Who Calls the Tune?


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"See Christine, no problems. Is it what you dreamt it to be?"

"Oh Yes, definitely yes."

"Well now I want you to get some meat on your body and we can do this again, but only when I see you put some weight on. I don't like fucking a skeleton."

"You want me fat?"

"I'd rather fuck you when you're fat than thin like this."

"If I'm going to feel as good as this, I'll start getting the weight on."

"Good woman," I said as I started pumping my cock into the walking skeleton. She kept up with me and must have climaxed at least four or five times before I pumped my seed into her.

"You shouldn't have done that Tom."

"Classify it as your first meal, we will start feeding you through all your openings."

"All of them!"

"Yes all of them."

"I just can't wait."

"Enough for today, we must arrange another time, but with more weight on."

When we left the bedroom Christine was smiling, she never stopped but got into her car and drove off in hurry.

"Made Christine happy didn't you?"

"You seem to be happy too, you are smiling."

"Never had a cock like yours before, that tool of yours would make any woman happy."

"Well Glenda all you have to do is call and you can have it any time you want, or any of your other friends, but no more close family."

"Well what are we waiting for, think you could manage to help your poor old grandmother so soon after Christine."

"What has come over you, there has been a character change in you, but I don't mind sinking my cock back into your lovely pussy."

"Think it's better than Christine's."

"By far, but I've told Christine to put some beef on herself and then you will have some competition, my poor grandmother," I said and burst out laughing.

"Are you laughing at me now?"

"No Glenda, just repeating what you said."

This time I lay down on my back and Glenda sat astride and she sank down on my rigid member. Still I hadn't seen her naked, for she had only removed her knickers, come to think about it I never saw her take them off, but anyway she was now impaled and it felt great. I never thought my own grandmother would one day be sitting on my hips with my cock buried up inside her, but here she was in front of me.

I suppose my grandfather couldn't give her sexual satisfaction and she was now using me to release all the pent-up frustration she had been bottling up inside her and was making the most of it now. In a way I was glad it was me and not some stranger, also she really felt good as she bounced herself on my phallus giving me also the pleasure I had missed out on.

So in one month I had shafted three different women and all wanted more of my monster, in fact they could take more than I could give. Now I know who the ones are who are pushing for the enlargements being advertised.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Written evidence of extreme illness...

...or a cry for help. Either way, complete garbage.

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