Virtually Fucked


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Audrey grabbed the extra cushions on the couch, and began tossing them at Vanessa as she retreated toward her room. Vanessa fired back, hitting only air as Audrey was already gone. Day off or not, she still had to catch up on what she had missed last night. She flopped on the bed, opened a book, and buried her nose in it.

A while later she looked up, noticing her furry lover from the night before. There was a big spot of her dried juices on it. She grabbed it, and used her nails to scrape the poor little fellow off. Her own scent floated back to her as flecks of dust broke free from the matted nap. In a few minutes, he was good as new. She turned back to the book, and ran across something she'd have to look up.

"Hey Vanessa?" she said loudly.

A spooky, exaggerated 'ghost voice' answered from the other room. "Vanessa is deeeeeaaaad! She was killed in the Great Pillow Fiiiiight!"

Audrey played along, "Goooood! Then she won't mind if I use her compuuuuuuterrrrrr."

Vanessa replied from the Other Side, "Nooooo, go aheaaaaaad!"

Audrey rose, and moved to Vanessa's room. It was nice. Big, comfy looking bed, matching furniture. The computer desk was sleek, very high tech looking. She settled in the chair, and turned on the system. It came on quickly. A prompt popped up, stating there were messages for 'Angel'.

Audrey raised her voice again, "There's a bunch of messages for Angel on here, what do I do?"

She heard Vanessa rise quickly, with a small "Oh shit! I forgot!"

Vanessa hurried in, laughing softly. She explained, "Angel is the name I use online." They both blushed.

A mischevious look came into Vanessa's eyes. "Wanna see?"

Audrey was shocked, but couldn't say 'no'. A moment later, she got to see inside 'Angel's' world. It seemed most of the guys wanted to cum on her tits. A few were from Angel's regulars, confirming appointments. Others were from potential new clients.

Vanessa linked them to the main site, and showed Audrey her ad for 'Angel'. There was a stunning picture of Vanessa, lit from behind, and softly from in front and above. It took Audrey's breath away. Vanessa moved the pointer over a button marked 'Video'. She looked questioningly to Audrey, who hesitated, and then nodded 'yes'.

A second later, there was Vanessa/Angel, panting her way toward climax. Her body shook and jerked, her face flushed, her mouth open. She froze, her face tightened, and then she shook hard as a long moan poured from her. The clip ended.

Audrey's mind split again, wishing she would know that kind of pleasure, that people would watch, that if the opportunity ever rose again to be with Vanessa, she would take it. A motion from the corner of her eye caught her attention.

Vanessa was holding up the remote control vibrator. It was white, about 5 inches long, about an inch and a half across. A series of bumpy ridges ran along the length of it It was made from some kind of soft rubber, a wire ran from the base to a plug in the computer.

Audrey stuck out a finger, touching it out of curiousity. Vanessa pushed a button, it hummed to life. It felt like an obscene joy buzzer. She shrieked and pulled away, laughing. Her nerve returned, she touched it again.

The buzz traveled to Audrey's finger, tickling it in a strange way. Her fingers closed around it, the vibrations thrummed between and through her fingers. Vanessa moved the pointer to what resembled a thermometer on the screen, and moved it up slightly. The humming in Audrey's hand rose a notch. Vanessa raised it in bits, showing the other girl what it did. At just past halfway, it began to throb with some real power. Audrey looked up, her eyes questioning. Vanessa turned it to 'full'. The younger girl's eyes widened, a big smile of shock and surprise lit her face. This thing had a kick to it! She could only imagine what it felt like on her....her pussy. She flushed at the thought.

Vanessa turned it down, and then off. Audrey handed it back to her, her fingers still tingling from the device. Vanessa went through her messages quickly, and closed the program. Audrey noticed it's icon in the taskbar. Vanessa moved back, indicating she was finished.

"Well?" she asked, "What do you think?"

Audrey shrugged and replied with a small laugh, "I've never seen anything like it, that's for sure!"

Vanessa told her, "You wouldn't believe how hard that thing makes me come! Some of those guys can play it like an instrument! Higher, lower, steady, teasing me until I want to scream, begging them to let me come. Knowing that they're watching just adds an extra thrill to it. Only certain clients get to work it, but any others can watch. There's a counter on one side of the screen, so I know how many guys are watching me. Just imagining them, all hard, all wanting me, knowing they can't, gets me SO! Fucking! Hot! I'll tell you a secret, I'd do this for free."

Vanessa's face was flushed, she stopped and caught herself. Audrey tried to imagine what it must be like, knowing hundreds of faceless guys were all stroking themselves over her. A chill ran through her.

Vanessa spoke again. "Oh yeah, you had some work to do."

They both laughed. Vanessa went back to the living room, Audrey dug into her work. She made her notes, and finished shortly after. As she moved the pointer to shut off the system, it lingered over the 'Angel' icon. Finally, she moved away and shut it down. She took a deep breath and stood.

Vanessa's voice came to her from the next room. She was on the phone. "Yeah! That sounds great! Count me in! When are they leaving? Tonight? Well, I'd have to pack in a hurry, but I can make it. Ok, yeah, cool. I'll see you then!"

Audrey walked in as she hung up and threw her hands in the air. "Road trip! I'm gonna be gone all weekend, you got the place to yourself!"

Audrey was a little put out Vanessa hadn't asked her to go with, but then realized she wouldn't have gone anyway. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been alone, total freedom to do what she wanted. She was looking forward to a quiet weekend on her own.

The rest of the day passed in a blur, Vanessa flying around packing, Audrey working hard on her books. They stopped to grab a quick bite, and then Vanessa was out the door. Audrey was finally alone.

For a second, she stood, her mind blank. A smile crossed her face, she arched an eyebrow. She looked around, a few minutes later she stepped into the bathroom with some candles, half a bottle of wine, and a bowl full of M&M's. Just a quiet night with her and Mr. Bubble.

Her mind melted away like the chocolate in her mouth as the foamy water closed sweetly around her. She sunk in to her neck, cute dimpled knees poking above the pile of suds. The candles flickered dimly through her closed lids. From time to time, her hand would rise from the bubbles and find either the bowl of M&M's or the wine. More often than not, it found the wine. She breathed a deep sigh of serenity, the warmth of the water on her skin combining with the warmth of the wine inside. The bottle was soon empty.

She watched images and thoughts float past in an abstract parade of erotica. Under the water, her other hand found herself. Her fingers slid gently along her slit as the parade marched on. A long time later, the water began to cool, bringing her out of her trance. The candles had nearly burned down, the bubbles were long gone. She sat up, enjoying the chill as cooler air kissed her skin. Her dark nipples stood out in tiny peaks.

A full length mirror reflected a beautiful, soft young woman. Her hands glided over her wet flesh, watching herself in the mirror. The wine, sensual bath and chocolate had made her extremely horny. Her skin dried in the air, her pussy grew wetter. A finger slid inside her, and then slowly in and out. A second finger joined it. Audrey's mind moved to the last time she'd had sex. It was only her third time, her second boyfriend.

She remembered how good he felt sliding inside her, and how quickly it was over. It left her wanting more. Her fingers moved a bit quicker, her breathing deepened. She closed her eyes, savoring the feeling. Her thumb brushed over that special spot, the tingles started. She pushed again with her thumb, there. A low grunt came from within as an explosion of tingles raced through her. It was beginning to feel very much like her dream.

Her thumb pressed, and began to trace a pattern on her now swollen bud. Her lips tightened, she felt a gentle drop somewhere below her stomach. Her sounds echoed softly off the tiles. A few involuntary tremors ran through her, that delicious tension was beginning to build, along with the tingling. Her hips moved with the motion of her fingers and thumb.

Audrey groaned in disappointment as she felt the tension and tingles begin to level off. Her fingers and thumb moved faster, but she just couldn't get to that point, to feel that dream again.

She slowed, and then stopped. She was panting. Her pussy actually ached, it was hungry. Tears of frustration welled up in her eyes. Suddenly, an idea sprung to mind. If the dream wouldn't come to her, she would find the dream.She grabbed her robe, throwing it on as she moved with intent to Vanessa's room.

As she turned on the system, she hoped Vanessa would understand. She settled into the chair, the front of her robe falling open. The system came up, she aimed the cursor at the 'Angel' icon with trembling hands. A moment later, the menu came up. She grabbed the vibrator, wetting it along her slit as she waited for it to go on. There was nothing.

Little cries of need and frustration flew from her lips. She clicked on a few of the menu buttons, and still nothing. Audrey's need built to a new pitch as the bumpy ridges slid along her pussy, with the occasional nudge against her aching and swollen nub. Her inner hunger took a huge bite.

In a fury, she clicked more buttons. She was concentrating on getting the vibrator to work, she didn't notice the little light on the camera had gone on. Her breath came in ragged gasps, punctuated by whimpers of desire. She scooted deeper into the chair, raising her feet to the desktop. Her legs spread as wide as she could get them. The head of the vibrator pushed, and then slid easily into her soaked pussy.

Her slick tightness gripped the bumpy ridges as they slid in and out of her. It felt good, so good, but she still needed more. She tightened her grip as the vibe began to get slippery. She pushed it deeper, only moving the last inch of it in and out. The tension started to build. She thrust faster.

She glanced up, and noticed a message box had opened. It asked, 'Who are you?'

Between pants, she asked "Can you hear me?"

A moment later, the box answered 'Yes."

The counter showed 12.

She asked again, "Can you see me?"

'Yes, I can see you.'

The counter showed 27.

Audrey squirmed, jerking the vibe faster.

"Uhn! Mmmm! Ooh!Ooh! Hmmm."

The counter showed 59.

Audrey didn't give a shit about the counter, only the wet heat between her shaking thighs. Words and sounds collided in a rush.

"Can...uh-uh-uh Oohmmm! Can you-oohooh make this work?"

'Ask me nice.'

"OHhhhh! oh oh oh plea-PLEASE make it work!"

A moment later, it jumped to life inside her.

"OHHHHHhhhhhhh! Oohooh-OOH! Ohh-that's-so-nice."

The counter showed 163. Audrey's overheated body shook with lust.

The box asked, 'More?'

Audrey begged. "Yes! Oh more! More please! Yes oh Yes!"

The vibrations moved up several notches. Audrey went into overdrive, her body jerking.

"Hummmmm! Mmm! MMMMMOHHHHHHH!"

The tension, tingles and vibrations all flowed and built. Audrey slammed the vibrator deeper, just holding on to the end. The rest of it hummed away inside of her. She was getting close, she needed-

"More! More! MORE!"

Nothing happened. She peered from between heavy lidded eyes.

The message box read, 'Rub your clit.'

She cried, "I don't... I don't know how!"

The box read, 'Are you kidding?'

"NO! I'm not kidding! I don't know how! Tell me!"

The counter read 357.

The box said, 'The little bump at the top of your pussy, rub it.' Audrey's fingers found it, and dug in. Fireworks went off, her eyes glazed. It was almost too much, her hand jerked, stopped and then started back up, faster. She couldn't stop again if she wanted to. Sparks joined the tingles, the tension. The vibrations began to rise and fall.

Two fingers rolled over and over her slick pearl as she pumped the vibe faster into her pussy. Her mouth fell open, then snapped shut, her jaw jutted, set with determination. The whirlpool grew inside her. Her whole body shook with effort. The robe had long ago fallen open, her pert titties bounced as each new sensation rolled through her with a jerk.

Her face tightened and relaxed as waves of building pleasure sought a place to crest and crash. Her eyebrows pulled tight, her brow wrinkled with exertion, and then melted into bliss. The whirlpool had risen to the point of consuming her.

Audrey worked harder, chasing that just out of reach release. Her butt pushed deeper into the chair as her heels dug into the desk. Her fingers flew over and over her sweet nub, harder, faster. Barks of passion flew from her mouth. She finally caught it.

The sparks, the tension, the tingles all flowed into the whirlpool. It pulled into itself, and then rose. Her legs tensed, her body locked. She took a deep breath and held it. The vibrator went to full power.

Her head bobbed once, twice. She grit her teeth, and swallowed loudly. An explosion of ecstacy went off between her legs, pouring out in a torrent of twitching release. She let herself go with the sounds of unleashed pleasure that only a woman can make.

Her head rolled to one side, her mouth an 'O' as her shoulders jerked from side to side. Each crash rocked her body as the force of her climax ripped through her. About 15 seconds later, it started to pass. To her, it seemed forever, it was not long enough. Her sounds slowed, and then her breathing. Her body relaxed and then jerked as one last bolt raced through her. The vibrator stopped, she pulled it gingerly from her overworked and sensitive slit.

Her body hummed like it was charged with electricity. Random sparks went off above and beneath her skin. She was disoriented, exhausted and felt more alive then she ever had. Her senses returned. She slowly focused on the screen.

The counter read 579.

The realization that hundreds of guys had just watched her experience her first climax set in. She scrambled, and shut down the system as quick as she could. The screen went blank. She pulled her knees up and hugged them to her chest. She sat for a long time, trembling with aftershocks, savoring each moment.

She raised her face, and smiled at the blank screen. Audrey already knew she'd be back tomorrow.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Stupid and inept.

"1*" !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

This story is so erotic and descriptive. I was very wet after just a few paragraphs, had a great orgasm before I finished the first page, and had to slow down my reading so my clit could desensitize for another orgasm at the end.

Thank you very much for the story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

This was so good!! So descriptive and thorough! I loved your vocabulary and your imagery was so vivid and tantalizing. Definitely one of the best I have read on here. It got me so horny that I have to go pleasure myself now hehe ;)

Good job!!

MondoGoGoMondoGoGoabout 13 years ago
Very Nice!

Well done and very enjoyable read. I like your style and look forward to reading more of your work.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

your story is amazing!

it sounds so real, like it was your own experience

please keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Made me cum so hard- excellent

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I demand a sequel!


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

def gave me a wettie - thx

jessica_on_firejessica_on_fireover 14 years ago

excellent... got me off so hard

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

mmm.. I just loved this story so much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
i LOVE it!!!

DEFF want to read more, its sooo hot. I came so fast reading it. PLZZZZ keep it up

craziibabiiLEXIE01craziibabiiLEXIE01over 15 years ago

Had me going....came twice..I need more.def need a part two..I totally enjoyed this journey

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

really good writing, i came all over right along with audrey. thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

you left a nice big wet spot on my panties. good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Brilliant, lit up my imagination and got me extremely hot'n'horny. If only my boyfriend could get here NOW!!!

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