What Is She Doing Here? Ch. 02

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Now what?
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 09/23/2013
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I slept well, but woke a few times thinking about Linda and wondering where this was going to go. Hell, I wondered where I wanted it to go! I wondered where she wanted it to go!

I'm not usually an early riser but was awake before 7:00. I called down to the desk and had them send up a toiletries kit since I hadn't planned to spend the night in a hotel. I took a long shower and shaved, still wondering what lay ahead.

About 8:00 I rang Linda's room. She answered quickly, sounding wide awake.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" I asked.

There was a short chuckle that held no mirth, "Not really."

I wasn't surprised. "Feel like some breakfast?"

"That would be nice."

"How soon before you can be ready?" I asked.

"I've been up for a while, I'm ready now."

"OK then, I'll be right there."

I went out the door and stepped down to hers. I rapped lightly once and she opened almost immediately. She didn't look like she had slept much but she was just as gorgeous as the night before if a bit more rumpled.

I offered her my arm which she took without hesitation this time and we headed for the restaurant.

"Coffee, black," I said a little too emphatically, I don't do well before my morning coffee.

She ordered tea. We sat silently for a few minutes.

"Any contact with your husband since last night?" I asked gently. She handed me her phone without comment.

I scrolled to the txt messages there was one from him that came in at 6:00am. It just said "well?"

"No reply." it wasn't a question.

She just shook her head.

I picked up the phone and started to txt, she looked on with what I would describe as curiosity nothing more.

"quite the nite not sure when ill be home let u know ltr"

"I was going to say 'had a great night' but I know that wasn't the case, so at least this keeps you honest."


Remembering last night she said "yes." softly.

I hit the send button.

Our drinks came and we ordered some food. While we were waiting I asked, "Now what?"

She looked off into the distance for a minute and then turned to look at me. Her eyes watered for a moment then she softly said, "I don't really know."

About then our food showed up and we ate in silence.

I didn't know if I was about to make a big mistake or not but as usual I just plunged ahead.

"It seems to me you have two choices, well maybe three. Go home to your husband and lie and tell him you went through with it. Or tell him the truth and that you are not going to fulfill his fantasy for him. Or lastly you can do as he wants."

She didn't say anything, but she did seem to be deep in thought.

She picked up the phone and started to txt, then hit the send button.

She looked at me and handed me the phone.

"Well are you happy now?"

I handed the phone back and heard it chirp almost immediately, she looked at it then handed it to me.

"Yes cant wait to hear all"

She was gently crying. I handed her a clean napkin.

"The bastard!" she nearly spat.

Those were my sentiments too, what a dumbass I kept thinking. Not too original but the best I could come up with to describe the man.

I took a deep breath myself and finally spoke, "Linda, I'm pretty to the point, I think you know that by now, I would like nothing more than to make your husband's fantasy come true. But I also know you aren't ready for that. So here is what I propose. Once we finish breakfast, we spend the day together, there is a wonderful zoo nearby and I'd love to show it to you. Do you know it?"

She looked at me with a bit of a smile and said, "No, I don't but it sounds like fun."

I gave her my most engaging smile, she smiled back. I reached over and took her hand. She looked away, then looked back and smiled. I knew she was mine at that moment, if I wanted, even if she didn't, YET! Question was, did I want?

We finished our meal in silence. I looked into her eyes often and she stopped looking away by the end of the meal.

I then knew what the next step was going to be, and I was glad, but not sure where the end would be. Not my problem I thought, I'll live with the outcome.

I paid for breakfast and asked Linda if she needed to go to her room or anything before we headed out.

She smiled at me, a heart melting smile, and said, "No let's go."

I thought again, her husband is the dumbest shit on the planet. Before the day was out I could fuck his wife if I wanted, and she would know what a real fuck was.

She would be lost to him forever!

But was that what I SHOULD do? I really was conflicted.

Once again I offered her my arm and we walked out to the sidewalk in front of the hotel.

The doorman hailed us a cab in short order and I gave directions.

It was still morning when we got to the zoo and it was pretty deserted, even though it was a Saturday.

I wanted to show her the lemur exhibit so we headed that way first. I knew it would be quiet early and that was what I wanted.

There was a pair of Madagascar Lemurs fucking like they do.

Linda said nothing but I felt the tension in her as I held her hand.

We wandered the zoo for a few hours and finally I asked her if she was ready for lunch.

"OH Yes," she replied. The woman had an appetite.

I laughed softly and asked if she wanted a zoo hotdog or a real meal.

She quickly opted for a real meal.

We went to a nice café nearby. I ordered us each a nice glass of wine as we perused the menu.

We ordered and while we waited for the food I decided it was time.

"You know tonight is going to be different, right?" I asked very softly.

She gasped once, took a sip of her wine and said, "What do you mean?"

I looked into her eyes, and smiled. I made her wait. Then I finally said, "I think you know what I mean, don't you?"

Give the woman her do, she regained he composure quickly and said, "Yes, I think I do, but tell me please!"

She smiled as she said it.

I took a deep breathe again, but knew we both understood. "If you stay again tonight, it will be in one room and I will be fucking you."

"Yes, I do know that."

"BUT, it is your choice. I told you, you have three!"

"So, do you know what you are going to do?" damn I wanted her to decide to get fucked, but I figured that was not gonna be her answer!

"God Scott, I don't know what to do!"

"I love my husband, and right now I hate him!"

"And you are being so nice to me and treating me like a lady. I really love that!"

FUCK that was the last thing I wanted to hear from her, but it is what it is and I wasn't going to be a hypocrite!

"Linda, I think you need to go home to your husband and work this out."

Depending on how it works out I'll be around."

Handing her my business card I wrote my personal cell number on the back.

"Call that number if you want to talk!"

"You need to resolve this before you move forward, I think you know that." I said, in spite of what I felt.

She looked at me with those eyes and said "Thank you. I would have, you know, but I am glad you didn't push it. Thank you so much for being you!" She said with a very big smile.

I was both happy and sad. I'd done the 'honorable' thing but what I'd really wanted to do was fuck this woman silly.

Sometimes I'm an over thinker. I took her back to where she had parked her car the day before and watched her get in and drive off while I wondered if I had just done one of the dumbest things in my life.

Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see I thought.

I went home, did a little work, ate a light supper and went to bed. One thing I'm pretty good at is moving past a decision once I've made one and not worrying it to death.

When I hit the bed I just went to sleep.

In the morning my mind had come back to the day before, again not my normal way.

I tried to get to work but it was hard. I called on a few customers and it was routine but at the end of the day I knew I'd been distracted all day.

I realized that this woman had an effect on me. DAMN that wasn't how this was supposed to be nor what I expected.

"Fuck!" I said quietly but out loud.

A day went by, then two. Finally I figured whatever had happened; she had resolved it with her husband one way or the other.

I had some regrets but was time to move on!

I went back to my routine and was working my normal long hours.


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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Dumb ass cuck fool!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

They Showed Class which is more then the husband showed .. What Man sends his wife out to have Sex with another Man ? She didn't want to do it and She found a Man who did not push Her . I would never ask My Wife to do that ..

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Enjoyed it

Thanks for the offering.

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 11 years ago

Kinda like their lunch! Either get a zoo hotdog, or spend more time and distance, and get a real meal! Either spend the $10 you earn, or invest it in something you think may pay off better, but later!

Our Hero is investing his efforts in this woman. It may pay off for him BIG, or Sweetie may actually work something out with Hubby that both of them find acceptable (and Our Hero will have to go back to the meat market.) I suspect the former!


fanfarefanfarealmost 11 years ago

NSG, you did it, you surprised me with a second half that I never saw coming. Thank you very much for not being predictable. I love these kind of twisty stories.

As for the the possibility of a third chapter, I would look forward to it but then again, I'm the kind of person who feels that realistic life stories about believable people really have no ending. That, perhaps it would be best to just leave it to the readers fevered imaginations. Though I noticed there are a number of commentators who blow a gasket anytime a writer forces them to have to think about a story.

And as for your problem with convincing the Literotica editors to accept your punctation and other personal writing quirks. For my stories I always include in the 'Notes" box below the 'Submission' box, the following statement in one form or another.

"I promise that everything in my submission of the '.......................' is spelled exactly as I fervently desire.

Please do NOT run spellcheck or change punctuation or lower-case or Capitalization of words.

My writing style is eccentric and I use different tricks for emphasis of characters speaking or scene activities.

Thank You"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Nice change

From the normal fare on LW (which I also like). There's something refreshing about a course of events driven in large part by integrity. Five stars.

C_frommnC_frommnalmost 11 years ago

Can't wait to see if Dumbass loses wife to Fantasy or gets a Clue and remembers Fantasy is just that a Fantasy.

bruce22bruce22almost 11 years ago
Interesting Story

We seem to be dealing with three very human characters here. Everyone has doubts about what should be done except for the husband who is temporarily starkers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
honorable man

Very different from many other stories on Lit but so much better. Please continue soon.

elHosedelHosedalmost 11 years ago
Strangely compelling...

Most of the time the stories in LW don't even warrant a look. It's obvious from the titles what particular fetish they're aimed at. Sometimes I'll read the first couple paragraphs and the last couple to verify; Very rarely there will be a compelling story to be consumed (which keeps me coming back); This story has earned it's spot among the rare few.

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