While the Paint Dries


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I found it pretty hot that my sister was jerking me off just as a way of occupying her hand while she pondered, but it was also kind of frustrating that it meant she wasn't putting in any real effort at making me feel good. Her touches would sometimes be little more than feather-light caresses, her fingertips idly tracing paths back and forth across my shaft while I struggled not to grab her hand and make her do it properly.

Things gradually devolved as I got more and more handsy, and eventually stepped firmly behind Kylie and started grinding on her butt. I saw her smile in the mirror with a look of amused resignation. She'd almost certainly expected this to happen sooner or later.

"I guess that's all the painting I can do for now," she said.

"I think so, yeah," I said. I grabbed Kylie's boobs from behind and massaged them my both hands. "You can't expect me to behave forever."

"No. Indeed I can't."

Kylie set her supplies aside, then twisted in my grasp until she was facing me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. She pressed her lower half firmly against me to trap my cock.

We made out for a few moments, then I put my hands under Kylie's thighs and lifted her up. She squealed and clung to my neck as I carried her to her comfy chair. I set her down, and she smiled eagerly at me as she awaited my next move.

I knelt down in front of Kylie and pulled her knees apart. She scooted her butt forward as she guessed what I was up to.

She giggled nervously as I kissed my way up the inside of her thigh to her pretty little pussy. She spread her legs even wider for me and threw a hand over her mouth to muffle the adorable squeaks she made as I kissed dead centre between her hips.

I smiled at Kylie's reaction, but didn't let it distract me. My tongue flicked out along her bare slit, eliciting further sounds of girlish glee.

Kylie calmed down as she got used to my licks, but still moaned appreciatively at regular intervals and tangled her fingers in my hair. Her thighs occasionally squeezed against my face until she remembered to give me room to work.

"Mmm. That's nice," she breathed.

I patted her leg and kept licking.

Kylie seemed happy to settle in and let me do my thing for as long as I wanted. I, on the other hand, was too horny for that. After getting my sister all nice and warmed up, I wrestled her around so that I could sit in the chair where she'd been, and she had to take my lap. She didn't much seem to mind the switch up.

Kylie wriggled around and got comfortable, which only turned me on more, as if I needed it. She settled in facing me, with her pussy pressed right up on my cock. Her eyes gleamed impishly as she rocked gently back and forth against me.

I didn't give her much of a chance to tease me. I simply lifted her up and let her come down on my erection. She reached down to guide me in. Her eyes closed to slits and she hissed in pleasure as she slowly sank down.

We sat totally still at the end, my shaft engulfed within Kylie's warm pussy. I still wanted more, still wanted to lie her back and fuck her hard and fast, but somehow the urge to get off wasn't sufficiently strong to break the moment. Just feeling my sister, seeing her, smelling her, it was enough.

"I love you," she whispered.

I kissed her tenderly. "I love you too."

She rocked her hips gently, taking some of her weight on her legs to give herself the needed flexibility. She didn't move fast, and that was fine. The slow grind was perfect. I wanted it to last. I wanted the desire I had for her to burn steady for as long as I could stand it.

"I bought condoms," I said. "I don't want to stop right now, but maybe..."

Kylie laughed, clear and happy. "We don't need those, silly."

"We don't?"

"No. I'm all tied down there. Baby-proof."

"You are? Since when?"

"Did I not mention that?"


"Oh. Oops. I wondered why you pulled out last time."

I shook my head, then nuzzled and kissed her breasts to relieve some exasperation. "Here I was thinking we needed to be safer..."

"Yeah, no, I was on top of that. I mean, I know it was silly worrying about babies. I never really expected... you know, something like this. But just in case..."

I traced my fingers up her back. She maintained a steady rhythm, back and forth. Just enough to keep me on edge. "You'd never make it as a mom, huh?"

"Hell no I wouldn't. It's bad enough dealing with regular people. Can you imagine a little tiny person who's, like, always there? Nevermind the bit where they come out of my vagina. Ick."

I laughed and kissed Kylie again. "You're so... you, sometimes."

"Should I take that as a compliment?"

"Yeah. Yeah you should."

Kylie shifted again to get her knees into a better position, but didn't increase the speed or power of her slow, constant grind on my lap. I held her while alternating between staring into her eyes, and looking over her shoulder at the magnificent view out the window. It should have been just a tad scary to be fucking my sister while in theory we could be observed, but the height of her loft meant that it wasn't really much of a worry.

"Are you gonna stay over again?" she asked, disrupting my idle train of thought.

"I thought I might." I smiled as she kissed my cheek. "But you know I can't stay here all the time."

Kylie sighed. "I know. I hate thinking about it like that right now, but you're right. I couldn't handle having someone else here all the time. Even you."

"We'll work something out, yeah? Maybe on the weekends or something?"

"Yeah. Something like that."

She still didn't look quite convinced, so I did the only logical thing I could think of to reassure and cheer up my big sister; I picked her up and carried her off to bed, my cock still nestled snugly in her pussy the whole way.

I let my desire and need take over. I fucked Kylie hard on her bed while she grabbed and me and mewled happily.

I came inside her, free from the responsibility of being more cautious. She gasped at feeling cum spurt into her pussy, then grinned wickedly and rolled on top of me to keep riding.

My cock softened and got sensitive after my orgasm, but Kylie brought it back to life and wouldn't let me have a break until I got off again. She'd reached a couple orgasms of her own by then, so she was content to let me rest after my second time.

"I think I really like sex," Kylie said as she drew lazy circles around my nipples with her finger.

"Was there some doubt about that?"

"No. Not really. Just good to know for sure, is all."

"Fair enough."

We cuddled a while longer before Kylie got restless. She grew increasingly fidgety, then finally hopped out of bed.

"I'ma go paint for a bit," she said.

"Yeah. I figured."

"I think I'll work on something new. But maybe later you'll come pose for me again? I wanna finish up our painting at some point."

"Our painting?"

"You know, the one with-"

"I know which one you mean. Just... calling it our painting, is all."

Kylie flushed slightly. "Well, I mean, it is. It's us."

"Uh huh. But you meant it's, like, ours."


"So... nothing I guess. It's just interesting."

Kylie stared at me, chewed on her lip for a moment, then left.

I lay where I was, just thinking. The painting meant something to Kylie, I was sure of it. It was possible it was nothing more than just her expressing her interest in me via her art. That was almost fine, though I still didn't like the idea of such blatant evidence of our sexual union hanging around to be spotted.

There was a chance it was something deeper. That might be ok too. It was hard to say.

Who was I kidding? I had accepted where Kylie and I were going, where we'd already been. I loved her. She loved me. We were going to do more sexy sibling things. That was just what it was. And if she wanted to paint sexy pictures of us, then what the hell was I worrying about it for? Painting was what she did. Of course she'd do a portrait of the two of us. I was important to her. It was a good thing.

I padded naked through Kylie's apartment and peeked into her studio area. She was just as naked, and as usual totally oblivious to being snuck up on from behind. It was tough not to get stuck staring at her nude form as her arm swung gracefully this way and that.

'Our' painting had been set aside for the moment. I took the time to study it, despite its incomplete nature. Looking at it with fresh eyes, the way my sister might, without letting my worries affect me, I saw it differently. It wasn't a fatal mistake waiting to happen, or an expression of feelings too deep for me to understand. It was just us. Me and Kylie; naked, together, and in love.

She had painted what I felt when I looked at her. That was what it was. Though, presumably, it was actually what she felt for me instead of vice versa. Either way, I needed to leave well enough alone. Let her work. Let her be happy.

I tiptoed away to clean up and put some clothes on. I could go for a walk or something, give Kylie some peace. Chances were she wouldn't even know I was gone.


The plan for me spending nights with Kylie when I had days off had been an arbitrary suggestion at the time, but actually seemed to work fairly well. It took some restraint from both of us, since we often found ourselves craving more. Sometimes we simply gave in to our desires and hooked up when we weren't supposed to, but we tried our best.

Kylie needed her space. Even from me. That wasn't going to change. The reward for our patience was how good the sex felt when we had to wait most of week for it. I found myself daydreaming about her far too often while I was meant to be working.

Since she generally knew when I was going to show up these days, Kylie often wasn't wearing much when I arrived. She'd always had that problem, but now it was deliberate. That made it all the more confusing when I arrived one evening to find her painting while fully dressed. It wasn't unheard of, but was unusual.

Regardless, I snuck up behind my sister and enfolded her in a ninja-hug. She squealed in delight and carefully set her brush down before turning and kissing me.

"What's with the clothes?" I asked.

Kylie grinned. "So I'm not allowed wearing clothes now?"

"I didn't say that." I slid my hands under her shirt. "Although..."

She laughed. "I had some delivery guys in earlier. I just didn't get around to changing after they left."

I arched an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Don't look so surprised. I buy things sometimes."

"Yeah, sometimes. Not often." A quick glance around revealed exactly what her purchase was. Her comfy chair had a twin positioned by the wall of windows. "A new chair? What was wrong with your old one?"

"Nothing." Kylie's eyes flicked away, then back to me. "I just thought... maybe... you could have one too?"

My return smile erased most of her discomfort. It wasn't just a chair. I recognized that. It was something in her place that wasn't hers. Something for me. Coming from Kylie, it was practically an engagement ring.

"Thank you," I said.

I kissed her deeply and held her more tightly to me. On unspoken agreement, she wrapped her arms around my neck and hopped into my embrace so I could carry her over to my new chair.

"Of course you know," I said as we sat down with her in my lap, "we don't often end up needing two chairs."

Kylie giggled. "No. Not often."

We played a game of getting each other's clothes off while maintaining as much contact as possible. Tops were easier than bottoms, naturally, and Kylie eventually had to get off me long enough to get my pants off.

We both sighed in delayed satisfaction when she climbed back into my lap and slid her pussy onto my cock. We held each other close until she had me fully inside and had started rocking back and forth the way she liked to do.

For a while we engaged in slow, exquisite grinding while feeling each other up whenever and wherever we felt like it. I alternated stroking Kylie's hair, and caressing her breasts. She ran her hands up and down my chest, and occasionally leaned in to kiss my shoulder, neck, or cheek.

"Mom came to visit the other day," Kylie said.

"She did?"

"Yeah. I guess she got tired of being told I was fine. Wanted to make sure."

"How'd that go?"

Kylie shrugged. "I thought she was you, so I didn't bother dressing when I heard someone come in. I should have known, though. You're always much quieter."

"So you were... naked?"

"No. But only in panties. It was fine. Mom knows how I am."


"I had to make sure she didn't get into my room, though."

That threw me for a second, until I recalled where Kylie had hung our nude portrait.

"You mean because of our painting? Yeah. I don't want to think about her reaction to it."

"It'd be awful, right?" Kylie shook her head. "I think I get why you were worried about it. I thought about trying to explain it to Mom, and... I couldn't."

"I don't know that I'm worried about it anymore. I mean, yeah, it's dangerous, but I'm still glad you did it."


"Mmhm. I like it more every time I see it."

"Just 'cause it has me naked in it, you mean?"

"No. Not just that. It doesn't hurt, though."

Kylie smiled at me, and I smiled back. We kissed softly and passionately.

"I love you," she said.

"Love you too."

Kylie nestled more snugly to me while still riding my cock. I held her in a warm embrace and gazed over her shoulder. The sun was just setting, and the view was about as picturesque as it got.

It wasn't a typical relationship, not in any kind of way. Having sex with my sister on a regular basis would have been odd enough, but Kylie was her own brand of unique. It wasn't a relationship I could ever share with anyone either. It had to be a secret. Not to mention the inconvenience of probably never living with each other full time.

And yet, in its own way, it was perfect. I was happy with Kylie. So, so happy. I had plenty of practice accepting her idiosyncrasies, and even cherished them most of the time. I loved having sex with her, holding her, and just being with her. What we had was weird and definitely not normal, but it was ours.

"Take me to bed?" Kylie whispered in my ear.

I kissed her shoulder and gathered myself to lift her up. "Absolutely."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A beautiful story! Thank you, again, for creating such wonderful characters, situations, stories. And its not insignificant that among the things I feel most grateful for, none involved erotica or sexuality. That is not to say I don't enjoy those aspects of your work. I absolutely do. Its just that you are so talented that, like in life, your erotica is simply a natural aspect of the characters, situations, and stories you write. And while sexually stimulating, it seems to hit me harder "in the heart." Especially in stories such as this one.

Kylie is one of your more interesting characters, quite different from any I've read before. As always, you make her terribly easy to like, to love. She is someone I could get stuck thinking about. Not obsessively, but because she is interesting, different, and because her artistic creativity is so much an essential aspect of who she is.

There are also aspects of her that seem fairly girlish, as we might expect from a much younger girl. But that also makes sense, because in her development, it is unlikely she would have applied much attention or energy to the romance and drama many teenagers often dwell on. As a result, she may have been a bit... delayed? Not in a pathological sense; rather, it was part of her development that had not yet been addressed - including the lack of significant others. Which creates the perfect background for this story. All of that may or may not been a part of your thought process when writing. Something perhaps less likely intentional, is the (my) fairly powerful need to want to protect her, or at least fear for her emotional and psychological well-being. Happily, her brother ends up providing just the right combination of elements to maximize the good and minimize the bad - not terribly articulate perhaps, but I imagine you understand what I'm trying to say.

Thank you, again, for this lovely story. There is joy to be shared, between the siblings and outwardly, toward your readers. Until next time...

MarrttyMarrtty5 months ago

I enjoy the strange characters you create. I also like most of your stories. Good work on some strange tales.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Story was good I just couldn’t understand some of the details you chose and they felt like they hurt the bigger picture.

Why did she have her tubes tied? Seems like it ruins the possibility of a family someday also odd of a character that basically doesn’t get out or date much.. just a less underwhelming story detail that hurts it imo.

Why did they never really define their relationship or have any sort of heart to heart conversation about this and everything?

Why is the moving in thing or how much time he comes over something the characters are questioning like it’s a hassle or problem? Kinda just kills the vibe…

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This was in my top five stories I have read. Absolutely fantastic. Wished it was longer.

BruceS1949BruceS19496 months ago

Great story. Keep writing more stories. Where could this story go. I would love to see.

BruceS1949BruceS19496 months ago

Very nice and a well done story. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Classic vanilla so worked in this story. Not only one of my favorite flavors but a great play, start to finish. Loved the Kylie character, everything about her in fact. We have similarities...I can't paint and have a point not a plus, but similar "personality quirks".

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

In my opinion this is your best!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Very, very nice, slow, easy combining of souls.

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