What Have We Done? Ch. 03


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Katie climbed onto the bed and lowered her torso to the mattress, spreading her knees wide. She propped her hips high and looked over her shoulder for Lilian. Dark eyes met hers as Lilian stalked to the bed, climbing up behind her with predatory grace. The broad tip of the dildo nudged Katie's thigh, and she couldn't help the moan that slipped from her mouth, dropping her head to the bed.

"I know, baby." Lilian soothed, a hand stroking up her spine. "You've done so well, been so good." Katie shivered when Lilian leaned over her and a hot kiss landed between her shoulder blades.

Fingers hooked into her panties and pulled them up, pressing the ruined gusset tighter against her. "God. Look at the mess you're making. Fucking soaked." Lilian commented, a single finger tracing her clearly defined lips.


"So polite." Lilian chuckled, finally pulling the ruined panties down, but only halfway. She moved now, straddling Katie's legs and pawing at her upturned ass. "Your ass cheeks are still pink. I love it." She punctuated the remark with a sharp slap to each cheek, pulling another whine from Katie.

Finally, the thick length of the toy split Katie's folds, smearing through the slick arousal and bumping her clit. "Are you ready for me?"

"Yes." Katie breathed out, pushing back as her desire got the best of her.

Strong hands held her hips steady, not allowing her to move. Katie gripped the comforter and pressed her forehead into the bed, whining again when she felt Lilian pull away. A second later she gasped at the slippery intrusion of the dildo's wide head. It pressed inside steadily, Lilian's hands holding her firm when she tried again to press back for more.

"Don't be greedy, love. I'll give you what you need." Lilian didn't stop until her hips met Katie's ass, the dildo fully sheathed. She pressed deep, hands roaming Katie's back and brushing hair from her cheek.

Katie lay there, blessedly full, stretched to perfection, but still her clit throbbed and need swirled riotously in her belly. "Lilian."

Hands swept over her ribs, capturing her breasts. "Hmm?"

"Fuck me. Please. Need you. Ah!" Katie jumped when fingers plucked roughly at her nipples. She tried bucking back against Lilian, desperate for any kind of friction, only to be denied when Lilian pulled back.

"Didn't I just tell you I'll give you what you need? I know you need it. Haven't I always satisfied you?" Lilian paused, waiting for an answer.

"Yes, you have." Katie tried lifting her hips higher only to be denied again.

"Then do as I say and be patient."

In a smooth move, Lilian straightened and found a grip around Katie's hips, squeezing briefly before withdrawing and plunging back inside in a slow, steady, deep rhythm.

Katie whined in her throat. She needed more than this, this basic fuck. She wanted friction and force that made her body sing with every thrust. She wanted to have fading marks for days afterwards. She wanted to wake up and feel it tomorrow morning.

Counting Lilian's pace, she moved sharply back to meet the next incoming thrust. Her move caught Lilian off guard long enough to meet the incoming thrust, getting a hint at the force she wanted. When Lilian only grunted and didn't stop her, Katie was encouraged.

She repeated the move, gasping loudly when Lilian pulled her in. "Greedy."

Katie whimpered in agreement, flopping boneless into the bed when Lilian continued fucking her harder, the way she had demanded. It was perfect. Deep and rough, the toy plunging past her g spot, nudging her cervix, Lilian's hips smacking into her ass with a satisfying slap. Lilian's hold on her hips was perfect too. Tight enough to keep her where she wanted. One hand left her hip to grip Katie's hair, using the messy bundle to turn Katie's head so her cries and whimpers weren't smothered by the mattress.

"I wanna hear you." Lilian grunted above her, leaning over as she spoke to tongue at Katie's ear lobe.

"Fuck. Yes. Okay." Katie agreed.

Lilian stayed bent over her, breasts pressing into Katie's back, breath rushing past her ear as she kept the deep pace. Katie rolled her eyes to look up at Lilian, shivering under the intense look in her eyes. "C'mon baby. Make those noises for me."

Katie did as she was told and let breathy little gasps out every time Lilian pushed inside, grunting when she bottomed out, whimpering when she retreated. She begged for more in the breathless seconds before Lilian's next thrust. She could hear the desperation in her own voice as another climax built, brewing like a storm in her lower back.

"Please, baby, I'm getting close. Keep fucking me like that. I wanna cum for you. Can I? Oh. Please. Please. Darling, stay, yes! Deep. Stay deep inside me." She whined when Lilian pulled most of the way out, slowly, torturously.

"I'm giving it to you deep. Fucking take it." Lilian grunted down at her, brushing hair from Katie's eyes in a tender move at odds with her harsh words.

"I am. I will. Please, love, may I cum? May I cum for you? I wanna cum for you, wanna cum all over you. Please!" Katie trembled with anticipation while Lilian paused and kept the dildo just barely inside her.

Lilian grinned down at her, a deep rumble vibrating from her chest into Katie. It was all the warning she got before Lilian plunged the entire length of the toy inside her in a powerful thrust.

"You cum when it hits. I wanna hear you, and I wanna feel it. Cum for me, baby. Be my good girl." Lilian ordered, her voice low and rough, teeth teasing at the edges of Katie's ear.

It only took a handful of extra deep thrusts before Katie was reaching for Lilian's hip, scratching at the harness in an attempt to keep her inside as Katie tumbled into the unknown. She could hear Lilian mumbling praises and affection, but it came through muffled, her ears ringing, eyes open but unseeing. As she slowly came down, limbs tingling, ears ringing, eyes watering, Katie could feel Lilian trembling against her.

"'Ru kay?"

Lilian made a sound, but not one Katie knew the meaning of. She swallowed dryly, then tried again. "Are you okay?"

"Mhmm." Lilian hummed, her hips moving lazily against Katie's rear. "I love you."

"I love you too." Katie kissed Lilian's cheek. "You came too, didn't you?"

"Yeah." Lilian yawned, turning away so she wouldn't exhale directly into Katie's face. "It was a good one. Still a lil bit tingly."

"Same." Katie laid her head back down, limbs heavy. "I'm tired."

Lilian chuckled, burying her face in Katie's neck. "I almost want to ask how you can be tired, but you did have to work today."

"It's harder than you think, laying here taking a pounding like that." Katie argued without any real energy behind her words. Then Lilian made a little hum like she was agreeing but didn't believe her. "What?"

"Nothing. I didn't say anything."

"You don't think it's hard to be on the receiving end." This was not a question, and Katie did not phrase it as such. Lilian seemed to catch onto this and took a minute to choose her words carefully.

"I didn't say that. I don't think the same sort of effort is put in, to bottom, let's say. Physical effort. I would also say it depends on the individual, and that the same is true for topping. Haven't you been with someone who just sort of lays there and takes what you give without adding much to the experience?"

Katie didn't have to think too hard. "I have. But I'm not talking about exes. I'm talking about us. You think you work harder to fuck me than I have to, being fucked."

"Uh..." Lilian sounded like she knew a bomb was about to detonate.

Katie huffed, loudly. "Sounds like I need to take a turn with the harness." She teased sharply, fidgeted under Lilian until she rolled off, careful in pulling out.

Katie knelt on the bed and re-did her hair, gathering the loose waves into a messy bun. She looked over at Lilian, who was moving slowly to take off the harness, face blank. Katie paused, her hands falling to her lap. She'd been kidding, but now she wondered if Lilian had understood that. The distracted way that she was handling the clean up of the harness and toy said maybe she was preoccupied. Feeling just a little bit guilty, Katie slipped from the bed and hugged Lilian from behind.

"I was joking about all that. Just to be clear. Sorry if it wasn't. 'M tired and that fucks up my communication skills." she mumbled into the sweaty skin of Lilan's upper back.

The immediate relaxation of Lilian's posture was confirmation enough. "Thank you for clearing that up." Lilian spoke low, head turned so her words would travel over her shoulder. Her free hand smoothed over Katie's arms, warm and gentle. "Do you think you can stay awake for a bath?" Lilian asked, tossing the wiped down harness to the bed.

"Yes, but let's make it a short one." Katie yawned.


Finally, the much anticipated invitation to join their parents for Thanksgiving dinner came, in separate phone calls. They both made sure to accept, then sat down to plan the how, when, and contingency plans.

They agreed to arrive separately. Lilian would take an Uber and Katie would drive her car. If things get dicey, they'd leave together.

They would wait for their parents to ask one of them about dating. Katie was pretty confident her mom would be the one to ask, but agreed with Lilian's suggestion that they tell them together, once prompted.

The plan, if all went well, was to stay through Saturday and leave Sunday. They packed separate bags to avoid suspicion and questions.

If things didn't go well, they had open invitations to a couple Friendsgivings, or they might just spend it together and make their own traditions.

Thursday morning finally arrived. The tension was thick, even as they tried to pretend otherwise. They packed and dressed, trying to settle each other as they went. Lilian left a kiss on Katie's nape when she helped her zip her dress. Katie scratched lightly at Lilian's scalp before taming her hair in a French braid. Lilian squatted down to slip Katie's feet, one by one, into her heels. When she rose, Katie tugged at her button down, fixing the collar and re-tucking the back.

A notification chimed on Lilian's phone, announcing her ride's imminent arrival. With a deep breath, she turned to Katie. "Here goes nothing. Ready?"

"Ready." Katie took Lilian's hand and squeezed tightly. "We'll come out the other side together." She stepped close and rested her forehead against Lilian's for a three count. "I love you. See you there."

Lilian returned the squeeze to Katie's hand, pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth, then gathered her bag. They watched the Uber driver pull up to the sidewalk, Lilian's phone dinging dimly. Lilian brushed her shirt smooth and squared her shoulders before stepping through the door.

Katie watched her go, the blue sedan pulling away without fuss. She made one agitated circle around the living room, then double checked the coffee pot was off and doors were secure. Satisfied, she went to their bedroom and gathered her own bag and light sweater. She made one extra stop in the kitchen for the wine she'd agreed to bring. She tried to keep her steps measured as she left the house and got into her car, doing her best to avoid rushing in her nervous state.

The drive took less time than normal. There was no sign of Lilian when she pulled into the driveway, but that was to be expected. With one last deep breath, Katie shut off the engine and gathered her things, fumbling the key fob as she locked her car.

The front door was open, the screen door allowing the cool midday breeze inside. Katie heard her mother calling for someone to check the drive, she'd heard a car beepy. Lilian's voice answered, asking who else Marie was expecting. Katie made it to the door as Lilian appeared on the other side, a gin and tonic in hand. Marie was still listing the guests expected.

A look was shared as Lilian opened the door for Katie, before Lilian turned her head to holler at Marie, who had come to the end of her guest list.

"It's Katie. She brought wine, as usual."

Patrick chose that moment to come round the corner, a smile brightening his face. "Katie. There you are." He took the bag of wine, passing it to Lilian who rolled her eyes. "Set these on the counter. And behave."

Katie gladly shifted her bag and gave Patrick a one armed hug. "Hi, Pat. Smells good in here."

"That's all your mother's doing. I tried to help with the turkey basting earlier, but she shooed me out." He shrugged, hands held up in hopeless dismay.

"Sounds like her. Can I put my bag in my room?" Katie asked, looking towards the bedrooms.

"Course. Same room as always. Can I get you anything? Iced tea, gin and tonic? Wine?"

"I'll take some iced tea, but I won't complain if a bit of bourbon happened to find its way into it." Katie needed something to quiet her nerves.

"Lemme see what I can find." Patrick winked and left her to get settled.

When she stepped up to the kitchen island, Patrick had her spiked tea waiting, sitting innocently on a coaster. Lilian was leaning against the island from the opposite side, listening to Marie list off the menu, with tangential stories of who she saw at which market, which cashier had recognized her and asked after one of the girls, and how traffic had dramatically changed with the arrival of the holiday.

Katie carefully perched on a barstool and sipped her drink, the alcohol warming her insides. She leaned on her elbow and watched her mother putz around, waiting for her to take a breath.

It happened when Marie closed the oven after a turkey check, the older woman straightened and looked in Lilian's direction with a pleased sigh only to gasp with joyous surprise to see her daughter.

"Katie! Oh, darling, come here. How are you? How long have you been sitting there? I was just blathering on, probably melting poor Lilian's ear off." Marie hurried to her for a hug; Katie met her halfway, unable to resist a tight hug from her mom. Lilian met her eyes over Marie's shoulder, anxious, but steady.

"Hi mom. I'm fine, just dropped my bag in my room a second ago, no worries. If Lilian is too polite to sneak away when you get long winded, then the consequences are fairly earned." Katie glanced at Lilian as she spoke, winking to show she was joking.

Marie made an indignant noise and held Katie at arm's length. "You be nice or I'll set you next to the Quint's son. Walter?"

"Wallace." Katie grimaced, ignoring how Lilian came to attention behind Marie.

"Yes. Wallace. He's single and very available, something Kendra never fails to remind me of. Best behavior or I'll do it." Marie pinned her with one last sharp look before letting her go. "Long winded indeed."

Guests began arriving shortly after, so the girls were momentarily spared interrogation from Marie. They played their parts well, mingling and catching up separately. Patrick made his rounds to ask after drinks, and to make the odd introduction amongst the guests.

They managed to get through the afternoon with no issues or probing questions about their respective love lives, with the exception of Wallace who asked both if they were single or at least dtf. The food was delicious and conversation at the table was lively, easily carrying on to the after dinner drinks.

When the night wound down further, everyone moved outside, seats around the firepit filled as ghost stories were shared. Katie was stretched out in hers, heels left on the ground so her bare feet could rest near the fire. She leaned her head back, not fully listening to the story, only to bump into something warm. She looked up, pleased to see Lilian standing behind her, a hand resting comfortably on the back of her chair. Katie smiled up at her, letting her guard down for the first time all evening, love and affection clear in her eyes. Lilian returned the smile with a shy one of her own.

Neither of them saw Marie watching them.

No one noticed Marie's intense stillness as she observed this quick, private moment. Even when the girls had ended their moment, she watched, more sure than she'd been before.

Patrick walked the last guests out to their cars while Marie and the girls began gathering abandoned drinks, plates, and napkins. Lilian took her place at the sink, unbuttoning her collar and rolling up her sleeves. Katie eyed her bare forearms, biting her lip and shooting a blatantly hungry look Lilian's way before retrieving a towel to dry with. Marie padded about, barefoot and quick, storing leftovers and putting away clean and dry dishes as Katie handed them off.

Neither of them gave any thought to how much quieter Marie was, her usual chatter missing from the noise of dishes clanking and water sloshing.

Patrick returned and posted up at the island with a cup of decaf coffee, watching his girls quietly work through the evening ritual. He tipped his head at Marie, who widened her eyes at him, clearly sending him a sign, but one he didn't understand the meaning of. He raised his eyebrows, unaware of what she wanted. Before she could give him clarification, Lilian turned from the sink, scanning the kitchen for any more dirty dishes. She smiled when she saw him.

"Hey, Dad."

"Hi, there, Lilian. Thanks for knocking out the dishes, kiddo." He sipped his coffee as she made a face at the endearment.

"Least I could do. Marie cooked, you played host, I gotta pull my weight too."

"You played host, too. Both of you." Patrick passed over one last plate when Lilian nodded at it.

Katie crossed the kitchen, a handful of silverware dried and ready to be put away. "I got stuck talking to Mr. Cooper for like, an hour. He still teaches biology at the high school. Asked me about my education, if I was married, and if I had any thoughts about having kids. I couldn't tell if he was just trying to keep the conversation going, or trying to recruit future students."

Lilian and Patrick both chuckled, but Marie paused. "Do you?" she asked softly.

Everyone stilled, eyes bouncing from each other to Marie, then Katie. Katie flushed under the attention, struggling to not look at Lilian. "Do I what?" she stalled, eyes flickering from Lilian's to Marie's. Her voice was calm, but her heart was thumping in her chest.

"Have any thoughts on kids, or marriage. Someday." Marie clarified.

Katie nodded, taking a minute to finish sorting the silverware, hands shaking from nerves. "I do, in fact, have thoughts on that. I'd like kids, someday. Either my own, or through adoption. And, I'd like to get married too, someday." She looked up, meeting Lilian's eyes.

Lilian took a deep breath, not looking away from Katie until the last minute. "I'd also be open to kids, and marriage. For the record."

Patrick knew he was missing something, but felt the news of potential grandkids was good. "I'm glad to hear it, girls. Any uh, spouses in mind?"

All three women turned to him, then each other. Lilian cocked her head at Katie, reaching for her dish towel. Katie shrugged, handing over the towel with a nod. Lilian dried her hands, neatly folding the towel and setting it aside. She held a hand out for Katie.

Katie took her hand and stepped close until they stood side by side. She squeezed Lilian's hand and looked up at their parents. "Lilian and I are dating."


Lilian gripped her hand tighter the longer their parents stood gaping at them. Marie moved first, reaching for Patrick. "I knew it!" she breathed, tone unreadable. Katie could feel Lilian's tension ramping up, and braced herself for disaster.

"What?" Patrick asked, looking down at Marie in confusion.

"I told you, after Christmas last year. I thought something was up with them. Nothing bad, but they were drunk and giggling by the firepit, remember? Our girls don't do that. Not normally. And Thanksgiving last year, I thought I heard something in the middle of the night. Was that you?" She directed at the girls, who still weren't sure how their news had been received.