Vivian Laaning Ch. 05

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Matt English gets into the action in the forest.
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Part 5 of the 63 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/19/2017
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With Vivian spread eagled on the blanket, Erica squirmed into her optimum position, and wrapped one of her arms under and around one of her sister's parted thighs. In this manner, she was able to bring both of her hands up to spread apart Vivian's labia lips causing the clitoris to prominently protrude. Erica sunk her teeth onto Vivian's clit and forcibly bit it to cause a momentary sharp, acute pain. Vivian let out an emphatic shriek in reaction to the unexpected attack on her clitoris. In addition her body shivered throughout but she uttered no protest nor did she implore Erica to stop. Having maneuvered Vivian's clit to one corner of her mouth Erica was able to refrain from letting go of her sister's clit, as she commenced licking the vaginal walls and lapping up the female fluids present.

Since Vivian had utilized a non fragrant soap in her earlier shower and had not dabbed any perfume on her body, she emitted her sexual female essence pure and unadulterated. As the prime beneficiary to the release of Vivian's scent, Erica's brain was overwhelmed with intoxicating sensations. Although completely heterosexual by nature, Erica was not immune to the sexual allure of her nubile sister. Thus, as Erica applied her tongue to the insides of Vivian's vagina, she continuously uttered without ceasing a series of high pitched squeals. Her vocalization was absolutely involuntary; Erica could not have avoided her utterances even if she had been consciously determined to do otherwise. To further give vent to the excitement overcoming her, Erica alternated in lifting her calves up in the air and semi twirling her foot, while she was stimulating Vivian orally.

For Vivian's part she was absolutely enraptured in sexual euphoria. She lifted one leg over Erica's shoulder resting the heel on her sister's back. She placed both her hands into Erica's golden tresses and grabbed a hold so as to help direct the path to achieve the ultimate pleasure. And Vivian wasn't silent either. She alternatively grunted, squeaked, sighed and moaned; totally involuntarily as she could not discern that her brain sent any direct conscious signals to her voice box. The pleasures Vivian experienced gave her the impression that she was floating in the air rather than actually having oral sex firmly ensconced on terre firma.

As Erica's tongue action relentlessly increased in velocity it drove Vivian into an exhilaration she had never experienced, and which she probably would not have thought possible. She ground her hips against Erica's mouth to derive even greater pleasures as if such were possible. Vivian could sense the build up of her orgasm and consciously knew the same was forthcoming. But when it did arrive she was unexpectedly completely done in. To allow relief for her overwhelming feelings she was forced to scream as she released her hands from Erica's hair. And she carried on for some length of time repeatedly shouting:

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Erica broke into a satisfactory smile in reaction to Vivian's outburst. Proud of being the catalyst to her sister's joy and an apparent fulfilling orgasm, she was rewarded with a peaceful bliss occupying her own mind. She casually leaned over to seemingly thoughtlessly take one of Vivian's nipples in her mouth and proceeded to suck on it. This action stopped Vivian in her tracks from her vocalizations as she became aware of a new assault on her body. Instead she started panting. The exquisite sensation of Erica's mouth on her breasts invoked a feeling in Vivian's mind that her spine was being scraped by a scalpel; and she shivered again in reaction.

Erica abruptly ceased sucking on Vivian's nipple and moved beside Vivian to confront her sister head to toe. Sliding one arm under Vivian's head Erica caused her sister to turn sideways. In this position Erica started kissing Vivian softly but intensely. She reached over with her free hand to Vivian's mons and recommenced rubbing her sister's clit as well as massaging the folds of the vulva. Vivian almost had no option but to reciprocate. She received Erica's kiss joyfully as she reached over to stimulate her sister's vagina.

By this time Erica was becoming totally aroused as she continuously moaned while being pleasured. For her part, Vivian was grunting her pleasures. The sound of Vivian's grunting was unmistakably feminine which inflamed Matthew English as he was watching the Laaning sisters' cheerful frolicking. By this time Matt had divested himself of all his clothes and was stroking his penis in reaction to what he was witnessing.

Finally having reached the apex of her sexual arousal, Erica's orgasm took full hold of her body. Erica was essentially forced to halt her kissing of Vivian so that she could scream out her frenzy. Her reaction to her own orgasm had an eerie resemblance to her sister's previous one. Her vocalization uncannily exactly mirrored Vivian's despite the differences in the sound of their voices. This in turn had a profound effect on the spectator: Matthew English.

Matt was not near his climax until Erica started screaming. But at that point he could sense that his ejaculation was immediately imminent. A compelling feeling for the need of a female mouth on his cock overcame him. Realizing Erica in her agonizing throes was not in a position to effectively provide such desired relief, Matt dropped onto his knees next to Vivian's head. Sensing Matt's immediate presence, Vivian turned her head and instinctively took Matt's cock into her mouth. The timing was perfect as Vivian received a mouthful of cum as soon her lips clamped down on his rod.

As Matt was squirting his semen into Vivian's mouth she had in essence no option but to swallow same. As this was her second tasting of Matt's sperm, an irrelevant thought crossed her mind; Matt's sperm was slightly different in taste than that of Ray Gainer. She could not pin point the difference whether one was more or less saltier or bitter or pungent than the other. For that reason she could not attribute an explanation for the perceived discrepancy. She then giggled in response to the realization that her thoughts were not congruent to the steamy sexual activity in which she was participating.

As soon as Vivian could sense Matt had come to the end of his load, she released his cock from her mouth. Once freed from Matt's phallus her giggling fit then prompted her to laugh out loud. Erica now perspiring freely from the effect of her acute orgasm was non plussed by Vivian's mirthful outburst. So she inquired:

"Please Vivian what's so funny?"

Believing that an admission of her actual thoughts might not be favorably received and besides would not accurately credit her pleasures that she had truly enjoyed, Vivian on the spur of the moment offered this explanation:

"Oh it just struck me that as a little girl I had happily enjoyed many a picnic here. Little did I know then that 'The Forest' was so suitable for alternative pleasurable outings."

Erica wryly answered:

"Well yes that's true. Matt and I have previously taken advantage of this spot for some fun. But speaking of picnics I've prepared some lunch for us. Why don't we eat a little before we continue our afternoon. You guys are hungry aren't you?"

Vivian replied:

"Oh sure I wouldn't mind a sandwich. What about you Matt?"

Matthew English offered no objection; he was mindful that this day would become very memorable and he was intent on savoring every moment. Erica had actually put together a sumptuous fare, which would have satisfied even the most fastidious picnic diner. She had made ham and roast beef sandwiches accompanied by fat pickles. Those were procured from a huge barrel her mother had maintained filled with brine concocted from a traditional recipe from her mother's German family which had been handed down for generations.

In addition to the pickles Erica had grabbed a jar of pickled mushrooms and a jar of pickled eggs to supplement the variety of the complements for the sandwiches. Erica had also provided a regular potato salad as well as a beet salad. The latter was known as "rosolje" a traditional Estonian dish derived from her father's ancestry. It was a salad comprising of potatoes, beets and herring. For dessert there were slices of German chocolate cake and to wash down the meal Erica had brought along some bottles of an excellent California Merlot. As the three of them were eating Erica started the following conversation:

"Is this not great? Isn't this food yummy?"

The other two could only nod in agreement as Erica continued:

"If you can't guess Matt, I think you ought to know that this was not spontaneous. I had planned this when Vivian confessed her desires."

Matt answered:

"Oh I suspected something was concocted when I saw Vivian nakedly sunning herself. It was too much of a coincidence especially since you did not act surprised. But I have no problems with it. I'm just enjoying this afternoon."

Vivian had the grace to blush as her reaction to that remark. Erica continued:

"Well I thought such would be the case considering what I know of the male mind. Now you know that yesterday's party was to celebrate Vivian's eighteenth birthday. What you don't know was the gift my sister bestowed to herself. My sister was a virgin until yesterday but was determined to remedy the situation. So she propositioned one of her male guests to bust her cherry. Apparently he was happy to oblige."

Matt was definitely surprised by this news. As he previously did not really know Vivian other than the fact she was Erica's younger sister, his impression of her was based solely on this afternoon's frolics. He made eye contact with her and said:

"No shit! No way! Hell Vivian I definitely could not have believed it of you considering your enthusiasm I've already seen. Not to mention your naked introduction to me."

Vivian was now flushed in a beet red tint as she was totally self conscious at being the sexual focal point in the conversation. However as she was not ashamed of her boldness or for that matter her wantonness and ever mindful of Erica's sexual advice to bolster the male ego she coyly responded:

"I guess I'm a fast learner. Although losing my virginity was a very happy occasion it also put me on notice of all the pleasures I was missing out on, while I was a virgin. So it was natural for me to want more. And when Erica suggested a threesome here in 'The Forest' I quickly agreed. Besides I was truly thrilled at the prospect of meeting you Matt especially since Erica has previously told me all about your...ahem... also your attributes."

Matt chuckled as he replied:

"My abilities huh! And my attributes as well! Well now I'm truly flattered that I come highly recommended. I trust I've not been a disappointment to you."

Taking this remark as an invitation Vivian moved to Matt's side. She then reached for his cock and casually started to stroke it gently. She thereupon cooed:

"Oh no Matt no disappointment! I've enjoyed tasting your 'Big Boy'...yes Erica has told me that's what you two call your oh so magnificent manhood. I can't wait to have 'Big Boy' in my pussy. I'm eager to have 'Big Boy' slammed into my twat...hard and fast. The harder and faster the better."

This was Erica's cue to say:

"Well since we are all so geeked to do some more fucking let's get on with it; shall we? Vivian why don't you get on your hands and knees and I'll slide underneath you. Matt I trust you'll know what to do to satisfy my sister's expressed desires."

"OK!" the others simultaneously responded.

Vivian did as she was instructed and Erica promptly slid underneath to face directly her sister's mons veneris. In this position Erica was able to lick Vivian's protruding labia lips. Vivian for her part was compelled to reciprocate by slurping on her sister's vagina. Matt in the meantime positioned himself on his knees directly behind Vivian's rump prepared to fuck her doggy style.

Erica reached with her hand and grabbed a hold of Matt's cock and started to stroke it gently and lovingly. Then as Matt per force moved closer Erica was able to get his cock into her mouth. She then sucked on his cock again gently and lovingly. Her tongue was aggressively licking the bare flesh of his circumcised phallus. This action naturally caused Matt's cock to harden. With this preparatory task accomplished Erica inserted Matt's cock into Vivian's vagina.

Unmindful of Vivian's previous stated preference Matt applied a slow pace in orchestrating the sexual intercourse. He was not in a hurry as observing the earlier display of the Laaning sisters lovemaking was sufficient to satisfy his initial lusts. His focus was to savor this copulation; he was definitely in the mood not to rush things.

This lazy pace of love making suited both sisters, notwithstanding Vivian's stated desire for the opposite. For Erica it allowed her to get her licks in so to speak. She alternated between licking Matt's balls, and the reachable flesh of his cock during the inherent movement of his fucking. She would also do some serious tongue action on Vivian's pussy, that part which was available to her. Periodically just when most of Matt's cock was almost out of Vivian's cunt, Erica would pull it out, and placed it into her mouth for some tasty sucking. After a few slurps on the phallus Erica would return it into Vivian's very moist vagina to allow continuation of the congress between her sister and her own boyfriend.

Erica's oral actions enhanced the pleasures both Vivian and Matt were reveling in from the fornication. Erica's interruptions to suck on Matt's cock caused tingling sensations to course throughout Vivian's body. This passion felt response could be attributed to the anticipation of the renewal of receiving his member in her. Vivian's labia lips would close upon extraction, but then it would spring open eagerly to await the return of Matt's cock. Once his cock entered her again, her labia lips would involuntarily clamp down on it with a seemingly hopeful effort to entrap it.

When Erica took Matt's cock into her mouth, Vivian would exhale an agonizing moan to signal her mild protest of the interruption. Once Matt's cock reentered her, Vivian let out a hiss, unmistakably a signal of relief mixed with happiness to welcome the resumption of her vaginal intercourse. After a couple of strokes Vivian would be gasping in a high pitch whining sound emphasizing the acute euphoria she was experiencing. Whenever Matt's cock penetrated sufficiently deeply to make contact with her womb, Vivian emitted a whooshing sound; seemingly articulating "ooff".

Suddenly during their threesome activity, Vivian's cell phone rang as she had neglected to turn it off. She had left it along side her book and so it was within her reach. Out of habit Vivian automatically reached for it and answered it. The other two and Vivian herself were not deterred from continuing their activity. Although not concentrating on Vivian's telephone what Erica and Matt did hear was the following:

"Hello." followed by "Ooff!" as Matt's cock then struck Vivian's womb.

"Oh hi Ray. Ooff!"

"No I'm not there. Ooff!"

"No I'm busy now. Ooff!"

"No I can't make it now. Ooff! I'm tied up for the afternoon. Ooff!"

"Yes that'll be OK. Ooff!"

"Sure I'll see you then. Bye. Ooff!"

Thereupon, Vivian with her one hand turned off the phone, and tossed it over to the vicinity of her things. Her conversation had been so devoid of concentration that there was no halt in the flow of the sexual exhilaration she was experiencing. The only thing that registered in her mind was that she had agreed to allow Ray Gainer to visit her after her milking chores that evening. Since that had to mean there would be more sex in store for her that night, it enhanced her immediate pleasure. She was now appreciative that the loss of her virginity was the beginning of a sexual marathon.

Vivian then resumed lapping Erica's pussy. She was able to coordinate movement of her hips by Matt's thrust in her vagina to work in sync with her performance of cunnilingus on her sister. This in turn provoked Matt to boost his speed of drilling Vivian's vagina. Sensing his fast-approaching ejaculation Matt then increased the velocity of his thrusts to a frantic pace which made it more difficult for Vivian to keep her tongue on her sister's labia lips and clit. However Vivian was the mistress of the situation as she was successful in keeping her tongue effectively in place to pleasure Erica sufficiently to drive her sister to an orgasm just before her own. And Vivian's orgasm commenced immediately upon realization that her vagina was being flooded with Matt's spurting semen.

The three of them having climaxed virtually simultaneously disengaged from each other to catch their breath. Vivian's physical reaction was more pronounced than that of the other two. She was trembling and hyperventilating something fierce. Rivulets of perspiration was traversing across her body directed by the forces of gravity; and when she sat up the sweat just dripped off her.

Erica was panting to her surprise as she felt her participation had been in comparison the least active she had ever been in all her previous sexual experiences. She could not fathom that she had arrived at an orgasm considering her perceived passivity. Then again she had to admit that her sister had a wicked tongue and apparently knew how to use it. Erica marveled at the fact that only a few months previous Vivian was oblivious of lesbianism; but she sure took to it like a duck to water.

As for Matthew English, he was a typical red blooded American male who was enjoying a fantasy he had never ever contemplated; enough said. Once Erica caught her breath she suggested:

"Let's all have a swig of wine before we start into a complete all even equal opportunity fucking."

As the three of them passed the bottle of wine around, Vivian, frowningly, asked"

"A complete all even equal opportunity fucking? What's that?"

Erica informed:

"For a completely active fucking one would like to use both hands and mouth while having one's pussy or in Matt's case his cock engaged in action simultaneously. For equal opportunity it would mean all three of us would be able to do so together."

Vivian, now understanding Erica's meaning replied:

"I think I see what you mean. As I was being fucked by Matt, I used my hands and mouth to slurp on your pussy. And you were using your hands and mouth on both my twat and Matt's cock. But Matt poor thing had nothing in his mouth and he only used his hands to hold on to my waist as he was fucking me. You know Matt, you could have at least bent over and fondled my boobs. I sure would have liked that."

Matt chuckled as he responded:

"Oh my bad! I promise that I'll correct this error at the next opportunity."

Vivian laughingly replied:

"See that you do! Perhaps you can rub 'Big Boy' on my tits as well."

Matt countered:

"Gee Vivian despite being a virgin up until yesterday, you sure seem to know a lot of what you would want in sex."

Vivian answered:

"Yes I was a virgin until last night, but I was not a ninny. My sister coached me well on most things sexual during this past year, while I was sick. So I had a pretty good notion of what to expect and what to enjoy. However Erica I'm at a loss as to what a complete all even equal opportunity fucking would consist of."

Erica elaborated:

"It's known as a 'daisy chain'. It's better to just do it then to get into some long explanations. All you need to do is lie down on the blanket and Matt and I will do the rest. You will then have no problem figuring out what to do after that."

Vivian complied with Erica's direction and Matt curled around Vivian's prone body so that she was in position to easily take his cock into her mouth. Erica then completed the 'daisy chain' by getting her tongue onto Vivian's pussy while at the same time arranging to have her own vagina available for Matt's mouth.