Walt's Gift Ch. 04


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Linda said, "Nick, I need to be taken care of. Will you take us upstairs and take care of our needs, please?"

"Yes!" I stood, helped Inga and Linda up and thanked the couple for a pleasant time. We went upstairs and into our room.

Linda spoke, "Honey, conversations like that really help me a lot. I sometimes get to thinking we're nuts. Then we talk to some folks and I get clearer about what we're doing."

Inga asked, "What are we doing, besides loving each other?"

"Beverly wants in because she sees what we're doing." Linda said. "She's never felt as accepted as she does with us. She walked through the door and we welcomed her. Welcomed her completely. Remember what Nick said to her, you don't have to do anything for me to love you. Live with us the rest of your life and never have me in your body, it's Ok. I love you. I'll bet no one, especially a man, has ever said that to her before. The woman we spoke to earlier who went home early knew what was in front of her and that much love scared her silly. The man we just left is starting to see what we're doing. We're knocking on a door that can change the way people live, the way they love and how they treat each other all the time."

"Is that why for the past months, since I arrived in California I've been happy?"

"That's how most people would respond to being really loved, if they could just allow it to be Ok." Linda said.

I picked up the phone and called the office.

"Tina, are you available for dinner?"

"Can you come down to the office, please?"

"The collective or the singular?"

"Can you, Nick Evans, come to the office alone please?"

"I'll be right there." I hung up. Inga asked, "Is she available?"

"I don't know. She asked for me to come to the office alone. I'll know more when I get back."

I got two great kisses and walked to the office as my hard on subsided.

As the door closed behind me, Tina pointed to a chair. I sat down. She stood about four feet from me and leaned back against the counter.

"From now on, I'm not going to lunch with you, the singular or the collective you. I'm not going to dinner with you. I won't sit with you at breakfast either. And, I want to be honest with you about why."

"I'd appreciate that."

"I've had this job since my husband ran off with another woman eighteen years ago. At first I fucked everything that offered and some I had to convince. Then I stopped. I became the woman I am. I manage this operation. The owners love me. They used to stop by at least once a month to check on me. I haven't seen them in two years. I make good money and I don't spend it on clothes."


"And, if I hang with your family for another hour I'm going to chuck it all and move to the beach."

I smiled and said, "You're having dinner with us tonight." She started to protest. I held up a hand. "Let me tell you what we're cooking. Then you tell me if you're hungry. Ok?"

She nodded. I said, "We're thinking of expanding the family. Better than that, for you, we're expanding it outside our buildings. Linda and Jack have a house in the San Fernando Valley. They put it on the market last week. I think we'll take it off the market. It stays in the family. I think Carol and Gordon are joining the family. Their home here stays in the family. Is this stew smelling better to you, yet?"

"Can I join?"

"You've listened to us. Does it sound like the family you want to belong in?"

"When you three were talking at lunch I came just from listening. I've never been loved like you love. I want to learn how to love like that. I want to be like that!"

"You know you are loved, don't you?"

"I feel like all of you accept me, maybe even like me. But, none of you have known me long enough to love me."

"The day we met I noticed a c-section scar on you. When was the baby born?"

"The fourth of January, 1977. Why?"

"On the third of January 1977 you would have told anyone around you that you loved a person you had never seen. You decided to love that child before they were even born. I decided to love you as soon as I saw you. I'm the one who took a long time."

"That's different. She was a baby. My baby."

"If you say so. There are women who don't love their babies. I say they didn't make the decision that you did. There are women and men who don't decide to love each other when they get married. They get married and they lie, cheat and steal from their spouses. You didn't. A couple minutes ago you asked if you could join. I'm starting to think joining isn't symbolic enough. Maybe we should marry someone into the family."

"I'd like being married to all of you."

"You haven't met all of us. Can you decide that without dating each of us? Without some premarital sex? Without ..."

"Yes! I can decide to love all of you, live with you as my family, and enjoy life! Just because I decide to!" We were both quiet for a few moments, letting her decision sink in.

I asked, "How long has it been since you've had sex with someone?"

"Someone that doesn't take batteries? Eight years. I think I might have cobwebs."

"Can someone watch the desk while we go for dinner?"

"We can order in. I have a nice place right through that door. We can have dinner and I'll still be on duty."

"You order for four and I'll buy. Call our room and talk with Inga about what to order. How about we eat at seven-thirty?"

I started to get up and caught a whiff of her arousal. I sat back down and asked if I could use the phone. She handed it to me and I called our room. Inga answered.

"Put me on speaker, please." I heard the click.

"Tina called me down here to distance herself from us. The more she's with us the more she wants to be with us. Bottom line; she wants in. She knows we can't let her in until the whole family says yes. She's standing two feet from me right now and I can smell her arousal. We haven't touched. I want to know, wives, if it's Ok with you that I help her have the orgasm she wants?"

I held the phone away from my ear as they both screamed, "Yes!!"

As my left hand hung up the phone a finger from my right hand snaked between her bare lips and grazed her clit. Her hand gripped the counter and her muscles tightened all over her body. I worked the finger in deep and out, then deep again, brushing her clit each time.

"Tina, your apartment is through there?" I looked at the door. She nodded. She was trembling. I stood and helped her through the door and to the bed about eight feet away. I swung the door closed. With a little help she was positioned on the bed, spread eagled and waiting. My fingers probed inside her wetness and I moved my face up to her huge tits. As I stroked her vagina and clit I kissed, nibbled and sucked on her tits.

Her body shuddered, bucked and stiffened as she gave freedom to the orgasm that had been building. As it took over her body I heard the office door open. She could not respond to the arrival. As soon as I could, I left her there in a puddle and went into the office. The man at the desk was the husband who had taken his wife home a few hours before.

"I need a room." He said. He was angry and hurt. I stayed quiet. I gave him the form to fill out and he filled it out. "You gonna ask?" He asked.

"Nope. You want me to know, you'll tell me. Otherwise, it's not my business."

"On the way home she changed the rules. No more nudist resorts, clothing optional anything. We have to drop all our nudist friends. I have to accept her kind of monogamy. I said no. She said get out." He paused, "I need a room."

The door to Tina's apartment opened and she came out. One look and she knew what was up. "Give him room 122. It's small and our cheapest room. How many nights?"

"A week." Tina completed the paperwork and gave him the key.

As he headed for the door I said, "I'm sorry."

"So am I. I love her. It just won't work her way." He went out the door.

From the bottom of my ribs south I was behind the counter with Tina. She stood beside me and finished his paperwork. She filed it and faced me.

"You can't fuck me, can you?" Her eyes were filling with tears.

"No. All sex that could be biologically risky is between family members, only. We don't risk pregnancy, AIDS or STD's by living that rule. My fingers in your wetness isn't a risk to your health, mine or the rest of the family. My cock in your pussy or your ass is a risk. We won't do it."

She started to back away and I added, "Until after the vote. After we marry you, I want to spend some time loving you physically in every way you might enjoy."

I reminded her to call Inga and then order dinner. She picked up the phone and five minutes later she called and ordered dinner for four. I called our room and had Linda or Inga bring my wallet when they came down for dinner.

There are two doors in the office. One leads to the parking area and one to the interior of the resort. Both doors opened at the same time. Inga came through the interior door followed by Linda. The young man from the nearby Chinese restaurant came through the other door, smiling. When he saw Linda and Inga his smile got even bigger.

I took the bill while Tina and Inga took the bags of food. I looked and discovered I had enough cash to cover the bill but not the tip. I said so. Linda asked the young man if three kisses would be enough tip. He asked if that was a kiss from each of the three women. I smiled and said I was not a part of the bargain. He said the kisses would be the best tip he had ever gotten.

I paid the bill with a credit card, gave him cash as a tip and Tina came around the counter and embraced him as she kissed him soundly. When she backed away Inga said, "Take your pick. Which of us is next?"

He looked from Inga to Linda and back again. "I am sorry. I cannot choose. It's is too hard to choose."

Linda stepped in front of him and said, "Good answer. Are you over eighteen?"

He nodded and said, "Twenty-three." She wrapped his arms around her body and placed his hands on her butt. Then she kissed him. I took the fire extinguisher off the wall and held it, aimed at them. Tina and Inga started to laugh.

Linda broke the kiss and looked to see why Tina and Inga were laughing. When she saw the extinguisher she laughed too. Inga moved to take her place and Linda moved. The young guy wasn't sure what to do with his hands, so Inga helped. She put his hands on her tits, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

When he left he said to Tina, "Next time you call ask for me. I deliver!" Before any of us could respond he was out the door and gone.

We had dinner together. We talked. At one point Tina was using chop sticks to eat with and a small piece of chicken slipped from her grip and landed on her breast. Inga leaned over and captured the morsel with her mouth. As she sat back up she said, "That you. That was offered to me, wasn't it?"

Tina smiled and said, "Yes! I love how you are and how you include me."

Linda asked her some questions about how we could include her, logistically. Loving her was easy. How could we include her logistically in the family?

We batted the idea around for a while and had a tentative plan in place that we could take back to the rest of the family. The food was eaten and we had bonded closer with Tina. Inga asked Tina to show her how she managed the office for late arrivals.

Linda and I went back to our room. As we walked Linda said, "Inga is staying in the office tonight."

"You say it like it's a done deal."

"It is. Tina wants to sleep with you. Inga will learn how to take any late arrivals and she'll send Tina up to us. She wants another cum and she wants to be held. We can really be here for her tonight. I really want some lovin too so can you fill me as soon as we get to the room?"

"I was hoping to do that very thing. Then we can focus on Tina."

We went into our room and directly to the bed. We left the door ninety percent closed. Linda dropped to her knees and sucked my cock until it was quite hard. I helped her stand and she bent at the waist, putting her hands on the bed and offering me her ass. I slid into her pussy from behind and we bumped together enjoying the sounds our bodies made slapping together and being wet.

"Nick, Hold my tits! I'm almost there!" I held her tits and lifted just enough the pressure of us together pressed her tits into my hands and lifted her hands off the bed. When she quivered and announced to California she was cumming, I unloaded my cannon into her as well. She yelped and I bellowed. I held on until she started to calm and then I released her tits and backed out of her pussy.

No sooner was I out of her than Tina was on her knees beside Linda's legs and she shoved her face into Linda's pussy! She lapped and sucked everything she could get from Linda's snatch. I stood right where I had been and watched.

A minute later Tina turned from Linda's pussy and swallowed my cock to the base. She cleaned me quickly and went back to Linda.

Linda said, "God! She's good! Oh, Tina! Suck me!"

She got the reward she wanted. Linda came into Tina's mouth. They booth stood and hugged as they kissed. I turned on the shower and we got clean. The bedroom still smelled like sex.

We put Tina in the middle of the bed. We shifted around for a while, testing different postures and positions. When we slowed down enough to sleep I was spooned up against Tina's ass with an arm over her, my hand holding part of her big breast. Linda faced Tina and Tina held both of Linda's breasts in her hands.

When I woke up Linda and Tina were kissing. Linda had her hands at Tina's pussy and Tina was already shaking. It was morning. I kissed the back of Tina's neck and said, "Go ahead and cum! I want to hear it and feel it! My hands held her breasts and pinched her nipples gently. Tina's hands covered mine and she squeezed her own breasts using my hands. "Goooood Mornnnnnning!!"

We stayed in bed for a few minutes more, touching and kissing our way into the day. When bladders and thoughts of getting into the day finally got us up it was into the shower and then Linda and I dressed. Tina kissed us both and went down to the office.

Three minutes after she left us, our phone rang. It was Tina. I hit speaker and we heard her say, "Inga made breakfast for us. Come on down!"

Linda got clothes for Inga out of the suitcase and we packed everything else. We closed up the room and took everything with us as we went to breakfast. We were greeted with kisses and a great Inga breakfast: French toast, bacon strips, strong coffee and orange juice.

By nine we were on the road for home. Before three we had eaten lunch and I was parking the van behind the apartments. Only one car was there. Helen's. Everyone else was gone. We went inside and saw a box on the table marked, "DO NOT OPEN". We started a load of laundry, got a snack and found Helen. She smiled a lot and wouldn't tell us what was in the box or what they had called the meeting to discuss.

We sat out at the table with iced tea and snacks and I said, "Want to know what we wanted the meeting to talk about?"

"Yes! You won't make me wait so everyone hears it at the same time?"

"Nope!" We all said. We spoke to Helen from three mouths and one heart. We told her about Tina, Gordon and Carol wanting into the family. We told her about thinking we needed a ceremony, a wedding, to bring someone into the family. She didn't interrupt once. She sat there in her chair smiling at us as we spoke.

When we had said it all I asked, "So, what do you think?"

"I think you had the meeting with us psychically while we had the meeting here. We came to the same conclusions. You brought back the name of a good lawyer which was a concern Jack and Two voiced. After our meeting Jack took the house off the market. You have ideas about a ceremony to marry us together. Pat and Maria have some ideas about that too. Pat, Maria and Two will want to go to Palm Springs soon."

Inga spoke, "I had Tina train me on how to run the office. If Nick goes with me to handle the things like clogged toilets and cleaning the pool filters, Tina could come here for a weekend." The others nodded.

By five the rest of the family, the nine of us, were home and dinner was in the oven. Helen told everyone what we had told her when we came home. Their reaction was one of "Of course, we are family. We think alike sometimes." Plans were made. Pat wanted clarification about us marrying Beverly. She called Beverly and asked when she would be in L.A. next. Beverly's answer: "Next week. I'm leaving Boston in the morning."

Pat decided she and Beverly would find a place of their own, big enough for family and nearby.

I called Gordon and spoke to Gordon and Carol. Over the next six months we worked out the financial kinks with Gordon's friend, our lawyer. We organized a ceremony to symbolize the commitment and the promises we each made to all our partners. We held the ceremony on Walt's birthday in the desert at the resort run by Tina. At the ceremony Helen, Two, Maria, Pat and Krystn gave me a reminder. A present to remind us about how we began this journey. Each of them had a small tattoo right next to their pussy slit. Pat had a two. Helen a three. Maria a four and Krystn a five. Their apartment numbers on the day Walt died.

I think about my Dad often. About the man I knew and the man I didn't know. About the love he taught and gave. I think about the example he set for Linda and me and what we've done with what he taught us. The day before Dad died I was a family of one, living life holding onto the hurt of losing my first wife. The day after he died I had five wives and more love and affection than I knew what to do with. Today, the family is four men, Jack, Gordon, Bob and me, and a dozen women: Helen, Linda, Two, Maria, Pat, Krystn, Inga, Tina, Carol, Beverly, Jenna and Emiko.

Tomorrow is my sixtieth birthday. I was told to be home by six. I haven't slept alone since the night before Dad died. I have had the joy of loving my wives for years and being loved by them. Turning sixty won't change that. Yesterday Jenna told me when we woke up together that she liked a man with some snow on the roof, especially since there was a fire inside to keep her warm. I pray my fire lasts a long, long time for all the loves of my life.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

In 2022 I find it hard to believe you have only 6 comments on this story. Possibly the group sex scuppered your readers, they missed out on a really good story. You are far to clever in your writing and your humour is brilliant. I hope you are well even if you don't write any more. Thank you for your stories that I am belatedly reading my way through. Most are just amazing. This one was one of my favourites. Thank you again, Mel Booth, known as Hornydevil47.

SouthernSamanthaSouthernSamanthaabout 8 years ago

Everything this author writes is wonderful. He touches upon so many different emotions; love, sadness, revenge, honesty and so much more. I've always believed that in a body of work such as Scorpio's you can see the character of the writer. There is that common thread in all of his stories, love, honesty, integrity. I haven't yet read all of his stories, maybe only about 40% from both sites, but I believe him to be one of the best writers I've ever seen, either here on this site or in published books. And I also believe him to be a good man. His stories show that to be true.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Good I hope you finish the story

JohnnyMaxJohnnyMaxabout 12 years ago

"Then she kissed him. I took the fire extinguisher off the wall" I nearly pissed myself laughing, top quality writing. I'm working through everything in your listing and haven't found one that doesn't have a beautiful mix of emotions from humour to sadness to love. A really wonderful blend that deserves much wider publication.

ofLebanonofLebanonover 12 years ago

So much love. If only it would work... Thank you for writing out this little dream.

Romantic1Romantic1almost 15 years ago
A Smashing Good Story

This story is one of the best you've written. Congratulations. I wish I could join the family too - the highest compliment I can pay. Then again, perhaps I already have by just wishing it was so. A great read - like all your work. Now get busy with the next great story! Hooray!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
What a way to end it!

I loved this story when it was on your other listing and have really enjoyed Ch 2-4. I was wondering how you were going to end this ride and I really like the way you did it. I have enjoyed all your stories and look forward to them each and every time. Keep up the great work and I look forward to the next adventure.

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