Vivian Travels to Estonia Ch. 12

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Vivian's honeymoon starts and is inducted in the Tenth Club
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Part 75 of the 76 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/19/2017
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The wedding reception lasted till the wee hours of the morning as everyone had a good time. The highlight of the reception was the opening solo dance of Vivian and Eino. That ubiquitous, traditional bride and groom dance was a pleasant marveling experience for Vivian and went far beyond what she would have expected. When she had finished law school and acquired her position at Kirkland, Mayer & McDermott, she had taken formal ballroom dancing instructions in order that she wouldn't find herself to be out of place in high society formal social outings. This indeed did serve her well during her affair with Jed Baxter, since despite his marriage there were several occasions where she and Jed were dance partners in some gala social balls in Chicago.

In the planning for this wedding, Vivian had gotten a hold of the agent for André Rieu, the Dutch violinist and conductor best known for creating the waltz-playing Johann Strauss Orchestra. His concerts worldwide have been enjoyed by millions. The agent was able to dispatch a limited number of the orchestra's musicians to perform at this wedding. For that opening dance, the band performed Rieu's signature piece of music titled, the Waltz No 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich. Despite the truncated orchestra, their rendition was just as beautiful to behold had André Rieu himself performed with the full complement of his orchestra.

Vivian was pleasantly surprised as to how superb Eino proved to be as her partner for this dance. Instead of woodenly moving around on the dance floor, he danced superbly and confidently. His performance to the waltz was smooth, as they glided effortlessly around the dance floor to the delight and applause of their onlookers. Vivian couldn't help but exclaim, "My goodness my dearest husband. Oh, wait a minute, let me say that again... (pregnant pause) My dearest husband. I don't think I'll ever get tired of addressing you as such.

"Anyway, as a mere dairy farmer, you have the dancing skills surpassing the vast majority of those of the male persuasion. I'll have you know that I've taken professional dance lessons while living in Chicago. I can safely say, without fear of contradiction, that even those of the most urbane sophisticated dance partners I've had the pleasure to experience, none of them, and I repeat, none of them, are superior to your dancing skills. Some of them might equal your skill, but again, none of them could surpass your dancing prowess. So, what is your secret my dear beloved husband? Of whoops, something else I think I'll never tire of saying, let me say it again... (pregnant pause) My beloved husband. How can you be such a skilled dancer, being a mere dairy farmer?"

Eino naturally chuckled at Vivian's hyperbole but was warmed by her sentiments of approbation. He replied, "I know you haven't had the sufficient time to get to know or appreciate my mother's character fully in all its myriad factors. Suffice it to say that my mother appears to the world to be a mere farmer's wife, to my late father, and mother to a farmer's son, namely me, but still there is more to her than those simple facts. She is appreciative of the fine arts, and when I was twelve years old wanted to enroll me in ballet instruction. Over my objections and that of my father's, she relented and had me enrolled in ballroom dancing lessons instead. She paid no attention to my objections in that instance, and my father waved the white flag of surrender on this matter. In hindsight, I'm now glad she persisted, as it has allowed me to dazzle my pretty new bride."

Vivian replied, "Oh, I'm dazzled all right, and you have provided me with nothing but happy surprises since the time you proposed, and I accepted. So, when we leave here, I'll have some happy surprises for you as well. At least I trust they'll be happy surprises."

"Happy surprises you say? I can't wait. I'm definitely intrigued."

"Yes, I'm anxious to leave as well, but I guess we have some obligation to our guests. Mind you considering the joy that seems to permeate this room, everybody seems to be having a good time. I know if I wasn't the bride, I would be wanting to stay all night."

Then Vivian added wickedly, "Mind you given my track record, perhaps if I weren't the bride, I might have left here before the time we are actually going to leave."

By this time Eino Tarvas was getting used to his bride's insouciance regarding sex as well as her self-deprecatory humor. He replied in kind, "Well then, I guess from my point of view, it's a good thing you are the bride, so that I'm spared the tedious task of chasing away all your beaus."

When the music had died down from that first dance, the audience/guests were thrilled by the music and the wonderful display of the solo dance of Vivian and Eino. The applause was relentless, so much so, that the orchestra was compelled to repeat the music. This time Vivian and Eino were joined by other couples on the dance floor. Eino then danced with his mother while Erica and Vivian danced together. After that, Vivian and Eino returned to their seats to allow guests to approach them to offer their congratulations and otherwise to comment on the joyous occasion.

Angela was the first to return to her seat and she gushed to Vivian, "Congratulations Vivian. You are truly the consummate beautiful bride. And what a wonderful reception event! My sisters had only six months to prepare a decent wedding for me, but you pulled it off in less than two months. Your wedding certainly blows away mine despite very little help from me or Erica. By the way, how in the world did you manage to get to engage André Rieu's Orchestra for this reception?"

Vivian chuckled at Angela's description of her wedding, so she replied, "Gee Angela if your elaborate lavish wedding was merely 'decent'* (*air quote) how would you label my wedding? Spectacular perhaps?"

"Spectacular is indeed a good enough description!"

"As for André Rieu, this is an example of the cliché, money talks, and good things happen if you only ask. The main part of the orchestra along with Rieu of course are now in the midst of a tour in Australia. These musicians here remained in Holland but are contracted to join the tour next week to replace those musicians who for one reason or another could not commit for the entire engagement. So, I caught a lucky break there."

Sometime later during the intervening mingling of the guests, Vivian happened to have had a very interesting discussion with Carmen Kass. They were both of similar age and hit it off ever so well. Their conversation was visibly animated and lasted longer than the perfunctory greetings exchanged between most of the other guests. Eino who had witnessed the exchange between them subsequently innocently asked what the two of them had talked about. Vivian coyly replied, "Oh you'll find out soon enough. For now, suffice it to say you will be pleased."

Eino replied, "I'm even more intrigued now than ever."

Also, during the wedding reception, Vivian had the opportunity to chat with Ms Kaja Kallas as well. The latter suggested to Vivian that once she had acquired Estonian citizenship, she ought to consider entering Estonian politics. Ms Kallas emphasized that the country could use someone of her skills and talents. Vivian replied to the effect that she sees herself as totally immersed for the next few years in tending to the needs of the farm and its proposed expansion. However, in three or four years, she could see herself getting into Estonian politics. She told Ms Kallas she is quite concerned at the low replacement birth rate in Estonia and would like to help in that regard.

The future Prime Minister slyly and laughingly added, "Well, I guess if you pop out three babies in that time then you would truly have helped. At least you would have easily surpassed the required replacement rate."

Vivian retorted in kind, "Bite your tongue!"

Around 10:30 PM Vivian and Eino mutually decided to depart from the scene. Vivian announced, "Thank you all for coming to celebrate my most wonderful day. Your presence here has made it a truly joyous event. Now Eino and I must bid you adieu. We have a very early flight to Italy to catch."

One wag in the audience shouted out, "Is that the only reason you two have to leave so soon?"

After the inevitable raucous laughter died down, Vivian continued, "Be that as it may, you are all welcome to stay and enjoy yourself. The band will stay till one o'clock in the morning, and you can stay one hour longer before you must leave. So, goodbye to you all."

During the subsequent limousine ride to the hotel, Vivian took the opportunity to unfasten various zippers in the dress. Eino was content to sip on a scotch provided by the bar in the limousine. He was enjoying watching his bride in her surreptitious maneuvers, which surely had to indicate that she would not brook any delay in consummating the marriage. More evidence to that supposition occurred in the elevator as Vivian took off her shoes and held on to them as they walked to their room.

Once inside the room, Vivian tossed her shoes aside and turned to face him to disrobe. Her prior adjustments during the limousine ride paid off in spades. She was able to shimmy out of her wedding dress and become totally naked, save for her garter belt and stockings, in less than twenty seconds. Having stepped out of her dress and kicking it aside, she affected a pirouette like pose. Her left arm was held up over her head, and right arm was directed towards her pudendum, with her index finger pointing at her shaved pussy. She sang out, "Ta! Ta! Surprise!"

Eino's jaw literally dropped, as his mouth opened wide threatening to drool. Vivian continued, "I trust you do remember my explanation why I usually maintain my very red bush, but I'm willing to shave it should my partner so wish. Up to now you've only seen my bush, so I thought to surprise you. I shaved it to see how you would like it. If you wish me to be bald, I'll keep on shaving. But if you wish to see my natural, gorgeous, fiery red bush, I'll let it grow back. It's entirely up to you. I have no preference."

Eino was skeptical considering her phraseology so that he replied, "Really? Your words seem to imply otherwise."

"No really I have no preference notwithstanding how much I adore the natural color of my hair. But then again, I was taunted so mercilessly for the color of my hair that in defiance I grew to love it. But seriously, if you want me bald, I will have no problem with it. It is you who I want to please, not me."

Eino was at this point totally aroused by the sight of his virtually fully naked new wife, augmented by anticipation of the sexual activity forthcoming. Still, he had to marvel at Vivian's demonstrative detachment. In his mind he had no doubt that she had to be as sexually excited as he was. And yet here she was prattling on about some nonsense concerning the color of her pubic hair. Normally he might have attributed her dialogue to nervous anticipation of the sex to come (or cum), but the jocular tone of voice belied such supposition. Besides, it's not like she was a virgin, even if considering only her sex with him.

Clearing his head from further extraneous speculations, Eino dropped down to both knees directly in front of Vivian's protruded vulva. With his hands, he spread apart her labia to achieve better direct access to her clitoris. As he applied his tongue in stimulating Vivian's clit, suddenly he felt two objects drop into his mouth. He almost gagged at the unexpected intrusion. He pulled his head away from Vivian's groin and spit the silicone coated balls out. He muttered, "What the fuck?"

Vivian giggled and in her jocular tone exclaimed, "Oops! So sorry! It's my second surprise."

Eino asked, "What is it?"

"It's a pair of Ben Wa balls. I inserted them into my pussy as I got dressed for the ceremony. My idea was that these balls in my snatch should keep me excited throughout the day. That way when it came time, like now, that I should be super sexy, ready to be the lover you desire and deserve. You see, it was done all for you."

In exasperation, Eino asked, "You mean to say you had them in your cunt all day? I saw you go to the bathroom at the very minimum once. Did you at least remove them when you were peeing?"

"Of course, silly! I wouldn't have wanted them inadvertently to fall into the toilet, which would force me to fish them out. Oh yuk to the thought of it! Since the balls were only in my vagina you should only have tasted my womanly essence. But if by any chance, there was some presence of my urine, at least it should not kill you."

Eino wasn't angry or even annoyed. In fact, her action epitomized why he was so charmed by her and her joyous sexuality. To his mind it really justified his decision to render such a quick proposal of marriage. However, cognizant that Vivian was in a playful mood in order to provide a unique atmosphere for their first coitus as man and wife, he decided to respond in kind. So he stated, "Your motivation might have been laudable, but there's no question that you were being naughty. Accordingly, you have to be punished. I shall have to spank you."

Noting the lack of animus in his presumed malevolent declaration, Vivian was prepared to act in a mocking submission. So, she responded, "Oh yes! That's right! I have been a bad girl. I must be punished. Please tell me what you wish me to do. But also, please remember when I say 'red' that is my safe word and you must stop, OK?"

Eino agreed to this well-known protocol of BDSM sex for safety. Then as he was still fully dressed, he stood up and kicked off his shoes. He sat himself down on one of the desk chairs in the room. He commanded her to drape herself on his slightly spread thighs. He instructed the palms of her hand to rest on the floor. Her thighs would extend from his thighs horizontally in the air, with her calves sticking upright in the air. His final instructions, "You must count each slap. What you don't count will not count. We will stop at twenty as I believe that is the appropriate punishment warranted."

If Vivian thought Eino would only administer soft gentle taps on her buttocks, she was disabused of that notion from the very first slap. It was violently painful with a very severe sting to it. The force of his blow took her by surprise, such that she forgot to count it and the next one as well. Since she had experienced spanking sessions before, her inclination was not to scream but rather emit a vociferous grunt. However, in this case, she did scream at both of the initial slaps, as she was lost in her agony. She was brought back to the reality of her situation when Eino observed, "I haven't heard a count. We still have twenty spankings to go. At this rate we'll miss our plane to Italy before we reach twenty."

Despite finding herself in some distress, Vivian was still able to quip, "Yes, but we'll be able to catch a later flight, once the hotel kicks us out for exceeding the check-out time."

That utterance caused Eino to pause in order to overcome the sudden merriment he was feeling inside. He knew in their BDSM play he was supposed to adopt a stern demeanor. That was the main reason why he had administered the first two blows so severely. He had intended to soften the next blows to provide a desired keen erotic feeling, but his reaction to her droll remark was spoiling the affectation he was striving to achieve. Once he was able to control himself enough to suppress the desire to burst out in laughter, he merely swatted her ass cheek with a very tempered blow.

During the pause after her remark, Vivian mentally reorganized her desires for the outcome of this spanking scene. Since Eino had suggested the spanking in an ironical lighthearted tone, she had expected light contact. Her screams were generated more by her misunderstanding how he would spank her, than the actual pain she was feeling. Being as an experienced spankee, she knew she could tolerate even more pain than those first two blows. She also knew about herself, that so long as she was able to tolerate the pain, the subsequent orgasm induced by a harsh spanking session would be exquisite and euphoric. As she geared herself for a thorough spanking exercise, she was confounded by his change in the force of his blows, and she was disappointed. She cried out, "One! But that shouldn't count either. You're supposed to spank me, not massage my bummy. The first two uncounted swats on my bum are the kind of what I'll expect to receive from you until we reach twenty."

Eino was truly nonplussed considering her agonizing screams. So he asked, "But Vivian, you screamed something awful at those first two spankings. I was going to spank you lightly after that. I'm not wishing to hurt you."

Vivian answered, "My screams don't mean anything, except that I'm giving my lungs a workout. Red is the only word that means 'stop, I can't take anymore.' I'm a big girl not a wuss. I can take all you can deliver. I want a real spanking. I want a rosy, red ass. I want our married sex life to start with a bang, pun intended. So go to town my darling Eino."

Eino replied, "OK Vivian my love. I'll do as you ask. However, the first two uncounted strokes will count, this last one won't. So, the next spank will be the number three."

"OK! My sweet darling!"

And so, Eino continued spanking Vivian over his lap with the same intensity as the first two slaps. His slaps had a sting to them that really tingled. To mentally ward off her discomfort, Vivian was swinging her calves backwards and forwards in the air constantly. About halfway through the stipulated count length of the spanking, Eino developed a strong hard erection. Vivian could feel it stabbing her belly. That drove away any more conscious awareness of the pain that she was receiving from his brutal hand spanking. Instead, a feeling of elation was sweeping her mind in realization of his arousal. At the conclusion of the last counted slap, she climaxed! Her orgasm was accompanied by a jet stream of her female juices soiling the trousers of his tuxedo!

Vivian was also panting and perspiring as a result of the beating as well as the consequences of her orgasm. She looked up to him and asked, "Did you cum too?"

He nodded his head. As Vivian exclaimed, "Oh goody!", she scampered off his lap to land on her knees. She unzipped the fly of his trousers to quickly insert his cum coated cock into her mouth and proceeded to slurp up all of his remnant sperm. She then said, "As my sister says..."

Eino interrupted to complete the sentence, "Good tasting cum is a terrible thing to waste."

By now Vivian had reverted to a very giddy mood, as she giggled at Eino's contributing banality. She jumped to her feet and scurried to a closet door which contained a full length mirror on the inside. She took her time to examine her backside and the very rosy, red hue now marking her buttocks as a result of his spanking. She giggled some more as she remarked, "You sure did a number on my poor bummy. I don't think this marriage can be consummated with me on my back."

With that said, Vivian dashed back to the bed and got on it. On her knees, she lowered her head on a pillow at the headboard. In this position she presented her body in a forty-five degree angle to receive a doggy style sexual intercourse. Her buttocks were twitching and wiggling. Whether this action was involuntary or deliberate even Vivian herself could not determine. If involuntary, the purpose was to provide some soothing relief acting as a balm to the burning sensation emanating from her bruised derrière. If deliberate, the purpose was to convey an impatient invitation to get on with the inevitable sexual intercourse.

By this time, Eino had succeeded in undressing completely to total nudity. With his anticipation of a sensational coitus firmly placed in his mind, he was aroused enough to achieve an erection that was copulation ready. He climbed on board the bed and on his knees, sidled up to Vivian's rear. He ended upright situated in the valley formed by Vivian's spread apart calves. The clear, close-up view of her rosy, red hue of her ass caused his erection to achieve a rock hard stiffness.