We Can Go Too Far


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Life started to intrude, as well. I was a month from graduation and I still hadn't heard about my scholarship. It made me stressed and mopey which just sucked away my energy for sex. Emily wasn't around often enough for it to matter, anyway. Finals hit hard and she basically disappeared from the basement. She was either studying in her room or at the college library and I almost never saw her.

I knew it was OK, that it was just a thing we had to go through, but one night I got scared. I knocked on her door and she let me in. Her room was covered in dirty clothes and discarded paper plates -- the bed, the floor, everywhere.

Emily was wearing a big maroon sweatshirt with grey sweatpants. She had her glasses on, which I almost never saw. She barely looked up from her book when I walked in. We talked for a second, just about boring stuff, and then Emily asked if I wanted anything because otherwise she was busy. With the clock ticking I managed to just spit it out.

"Emily I know you're super busy and if that's all it is that's fine I'm just worried. Are we breaking up?"

"What?" my sister said, looking at me for the first time, "No. Don't be ridiculous."

So I let her get back to studying. But I swore I heard her crying as I closed the door behind me.


It was the middle of May. A drippy, dreary day that seemed to demand everyone stay inside. My Mom was upstairs making dinner and my Dad was in the dining room doing a work thing.

Finals were over. Emily was still sweating out test scores, but her time was, once again, her own. I'd gotten the scholarship and I'd be starting at Messiah in the fall. We would still be close enough to see each other -- it was only a three hour drive away -- but still.

For what felt like the first time in forever, my sister had joined me down in what I'd come to think of as our 'playroom.' The basement was lousy when it rained -- it felt damp and stank of mildew, so we sat fully clothed on the couch, wrapped in a heavy knit blanket.

We hadn't fucked in days -- really hadn't been regular for weeks. By this point, my balls had been trained to produce multiple loads of cum for my sister every day. Now it was all just building up in there. Worse, my cock had grown accustomed to Emily's pussy (and her mouth, and her hands, and her tits). Jerking off felt strangely empty and unsatisfying.

All this meant that my testicles were incredibly tender. I had to sit in a certain way just to keep from hurting myself. Emily seemed fidgety, as well. She kept shifting position and making these little frustrated grunts. But neither of us suggested doing anything. Not even a wink or a playful grope. And so we just stared mutely at the TV as I flipped the channels.

As I said, my parents wouldn't pay for cable so we just got broadcast down there. We had all the basic stuff plus these strange, sub-channels that would play, say, three hour marathons of Night Court or all the Robert DeNiro movies that weren't good.

Every now and again though we'd trip over something classic. That afternoon in mid-May we hit the jackpot: Rebel Without a Cause. Emily had never seen it so we watched. The movie had that saturated look from old color movies and the red of James Dean's jacket seem like the warmest thing in the world.

We got to the 'chickie' scene. James Dean gets in a knife fight with Buzz, but that's not enough. They agree to race each other, heading toward a cliff. Whoever jumps out first is 'chickie.' They line up all the other cars and flip on the lights. Each guy gets some dirt on his hands. And then they peel off toward death and destiny.

Emily had been sort of in and out of the movie to this point, but when we got to this scene she leaned forward. She just stared, enraptured, as the two cars took off. The cliff got closer. Dean's rival, Buzz, got caught on the door and couldn't escape in time. While Dean rolled to safety, Buzz's car went over the side.

"Holy fuck," Emily said, "I want to do that."

"You want to play chickie?" I asked, a little nervous about what my sister might be planning.

"Yeah," Emily said, "That would be awesome."

"Seems like a good way to get killed," I said.

"Not like with a car. Just something like that. Where you know that everything is at stake -- your family, your friends, your life -- but you race towards it anyway. Knowing in your heart that you'll have to stop at some point. But driving like you never will. Finding that point where your courage stops and then going just past. It's like... running with the bulls. Or jumping out of a plane."

"You're not exactly selling me on this idea."

"Come on, Ryan. Don't you feel it? We're trapped in this antiseptic life where even if we wanted things to go wrong our parents wouldn't allow it. Don't you just want to test yourself? See where your limits are? See if you can break through them?"

"I understand," I said, "I think. But it also seems kind of scary."

"That's the point," Emily said, "To be frightened. To live with real consequences. For once."

"And if you go over the cliff?"

"You don't," Emily said firmly, "You know when to stop. But in that moment. Wow. That has to be amazing."

I was sure Buzz planned on getting out of the car before he went over the cliff, too. But I didn't say anything. I just let my sister enjoy her fantasy.

Then she grabbed my hand, maybe a bit too hard. "I have an idea," she said. She tossed off the blanket and stood up. In seconds she went from jeans and a t-shirt to completely naked. Without thinking I did the same. It felt like ages since I'd seen my big sister this way and my body hurt with how much it wanted her.

"I'll get a condom," I said, but Emily grabbed my wrist again and shook her head. She pointed for me to lay down on the shag carpet. My penis pointed up proudly, as hard and straight as I'd ever seen it.

Emily stood over me, legs apart. She looked down and smiled. Slowly she lowered herself down. Leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. My penis bounced against her bare, unprotected pussy. God, she looked so beautiful.

"Just like in the movie," Emily said, "We're both going to do something risky. We're going to race toward that precipice. And we'll see who gives up first. Got it?"

Then she reached back, took my bare cock in hand, and aimed it right at her dripping puss.

Oh fuck. "Emily!" I shouted, "If you put me in without a condom I could..."

"Exactly," Emily said, "I'm going to stick your dick in my pussy and we're both just going to sit there. Neither of us moves. We just wait until one of us loses the nerve and pulls out."

"Fuck. Emily. This... This really is too far now. I mean if I get you pregnant, Emmy? Our whole lives could be ruined."

"It's not too far," Emily said, "Not yet."

"OK, wait," I said, "We haven't done it in a while. My balls are... They feel really full. And my cock. I mean, I doubt I'll last a minute. Maybe we just have a quick fuck first, get out some of the tension. Then try."

"No," Emily said, "That's the game. There's the risk. That's what makes it work. Because there is all that danger. Our whole lives in our hands. Besides, you'll stop before it's too late, right?"

I nodded.

"Well so will I." Emily smiled and picked up my cock again.She placed it at her pussy and then started to slide back. For the first time, my bare head, my naked shaft, rubbed against Emily's labia. Her vagina. And then I was completely sheathed in my sister. Without anything between us.

"Holy FUCK! That feels fantastic!" Emily said.

"Uh huh." It was the closest I could come to coherence. I thought we'd been fucking all this time. That I'd known what sex was. It was nothing. Being inside Emily without a condom was like the difference between a scrimmage and a championship final. They were barely the same sport.

"How the hell did I ever let you talk me out of THIS?" Emily asked.

"Pregnant," I croaked.

"Oh right," Emily said, "Good point. Anyway, this is the game. Whoever can stay the longest."

I had to admit, in that moment it was exhilarating. And the same things that made it so exciting -- my naked sister, my condomless penis, her unprotected pussy -- also made it terrifying.

Emily rocked back onto her knees. She looked down at our juncture and smiled. "I always thought that looked so hot. You buried inside me."

I could see now that she was teasing me. Using dirty talk to get me to go first. Only she didn't need to tease -- I was ready to burst already. But I held on. I knew I had to. If we stopped now Emily would just make me go all over again. I had to let her have her fantasy, just like she said: get as close to the edge without going over.

I shifted a little and Emily warned me that I wasn't allowed to thrust. Only to lie back. As if that somehow made things safer. Like her warm, tight pussy wasn't squeezing, pulsing, pulling at my cock for its precious seed.

Instead I reached up and grabbed her breasts. Pinched her nipples. I felt her pussy clench as I did it.

"God, I love these," I said.

"I always thought they were too small."

"They're perfect. You're perfect."

Emily reached back and cradled my balls. Two could play this game apparently. "These are really full," she said, "I don't know if I've ever felt them when they're like this."

"Be careful," I said, "They're really tender."

"Is all that build up just from me?" Emily asked, "I mean, you were unloading at least five times a day and then... Nothing. There has to be, like... God, at least 25, 30 regular cums in there."

I groaned.

"You might give me quintuplets, all that sperm. Fuck. You'd better not cum in me, Ryan."

"I won't," I said.

"I mean, just imagine, you think you've got it under control, then suddenly you slip and WHOOPS! There's my baby brother's baby inside of me."

"You're cruel," I said. Emily just winked. I decided to try giving her a little scare. I flexed my penis in her pussy, almost like I might be cumming. She gasped, her face went white, and she even started to lift off a little. But then she laughed.

"Ohhhh, you almost had me there, big guy."

"Worth a shot," I said.

"You'll be the first to give," Emily said, "I just know you will. And then you'll know that I'm the big sister."

She bared down on my cock with her cunt, then laughed again. I groaned. I was getting close now. My need to explode slowly shifting from urge to reality.

"I'm like, really fertile now, too," Emily said, "Like, I could probably get pregnant just from standing near some sperm today. My little egg is in my womb just waaaaaaaaiiiiting for some big bad Ryan spermies to come inside."

I rolled my head back. All this talk was driving me crazy. I didn't want to make my sister pregnant but my body did -- my instinctive drive to reproduce didn't care about college or disappointing my parents or any of that. It just wanted to make more mes and my big sister was telling it exactly what it wanted to hear.

I started to pant from all the pressure. The little spark of orgasm that started in the base of my penis slowly spread upwards.

"Getting... close..." I said.

"OOOO, yeah. I can feel that," Emily said, "Your cock is like... swelling up inside me. Fuck. And I haven't even touched my naughty little clitty. I'm telling you, Ry, I'm never going back to condoms. We're going to have to find another way. This... this is just too good."

She shifted her weight again, moved up more on her feet. Ready to spring off at the last second. She could see the cliff coming now and my crazy sister just slammed on the accelerator.

"My little brother's going to give me his baby," she started to chant, "My little brother's going to give me his baby."

"No," I said, teeth grinding, "Can't... Won't..."

"Ready to give up then, little Ryan? Admit that your big sister is the best?"

Damn her. "N...no. Not yet." I still had time, I could feel it. Maybe if we were actually humping I would go, but just sitting here, I could maintain control.

Emily relaxed a little. She looked down at where we were joined again. She seemed to be thinking. Then she bit her lip and her eyes went wide and wet.

"I missed this," she said, "I really did. I got so used to having you in me. Maybe I forgot how much I need that cock in my pussy."

"I missed you, too," I said.

"I know we didn't... Maybe I didn't say it enough. But you know that I love you, Ryan. I mean it. Please. Please tell me you still love me."

"Oh God, Emily. Of course I love you. I love you more than anything in the world."

And then Emily's pussy squeezed my cock as hard and tight as I'd ever felt it. Not just a grip but a rolling wave that went from my root, up my shaft, then squeezed my head. Her eyes popped open and so did mine.

It came out of nowhere. That little spark went straight to a raging conflagration, skipping every step in between. I raced to shove her back, to get my cock out of her pussy before...

"I win!" Emily threw her arms up in triumph.

I came inside my sister. Not a little spurt but a massive blast of joyous sperm that shot straight into her. A fire hydrant of fertility just opened up -- not a stream or a spurt -- but an explosion of force that filled her pussy in one shot.

"OH F...!" Emily started to lift off, but then my cum hit her cervix and she stopped. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell forward. My cock still buried inside her. My second blast was more voluminous than the first. My dick kept going back to the well, expecting to find it empty, but instead there was still more than it could carry and it raced to dump the contents in Emily's snatch before rushing back for more.

I wrapped my arms around my sister, thinking I could pull her off my cock, but she held me so tight. Her body convulsing. And then a noise came out of my sister that I'd never heard before and would never forget.

It was a deep, primal sound. Something ancient from her animal brain. It started almost like a whisper and then immediately ratcheted into a deafening shout.

"hhhhhhrrrrrrrrRRRRRRAAAA AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! FUCK! Oh FFFFFFFFFUCK! You're cumming inside MEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee!"

Another blast. Another. Filling my sister's fertile twat over and over again. Ripping right into her womb. Our orgasms simply swallowed us up. I held onto my shaking sister as we both came and came like we would never stop.

"I LOVE my brother's cock!" Emily howled, "I LOVE my brother's CUM!"

Impossibly I felt my balls finally start to empty. My cock was still firing, but now it felt like smaller bits. Less and less. Emily's orgasms subsided with mine. Oh God. There was no way that. I mean. She was more than pregnant... Oh God.

She stood up, both of us sticky with sweat. As Emily got to her feet, a rivulet of her brother's sperm streamed out of her pussy and splashed onto my leg. She reached her hand down to cup under her sex. And then she started to laugh. A kind of low, thing, that sounded almost the same as a sob. I leapt up and wrapped myself around my big sister.

"I love my brother," she said. Whispered it into my ear. "I love my little brother so much."

And I told her I loved her too.


My parents heard us. Of course they did. My ears still echo from Emily's orgasmic cries. Later, after she and I were able to joke about it, I named it her 'pregnancy shriek.' Her announcement to the world that she had conceived. I joked that she could join the X-Men, but of course that would require someone to knock her up every time they fought a bad guy.

When they heard Emily, Mom and Dad raced downstairs. We were still stumbling around like zombies. Covered in sperm and girl cum. There was no point in lying about it. This is meant to be a happy story in the end. So I'll just say that things got ugly.

The good news is that this finally got us out of the house. Pretty much forever, actually. We got our own place. I turned down the scholarship and followed Emily to school. Got a job to help pay for things while she worked on her degree.

We stopped fucking after that fateful day. Instead we started making love. I've been lucky enough to hear Emily's amazing pregnancy shriek three times so far. I've don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing it.

You really can go too far. I know we did. And it was the best decision we ever made.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Kind of stupid, don't you think?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Wonderful story!!

MakehandpartyMakehandparty6 months ago

The build up to the his orgasm and impersonating his was very good. But what would be really nice would be to flip back and forth from viewpoint to viewpoint between his, hers, and maybe her parents (perhaps the father and mother had been forced into a marriage with little love that had faded out over time after they got pregnant in School or were cousins and that is why they were jailers as opposed to parents and threw them out?). This deserves much more.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I want to play that game with my sister now ;)

RMike35RMike358 months ago
Loved how Emily and Ryan.

Threw caution to the wind and went for it,just like that movie with James Dean.They risked not only being thrown out (which they were) but of Emily getting pregnant by her brother Ryan.But to hear that neither of them regretted what they did is a testament of their love for eachother.

So in closing this story was so awesome and totally deserves more than 5 stars.And even if Ryan and Emily can't get married they can still be boyfriend and girlfriend,or engaged and exchange rings like they are married.

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