Vampire Wars: Katarina's Story

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A young vampire huntress bites off more than she can chew
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The dark streets of the city lay deserted in the heavy rain. Though still far from the front lines of the Vampire Wars, the citizens knew that it was not safe at night. That was the vampires' method. Small numbers of them would infiltrate cities and towns, blending in among the humans, ambushing the vulnerable, leaving no trace except for the vanished ex-humans who rose again as new additions to the ranks of the vampires. Each morning, the local newspaper would report the previous night's tally, generally a few dozen, but steadily rising in the past few months. Night after night, slowly whittling down the numbers of humans. Softening up the beachhead before the inevitable tidal wave.

A solitary figure moved along an otherwise empty street. As she passed under one of the few still-working street lights, her features became clearly visible. She was very beautiful, with long dark brown hair, a tanned and high-cheekboned face, large dark brown eyes, and full, pouty lips. Her skintight black leather pants and low-cut red blouse accented her hourglass, 5'7", 130-pound figure, showing off her round, muscular ass and round, firm 34C breasts. The custom-made high heels on her knee-high black leather boots boosted her height to just under six feet. She had a crossbow strapped to her back and a sword sheathed at her slender waist. Black leather gloves covered her hands, and a small silver pendant in the shape of a cross rested on her throat.

Her name was Katarina and she was the latest in a long line of female vampire hunters. Only eighteen years old, she already had many kills notched on her belt, thanks to years of extensive training, daily heavy workouts, and the natural athletic gifts inherited from her mother's side of the family. The bloodline of vampire huntresses could be traced all the way back to the 15th century, when a Hungarian duchess had saved her castle by slaying the Transylvanian vampire lord who had been threatening it. Ever since then, the eldest daughter had continued the tradition of hunting vampires and training the next generation.

Katarina had been warned by her mother not to go out alone at night. The vampires hidden in the city were growing bolder and more aggressive, and most hunters were going out in groups of at least two or three. Not Katarina, however. Like many teenagers, she was rebellious and sassy, and confident to the point of cockiness at her ability to protect herself.

In the past five years, when the vampire problem had suddenly morphed from a minor nuisance to a genuine and horrifying threat to take over the world, hundreds of thousands of amateurs had joined the formerly small ranks of professional vampire hunters. Professionals like Katarina looked down on the newcomers, not without some justification, as the novices were often more hindrance than help, and frequently fell into vampire traps and ambushes that were some of the oldest tricks in the book. Why, just last week, a single vampire had lured eight hunters into an abandoned building with a phony cry for help and slaughtered them all. When Katarina had caught the vampire and staked it through the heart, she had found herself shaking her head at the stupidity of its victims. In her mind, it wasn't about "safety" (what a joke that had been with those fools) in numbers, it was about training and using your brain.

Now, as she walked along the wet street, Katarina suddenly tensed. Her pace did not change and only the most expertly trained eye would be able to detect any difference in her facial expression, but she was preparing herself. Vampires. Her training and genetic background had given her that sixth sense to detect them. At least three, perhaps four, about to ambush her.

They leapt from the shadows, two of them, moving faster than any human. Fangs bared, they came straight at her. Any human being, no matter how well-trained, would have stood no chance if they had been caught unawares. But Katarina was ready. By the time her eyes detected the first flash of movement, she was already drawing her sword. With a single swift swing of her weapon, she decapitated one vampire and sliced a long, deep cut across the second monster's shoulder and chest.

Knowing that the second vampire's wound would heal in a moment, she executed a powerful standing back layout, her booted foot impacting the underside of his chin. On a human, her backflip kick would have been instantly lethal, breaking the neck. For the vampire, however, it simply knocked him a step backward.

Aware that there were still more vampires that hadn't revealed themselves, she sheathed her sword and threw her body into a series of standing back handsprings into the middle of the street, backflipping away from the rapidly recovering vampire and any place for others to hide. She finished her tumbling run with a high back tuck, drawing a wooden bolt from her quiver and inserting it into her crossbow as her body rotated. Landing elegantly despite her high heels, she fired at the now fully-recovered vampire, who was rushing at her at incredible speed with his mouth wide open. Her loading of the weapon while flipping had given her the extra second she needed. Just before the vampire would have crashed into her, he crumbled into dust as the sharp piece of wood drove through his heart.

The last two vampires were already out of their hiding places and charging her. Katarina was already reloading her crossbow. She had time for one more shot, her aim still true despite the speed of the attack and the adrenaline pumping through her. One more vampire crumbled into ash. The last creature, however, crashed into her before she could adjust her focus. Knocking her down and landing on top of her, he opened his mouth, displaying his large, razor-sharp fangs. His cruel eyes focused on her elegant neck...

The silver cross pendant caused the monster to jerk his head backward. Contrary to popular misconception, it did not have the power to send vampires fleeing in terror, and only the youngest and weakest vampires would even consider retreating from it. But the little piece of jewelry did its job, buying Katarina enough time to draw her sword. As the vampire recovered and came at her again, she had just enough time for the simplest and swiftest of attacks - a stab to his chest. Unfortunately for her, the vampire simply impaled himself deeper on her blade, his fangs coming out again, moving ever closer to her throat.

Cursing, Katarina withdrew the sword with a squishing sound. As the wound in his chest swiftly healed and closed, she kicked him in the head with her big black boot, knocking him to the ground. A swift kip-up and she was back on her feet. She raised her right leg.

Too late, the vampire realized that the girl's sharp high heels were made of wood. She stomped down hard on his chest, the lethal heel staking his heart and turning him to dust.

Katarina put her sixth sense into action again. No more vampires were near. As she collected the wooden crossbow bolts she had fired and put them back in her quiver, she felt her heart rate slowly return to normal.

She approached the corpse of the decapitated vampire. Not wanting to leave trash on the street, she dusted the body with a swift stomp of her high heel. The head remained, the mouth still frozen open with its fangs showing. She picked it up and, with a powerful, well-aimed drop kick, sent it crashing through a third-story window and into one of the many abandoned warehouses that lined the street. She was glad that despite all her combat training, she still had time for ordinary sports like soccer. It was one of the few times where she could hang out with other girls her age...

Katarina continued on through the deserted streets, silent except for the pouring rain, appearing lost in thought but always on the alert for danger. For two hours she went on, up and down the roads and through dark alleys. No vampires.

She was just about to call it a night when her sixth sense again went on alert. There was something in the distance. Strangely, she couldn't tell if it was a single vampire or a whole group of them. She could usually tell...

A fierce debate raged in her mind on whether to investigate alone or call for backup, her training and common sense on one side versus her curiosity and teenage overconfidence on the other. Curiosity and confidence won out, and she turned the corner onto a narrow dead-end street, towards the danger, her heart pounding.

As she got closer, her vampire sense diagnosed the threat more clearly. It was a single vampire, but one with a far stronger aura than she had ever sensed before. It had to be one of the ancient ones, thousands of years old, incredibly powerful. The kind that could take down small armies of professional vampire slayers without breaking a sweat. (If vampires even sweat). Even a sassy, impulsive teenage girl like Katarina knew she was no match for a monster like this. She turned around and began to run.

It was too late, however. He appeared out of nowhere, in front of her somehow, blocking the only way out. Katarina shivered in horror as she realized she was trapped.

The vampire smiled, showing his fangs. Though he was about a hundred feet away and only dimly illuminated by the nearest street light, she could see that he was tall, heavily muscled, and handsome in a cold and dominant way. He was dressed entirely in black - black pants, black boots, black leather gloves, and a sleeveless black top that showed off his powerful arms, the muscle definition showing even when he wasn't flexing. A strange feeling flowed through her. She was terrified of him, but found him alluring at the same time.

Realizing that the creature was beginning to use some form of mind control on her, Katarina gathered all of the strength and defiance she had left. Letting out a shrill scream, she drew her crossbow and inserted a wooden bolt.

The vampire moved like lightning, doing a roundoff followed by a series of back handsprings directly at her. She tried to aim at his heart, but he was moving so quickly that he was nothing more than a backflipping blur. Though she was a trained gymnast, she had never seen anyone, human or vampire, move like that.

She fired anyway. The bolt harmlessly impacted his thigh. Not even slowing down or making the slightest sound of pain, he continued elegantly backflipping at her, crashing into her before she could reload and knocking her down. Landing perfectly on his feet, he kicked her in the stomach with his big black boot as she tried to draw her sword. Her toned abs could absorb a lot of damage, but his kick was simply devastating. She gasped for breath, her blade forgotten, desperately trying to let more oxygen into her system. When she finally recovered enough to begin sitting up, he smashed his knee into her face. She smelled her own blood as she was knocked back to the ground.

She tried her sword again. He simply grabbed it by the sharp end, yanked it out of her hand with his superhuman strength, and tossed it aside. In desperation, she grabbed the silver cross she wore around her neck, pointing it towards him.

The vampire laughed. Moving faster than the eye could see, he yanked the cross right off her neck, breaking the chain. He glanced down at the item in his hand, then gave Katarina a piercing stare.

"Pretty little trinket," he said, speaking for the first time. His voice was deep and rough, yet strangely soothing and hypnotizing. "It may even have some effect on lesser vampires. On me, however..." He closed his large, leather-gloved fist and squeezed, the muscles in his massive forearm springing to life. When he unclenched his fist, only small particles of silver dust remained, which he sprinkled unceremoniously on the asphalt.

"How old..." Katarina managed to gasp.

"Over five thousand years."

Five thousand years. A creature that was already stronger and faster than any human. A creature whose body did not weaken as it got older, but instead continuously grew stronger and better trained each year it was alive. A creature whose mind grew stronger too, absorbing new knowledge, experience, and tactical skills, and never forgetting any of them.

Katarina remembered a story her mother had told her when she was a little girl. Three years before Katarina was born, her mother and eleven more of the world's most experienced, well-trained vampire hunters had gone after a thousand-year-old vampire. After a terrible battle, they had killed the monster, but only three of the twelve vampire slayers had walked out from the encounter alive. And if this one was five thousand years old...

The vampire looked straight into her frightened eyes. The tough warrior woman had been replaced by a scared and vulnerable teenage girl. A girl with hopes and dreams that she knew would now never be fulfilled, a girl with friends at school that she would never see again. She somehow sensed that he could read her thoughts.

"Shhh," he whispered. "You've done well in your short career. You did well even tonight."

"You saw me kill those other vampires? You set a trap for me?"

He nodded. "Youngsters. Eighty or ninety years old, a little more powerful than the new vampires we can create by turning people, but still, no big loss. I let you wander around for a couple of hours afterward just to make sure you wouldn't get too suspicious when I finally did make my presence known."

All the spirit seemed to have left Katarina. The pretty teenage brunette began to sob. "Please, I don't want to die! Please let me go. I'll do anything you want, I swear!"

"Shhh," he whispered again. "I know you'll do anything I want. And you're not going to die. On the contrary, you're going to live for a very, very long time." Before she could move, his mouth was wide open and his fangs sank into her neck.

The funny thing was how little she felt, Katarina mused. She still knew every detail about her old life. Yet none of that seemed to matter or have any effect on her. She still remembered all of the stories her mother had told her. Yet when she thought of her mother, she felt absolutely nothing. In fact, she felt no emotion at all, except loyalty to this powerful vampire on top of her. His will was her will.

He smiled down at her, his fangs still dripping with blood. Then he began to remove his clothes. Without having to be told, she began removing hers. It was as if her own mind was giving orders to her body as a completely separate entity.

He stood up and she followed him, both of them standing there in the rain, completely nude. They made a striking couple, his size and bulk and large, powerful muscles pairing well with her considerably smaller but still toned and fit body. His pale skin and her deep brown tan contrasted sharply with each other. Her awe-inspiring, ultra-firm, all-natural 34C breasts with small but pointy nipples stood proudly on her bare chest. Her tits were tanned the same dark brown as the rest of her, the result of topless sunbathing that she wouldn't be doing again.

She looked down at his crotch. His steel-hard cock had grown to its full length of nine inches. She remembered a time, just after her eighteenth birthday, when she had had a guy that long and how much it had hurt her. Yet she felt no fear, only desire for that massive dick to be inside her. She had changed. She was different now. She was stronger than any mortal woman, and she needn't fear that kind of man power any more.

He moved swiftly, body-slamming her into the nearest wall, then penetrating her with his huge manhood. Against the wall, in the rain, he fucked her, cruelly and hard, thrusting in and out, letting her feel what a lesser being could never give her. She took pleasure from the pain, clinging to him tightly, her shrieks and moans loud but lost in the wind and rain of the storm.

He increased the pace, pounding her harder and more brutally. If she had still been a mortal woman, she would have been crying in agony as the deepest part of her vagina was damaged. But now, any damage healed almost instantaneously, and the increased pain only sent waves of increased pleasure to her brain. He began slapping her across the face and breasts, not saying a word, simply striking her again and again. Her cries became louder. She relished the pain, relished the fact that she could take it.

One great thing about vampires, Katarina was discovering, was their stamina. The other guy with the nine-inch cock had blown his load inside her after less than two minutes, leaving her unsatisfied and angry. She had forcibly done the splits on his face and made him eat her out until she came all over his face. But this was not going to be a problem now. He kept it up for eight minutes. Ten. Twelve. Finally she felt herself approaching climax.

He suddenly body-slammed her onto the asphalt, still inside her. Landing with his muscular bulk on top of her, letting her feel his weight and strength, he continued drilling her, nailing her with the maximum speed and power of his thrusts as she finally orgasmed, shrieking with delight as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. She then felt him stiffen inside her, but he didn't shoot into her. Instead, he pulled out of her and shot a massive load of cum all over her face. One spurt of white semen after another drenched her cheeks, nose, and mouth until he was finally emptied out. She lay there, letting the rain wash the gooey mess away.

Without a word, he stood up and began getting dressed. She did the same. He helped her put her boots and gloves on and even handed her back her weapons. She simply nodded. She no longer needed emotional satisfaction from sex. Physical satisfaction was all she needed now.

"You know what to do," he said. She nodded again. She was the unquestioning servant of this powerful vampire lord for the next who-knew-how-many thousand years. But she had never felt more free. All the rules and constraints of human society, all the forced little niceties...all of that was swept away forever as far as she was concerned. No more small talk with obnoxious neighbors. No more butt-kissing of high-ranking members of the International Vampire Hunters Association. No more *homework*!

She made her way back through the dark, empty, rainy streets to the local safe house of the International Vampire Hunters Association. She entered the code her untarnished memory still retained to open the front gate, then let the fingerprint and retinal scanners clear her for entry into the house itself. The door unlocked with a click and she slipped inside.

Rounding a corner, she almost bumped into one of the computer technicians. He looked up at her and she could sense the rapidity of his heartbeat. She knew he had always had a crush on her.

"Oh, hi, Katarina," he stammered, trying to smile.

"Hi," she said, smiling back...and showing her fangs. Before he could even open his mouth to scream, she had already sunk them into his neck.

She yanked him up, looking into his now soulless, undead eyes. She pointed to the computer room where the rest of the technicians were working and he simply nodded, heading off to his new duty.

She went up the stairs and straight to her mother's bedroom. Her mother was standing in front of the mirror, brushing her hair. She snuck up behind her.

Her mother, sensing her presence, turned around. "Oh, hi, Katarina. I didn't see you in the mir..." Her face paled in horror as she realized what that meant.

The older woman grabbed for a wooden stake that she kept lying around in her bedroom for just such an emergency. She was fast, but her daughter was faster. Katarina grabbed her mother's arm and twisted it, causing the stake to fall to the carpet. She then let her fangs do their job.

"Mother and daughter. We were always an excellent team. And we still are. Just for the other side now," said Katarina as she helped her newly changed mother up.