on her and said, "I guess that would be you. I'm Roger."

"Oh. Oh god...I'm Mary, but..."

"Well I don't have any change in my pocket."

"But...but Roger I've never..."

"He smiled and told her, "Don't worry, no part of me will bite you."

"But what about your wife?"

"I'm not married, and my girlfriend won't mind at all."

"Oh god." She stepped behind him, and as others watched, she slipped her hand into his pocket. He was almost a stranger to her and she could feel his thigh under her hand immediately, and his warmth seemed to surround her hand.

"You have to explore too Mary," we heard him say.

She looked like she wanted to swear, but that was something she never did. Instead she took a deep breath and held it as though that would help her endure the embarrassment of what she was expected to do. She licked her lips and very tentatively moved her hand a little. Not encountering anything but more thigh and fabric, she felt a certain amount of relief. She knew she was so very close to his...she couldn't even bring herself to say the word in her mind, but in spite of her wishes, the image of a hard cock drifted across her thoughts. She moved her hand toward his midline, but up high where she was certain she wouldn't encounter any surprises and that worked for her. Fear and anxiety were slipping away from her and her left hand went to his left hip for reasons, that even looking back later, she couldn't begin to explain. In fact everything that happened after that moment would forever puzzle her, but she would always smile at the memory. It felt to her like it was an hour of exploring as she repeated her moves. Very unimaginative and she knew it, but she couldn't help who she was. Across again and stay high she told herself, but suddenly she hand her hand over his hardness.

Mary flinched and said, "Oh god," but for some reason she didn't take her hand out of his pocket. To her it felt like there was nothing between her hand and his very hard cock. Her glowing face was obvious to all of us and the position of her hand told us all where she was and what was happening.

Roger meant to whisper, but several of us heard him say, "You're doing great Mary, and your hand feels awesome."

Her left hand tightened on the flesh just above his left hip as she moved her right hand and his cock seemed to go with it. She could see it in her mind so very clearly as she told him, "You are so hard Roger."

"I know and it's all because of you."

"Oh god," she mumbled again.

"Time's up," somebody called out, and she removed her hand.

Roger turned around and putting his arms around her, he whispered to her and held her close as she held onto him. They whispered back and forth a couple more times and then they released their hold on each other.

"Check this out," I said, "Lou is going to ring the bell," and I barely got the words out of my mouth before he picked up the small brass bell and shook it over his head. "He'll go for the spicy pile is my guess."

Jenny turned her back to me and leaned back against me as Lou did just that.

"Wow," he said loudly. "Remember, I'm not making this up. I'm to select two people that aren't a couple, and I select...well look here. Ben, you have two women in your life it appears. Okay. Sorry Ellie, I hope you can forgive me for this. You join me. Ben, you made these cards so you may remember this one," but I didn't. "Ted, come join us." Ted was smiling but I could see he was apprehensive. Okay ladies first, so Ellie turn your back to the room, and Ted, you undress her to her bra and panties. Then Ellie, you get dressed and undress Ted. Of course I get to watch."

Ellie looked at me with a hint of anger so I quickly said, "Honey, I never dreamed you would be selected."

"Ben, this is just awful. Ted and I...I mean we'll...oh god, what have you done Ben," and she moved over next to Ted and they held each other's hand in a tight grip. Maybe I was just wishing for it, but I thought I saw a slight upward curl to her lips as she glanced at me and then away.
