Wanderlust - Sabrina Pt. 04


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The girls were hot. There was no question about that. The one currently on stage was almost perfectly his type. Petite, blonde, surprisingly busty for her size, and with a tart little smirk on her cute face as she glanced at her audience that just screamed 'daddy issues'. He stared while wondering what had twisted him into bringing Robert and himself into such a sleazy situation.

Was it time to pull out a stack of one dollar bills, as tradition dictated? Maybe not. She wasn't quite doing it for him. Maybe it was all the jacking off he'd done that night... but maybe not, because he'd still felt horny when he woke up that morning. Maybe it was the beer and cocaine making his dick stay limp.

Girl after girl hit the stage, and he and Robert made a couple trips out to the parking lot to keep on the up. The night was carrying on and Robert at least was having the time of his life. Junior, though, still wasn't feeling it.

"Woo! Fuck yeah, bro," Robert went, loud enough to cut through the music as he returned to their table from a lapdance. His arm was around the waist of a mixed race girl in a leotard, who was about half a foot taller than him in her heels. "That ruled! Booyeah!"

Junior smiled and nodded slightly, then had a reflexive sip of his beer.

"It's your turn brooo."

"Ah, I don't know man," Junior said with a wave his hand.

"Naw, naw, look!" Robert grabbed him by the bicep and twisted him to look away from the stage, "there's that stripper you liked, the blonde one from earlier!" It was indeed the girl that had started their night off, dressed again, but in as little as she could. She was on the prowl in search of her next lapdancee. "Get'er, get'er!"

Robert's excitement caught her eye, and she came over to their table. Even though they were sitting they didn't have to look up very high to address her. "Bro-bro, she's fucking tiny! She's just your type!"

The stripper giggled. "That's good. My name's Cherry."

"Hi Cherry," Robert said. "This is Harvey and he needs a dance, from you."

Junior twitched. There was no escaping now.


Behind a curtain she was in Junior's lap, twisting to an old Motley Crue song. She was perfect, from head to toe, and it in fact could have very well been the ideal lapdance, like some sort of archetypal retro eighties archetype moment. Girls, booze, drugs, it was all there... but Junior wasn't.

"Come on honey, wake up!" Cherry hugged her arms around his neck, bringing her heavy silicone spheres up to his his face. She gave a shake, and as they slapped against him his senses spun.

It should have been hot. He should have been going mad with lust at what she was doing to him. What's wrong with me?

It's because... she isn't Sabrina.

He'd gone out to get his mind off of her, and it should have been a full success now that he had another girl, a real dime, in his lap. He knew he had enough drugs with him to convince her to go somewhere after with him... yet that wasn't going to be so. Despite the superficial features Cherry and Sabrina shared he still found himself pining for the latter, his mind writing a list of all the ways she was better. He still wanted his mother's servant instead. She was his fetish now.

He envisioned Sabrina's face superimposed over Cherry's. He replaced her firm silicone set with her larger, obviously natural globes. He imagined her monster homewrecker and apple sized balls spilling out of Cherry's g-string and dragging up and down over his stomach. It would get harder, creeping up his chest as she attained whatever length she packed... just like in the hentai videos.

That was it. Like a switch had been flipped, blood rushed downward.

"Oooh! ...Babe..." Giggling, Cherry kept slapping her tits against her face, thinking she had him figured out.

With Junior holding on to that vision they carried on for song after song...


It'd been a hell of a night, and Junior made it home just as the birds were starting to tweet, warning that the sun was about to rise and shine its unwelcome beams of shame upon him. It was just starting as he got into bed and closed his eyes.

He awoke in the mid afternoon. As he left his bedroom he could hear the shower running in his mother's room. He went downstairs.


"Oh... hi, Sabrina."

She was sitting in the kitchen wearing a pink bathrobe. He noticed her damp hair, and then the sheen of sweat on the rest of her. She had a bottle of Gatorade in her hand, which she squirted into her mouth for a long, thirst quenching moment. "You look like you need one of these also. There's more in the fridge."

"Thanks." He pulled out a blue one . "Been working out?"

"Umm... yeah," Sabrina said. "Sort of."

Junior turned to look at her again, realizing the most likely reason why Sabrina was so in that state, and also why his mother was in the shower. He stared as the previous night's fantasies resurfaced in his mind. "O...kay..."

"Yeah." Sabrina giggled shortly. "Well, guess I'd better go get cleaned up." She rose from her chair and started to leave.

Quietly Junior breathed in deep, trying to catch some of the blessed air coming off of her sweaty body.

"Oh." She stopped and turned back to him. "Actually..."


"I remember you said I should ask if there's anything you can do for me. I think like, two days ago?"

"Uhm... yes...?"

"Okay." She breathed in, then said very quickly, "could you dust behind the TV for me?"

"Ah, uhh..."

Sabrina smiled sweetly at him, and her eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Sure. Like I said, anything-"

"Thanks!" She turned and left.


Monica had better things to do than stay home on a Friday night, but apparently this time those things didn't involve Sabrina. Harvey Junior's mother was gone, so it was Sabrina and him only in that house.

They'd established some sort of rapport perhaps, with him helping her with her chores earlier. As he sat in his room he thought it might be a good time to actually engage her on a social level. He could ask her if she had plans for dinner, ask her out for a casual beer... there were definitely options. It was his second last day before he went back to school, so he was determined to do something with her, otherwise he might never forget the shame of a missed opportunity.

He hadn't yet decided on a course of action when he heard her door open, followed by her soft footsteps downstairs. He crouched by the door, hyperfocusing on the sounds coming from the spacious area beyond. He'd grown up in that house. He could tell what she was doing, where she was going, just by the faintest reverberation coming from below. There was no mistaking her leaving through the front door.

"Fucking... dammit," he whispered. She had things to do as well?! But she was a housebound servant, what could she possibly have planned? Realizing there was no point in whispering, he repeated, "dammit!"

He got up and flung himself onto the bed. He felt like a loser. Friday night at his mom's house, and the girl of his dreams had just walked out. What could he do now? He was sick of Robert by now, so that wasn't an option, and no one else he knew still lived in the area. He glanced sourly at his books... no, studying was off the table. His computer was at his dorm so video games were also not optioned.

"Ugh, fucking, whatever," he grumbled. He got up and wrenched his door open, then got on his way downstairs. He went to the second living room, the one that was only for parties, and headed straight for a bookshelf. He was pretty sure the key to the liquor cabinet was there, behind that one old book... and it was.

It was such a highschool throwback to find that key and raid the liquor cabinet. His mom and dad really weren't trying when they chose its hiding place. The cabinet was just a step to the left, and with a twist of his wrist it was open.

His mum had a few new bottles there, but there were also others that had been there for years and were probably half water after his numerous little passes at them during his high school days. He chose a new sealed bottle of scotch and, giving no fucks, cracked the seal.

He flopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. As he switched it to Netflix and started to scroll through his options he took his first few sips.

Kindergarten Cop. A classic, lighthearted movie with Arnold, what wasn't to love about it? It and the scotch may have just been the perfect thing to relieve his worries.

He heard a distant splash. Again, knowing so well the various noises of his home, he knew someone had definitely just jumped into the pool. "Who the fuck..." He rose from his seat as he started to consider which window he'd go to to see what was going on out there.

He knew one of the bedrooms had a great vantage point over the pool. It was in fact the one Sabrina was staying in, and as he bounded two steps at a time up to the second floor he hoped that the splasher was in fact her. Or else he was going have to call the cops.

He didn't flick on the lights as he walked in, staying stealthy. He looked down at the big blue rectangle of lit pool water, and yes, Sabrina's lovely form could be seen in the water below. He breathed a sigh of relief, both for the fact that there weren't intruders in his midst and also that she was still there. At that, he also started to smile.

It occurred to him then that he was in her room. She was boringly just swimming laps back and forth, not providing much of a show as the rippling waves obscured her bikini clad body. It was prime time to start snooping - maybe he could learn a thing or two about her. Then maybe after he'd go join her in the pool.

There didn't seem to be much. The ensuite bathroom had a bare minimum of feminine accessories, and the same was true elsewhere. It dawned on him that she didn't bother to wear makeup. That must have been one of the more subtly striking things about her, that she didn't need cosmetics to be so beautiful. She didn't have many mementos either, in fact the room was basically unchanged save for her unmade bed.

By the light of his cell phone he dug deeper, pulling open drawers. They were heavy to open, and as he saw why his eyes went wide. What he found within was very different, very specific.

Her dresser was crammed with strange and sexy outfits. Neatly folded strappy things, things of leather, of silk, of fishnet, were stacked within. Zippers and laces abound. They looked custom made, as the bra cups were so very large while the rest was so small, and the lower bits were often uniquely accomodating. A perverted imagination had dreamed up all sorts of skimpy costumes for Sabrina. With a shudder, he realized that that imagination was his mother's.

Harvey Junior was hard. How in the hell would he ever get in the pool, if he was already in that state? It didn't matter, because he then heard voices outside. There was someone else... another female.

He went back to the window. A dark haired young lady was already shirtless, and she had her back to him as she undid her bra. She had a very nice set, just big enough that he could see a hint of tit between her arms and each of her sides, which was quite special when the rest of her looked so slim. She started to slip out of her jeans, revealing slender smooth legs and a very luscious derriere.

"Fuuuck," Junior breathed. He didn't think a situation where Sabrina was involved could get sexier, yet there it was happening in his backyard. She stood naked talking to Sabrina, who was treading water as she looked up to her.

Sabrina moved toward the poolside and climbed onto the deck. Junior's breath caught in his throat - though distant she was revealed to him in more detail than ever before. The water was pouring off of her incredible curves, and her breasts and the tightly packed mound of her crotch were like a lusty trio of jiggling roundness pressed against her. It didn't last long for as soon as she was on her feet the other girl stepped against her, and in an instant they were kissing deeply.

"Fuck," Junior repeated. After a moment he realized it was something worth recording, and his phone, still in his hand, was just the device. He zoomed in and hit record.

The visitor crouched, revealing Sabrina again to him. Junior's breath caught in his throat as she reached up for her bikini bottoms. Slowly she pulled them down, and as they went her member was released, unpacking from a sort of restrained orb into a proper hanging trunk. Junior's jaw dropped as more and shaft followed. When finally they were around her ankles the other girl got to work.

Junior was recording Sabrina, soaking wet, as her girlfriend double handedly worked a semi hard-on that was hanging to her knees. As the pleasure took hold Sabrina tilted her head back, and she ran her hands along her luscious, huge breasts.

Take it off, he mentally urged. Right on cue she did, lifting her bikini top up and quickly and tossing it aside, and her beauties dropped back down against her. Junior was hypnotized.

After some moments Sabrina pointed towards a reclining chair on the other side of the pool, and her partner looked up to her and nodded. As Junior beheld the intoxicating gift of a sight of Sabrina's bare body in motion his breath again caught in his throat, turning to a dry rasp. Her graceful sway, her lewd jiggling above and the pendulum swing of her incredible semi-rigid member ahead of her were just too much to bear.

The chair was perfectly in view, set dead center within his vantage point from the window. She laid herself down in it and picked up her phone, which happened to have been balanced on one of the arm rests. As her friend arrived before her and began to crawl over her her face was lit by the phone; she was typing something.


> I know you're watching us Junior. You've seen enough. Go to your room now or else.

Shocked, he dropped his phone. He frantically tapped at the screen to stop it from filming, then pocketed it. Ashamed, he left Sabrina's room.

It was yet another night with barely any sleep after that. He felt horrible for what had happened... not so much for watching them, but for being caught, of course. As far as he was concerned, he'd ended any chance of there ever being another pleasant exchange between himself and his mother's hyper-endowed concubine.

If he'd set his record for his longest jerkoff session the night after she'd cleaned the living room, after what he'd just seen that night the record was already broken.


That morning he immediately left the house. He drove around town, finding ways to keep himself busy... studying in coffee shops, having long meals by himself in restaurants.

It was getting towards the evening when he came home again, and having spent the day away he felt he'd gotten over most of his ill feelings about how things had gone the previous night. What was in the past was in the past, he figured. He couldn't change it, so he'd might as well accept the outcome.

What also wouldn't change was that she was on his mind, constantly. There was no doubt at all that he was deeply infatuated with the blonde futanari, whose beauty alone made her one in a billion, and whose unique assets might have made her one of a kind.

He'd decided he needed some sort of interaction with her, to at least see her face, because that night he was supposed to get in his car and drive back to campus. He found himself standing outside her room, his hand poised to knock against the wood. What would he say when she opened that door?

Suddenly her bedroom door swung open, and Junior jumped back with a startle. She was in her pink bathrobe. It was so soft and fluffy on her, and she would have looked really cute in it if not for the scowl on her face. "What are you doing, Junior?"

"S-sorry, I dunno, I just..."

"You were just what? Were you going to creep around out here all night?"

Junior felt his cheeks starting to burn. He nervously scratched at the back of his neck, "uhh... I dunno, I just, today is my last day at home before I go back to school, so I thought um, maybe I'd say goodbye or something?"

Sabrina held her look of disapproval, but as Junior stared back with his pathetic puppy eyes her ice started to melt. "Oh. Okay." They looked at each other for another moment, then she stepped back. "You could come in if you like."

Amazed at her invitation, Junior stepped inside her room for the second time. "Thanks. It's sad that we didn't really get a chance to meet much yet."

Sabrina nodded as she went to sit in the chair by her desk. She primly crossed one slender leg over the other, keeping herself proper inside her robe. "Yeah. Sorry about that. Your mother is a very busy lady, and she brings me along for a lot of her plans."

"I get that, it's cool." He sat down on the edge of her huge bed. "So... how do you like working for her?"

"It's great. I have everything I could possibly need here."

"Yeah that's true. Do you two, uh... Is it fun?"

Sabrina opened her mouth, but didn't have a reply. The implications of his question had their exchange going from dull to terribly awkward. "It's... it's a job. And, um... it's not horrible?"

"Oh. Cool."

She nodded. "Yeah." They both knew well enough that they were tiptoeing around the topic. Where would they even start, when Sabrina's mistress was his mother? She didn't know, but after a few more tense moments she'd had enough of avoiding discomfort and decided to speak her mind. With a sigh of resignation she said more quietly, "so you saw Danielle and I last night."

If Junior's cheeks had been red with embarrasment before, they were now quickly going white with fear. "Mmhm."

"Yeah. You watched the whole thing from up here in my room."

Junior sighed and looked down at his lap. "Yeah, it was bad. I'm sorry."

She shrugged. "Okay. So... you're pretty fascinated by me, aren't you?"

"Yes," Junior said. Her calm tone was giving him some relief. "I really am."

"So how could you have not been watching? I mean, you know what I am, it'd be silly for me to not expect you to be. I guess I don't blame you." As a surprised Junior nodded his agreement she continued, "everyone has some sort of extreme reaction to me. A lot of people are disgusted by me. A lot more want to be with me. I can never just have a normal time with people, because of the way I am."

"That must be really hard for you, Sabrina."

"It is," she said, gaining some passion at his show of sympathy, her composure sliding a bit. "I have this crazy body, and no one will ever see anything past it. No one realizes there's a person under all this!"

Junior watched her fold her hands together in her lap, looking sorrowful after her display of honesty. He hadn't at all expected things to go the way they were. "That... must be really hard to deal with."

"Yes, it really is!" The sparkle of tears threatening to fall was in her cool blue eyes. "It's lonely. And I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. I'm not sure what I'm going to become."

"What you'll become?"

"Yeah. This body of mine, it hasn't stopped growing. What's going to happen... when I get even bigger? And things get even crazier?"

Junior's mind started to reel after that whopper, and though he'd made a good effort at subduing his lust to have a genuine exchange with her the image she'd just put in his mind had his heart racing. There was going to be still more of her? "Well, uh, I'm sure my mom, could take care of you." Feeling bolder, he amended the statement to include himself: "Our family could."

"You say so, but... but I have a feeling this won't last for too long. I'll have to look elsewhere soon enough."

With no reassuring words to follow that Junior shrugged, and for a moment they just looked across Sabrina's bedroom at each other.