Vivian: Life in Estonia Ch. 29

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Vivian attends many orgies during Natasha's festivals.
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After that initial exciting tableau of group sex, the six of them enjoyed a restful afterglow and partook some more of the food and drinks which Natasha and Boris had previously set out. Not wishing to disturb the young female flutist and the male trombonist, who had purloined the use of the second bedroom in the suite, everyone else were content to stay put to continue enjoying the impromptu party.

Once everyone had satisfied themselves of the refreshments, they proceeded to form another entire group sex scene. They paired off in a different configuration. Ophelia coupled with Boris Varennikov; Natasha entertained Raimond Kruuse, while Vivian had Jaak Reinsalu all to herself. Ophelia and Boris positioned themselves at the head of the large king size bed.

Ophelia laid on her right side and Boris knelt, straddling her right leg. She then curled her left leg around his left side. She laid her right arm on the surface of the mattress and thereby held her head up by resting it on the raised palm of her hand. This allowed her to maintain eye contact with Boris throughout their closely held copulation. And in that context, she was unremittingly smiling in exhibiting her bliss despite grunting at each thrust of his penis into her vagina.

This sex position, known as the pretzel style, actually produced deeper penetration than that of the traditional doggy style position affords. The pace of the fornication was quite leisurely which suited Ophelia just fine for her for the time being. Their coitus was made hotter by Boris manually rubbing her clit.

The middle of the bed was occupied by the coupling of Natasha and Raimond Kruuse. Natasha laid flat on her back with her legs raised up and resting on each of Raimond's shoulders. Raimond was on his haunches with the back of his thighs resting the back of his calves. This sex position was awesome for Natasha because it narrowed her vagina. That had the resulting effect of making the thrusts of his penis inevitably brush against her 'G' spot, and thereby stimulating it. Such stimulation was assured by Raimond's technique of rocking Natasha in a side-to-side movement and interchanging that with an up-and-down motion.

The coupling of Vivian and Jaak Reinsalu, at the foot of the bed proved to be, at least to Vivian's mind, the most exciting sexual intercourse encounter of the night. Alas, in Vivian's mind there was no one to witness their truly exciting coupling as the others were focused on their own sexual activity. Vivian laid flat on her back with her legs raised all the way up and bent back towards her. She raised her so that she could cross her ankles behind her own head.

Jaak hovered over Vivian and entered her vagina from a missionary position. Vivian had her hands free to work her clitoris and did so vigorously. She naturally had no idea how experienced Jaak was in sex, but he sure did the right thing. He rode her low, so that with every thrust into her vagina, the head of his penis would make contact with her 'G' spot producing a tingling stimulating sensation every time. The resulting orgasm for her was totally exquisite.

In the afterglow rest period while everyone was taking in some food and drink, the three ladies were in deep conversation rehashing their just completed sexual intercourses. The men were out of the conversation as none of them had a facile command of English to make a contribution. In the discussion, Vivian was most vociferous in singing the praises of her coitus to the point of becoming annoying to the other two.

Finally, Natasha protested, "Enough already my dear Vivian. You just had sex and we have to take your word for it that it was great sex, as we were busy ourselves."

Vivian retorted, "You doubt me? That reminds me of the philosophical thought that if a tree falls in the middle of the forest, but there is no one is around to see it does it still make a sound? Of course it does. If a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, it still makes a sound. Sound is a mechanical wave of pressure and displacement through a medium such as air or water. We don't have to perceive a sound to know the laws of physics are in play."

Natasha rebutted, "If one were to define sound as the reception of a sound wave, then it could be argued that no sound occurred based on the fact that no one was around to receive it. In our case we did not witness your 'great sex*' (*air quote) thus we have only your word for it. As for me, my sex was not too shabby. Your significant other has a marvelous cock to fuck me silly. And the cock of my piano accompanist was wonderful to suck."

Ophelia protested, "I think this discussion is all too esoteric for a party such as this. And Natasha, I sure had a great time with your Boris. I say why don't we end it with a daisy chain, this bed is big enough for it. I'm getting too fatigued to do more."

After Natasha was able to communicate to Boris and Vivian was able to communicate to Raimond and Jaak, everyone was ready to take their place. According to the ladies' design, Vivian started forming the ensuing human hexagon. She laid on her side at a forty-five degree angle with her head resting on the mattress at the center and near the end of the bed, with her feet dangling over the edge of the bed. Next came Jaak placing his body along the length of the bed and facing Vivian's vulva was in position to eat out Vivian's pussy.

Now came Natasha with on her body on her side at a forty-five degree angle to Jaak and between his thighs was able to effect a blow job on Jaak. Then there was Raimond eating out Natasha's vagina which was located in place at the center and near the end of the bed. Raimond was angled so that Ophelia could perform fellatio on him. Ophelia was placed on her side along the length of the bed and more or less parallel to Jaak on the opposite side o the bed. To complete the hexagon, Boris was eating out Ophelia's twat while angled towards Vivian who could thereby give him a blow job.

As each woman inevitably received their mouthful of cum, she would get off the bed and wash down their cum with a bottle of Vivian's Brew. Natasha had previously put in an order of a case of it for their mini bar. They then settled down to sleep with their regular partner. Not wishing to disturb the musicians in the other bedroom of the suite, Ophelia opted with Jaak Reinsalu to sleep in this bed. This made for a loving slumber and satisfactory conclusion to an exciting erotic orgy.

When they awakened, each couple engaged in a good morning sixty-nine oral sex coupling. They discovered that the musicians had left sometime prior to the six of them had awakened. So, Ophelia invited Jaak to stay a few hours longer in her designated bedroom. Vivian and Raimond returned to her home via the limousine which Natasha had booked for the entire sixteen days.

Since they had advised Amanda beforehand of their expected arrival, Amanda had breakfast ready for them as well as for herself and Maia. Her boyfriend was not there having left by midnight, according to Amanda. The bed in the master bedroom was pristine as they had left it when they departed for the festival. Thus, Vivian could surmise that if Amanda did have sex with her boyfriend, they would have utilized the living room sofa.

Since this festival was a most important cultural event, and championed by her ministry, Vivian had passes for herself and Raimond for each night. The latter was fond of classical music, so he actually was not attending out of sufferance. Amanda advised that she would be willing to babysit Maia on Tuesday and Thursday of the upcoming week as well as the following week.

Accordingly, on those nights Amanda was babysitting, Vivian and Raimond stayed overnight at Natasha's suite at the Swissôtel. So that there was a marathon night of sex on those occasions. On the other nights they were back home by midnight because of the limitations placed by the youthful babysitter. So, sex was out on those occasions.

However, on the middle Saturday, Maia was gone from noon Saturday to Sunday at 05:00 PM. She was at another scouting wilderness outing. Thus, after a prolonged orgy overnight at the Swissôtel Natasha and Boris along with Ophelia came to Vivian's house that Sunday morning for sex in the sauna. Ophelia's date eschewed the invitation. Presumably as an Estonian taking part in a sauna was not a novel experience for him.

The festival then was a fantastic success. There was no question that Natasha's festival of chamber music would and did become an annual event. The previous weeklong local festival was partially incorporated with Natasha's festival so that classical music fans throughout the world would pencil in the month of August as a time to visit Estonia. Seating at the venue then was increased to 30,000 and Estonia's tourist industry received a huge boost as a result of the festival.

As a result, Vivian's political reputation was also enhanced such that she was openly acknowledged as the second most important woman in the country after Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. Whenever she was out in public, Vivian was besieged with admirers greeting her and wishing her the best of luck. She experienced great satisfaction in reflecting on her success when recalling the bullying and taunting she endured in high school and to a lesser extent during her undergraduate days at the University of Wisconsin. 'Yes,' thought Vivian, 'I may be a slut and whore as others might perceive me. But at least I'm an influential slut and whore.'

One of the most pleasant personal outcomes of the festival for Vivian was that she and Natasha Starikovich became fast friends. They were very similar in character especially in sexual proclivities. Although Vivian considered herself to be more domesticated than Natasha and more willing to strive adhering to at least a more orthodox lifestyle. In particular she considered herself as a one man woman despite the legion of lovers both men and women she had sex with and continued to have sex with.

Nonetheless, there had been constantly a main man in her life to curtail her promiscuity somewhat. A difference with Natasha was evident by the sex they indulged in during the sixteen days of the festival. Each night Natasha and Boris had group sex with Ophelia and her pick up date and Ophelia had a different pick up date for each of those nights. On six of those nights Vivian and Raimond were included.

Despite the six new male partners Vivian had sex with, there was no doubt in her mind and to the others as well, that Raimond was her man and the most loving partner for her. In contrast she could perceive that Natasha treated Boris equally important as the sixteen other lovers she had engaged with. It wouldn't surprise Vivian if Natasha would have different lover to the next festival.

The other notable difference between Natasha and Vivian is how each treated their daughters. Because of the issues Natasha had with the natural father of her daughter, she lost the will to mother her child. As a result, Natasha got her mother, Vera, to agree to raise Zoya along with her own second daughter, Anastasia. So, her career as a concert violinist was front and center of her life. Although intellectually, she knew Zoya to be her flesh and blood daughter, she really did consider and treat Zoya as her kid sister equivalent to the actual status of Anastasia.

In sharp contrast her daughter Maia was the most precious person in Vivian's life. And there was no question that Vivian was the de facto mother of Maia Laaning. Even during those first few years of Maia's life when Vivian's mother-in-law, Maarja Tarvas had a major share in looking after Maia, Vivian was the last word as to the method of the raising of her daughter. Mind you there was no conflict as Maarja, and Vivian were in accord on the how to properly raise a child and in particular a girl child.

In living with Raimond Kruuse, Vivian did allow some leeway to him in his role as the actual stepfather to Maia. However, Raimond knew enough to consult with Vivian beforehand in dealing with major issues especially in regards to discipline.

There was really only one important disagreement they had in regards to Maia. Vivian insisted that Maia would at first help in cooking and preparing meals for them, and at age twelve would be the primary cook for the household. When Raimond protested that she was too young to bear such responsibility, Vivian retorted that at that age not only could she prepare an adequate meal but had to milk four cows twice daily until she left for college at the age of nineteen.

Vivian pointed out that the work she had to do at the farm taught her discipline which proved to be a beneficial lifelong attribute. She was something of a party girl while she was a coed at the University of Wisconsin and still to a lesser extent while at the law school of the University of Chicago. Notwithstanding such frivolous lifestyle during her tertiary education and beyond, she still had the discipline not to ignore her studies nor her work ethic in her adult life.

Vivian did not begrudge her daughter to have fun as a child or as a teenager. She didn't even mind if Maia turned out to be a slut and a whore so long as she did not become a bimbo. In that regard as soon as Maia experienced her first menses, Vivian took Maia to her gynecologist and had Maia fitted with an IUD. Vivian sure as hell did not want to deal with the problem of an unwanted teenage pregnancy.

Vivian's philosophy of child rearing is based on Benjamin Franklin's attributed adage: "Idle hands are the devil's playthings." So, if Maia was required to prepare and cook meals in addition to keep up with her school work meant there was less idle time available for her to go astray. Raimond had to concede that Maia at thirteen years of age was a far superior cook than either of his own two adult daughters thirteen and fifteen years respectively senior to Maia. Hell Maia was a better cook at thirteen than his wife, Varvaara Raudsepp.

In other words, by any measure of objectivity and certainly subjectively, Vivian was the superior mother to her child than Varvaara was to their children. To be fair to his wife, Varvaara, she was only nineteen and twenty-one, when she gave birth to her daughters whereas Vivian was thirty-one years of age when she gave birth to Maia. In addition, having grown up on a farm gave a better background to ensure of raising an industrious child.

Natasha and Vivian kept in touch after the festival, considering that they were both members of the TLR they agreed they ought to take advantage of their mutual association. Natasha was heavily engaged giving concert performances and doing some recording between the months of September to June. She liked to spend the month of July to be with her mother and family in Chicago. That is why she was seeking an August date for her festival of chamber music.

The first festival, as we have seen was scheduled for the first two full weeks of August. To better coordinate with the prior established local festival of chamber music the subsequent, annual festivals were usually held during the second and third full weeks in August. Natasha would usually schedule the TLR orgy the weekend prior to the opening of the festival. On alternative occasions she would fly directly to the festival and double back to Dallas to do the TLR orgy on the last weekend in August.

Since Natasha could attend a TLR orgy only once a year, she wanted to make the most of it. With that purpose, she approached Vivian as to whether she could accompany her to one of these orgies. In Vivian's point of view, she did not wish to give up the timing of her two semi annual family visits since they coincided with the two important American holidays. And she couldn't schedule a third two week visit since she couldn't afford the extra time off from her work as the Minister of Culture.

However, she could afford to take off an extra two days without too much hassle. Accordingly, she worked out an itinerary to fly out from Tallinn on Friday to arrive in Chicago to spend the night with Jed Baxter usually at the Palmer House or at an equivalent hotel. On the Saturday morning Natasha would join her on the flight to Dallas and onward to the TLR the orgy. She would thereby return to fly back on Sunday to arrive Monday afternoon in Tallinn.

Sometimes Karen Schlagel or Angela Peterson or both would be able to attend as well. In that case, they would book the special room at the Madame du Barry Hall for a mini orgy within the main orgy on the Alaskan king size bed. As Raimond Kruuse was living with her and taking on the role of stepfather to Maia, she was relieved of the concerns of Maia's welfare when she was gone.

In that regard, Vivian could not have asked for a more perfect lover and significant other. He did not possess a jealous bone in his body. Nor did he demand exclusivity in their relationship. As far as he was concerned, Vivian was the most remarkable woman he had ever known and felt quite fortunate to know her in the Biblical sense. He was not concerned with her dalliances with Jed Baxter. He obviously was an important lover in Vivian's life, As Raimond viewed it, Jed Baxter was married and there did not seem to be any threat that Vivian would give up her life in Estonia to pry Baxter away from his wife. And Raimond also did not begrudge Vivian's fun in attending the TLR orgies during her visits to the United States.

For his own fun, his relationship with Vivian evolved into a limited swingers sex lifestyle. As Natasha's chamber music festival became an annual event in Tallinn, so did the group sex sessions become an annual sexual activity for them. As Vivian suspected Boris Varennikov was no longer in the picture. Instead, Natasha came to the festival with a different lover each succeeding year. As a result, the festival orgies took on a different format from that of the initial festival. On the nights Vivian and Raimond joined Ophelia and Natasha for some group sex at the Swissôtel suite, Natasha assisted by Ophelia would round up six gentlemen and four ladies from various sources.

One of the sources was Vivian herself who had become acquainted amongst her circle of acquaintances of those who would be interested in a group sex orgy. Curiously, one of them was Urmus Tralla on one occasion. No doubt the opportunity of reconnecting with Vivian was an inducement. Also included with Raimond's help were his former three lady friends, including the erstwhile Kaisa Noor. Vivian smiled upon meeting her being an unknowingly coincidental rival for the affections of her former husband and her current boyfriend. Kaisa was not too shabby, so it boosted Vivian's ego that she was preferred to this otherwise attractive woman.

Natasha had developed an instinctive flair to acquire a lover for the evening even without prior acquaintanceship. It started during her college years when she occasionally performed with the Chicago Symphony. Invariably, during an impromptu after the performance party in her dressing room, she would be able to single out who she might be able to entice for a tryst before the evening was done.

Since the gentlemen she had chosen were fond of classical music and were cognizant of Natasha's world class musicianship they tended not to be of the kiss and tell type. Instead, they were content to believe that their sex appeal was so overpowering that they were able to seduce and bed one of the greatest violinist in the world. Natasha went on to fine tone her ability to attract lovers for a one night stand even some who were otherwise in a separate true love relationship. Thus, whenever Natasha wished to indulge in sex, she had no problem in succeeding to acquiring a partner.

Usually in the fifteen persons orgy, the initial sex consisted of Natasha, Ophelia and Vivian each having threesome sex divided amongst the six recruited gentlemen. Raimond and the Natasha's designated lover for the entire festival enjoyed doing MFF threesomes from the four recruited ladies.