Victoria's Fall


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"I actually meant: are you okay working for Santa Clause?"

"Oh, I don't worry about that. Mr and Mrs Clause are very nice. They've even asked me about the best date to give gifts to Moslem children and what gifts would be appropriate. I put them in touch with my Imam."

"Thank you, Ahmed."

Victoria took a few steps toward the door when Ahmed called for her attention. "Vicky, I just wanted to say thank you for giving me this opportunity. I think you'll find that everyone is very happy to be here."

She stared at him for a few seconds as he walked back to the trunk and then she continued walking up the steps to the large, wooden doors of the mansion. She felt a little happier inside, even if she had no clue what she was going to do with her life. After all, when would the circumstances that led to Jenny living here be duplicated?

As Victoria reached for the doorbell both doors opened. Standing in the doorway was Jenny, wearing a light-coloured sundress and with her wavy, strawberry blonde hair hanging down to her shoulders.

Jenny and Victoria rushed together and hugged each other tightly.

"It's so good to see you, Vicky. I'm so glad you came for a visit," drawled Jenny, with her sexy, Georgian accent.

"I'm glad I came, Jenny. I've been going over some things in my mind and wanted to chat with you."

Jenny grabbed Victoria's hand. "Come on, Phil and Sabrina have just started lunch."

Vicky pulled her back and lifted Jenny's left hand. "A wedding band? You promised me I could be your maid of honour, Jenny. I had big plans."

Jenny pouted. "It's the only thing I don't like about life right now. Legally, there has been no wedding. It seems that three adults who love each other can't go before a preacher or a justice of the peace and get hitched. By the time we can get legally married, it'll be far more likely that you'll be my matron of honour rather than my maid of honour, Vicky."

Sorry that she had brought the subject up, Vicky decided to change the topic. "Well, at least you and Phil and Sabrina are happy. Let's go eat. I've only had a small sandwich since breakfast."

As they walked into the dining area, Victoria heard silverware drop onto plates and chairs being pushed out.

"Vicky!" Phil and Sabrina chorused. Phil was a tall, dark-haired and handsome man who towered over the three ladies. Sabrina was aboriginal with long, black hair, a complexion not quite as dark as Ahmed's and shining brown eyes. Each gave her a familiar hug.

"Have a seat and grab some food, Vicky," offered Sabrina.

The four sat and Victoria and Jenny pulled food off various trays and onto their own plates. Phil and Sabrina waited for the two ladies to start eating before they continued their own meal.

"I am glad to see the three of you doing so well," said Victoria.

"Well, I am aging a bit fast due to stresses from..."

Jenny let loose with a raspberry, interrupting Phil. "Don't let him fool you, Vicky. He chases us around the house constantly."

"What man could resist either of you ladies?"

"Flatterer!" accused Jenny. "So tell us what has been going on with you, Vicky."

Vicky told her story and they listened patiently.

"Seems simple enough to me," said Sabrina. "She should just stay here for a few months. She can relax and enjoy herself. You do know we have a very large swimming pool here, don't you Vicky?"

"You just want to see her in a bikini," suggested Phil.

"And with the figure that she has, you don't?" Sabrina responded in mock shock.

"Seriously Vicky," said Jenny, "you can stay as long as you like. But I can understand what you mean about wanting to do something useful. So why don't you?"

"Like what?" asked Victoria.

The three seemed to mull this over in silence.

"What are you good at, Vicky?" asked Phil, after some time.

"Besides wearing a bikini?" teased Sabrina.

"This isn't helping, Sabrina," pointed out Jenny.

Sabrina turned to Victoria. "I'm sorry. I suspect too much good loving has each of us a little giddy and possibly permanently horny. Please don't take offence at what I've said to you and please don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do."

"I understand and I'm not offended, Sabrina. Your sense of humour is very similar to Jenny's."

"Ha! I told the two of you that and you didn't believe me," accused Phil, jokingly. "No one understands how hard this life is on me."

"If you two are finished lunch then maybe you should go out for a bit and let Vicky and I have some real girl-talk?" asked Jenny, ignoring her husband's teasing.

"We'll see you at dinner, Vicky," said Phil, rising from his seat. Sabrina also stood up and gave Victoria a friendly wave, before leaving arm in arm with Phil.

Victoria waited until she was sure the two were well out of earshot before speaking. "Jenny, I've been thinking about investigating one of those null areas you found in that old, faerie atlas."

"Don't you dare! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! It is way too dangerous!"

"Well, I just thought that somebody has to do something about these places. The faeries can't sense anything about them so it means humans have to explore them. What if they are all filled with Windigos and they're killing anybody who stumbles upon them?"

Jenny seemed torn. "I understand your concern, but dealing with one of those evil faeries requires a navy seal team or a group of superheroes, not a young woman."

"Still, even if someone scouted around these areas and then alerted the military to the danger that was there, the world would be a better place."

"Don't think about these problems right now, Vicky. Just relax and enjoy yourself. A solution will come to you, eventually."

"You're probably right."


Four days later, Victoria had been wined and dined and entertained and was feeling a little bit like a fifth wheel. She broke the news to the others that she had decided to return to the North Pole and see if Holly or Doug had figured out some way in which she could contribute. She called her parents from the mansion, telling them of her plans and then a short time later Doug showed up in his Santa's sleigh. Her parting with Jenny and her spouses was both sad and cheerful. On the other hand, her return to the North Pole was entirely cheerful and she felt that she was home once again.

That feeling of returning home, stronger than what she had felt at her parent's place, fixed the idea in her head that no matter what anyone else told her she was going to make a contribution in her own way.

As soon as she could find private time, Victoria disappeared into the library and examined the same old books that Jenny had pored over, months earlier. She did her best to not let the others know what she was doing and everyone else was so busy that it appeared to be working. She learned and researched and eventually came up with a plan to help make the world a safer place.


Victoria stood outside the door to Holly and Doug's living space, impatiently shifting a pile of books and papers as she awaited permission to enter. At last the door opened and Doug ushered her through. He was in his forties with brown hair beginning to grey and was wearing a plush, red bathrobe and upon seeing what he wore she immediately regretted interrupting the couple.

The room was the one that contained the famous 'list', in encyclopaedic bound books on the shelves along the walls of the room. Victoria set her heavy load down on an empty table and glanced at Holly. Holly was a pretty, titian haired woman a few years older than Victoria. She wore a negligee that did not conceal her bulging abdomen. Victoria could guess very easily why the two looked ready for bed shortly after lunch, Holly had confided in her that pregnancy made her hornier. She smiled at Doug and he pointed to a chair at the table.

Holly rolled her eyes. "You do that without thinking, don't you Vicky?"

"Do what?"

"Immediately charm the men as soon as you walk into a room. And don't say you don't know what I'm talking about."

Victoria closed her mouth. "Yes, I guess I do, Holly. But you do know that I would never try to seduce Doug, don't you?"

"I know that, Vicky. You gave up on him as soon as you figured out someone else was on his mind."

"And I don't think I really stood a chance, anyways. You're quite sexy, for Mrs. Santa Claus." The two ladies giggled.

"Uhm, if we've gotten the greeting out of the way then maybe Vicky can tell us what was so important she had to interrupt us?" Doug stood with his arms crossed.

"Oh, sit down honey. We'll have plenty more time for lovemaking right after she leaves."

Doug sat down, but his cheeks reddened a bit and he didn't look Victoria in the eye.

Victoria opened some of the books. Doug and Holly groaned. "Well, you've seen these before," Vicky said.

"Yes. I should have destroyed them, but Breeleigh and the others wouldn't let me. If I'd known you were going to be following in Jenny's footsteps I would have ignored that little elf girl. Put all this stuff back in the library. You know better than any of us exactly what kind of terrible things Jenny and her two friends went through. They were lucky to survive," said Doug.

"I agree, Vicky. Put this stuff away and forget about it," added Holly.

Victoria looked at the two of them intently. She knew they were intelligent people and that it was their concern over her safety that prompted them to say what they had said.

"First, hear me out. Jenny located thirteen areas on the globe that the elves and faeries could not sense. She, Phil and Sabrina destroyed the monster that resided in one of them, the area in Quebec. That creature was vulnerable to technology, the same as the friendly elves and faeries. Also, that creature was preying upon animals, faeries and humans who came anywhere near its territory. I say we have an obligation to check these other areas out, if we can, and try to find some way to put an end to any beings that may threaten faeries and humans. We are the only ones who can do this."

Doug and Holly exchanged glances. "We've discussed this between ourselves, Vicky," said Doug. "But there is the problem that Windigo was extremely dangerous and even downed a small plane. How can we investigate these areas safely?"

"Well, I've thought about that, Doug. If we take some technology for protection such as guns, radios, notebooks, GPS or whatever else we can come up with, then if there is a dangerous creature its power will be greatly diminished. Also, if we only skirt the danger region and consult with natives and local faeries then we can gather some intelligence on what we are dealing with. Then, we return back to the North Pole. We send word to Cecee and Yuri at the United Nations to alert the countries in that region to the danger there. Those countries can then step in and wipe out the evil creature." She sat back in the chair, pleased at being allowed to speak her piece.

Doug and Holly looked thoughtful. "I don't like it. I think it might be better to simply alert the nations concerned to the danger and let them explore."

"That won't work, Doug," replied Victoria. "What if it isn't a threat? What if it is a friendly faerie trapped somehow? Remember the water faerie near Windigo's lair? She would have been killed. How would the normal authorities know what they were looking for?"

Doug shook his head. "I think this might work, Doug." He stared at his wife in surprise. "Well, think about it honey. She's only going to scout out the area, not actually to face another Windigo. She talks to some faeries and humans who live in the area and learns what is going on and then comes back. She'll promise us that's all she is doing."

Victoria's eyes lit up. This was going better than she hoped. She would get a chance to travel around the world while making a difference and really helping both people and faeries. "I promise I will do as we've agreed. I will not go into one of these regions, I swear."

Doug was still not convinced. "You'll need bodyguards."

"You mean chaperones?"

"No, I mean bodyguards. There are many places in this world that are just not safe for anyone. We can ask some of the Russians if they are interested in accompanying you. Did you have one particular site in mind?"

Victoria quickly put her finger on a map. "Africa. I've always dreamed of going to Africa one day and going on a photo safari. This won't quite be the same, but it'll be close. Or maybe a preview."

Doug stood up. "Then I'll talk to the Russians and see if any of them have been to Africa before, especially around that area." Doug examined the map. "As far as I know, that area could just be all jungle. You'll need someone who has been there before."

Victoria gathered her papers and books and after thanking Doug and Holly for their trust in her, she left their quarters with a big smile on her face.


Victoria rolled off Sergei and lay beside him, sweaty but feeling wonderful.

"Something is wrong, isn't it?" he asked after a few minutes.

"Yes. I think our relationship is over, Sergei. I care about you, but I don't love you in the 'til death do us part' sense." She listened to his even breathing for a few seconds. "How do you feel about that?"

"Well...I guess I'm devastated, Vicky. You have such big, beautiful, bouncing boobs and I'll miss them a lot."

Vicky rolled over on to her side and draped her arm across his chest. "You are such a tease, Sergei."

"I'm trying to make light of our break-up, so it is a happy affair."

"It has already been a happy affair, Sergei. I just don't want to be responsible for breaking your heart."

"Ah, but I'm such a womanizer that I have no heart left to break. So, you are going to Africa?"

The tangent caught her by surprise. "Yes."

"I am going with you."

"No, you are not. I don't want someone coming with me because they're in love with me. We're breaking up and it has to be a clean break."

"Ha! I've been to this region of Africa before. I have already told Doug I would go and protect you. A few other sailors have also volunteered. We all do it out of love for you, dear girl. None of us want to see you come to any harm and the best way to make sure you are safe is to protect you ourselves. Doug has already agreed."

"I'll talk to him and explain the situation. You are not going, Sergei."

"Holly agreed, too," he added quietly

"Oh. I guess you're going then. But we're not going as lovers, Sergei."

"It will be a little difficult for both of us, Vicky, but I agree. You lead this expedition and I am in charge of your bodyguards. When do we leave?"

"In three weeks."

Sergei sat up and stretched. "I'd better use the bathroom and then find somewhere else to stay until we leave."

Victoria sat up in bed and watched silently as Sergei put on some clothes and left the room. Then she sighed. Sleep did not come easily to her that night.


Including Sergei, there were seven Russians that travelled with Victoria as her escorts. Two elves came along, as did Casper, a wraithlike faerie that had built a bond with Vicky during her ten-month stay at the North Pole. Fillik and Brendalla had both been to Africa centuries before and were there to advise the humans of dangers that only they could sense.

Doug flew them there in his sleigh, with the humans unconscious in Santa's bag after a special drink of hot chocolate. He landed his reindeer in a wild area that the faeries assured him was free from immediate danger and they set about waking the sleepers. After a few hours, everything was unpacked and Vicky and her team bid Doug farewell.

They watched the sleigh disappear in the sky and then, after consulting a map, began their long trek to the mysterious area they sought. They marched through dry scrub and their path wound about to avoid small hills and thickets of bushes or trees. Sergei kept glancing at Victoria and eventually she called a break and demanded to know why he was staring at her.

Sergei looked at Victoria and then looked at his five men. "Mikhail and I have been to equatorial Africa before. We knew how to dress appropriately and we instructed the men on what to wear and carry. You dressed yourself and I see you chose your clothes and hat very wisely."

"Even you Sergei? Everyone sees these melons and assumes I must have almost no brains. Well, gentlemen, I do have some brains." She continued the march, keeping her smile hidden from the chastised Russians. All Victoria knew about being in tropical Africa was what she had read in a Tarzan novel.

They marched for six days, with Casper and the elves mostly out of their sight. On the seventh day they entered thick forest, which quickly became thick jungle. Going from a brown or yellowish landscape to an entirely green landscape, peppered with brilliantly coloured flowers was a little disorienting. Victoria found the heat, the constant buzzing of biting insects and the continual animal calls distracting at first, but she quickly grew accustomed to all of it. Sergei seemed completely comfortable with the environment while most of his men reacted in a similar manner as Victoria.

As time went by, they all became accustomed to the chopping of undergrowth and vines to make their way. Victoria marvelled at the abundance of life; even the air felt thick with living things.

It was seven days later, when the elves brought in good and bad news. The bad news was that they were unlikely to find any faeries about, but they could not determine why. The good news was that there was a village ahead, perhaps two days journey. Victoria and the Russians were glad for the chance to see people again, but they were also wary as they didn't know what kind of reception they might expect.

The two elves led the group to the village, where several men, who carried rifles and wore worn t-shirts, shorts and sandals, met them. Sergei and his men kept their own weapons pointed at the ground in an attempt to show their group's peaceful intent. Victoria stared at the village and she noticed the people here were fearful and very poor.

An unarmed villager left a mud and straw hut and approached Victoria and the Russians. He was a fairly young man with intelligent eyes and those eyes kept going back and forth between Sergei and Victoria, as if he wasn't sure which of them was in charge.

"Do you speak English?" asked Victoria.

"Yes. Yes, I do. You are from England, then?" he responded after a second or two of thought.

"No, not from England. We're from the North Pole. Are you the leader here?" she continued.

"No, I am merely the translator. But I will take you to our Elder. Where is the North Pole?"

"Far from here. We are seeking information. May we meet with your leader, please?"

The man looked at Sergei, who had been silent throughout the exchange, and then motioned for Victoria to follow him. He headed back to the hut he had come out of. Victoria followed him and then paused at the doorway.

"Sergei, you come in with me. Have the others keep watch. Fillik. Brendalla. You come with Sergei and I," ordered Victoria. Then she bent down, pushed the curtain aside and entered the hut.

It was very dark inside and smelled of sweat and smoke. There was a scraping noise and some embers flared, lighting up the small hut. The translator sat across the hut from her, beside a very old man. He was wrinkled, had thinning white hair and only wore a wrap-around loin cloth that reminded her of India, somehow.

The Elder squinted at her and then waved a stick-like arm in her direction, muttering something unintelligible to the translator. Victoria self-consciously removed her hat and sat across from the old man, crossing her legs uncomfortably as she did so. The three then waited for Sergei and the two elves to seat themselves, Sergei crossing his legs only with great effort.