Vivian: Life in Estonia Ch. 24

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Introduction of the 'Two at a time' participants.
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Once Monica and Ursula along with their selected assistants had returned to their places on their respective stages, Vickie Vargas was ready to proceed. She took note of the chosen assistants, before she addressed the crowd, "OK then! Let me introduce you to the participants in the main event for this evening's contest, 'Two at a Time.' Some of you might not be familiar with every one of our competitors nor their entourage

"But before I do that, let me advise that the TLR management has decided that since the men who are the partners to the winner tonight will receive a secondary prize, so shall the two ladies who assist the winner also receive the same type of prize. To reiterate the prize will be either a tattoo, or anklet or bracelet of the recipient's choosing."

Everyone duly applauded at that announcement. Vickie continued, "Now our lady on Stage One vying for the coveted TLR body chain belt is Monica Zajkowska, who hails from Buffalo, NY. Her day job is owning and operating a café/restaurant specializing in Polish cuisine. She also operates a bakery located in the basement of the restaurant. Although she is a third generation American, she still manages to maintain her Polish heritage and can speak the language. The highlight of her bakery occurs in February/March just before Lent when she produces for sale Pohnch-kees (actually spelled as Pączki or Paczki) which are delicious donuts without the holes containing sweet fruit fillings such as strawberry, lemon, blueberry etc.

Monica has arranged with the TLR to ship a batch of her Pohnch-kees for the weekend before Lent as a special food treat for that particular orgy. You might want to attend such orgy in the future to enjoy such a tasty treat. Just contact Scarlett at least two months before and she will try her best to accommodate you. If you're not particularly religious or not an adherent to the Christian faith, and are not sure when Lent occurs, just contact a nearby church and I'm sure they'll be happy to advise. It varies every year, but it does occur in February or March. Take a bow Monica."

The audience laughed at the droll introduction. They also cheered and chanted Monica's three syllable name in the same manner as they had cheered Angela's name. Vickie then continued, "One of Monica's assistants is Anastasia Kalinskaya. Those of you who know her will agree that Anastasia fits the profile of the quintessential female TLR member. She lost her virginity right after her first menses and before the onset of her second menses. She enjoyed her first threesome when she was a mere thirteen years of age, and by the ripe old age of fifteen years, our dear Anastasia, participated with another female friend in a gangbang comprising of eight males. And these sexual accomplishments occurred while she was growing up in her native homeland of Russia.

"Anastasia's first appearance at a TLR orgy was so spectacular that she was awarded a tattoo by my mother who was supervising that orgy at the time. Anastasia subsequently opted for a dual female and male symbols (♂♀) etched together immediately above her slit on her mons. I believe the cameras for the CCTV are located in at this moment to the relevant spot, so you can see the tattoo in its full glory.

"Whenever thereafter, a male sexual partner inquired as to the relevance of her tattoo, she would merely state that her tattoo reminds her partners that this is the location from where a baby girl or boy will enter into this world. Since such response suggested that Anastasia was not utilizing any birth control measures, her male partners were sure to equip themselves with a condom."

Good-natured laughter ensued with that anecdote. Vickie then resumed, "Needless to say she's always in demand by both male and female members, whenever she graces her presence at our orgies. Lest you think as the prudes would sneer that she is a frivolous bimbo and slut, Anastasia does hold down a responsible position teaching Russian at the University of Texas, at Austin for that school's Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies."

Anastasia waved her right hand as the audience cheered her enthusiastically. Vickie then continued, "Monica's other assistant is Beverley Browning, who is married to the charming Hollywood actor Rex Hudson. Believe it or not the two of them first met right here at a TLR orgy, certainly not the typical dating site which might lead to matrimony. Beverley is the basic definition of 'super woman*' (*air quote). Starting out as a regular nurse, with the aid of extra graduate study, she is now the Director of Nursing at a major hospital in southern California.

"To fulfill the definition of a 'super woman*' she's also a mother of two adorable children. Of course, she's not a stay at home Mom. She employs a nanny from Iceland who in addition cooks and also has other 'special extra duties*' to entertain Beverley and/or Rex. I'll leave it to your imagination as to what comprises these 'special extra duties*'. A hint! If you think it's something 'dirty*' you're correct."

After the inevitable laughter died down, Vickie resumed, "Now Monica's first gentleman for her to 'entertain*' (*air quote) for tonight's main event, Karl Ostrowski, needs no introduction. So, I think I'll forgo it. In fact, since every gentleman at this orgy will be called upon to perform, it would seem superfluous for me to do so."

In the ensuing laughter, one male wag shouted out, "Hey! I'm a somebody too!"

That brought on even more laughter, as those in the know were aware of an anecdote concerning Beverley Browning. As she was Rex Hudson's date at an Academy Awards ceremony, and while entering the event via the red carpet, she was asked by the reporter from the Hollywood Reporter to identify herself. Beverley had replied in part: "Yes it's true I'm a nobody, but I am a somebody." That exchange was included in the various entertainment newscasts highlighting the events of the ceremony. As a result, an enterprising T-shirt manufacturer got in touch with Beverley to license production and distribution of T-shirts with a likeness of her, and simply proclaiming "I am a somebody too".

Vickie noticed that it was Sam Stosur who uttered that witty rejoinder, so she responded, "Yes Sam! No one here at the TLR could ever accuse you of being a nobody."

Then Vickie continued, "Moving right along, the competitor on Stage Two is Ursula Lorenz. Ursula is a local cattle rancher, and by local I do mean local. Her ranch is located within five miles of these premises. Her husband is not a member of the TLR since he is a shy swinger. I guess that's an oxymoron. Ursula's husband does not mind doing some wife swapping trysts with one or two other couples, but an orgy appears to be something too much for him to contemplate.

"Ursula tells me that her husband has no confidence in his sex appeal and so hates to come to an orgy for an unreasonable fear of not being able to entice a female participant to have sex with him. In his view at wife swapping events, the woman has no choice but to accept him for lack of an alternative. No amount of cajoling by Ursula would persuade him to change his viewpoint, including pointing out the obvious fact that she found him attractive enough to marry him. And as you can see Ursula is unsurpassed as quite a fetching MILF."

Some cheering and chanting of Ursula's three syllable name followed that last remark. Once Vickie was able to resume, she said, "In any case Ursula still has hopes to finally prevail and get Mr Lorenz to try at least one orgy here. Now one of Ursula's helpers is Brenda Porter, who was a fellow classmate of mine at the law school of Duke University. Her undergraduate degree was from Michigan State University. Brenda is now an attorney practicing in Memphis, TN.

"Before I go on with my introduction of Brenda, I remember a factoid she had advised me which sort of ties in with Ursula's husband's self-doubt about his sexual prowess. The big football game each year for Michigan State is the one against their arch rival, the University of Michigan. In those games especially those held at East Lansing there are a plethora of State fans, especially students attending, who would be wearing T-shirts emblazoned with the words: 'Ann Arbor is a Whore'! Ann Arbor, of course, is the city where the University of Michigan is located. In one game, Brenda observed an enterprising student who wore a T-shirt with the words: 'Ann Arbor Did Not Put Out For Me'."

Vickie was interrupted again momentarily for some more laughter before continuing, "Now Brenda, I'll have you know, claims she is not a lesbian. She makes the claim despite having lived with her sister-in-law Connie Snyder for more than a decade and they sleep in the same bed. So, you can draw your own conclusions. Brenda says she loves to play with cocks, she's just waiting for the right man to come along. In the meantime, she has become a mother as a result of attending a TLR orgy. Now tonight none of you gentlemen need worry as she is satisfied with her son and has since had her tubes tied as she is not seeking to bring forth another child to enter this world.

Some applause was accorded for Brenda's introduction and Vickie resumed, "Ursula's other helper is Lydia Hoffmann, an executive partner for a business consultant firm in Dallas. Her bizarre claim to TLR fame is that she did not lose her cherry until she was twenty-five years old, imagine that. Who besides the truly devout or the unappealable actually stays a virgin for so long? I mean I thought I was hopeless being a virgin for so long, but at least I was twenty-two, when I had my first sex with a man or men I should say since it occurred at my very first TLR orgy."

At this point Brenda Porter interrupted by declaring, "Hah! You are forgetting to mention that the very next day after that auspicious occasion of surrendering your virginity was your twenty-third birthday."

After the inevitable laughter, in mock embarrassment Vickie retorted, "Who asked you Brenda? Such secrets should be kept secret. Anyway, back to Lydia's story. She told me she was chaste for so long as she wanted to be pure on her wedding night for her Prince Charming. Unfortunately, as the years piled on, no Prince Charming appeared. All her dates turned out to be duds not studs, who could not induce a spark of desire in her to surrender her virginity.

"However, the long wait finally was over when she turned twenty-five while she was attending the University of North Texas at Denton. She was taking graduate courses to obtain the Master of Science degree in Merchandising. One of her male classmates, she instinctively believed was her authentic Prince Charming. He was so handsome in her eyes such that her panties were continuously moist during every moment she was in his presence.

"Naturally Lydia did not want to miss out on such a golden opportunity. She did not waste any time. She blatantly flirted with him sending a clear message that she was interested in him and would put out for him. Prince Charming, not being a dense man, got the message and arranged for a date: a terrific dinner and some postprandial drinks afterwards. They then repaired to a motel room for their tryst. He explained that his apartment was being in the process of repairs, as it was damaged by a fire and consequently, he was residing momentarily at his parents' residence.

"Well, that night as Lydia tells me, was for her first time sex, as perfect as she could possibly wish it to be. The only thing of concern for her, was that she knew he had no awareness that she was a virgin, and it rendered her memory bittersweet. You see Lydia inter alia, which by the way is a lawyerly expression meaning among other things, is a champion horsewoman. She has participated in one of the Olympics as a member of the US equestrian team and won the silver medal in the individual jumping contest with two perfect rides but losing out on the gold medal by the tie breaking rules. As it so happened when Lydia was a teenager, she fell off her horse in a competition. She did not suffer serious injury, but her hymen was ruptured as a result.

"Accordingly, without telling Prince Charming, Lydia would imagine that he would surmise that she had been sexually active before him. She would have loved to have told him that this was her first time sex, but she believed that he might not take it in the right way considering she was twenty-five years old. It would be incongruent considering she had offered no resistance whatsoever to his sexual proposition. In fact, considering there had been no blood visible as could be expected from a virgin's first time coitus, he probably would not have believed her in any case. So, Lydia was reconciled to consider that she would impart knowledge of her virginity status for that night to him, only after they would be engaged.

"Such thinking on the part of Lydia was obviously wishful, and premature. After that night, he visibly avoided her which was rather difficult considering the paucity of the number of students in their mutual classes. Finally, after about two weeks of avoidance, she was successful in confronting him and demanding to know why there had been no follow up to their enjoyable date. To her shock, he confessed that he was married and that was why they had gone to a motel room for sex. She pointed out that he was not wearing a wedding ring which had led her to believe that her infatuation for him allowed her to have some hope that something more would result from their date.

"Prince Charming then claimed that he had sensitive skin and prone to rashes which precluded him from wearing his wedding ring. At this point Lydia had not paid much attention to his ring finger except to notice that there was an absence of a ring of any kind. This time as Prince Charming was explaining why he had not been wearing his wedding ring, she surreptitiously glanced at the finger and noticed the telltale depression on that finger suggesting that a ring had been worn on that finger frequently. At this point Lydia could come to no other conclusion, but to infer that her fellow classmate was merely a counterfeit Prince Charming.

"She also came to another conclusion. To wit: There probably is no Prince Charming destined for her, or if there is, he has probably lost his way and is unable to find her. This then led to her ultimate conclusion: Since being pure and chaste had got her nowhere except for one night of bliss, why not become a slut and a tramp and enjoy many nights of bliss. Or as an old British saying would suggest, 'one might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb'.

"So, she became a slut and a tramp, and she liked it! Then when she heard about our club, why it has become her second home!"

There was more applause, and the audience began chanting Lydia's name in three syllables phonetically as, 'LEE DEE YAH'. When the commotion died down, Vickie resumed her introduction, "Finally on Stage Three, we feature our third contestant: Angela Peterson. Angela along with her husband became lifetime members of the TLR as a wedding present from her cousin the formidable billionaire and great friend of the TLR, the one and only Jed Baxter!"

Everyone applauded at that tidbit of information. Vickie continued, "Jed is present tonight and by the luck of the draw, as you know Jed was Angela's partner in the first elimination segment and is also scheduled as the fifth gentleman for her to service in this main event. Angela tells me that before tonight she has never had the pleasure of truly knowing him in the Biblical sense. Considering the outcome of their first intimacy it would seem safe to say neither party would have been disappointed of their first occasion of sexual contact."

The audience simply applauded in recognition of such an intriguing situation. Vickie continued, "Now Angela in her day job is a high school teacher in San Diego, CA. Given her sexual proclivities as evidenced by her membership to our club plus lots of private orgies she participates in southern California, she is naturally aware and wary of the plethora of female high school teachers who have been arrested for having sex with their underage male students.

"Angela knows that given her temperament; she could easily succumb to the charms of a likable teen age Lothario. So, to avoid the temptations of inappropriate sexual conduct with her students, Angela is careful in her attire and appearance to present herself as a most undesirable woman who could not possibly excite sexual desire amongst any one of her male students. She has told me that she has been so successful in disguising herself as unappealing, that no male student past or present or hopefully in the future has ever overtly or veraciously hit upon her.

"But ladies and gentlemen just look at Angela. Isn't she the epitome of female beauty such that no man or woman for that matter could not be enthralled with her allure? How does she downplay her pulchritude?"

The audience were so taken up by Vicki's sentiments that they spontaneously chanted Angela's three syllable name. As the chanting died down Vickie resumed, "Actually, I truly think that the reason Angela has not fallen prey to seduction by a red-blooded male teenager overladen with testosterone, has to do with satisfaction of her present sexual life. She gets all the love she needs here at the TLR, plus the occasional private orgy, not to mention the charm of her irresistible hubby who is a great favorite amongst the ladies of the TLR."

Once again, the audience broke out in chanting Angela's name. Vickie then said, "Anyway, one of Angela's helpers in this main event is Karen Schlagel, the retained attorney for TLR. As Karen puts it, the two main aspects to her life are working and fucking. As to working she is senior partner of Sloan and Harris, one of the top law firms in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. Her main duty at the law firm, aside from overseeing TLR legal concerns is to vet political candidates, mostly Republican, as to whom the firm might support. It is a crucial assignment since by backing the right candidate leads to lucrative government contract work for the firm.

"As to fucking, Karen is the quintessential bi-sexual. She truly has no preference as to the sexual identity of her love partners. So long as they can drive her to an orgasm, she is content. The only thing that she abhors in sex is a desire by her love partners to enter into a committed relationship. She has had to obtain restraining orders against two of her lovers who would not take 'no' for an answer when she declared that their affair was over.

"At our TLR orgies she is one of the most sought after sexual partner, mainly because she directs and ensures that her lovers provide the optimum mutual enjoyment in sex. That became most evident during her last orgy visit when she earned her TLR body belt. The contest was a six hour timed modified Messalina Challenge contest. Each coitus included utilizing the 'cowboy position*' (*air quote) whereby her male participating lover would straddle her and would insert his penis into her vagina between her semi-closed legs.

"Her female participating lovers would simultaneously be face sitting on Karen with the back of her calves positioned under Karen's shoulder blades. That way Karen was able to not only perform cunnilingus but was also able to reach over and digitally sodomize her female participating lovers. It has been reported that every female lover Karen serviced during that contest were highly satisfied enjoying the most exquisite of orgasms. The common summation uttered by these women were, 'It was a blast!'

"Karen averaged exactly four such threesomes per hour to bring the total of forty-eight lovers of both sexes satisfied. As a result, Karen easily outstripped her two opponents in the contest. We at the TLR have actually submitted this episode to the Guinness World Records organization, to be included in their sexual exploits section.