Vivian Travels to Estonia Ch. 10

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Impromptu strip tease at the Schlössle.
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Part 73 of the 76 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/19/2017
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The routine for the month's activities leading up to the wedding became established. Maarja took over kitchen duties in the main, although both Vivian and Erica took turns to occasionally cook a meal. Maarja took responsibility for the general cleaning of the Tarvas farmhouse, as Erica and Vivian looked after the Kangur farmhouse. Vivian had started constructing her wedding dress, but Erica finished sewing it after she had arrived. Erica also sewed dresses for herself and for Angela Peterson, the latter who had supplied Erica with her measurements for that purpose. Angela was wealthy enough to afford the most expensive clothing, but she admitted clothes sewn by the Laaning sisters seemed better, and certainly were more comfortable to wear. On the occasion of Angela's wedding, her sister upon examining Vivian's dress she had sewn for herself, quipped that Vivian could surely earn a lucrative income as a freelance seamstress.

The division of labor freed Vivian to handle her farm duties plus plan for the wedding. Since they had agreed to have the wedding take place in Tallinn, Vivian booked the most luxurious suite at the Schlôssle Hotel for herself and Angela and Erica for the two nights Thursday and Friday. Then she booked a room Saturday and Sunday, nights for Erica and Angela, although Angela would have the room to herself on Sunday as she would not leave to return to the United States until Monday morning. Erica would be returning to the Tarvas farmhouse on Sunday with Maarja to look after Maia while Vivian and Eino were on their honeymoon.

Vivian also booked another separate room for Eino for two nights Friday and Saturday night. On Friday night, Eino had a bachelor's night planned with some of his closest buddies, so he would be staying in the room alone. This would keep the agreed moratorium of no sex until the wedding night intact. Naturally Vivian would be joining him on Saturday night. Eino then would be driving with Maarja to Tallinn on Friday and would drop his mother off at the Läänemets residence where she would be staying for the two days. Maarja would pick up Erica on Sunday to return to the Tarvas farm.

With the wedding being held in Tallinn, meant that Angela Peterson would not have the opportunity to see the Tarvas farm. Since she was returning to the States on Monday, it made more logistical sense to just stay in Tallinn until her departure. It would be awkward in any case to be at the farm without Vivian's presence. Since Vivian's first wedding, a year prior, had been held at the Laaning farm in Wisconsin Angela did not feel deprived on this occasion. As she quipped, "Once you've seen one dairy farm there's no real impetus to see another."

Angela, then did arrive from San Diego on the Thursday before the wedding and had the similar stopover in Amsterdam as Erica had. Thus, she arrived in the afternoon as well. The flight, including stop over time was just over twenty hours, but because of the time zone differences between California and Europe, the time of departure to time of arrival was thirty hours apart by the respective local times. However, unlike Erica, Angela was able to acquire adequate sleep during the long arduous flight. Thus, when she arrived, she was wide awake and ready to party.

Angela Peterson had been Vivian's best friend at the University of Wisconsin. It was Vivian who was responsible for introducing Ralph Peterson to Angela, and thereby became the maid of honor at their wedding. That was the wedding where Vivian first met Jed Baxter and got it on with him. Angela and her husband led a swingers lifestyle type of marriage. Or as Angela would put it, she pursued a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde kind of sexual experience in her matrimony.

Angela was a high school teacher in San Diego, and her husband was a professor of mathematics at San Diego State University (SDSU). By day they appeared like a respectable, if not mundane, boring middle class couple attracting not much notice from their acquaintances nor even strangers, who they might come into contact with. However, by night they transformed into a Mr Hyde type, licentious if not outright dissolute sexual fiends. No doubt were their non sexual friends and acquaintances privy to their sexual conduct, they would deem them as depraved. And of course, Angela and Ralph were members of the TLR, as well, as a result of the wedding present bestowed by Jed Baxter, who was Angela's cousin. In addition, they attended group orgies and wife swapping occasions throughout southern California, but naturally mainly in San Diego.

Given the prevalence of several published reports of female high school teachers caught having sex with their underage male students, Angela chose to be carefully circumspect. Recognizing her sexual proclivities, she wisely took steps to avoid such temptation. She went out of her way to dress properly but in the drabbest style possible. She also ensured that her facial appearance was as plain as possible to dissuade any propositions or even flirting of any kind. Thus, she was considered by her students and by her co-workers as well, as the least attractive woman on staff at her school; a remarkable achievement considering in reality, she was quite a good-looking woman.

In addition to being friends, Vivian and Angela had indulged in lesbian sex when they first met. Then when Angela met Ralph and subsequently married him, Vivian was available for a "throuple" get-together. In fact, Vivian accompanied them on their honeymoon, and whenever Vivian visited them, they were sure to have some three-way sex. Naturally, when Angela accepted the invitation to the wedding, the foremost idea in her find was to take advantage of having sex in a strange land. Foreign nookie was definitely a turn-on for the sexually insatiable Angela Peterson.

After Angela was picked up at the airport, the three of them with their babies headed to the Läänemets' residence. Marika Läänemets had offered to baby-sit the babies for the three days as well as provide accommodation for Maarja. Since Hele Mölder, also a wedding guest, lived nearby she would be available to provide wet nursing service, as needed. Such offer was greatly appreciated and accepted. The three mothers had breast pumps with them and indicated they would provide their own supplies as feasibly as possible. Then, after each mother finished feeding their offspring, the three of them headed to the Schlössle Hotel. When they arrived at their suite, they settled in for their stay as they unpacked their luggage. They then duly dressed for dinner, to dine at a nearby restaurant which was highly recommended.

As they were eating heartily, Angela grilled Vivian as to all the circumstances of her whirlwind courtship and short engagement. At the end of Vivian's account, Angela quipped, "And here I thought I'd held the record for the shortest engagement ever. I mean the first time I set eyes on Ralph was in February, and we married on the third Saturday of August that year; so at least our anniversary dates won't clash. I seem to remember that you were shocked when I announced to you, my engagement. You went so far as to question the rashness of my decision to agree to marry, considering that I wasn't aware of the existence of my fiancé at the start of that calendar year. But here you are doing one better, in that you did not know of the existence of Eino at the start of June this year, and here you are getting married on Saturday. And you said he proposed to you on your third date. I think I had at least six dates before Ralph popped the question."

Vivian pointed out, "I really didn't have orthodox dates in the normal way dating is conducted. It really was just three consecutive nights of fucking."

Angela responded, "Well my six prior 'dates'* (*air quote) weren't exactly like traditional dates either. A couple of times Ralph did treat me beforehand to a dinner at a restaurant, but mostly he came to my apartment, or I went to his apartment, and we fucked like rabbits or minks, whichever metaphor applies best."

Erica sniffed and pointed out, "I may have the longest period between the time I first met my husband to the time we officially married. And my first two 'dates'* (*air quote) weren't exactly orthodox dates either. The first time was a group sex orgy, and we didn't meet again until four years later when he dined at the restaurant where I was employed as the general manager. He then came to my apartment which I was sharing with Vivian who luckily was absent for the evening. We fucked that night, and although we were not officially engaged, that we were going to marry was already a foregone conclusion in our minds. So there! I say I got you both beat."

Vivian and Angela together raised their hands in a surrender gesture, and proclaimed, "Whatever Erica!"

At this point, they had settled up the dinner tab, as Angela insisted on paying. Then she said, "Why don't we go to the bar at the hotel, and we can get wasted without worrying about getting home safely."

As the three of them were heavy drinkers compared to their female peers, the suggestion was met with enthusiastic acceptance. The bar was not overly large, which provided a quiet setting without any blaring loud music to spoil the intimate ambiance. There were spacious tables with comfortable chairs, allowing for easy conversation while imbibing alcoholic drinks. Angela settled for a scotch on the rocks, Erica went for a gin and tonic and Vivian was content with a vodka martini.

With such potent drinks coupled with the wine they consumed at their dinner; the three ladies were in a very gregarious mood. There was constant laughter interspersed in their verbal exchanges. Angela started the ball rolling by a trite observation, "Well OK Vivian, far be it for me to be critical of your extremely short courtship and engagement. Still, by marrying this Eino Tarvas, you'll be living in this backwaters country forsaking your American homeland. Don't you think you'll miss the good old U.S.A.?"

Vivian answered, "Estonia is not a backwards country. I mean I can still buy a Cadillac, but I opted to buy a Škoda Fabia which I couldn't buy in the US. So there!"

Erika piped in, "Yes I've driven it, while I've been here this month. I can honestly say that I would trade my Cadillac SUV if I had the opportunity."

Angela asked, "So where is this wonder car? I thought we're driving in a Ford SUV?"

Vivian replied, "That car is a rental. The Škoda is still at the farm. Eino along with his mother will bring it tomorrow. Maarja will stay at the Läänemets residence for the wedding period and will take Erika and the babies back to the farm on Sunday. Instead of my taking the Škoda, I opted to take the train from Valga along with Erika and the babies. I've never been on a train ride before, so I couldn't miss the opportunity to fulfill an item to be included in my bucket list."

Angela laughed, "You're too young to contemplate a bucket list."

"Maybe so. But I know when I do get around to it, a train ride would most likely be included. So now it's done."

"Whatever Vivian! You still didn't answer about becoming homesick. You'll be missing all your friends and relatives. Hell, I'll miss seeing you."

Vivian answered, "It won't be that bad. You see I've decided to come to the US for two-week visits twice a year, once for Thanksgiving in November and the other time in May. I think I'll spend one week with Erica and her family in Chicago. The other week will be with Paul and his family at the Laaning farm in Wisconsin. Thanksgiving will be at Paul's as it has been the Laaning family custom. It's the one time in the year, that Paul, and especially his wife will tolerate a visit from Erica and her family and will act cordially towards Rod."

Erica added, "Yes Paul and his wife have come to accept that I've married a black man and are usually uncomfortably with his presence. However, I guess the holiday spirit makes Paul more mellow, and they watch the football games amicably together while drinking beer."

Noting in the back of her mind, that the Laaning sisters did not refer to their sister-in-law by name, Angela asked, "So Vivian, when you're in the U.S. do you think you'll take in an orgy at the TLR?"

"Yes, I'm thinking of it."

Erica challenged, "But Vivian, what about your marriage vows and your promise of fidelity? Wouldn't you be bothered in committing adultery?"

"Let ye without sin cast the first stone. You don't seem to be bothered when I visit, and we engage in a threesome. And Rod didn't seem to be unduly bothered when you were fucking Jed when we double dated."

Erica protested, "Yes but those were special circumstances. It's not like I've ever been fearful that you would be trying to steal my husband from me. Rod likes fucking you, who wouldn't, but I'm his woman. As for me, I'm not the slut that I used to be when I was single. Rod is man enough for me."

Vivian answered, "Exactly Erica! And Eino is man enough for me. But the sex at the TLR is fun. And I say that it's harmless fun. I would not ever be tempted to throw it all away because I would become in love with some man at the TLR to such an extent I couldn't do without him. Obviously, I would not be advising Eino of this peccadillo of mine, so that what he doesn't know can't hurt him. Besides considering every time I've been to a TLR orgy, my juices are super charged, and as a result I provide super sex thereafter. Hell, Eino will be unknowingly grateful."

Erica scoffed, "Hah! I think the lady doth protest too much to hide her slatternly behavior."

Vivian harrumphed, "I'm just a woman who has a healthy appetite for sex, and sometimes my appetite is voracious. Anyway, if I actually do, do the TLR scene, it will only be for the May visit. The first week of my November visit will be the holiday week. That way I could have a longer visit with you. My visit would include the weekend after the holiday Thursday and the full ensuing week with your family."

Angela said, "If you do plan on a TLR visit, please let me know so I could try and schedule a simultaneous visit as well."

"Will do for sure."

As our ladies were ensconced deep in their conversation, a gentleman in a suit and tie approached their table. He was of medium build and height. He was slightly overweight with a hint of beer belly developing. Not especially handsome, but he still projected the image of a confident man, which straight women would appreciate. In haltingly strongly accented English, he inquired, "Pardon me ladies, I hear you're speaking in English. Are you then tourists, perhaps from England?"

Our heroines instantly recognized that English could not be the gentleman's mother tongue, since aside from his heavy accent, he apparently could not differentiate from an American speaker to a British one. Vivian answered in Estonian, "I actually live on a farm near Valga and my name is Vivian. This woman is my sister, (pointing to Erica) whose name is Erica and who also can speak Estonian. Our friend here, (pointing to Angela) whose name is Angela unfortunately can only speak English. They are visiting me, having come from America. You can speak in our lovely language as Erica, and I can translate for Angela she doesn't mind. And what is your name? Why don't you join us, as we have room at this table?"

Evidently relieved that he could speak in Estonian, the gentleman replied, "Thank you for your kind invitation. It's not often I have a chance to converse with such lovely ladies, such as you three. My name is Toivo Saar."

"And what do you do Toivo?"

"I am the manager for the Hyundai, Suzuki and Renault dealership in Narva. I was here in Tallinn to negotiate a transfer of some Renault units with the dealership here in Tallinn. I was entertaining with the Tallinn manager, celebrating the success of our mutual business arrangement, but then he had to leave sooner than I had expected. I decided to stay for one more drink, and by meeting you ladies I'm glad I did."

The conversation then proceeded in a free and easy manner. Toivo proved to be a pleasant conversationalist and kept our ladies continuously amused. Allowances were made for Angela's lack of understanding Estonian, but such interruptions in translating did not detract from the sparkling conviviality of their time together. Vivian had informed him, that she was getting married in two days which explained the visits of her two American companions. She further added that, since all her female friends resided in the United States, and weren't coming to the wedding, she had to forgo a typical American style bridal shower. So that this evening of drinking had to do as a substitution.

Toivo was initially discouraged by such information, as a typical red blooded straight male, he had some hopes of nookie if not this evening, perhaps in the ensuing day or two during his stay in the capital city. However, to his delight all three women were flirting while outrageously sending all kinds of enticing signals. He had heard as gossip, which he had previously dismissed as myth, that many brides in America, especially the affluent ones have male strippers in attendance to spice up the entertainment at their bridal showers. As his three female companions were getting more inebriated from their heavy drinking, and seemingly losing all their inhibitions, Toivo was sensing that he just might get lucky this evening after all.

Indeed, Toivo was on the money in such speculation. As he momentarily absented himself to answer the call of nature, Angela exclaimed, "I want to fuck him! But I need you guys with me for translations purposes."

Vivian retorted, "You are not required to speak Estonian when fucking. In fact, you don't have to speak at all. So, if I'm going to be with you, I won't be watching. I'll be fucking too!"

Erica added, "Count me in too! You don't mind sharing Angela, do you? Hell! After all, during your honeymoon you didn't mind sharing your husband with me and Vivian."

Angela replied, "I don't think there's any way of getting around it. There doesn't seem any other stud available at this bar for you guys to get your own."

Both Laaning sisters rolled their eyes at Angela's implied suggestion, that she had exclusive propriety interest in Toivo Saar, and she was granting a favor in sharing him carnally. When Toivo returned, to his utter delight, he heard Vivian say, "As I told you earlier, I'm getting married on Saturday, but I'm deprived of a bridal shower. You might be interested to know that some bridal showers in the United States can get wild. Why at Angela's bridal shower, there was a male strip tease dancer to entertain the thirty ladies present, and things did get a little bit raunchy. But everyone had fun. So, Toivo! Why don't you accompany us to our suite in this hotel, and you can be our strip tease dancer for my private bridal shower?"

When they got into the suite, our ladies surrounded Toivo who was shorter than the Laaning sisters. Vivian stood at six feet one inch tall while Erica was only one inch shorter. (185 & 183 cm respectively) Angela, in contrast was a mere five feet four inches tall (163 cm), the average height of women in the United States. Vivian in her most sultry, husky voice, breathed out, "Since we don't have appropriate music available, we will have to assist you in your seduction of us. Actually, you don't have to do a thing, we'll do it all for you."

To start the action, Angela dropped to her knees and was grabbing a hold of Toivo's cock even while it was still encased in his clothing. She sighed as she took a good measure of him by squeezing his shaft. She murmured in excited tones, which Vivian interpreted in her husky sultry voice whispering into Toivo's ear, "Angela says, 'you have a wondrous cock, nice and hard, just the thing to excite any woman!', and I can't wait to have my turn at it."