Where Do We Go From Here? Ch. 02


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Sherry had to mentally force herself to ignore the fact that she was having sex with two women who were her best friends. Her libido was taking over, and at this moment, all she wanted was the sex, regardless of the conditions. That included locking lips with Megan, and dueling tongues.

Sherry's pussy was becoming almost numb from the assault of Sara's tongue, but she was still reaping pleasure from it; so much so, that she pushed on Megan to get her to kneel. Deliriously, Sherry reached out and rubbed the tips of her fingers against Megan's panty-covered pussy with one hand while maintaining a grasp on her tit with the other.

Sherry finally had to push Sara away because her pussy was becoming too sensitive, so, the latter rose to her knees and latched her lips onto Megan's other boob. With all the attention now on her, Megan was receiving her due. Sara moved behind Megan, and reached around to play with both breasts while Sherry concentrated on her pussy. As her friends had done, Sherry tried to play with Megan's pussy as she would want hers done. Megan bent over to press her lips to Sherry's while Sara took over her pussy. With her friends giving her the treatment, she had a shuddering orgasm.

Without skipping a beat, as though they had done it many times, Megan pushed Sara onto her back, spread her legs, and went down on her. Meanwhile, Sara gestured for Sherry to come nearer. When she did, Sara had Sherry straddle her boobs. She then pulled her friend closer to tongue her pussy. Sherry didn't know how much more her pussy could take. But she was nearly powerless to stop it.

A symphony of moans filled the room from all three women. Sara's tongue on Sherry began to falter as Megan's tongue on Sara escalated its attack. To assist, Sherry moved around and sucked Sara's nipple. As Sara's orgasm was building, she pulled Sherry's face to hers and the two swapped spit. Finally, she merely held Sherry's face against hers as her body shook with orgasmic delight.

All three then collapsed on the bed breathing heavily. With no impetus, Sherry started giggling. It was contagious and the others joined in.

After a few minutes, Megan asked, "What was so funny?"

"I can't believe I just had sex with two women."

"Two women who are your best friends," Sara reminded.

With a grimace, Sherry said, "I'm not sure that made it any more tolerable."

"What does that mean?" Sara asked, taking some offense.

"It's less about whom, than what I did," Sherry explained.

"You had an orgasm," Megan pointed out.

"I did," Sherry conceded.

"In fact, you seemed to really get into it," Megan further noted.

"I'm a very sexual person," Sherry admitted. "You probably didn't know that about me. I sometimes reach a point where nothing else matters."

"So are we," Sara said. "That's why we do what we do. It provides that need you mentioned. It also gets us through these long deployments. And to be honest, for me, having a third person made it even more exciting."

"I agree," Megan chimed in. "We were hoping we might win you over."

"It's just not the same as dick."

"We totally agree," Sara confirmed. "We tried a strap-on once. But it wasn't any better than a dildo."

"And neither of us has any desire to be the guy," Megan added.

"Was there anything you liked about it," Sara asked, hopefully.

With a heavy sigh, Sherry said, "I don't know." She shook her head. "I just don't know." She eased off the bed and slipped on her dress. "I need time to process this."

"By the way," Megan said, "since when are you going around without undies?

Sherry figured the question would come sooner or later. Fortunately, she'd had time to formulate an answer. "I was still getting ready when I heard Josh pull up, so I just slipped this on."

Both women returned nods that said there was no way they believed her. But Sherry knew that attempting to convince them would just add to their skepticism.

"Don't go," Megan pleaded. "Lets at least go finish our wine."

"I can whip us up something to eat," Sara added.

"Thanks, but I really need to go." And so she did.

* * *

Sherry did go home, but only long enough to slip on a bra and panties and leave again. She knew that if she remained home Sara and Megan would just come by, so she drove around. She was very confused. She thought she knew her friends, but she didn't. Of course, she just as quickly realized that they didn't really know her either. The only element the three women had in common was that they all started what they did impulsively: Sara and Megan out of drunkenness, she with Rick out of desperation.

It made Sherry wonder what was next. Where did they go from here?

For all these years she had lived this fairly straightforward life, and in the space of three days, she had fucked her son and her two best friends; two quite extreme sexual trysts. The more she thought about it, the more unreal it seemed, almost as though it was an out-of-body experience, or at least, one of those inexplicable dreams everyone had. Strangely, she was still not ashamed of the sex with Rick. And while she wasn't ashamed about what she'd done with Megan and Sara, she still hadn't come to grips with it. Why was that? Seems like it should be the other way around.

She had come to jokingly think of herself over the last few years as a nymphomaniac. But perhaps her intense sexual drive, which seemed to constantly be growing, was indeed a sign of a serious problem.

Or maybe she simply liked sex enough that she was at a point in her life where she was ready to expand her horizons.

Knowing that only time would tell and that further driving around aimlessly would solve nothing nor provide any conclusions, she went home and locked the door. Pouring herself a glass of wine, she grabbed a book she had been reading, brought it into her bathroom, ran water in her Jacuzzi tub and soaked for an hour trying to take her mind off of the weekend. It mostly worked.

Afterward, Sherry fixed herself dinner and then lay in bed to read more. She had no idea when she fell asleep.

* * *

When she awoke in the morning from a deep sleep wherein she relived the events of the weekend in her mind, Sherry knew that she had dreamed it all. Looking around her empty house only served to underscore that belief. Thinking about what she thought she dreamed also made her horny. Go figure. She opened the drawer of her night table to select a toy to get herself off, but thought she heard something in the kitchen. She shrugged it off as the refrigerator. In a quiet, empty house, it made a lot of noise, particularly the icemaker.

However, with the kitchen on her mind, the thought of a cup of coffee surprisingly sounded better than an orgasm. Heading in that direction, she jokingly to herself placed the back of her hand on her forehead to feign checking her temperature because of that.

"Are you okay?" Megan asked, startling Sherry.

"Yes, why?" Sherry asked also seeing Sara sitting at the counter. The only thing that surprised her about her friends being here was that they were here so early. However, there was something in their demeanor that her subconscious picked up on and suggested that the weekend had not been a dream.

"Looked like you were feeling your forehead for fever."

Sherry shrugged it off. "No, just a silly thought. What brings you two around so early?"

"You left so abruptly, we wanted to make certain you weren't mad at us," Sara explained. "We did kind of force you into it."

So, it was real. The strange thing was, it hadn't been as bad when she dreamed it. But now that she was fully conscious, the doubt rolled back in. "I'm not mad. Why would I be? The two of you are doing something you thought I might be interested in."

"But you're still not," Megan surmised.

Sherry headed for the coffee pot to make a batch. "Can I at least have my coffee first before you give me another headache with all of this stuff?"

"Sure," Megan said. "But now that we know we're all a bunch of horny women and we can talk about sex, can we talk about sex?"

"What do you want to talk about?" Sherry asked slowly, hesitantly.

"Well, as you pointed out yesterday, it's hard to believe that with all we've been through, we've never talked about sex and now we find out that we're all very sex hungry women," Sara said.

"Better late than never, I guess," Sherry said.

"I agree," Megan said. "So, how long have you been masturbating?"

"Since before I knew the two of you," Sherry admitted. "I guess I started as a teenager. But it was just an occasional thing, not the obsession it seems to have turned into. Even when Rick was growing up I didn't do it all that often. It seems that over the last several years it's really started to bother me that Chuck is gone so much, and so, I've turned to it more. What about you guys?" The coffee was done so, she poured them each a cup and led them to the sofa in the living room.

"I didn't start until the long deployments started," Sara confessed after they were seated. I was brought up to believe that it was dirty and good girls didn't do such things. But after the first couple of deployments, I started. I actually thought it was an itch. I mean a real itch." The others giggled. "So, I scratched and it didn't take long to have an orgasm. I was hooked after that. I gradually did it more. But it wasn't until Megan and I got drunk that night not long after the boys first went away to college that I really started craving it. But you must know that when Gerald comes home, I can't wait to get him in bed."

"I'm the same with Chuck," Sherry agreed.

"As am I with David," Megan made clear. "This is just something to help us keep our sanity. Something to do in between. Not to replace our husbands."

"Did you think I thought that?" Sherry wondered.

"No, not really. I just wanted make sure it was understood."

"I do," Sherry said. "It's usually several days after Chuck leaves before I start getting the urge." Or at least, it used to be, Sherry ruefully thought. "So, what's your story, Meg?" Sherry was actually beginning to enjoy this conversation. It was getting back to the way they were, except now the subject matter I gotten better.

"I also started at a young age," Megan began. "I always had these big boobs—" she held her hands apart in front of them "—and boys always wanted to get their hands on them. As a result I did not date much. I had a big sister who taught me the basics, so my finger was usually my date. Then David came along and my tits didn't matter to him. So, it was easy to fall in love with him. But like Sara, after the first couple of long deployments, the old finger came in handy. I figured out how to use it in many different ways until Sara and I got drunk that night. And then it was a whole new ball game."

"So, I guess I have to ask," Sherry said, "and don't take this as a sign of interest, but what is it that makes what the two of you do so appealing?"

"Well, first of all," Megan answered, "you can call it what it is. You don't have to say 'what we do.' We have sex. I like kissing. We can kiss. When it's just you and your finger or dildo, you have nothing to kiss."

"And you can touch," Sara added. "You can touch someone besides yourself. And you can be touched in ways you can't touch yourself."

Ever so casually, Megan set her mug down on the coffee table and gently took Sherry's hand and raised it to the part of Sherry's chest left bare by her low-cut, thin-strapped, sleeveless top. Megan moved Sherry's hand around to simulate Sherry touching herself, then let go. Megan then very tenderly caressed the same area even dipping slight down Sherry's cleavage. "Now, which feels better?"

Sherry did not respond, but rather the deep breath she took gave her friends the answer they were looking for. She conceded nothing, but in her somewhat horny state, she refused nothing either, particularly as Sara's hand had replaced Megan's running her finger up and down the cleavage. With a hand on Sherry's shoulder, Sherry could feel Megan's warm breath in her ear. As though choreographed, the two women pulled Sherry's top down, exposing her breasts.

Megan softly turned Sherry's head toward her and tenderly pressed her lips to Sherry's. The latter kissed back, but they kept it slow and loving. Sara pulled Sherry's hair aside to kiss her shoulder and neck, and then dipped down for a quick suck of her nipple. When Sara saw Megan break off the kiss, she moved up to take her place. Sherry kissed her just as fondly. After a few moments, the two women alternated again.

The intense attention of her two friends was enough to render Sherry immobile. Sara and Megan continued to swap positions, but when Sara was sucking her nipple again, she pulled Sherry's top up to expose her abdomen. Almost involuntarily, Sherry reached up and pulled Megan's top down to expose her large tits. Megan then pushed one breast into Sherry's face. Sherry did not hesitate to suck on her nipple. Sara momentarily abandoned Sherry and rose up to kiss Megan, much more aggressively than she had Sherry.

Finally, they all stopped while Sara removed Sherry's top and Megan removed Sara's and her own. Sara pushed Sherry back against the sofa and kissed her with more passion. Megan bent to have a taste of Sherry's nipple. While doing this, Megan's hand drifted down between Sherry's legs, covered by short pajama bottoms.

As Sara kissed her way down Sherry's body, Sherry was mindful of the fact that she had offered no resistance when her two friends began their seduction, unlike yesterday. Her mind wondered if she was succumbing to their way or simply too horny to resist. Regardless, she eagerly allowed Sara to spread her legs and slide her fingers inside her pajama shorts to rub her pussy.

In an usual move, Sara raised up to kiss Sherry passionately, leaving her hand between her legs. Megan rose up and Sara stopped kissing Sherry to kiss Megan with equal impetuousness only inches from Sherry's face. Megan pulled away to kiss Sherry, and then Sara moved in for an awkward three-way kiss. Sherry strangely found it erotic.

It also signaled their desire to get down to it. They pulled Sherry to stand so they could remove her pajama bottoms. Sara reached around back and fingered Sherry's pussy while Megan rubbed her tits against Sherry's abdomen and snatch. But after a few moments, they sat Sherry back down, legs spread wide where Sara instantly went for a muff dive. Too horny now to care, Sherry merely threw her head back and actually enjoyed her friend's tongue on her. Megan was like a kitten waiting her turn at the milk bowl, so Sara moved aside, and with the big-titted woman on all fours, licked and fingered her from behind. To test Sherry's resistance, Megan jammed two fingers into her friend's very wet pussy. After finger-fucking her for a minute, Megan lifted her coated fingers to Sherry's mouth. Without a care, Sherry licked them clean.

In another unexpected, but equally erotic move, Megan stuck her fingers back inside Sherry's pussy and Sara positioned herself alongside and also squeezed two of her fingers inside so the two could finger-fuck their friend together. Man or woman, Sherry had to admit to herself that this was one of the most titillating things anyone had ever done to her. She felt her body heat up followed by that tingling that signals an impending orgasm and then the muscle contractions as it took hold. She tried to mute the guttural sounds in her throat, but ended up letting out a big, "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

If Sherry hadn't already been slouched on the sofa she would have collapsed anyway.

Megan and Sara giggled proudly at their accomplishment, but were quite horny themselves. Sitting on the floor, Sara pushed Megan back against the sofa between Sherry's legs and leaned in. The two kissed as though driven by an uncontrollable fury. Sara was on her knees; Megan reached between her legs to play with her friend's panty-covered pussy. She rubbed so hard, she nearly wore a hole in the material. The two were so steamed up; Megan knew she had to remove the obstruction.

She pushed Sara back and nearly ripped the panties off, but they remained in one piece. She then balled them up, making certain the soaked crotch was on top and fed them into Sara's mouth. Sara bit into her panties and Megan bit also and the two stretched them out with their teeth before letting them fall to the floor. Once again, they locked lips.

As Sara stood and bent over to continue the kiss, she spread her legs so Megan could ram two fingers up her gaping hole. Sherry almost could not believe what she was witnessing. No so much what her two friends were doing, but that they were doing it with an intensity she did not realize they possessed.

With Megan's head resting on Sherry's bare pussy, Sara could no longer concentrate on the kiss, and so, she rested her forehead on Megan's. Megan was finger-fucking her friend mercilessly and Sara was enjoying every violent thrust. A second later, Sara came in a screaming, growling climax.

If Sherry thought she was a nympho, Sara proved that she was equal to the task. Without skipping a beat, she fell back onto her side and spread her legs. Megan did the same, and the two scooted into position so their pussies were mashed together and started rubbing against each other.

The two were putting on a show that Sherry never thought she would see, least of all from her friends. She'd seen women do this in porn movies, not that she watched those much and certainly not of lesbians. But she had come across it. Somehow seeing it actually done was almost thrilling. They held on to each other for traction until Megan had her own shuddering orgasm.

But like her friend, she was not content to stop. She pushed Sara onto her back and maneuvered between her legs again rubbing her pussy against her friend's in a quasi-missionary position. Naturally, their lips came together.

If she hadn't realized it yet, Sherry decided the two loved to kiss.

Because of this position, they had to thrust at a moderate pace, or so Sherry thought. It wasn't long before they were humping at blurring speed. But they just as quickly slowed to a crawl, and then to a stop so Megan could dip her fingers into Sara's pussy and feed her friend the delectable juices. Megan then stuck her fingers back into Sara and frigged her to another screaming climax.

Once again, as Sherry thought that she was insatiable; Sara pushed Megan on to her back and attacked her pussy with a fierce tongue. Catching her breath for an instant, Sara looked up at Sherry, grinning with lips smeared with Megan's secretions. She returned to Megan's pussy and sucked and licked viciously until Megan came again rolling her body from side to side as though she was having an epileptic attack.

After they all recovered and were again sitting on the sofa, coffees in hand as though nothing had happened, except that they were nude, Sara asked, "So, was it any better today?"

"I thought I was insatiable, but watching the two of you gives the word a whole new meaning."

"Well, I have to admit that having you here yesterday and this morning raised my arousal level to new heights," Megan admitted.

"No doubt about that," Sara agreed.

"But you still didn't answer the question," Megan probed.

"Well, let's just say it was a little more intriguing today."

"So, are you willing to make it a permanent threesome?" Sara asked.

"I wouldn't go so far as to say that."

"Then we still have work to do," Megan pointed out.

Sherry rolled her eyes. "Why is that so important to the two of you?"

"You're our friend."

"We like you."

"We're in this together, remember?"

"Plus, you have a hot body. I've got big tits and Sara's got a nice ass, but you've got it all," Megan observed.