Who I Used to Be

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Wife's boss tells me his plan at the company christmas party.
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"I'm going to fuck your wife."

As I heard those words I broke into a wide grin.

Tonight was going to be exciting.


We went to her company christmas party. It was the third year we'd been. I didn't particularly enjoy these get togethers, but we liked dancing and she always dressed up and the drinks were free. My wife was also really good at her job, and she always went home with a stack of rewards. Between the drinking and the dancing and the recognition for her fine work we always had half our clothes off by the time we got home each year.

This year she had a new boss. Steven Jenkins. Steven was a grade A prick. Her old boss was great. Helpful, protected his people, he'd taken my wife under his wing and taught her a lot of what made her so successful today. But Steven was totally different. He constantly belittled his Team and took credit for every good thing they produced. He thought he was God's gift to women too and had come perilously close to a sexual harrasment suit more than once. But so far while he'd flirted with the line, and many of his female employees, he hadn't done anything that warranted action. Yet.

He was also a cheap son of a bitch. Usually this was a big fancy to do with champagne and a catered dinner. This year

he rented a gym at the Y and provided crackers and sausage and cheese. He still had an open bar, he seemed like a functional alcoholic so it didn't suprise me that he would splurge on that out of everything.

My wife and I were sitting at a table waiting for the awards ceremony eating our cheese plates and I noticed he kept glancing over at us. The awards were coming up and my wife knew she'd be recognized for several of her accomplishments, so she decided to get up and make a last trip to the bathroom to freshen up her makeup before they dimmed the lights.

She had barely left the table when Steven plopped down in her chair next to me. He picked up a cracker off her plate and popped it into his mouth. I already didn't like the guy and the idea of him sitting in my wife's chair and picking at her food was particularly irritating.

But he was her boss and I'm polite. "Nice party Steve. Thanks for putting this together." I said to him.

He just grinned and looked at me. Then he said it. "I'm going to fuck your wife."

As I heard those words I broke into a wide grin.

Tonight was going to be exciting.

Being the arrogant piece of shit I knew him to be, he

misunderstood my expression. "You like that huh? I knew you'd be a wimp." He started, "I'm not even going to have to offer. I've seen your wife. Dressed like a slut and dancing all night. She wants it. I guarantee by the end of the night she'll be asking me for it. Maybe if you're lucky I'll let you watch."

I leaned forward in my chair. "How long have you been working with my wife Steven?"

He cocked his head a little. "Almost a year. And I've been working on her the whole time. From the moment I met her and saw the wedding ring on her finger I knew I'd be sticking my cock in her fat ass." He felt like turning the screws because he had me right where he wanted me.

"What do you see in her? She's a middle aged mother with the body of a middle aged mother. I mean, sure, I think she's beautiful. She's been with me through the tough times. Deaths, bankruptcies, evictions. She's fat because she's had four of my children. Her breasts are sagging from breastfeeding. The things that make her look her age are the signs of our life together and I'm in love with every stretch mark and wrinkle. But a guy with your money and looks, I'm sure you could do better. What's in it for you?" Steven wasn't a looker, but he was a fairly average 40 year old man with a good job. I'm sure if he was a decent human being he'd have been able to find a nice girl.

"I like married women. They're desperate for a real fucking, they know it's not going to be a long term relationship, and

when they start resisting I can threaten to blow up their lives and make them do really depraved shit to keep their secret. Eventually I get tired of them and dump their fat asses, but not until I've buried my cock in them. Then I send them back home for hubby to deal with."

Now I cocked my head, "But you've kind of blown that plan right here by telling me Steven. So why my wife?"

Now he laughed. "Because I could tell what a pussy you were and I wanted to hurt you. You're right, I can do better than that slut and now I can't blackmail her. But I won't have to. Once she gets this dick she'll keep coming back for more. And it'll destroy you but you won't be able to stop it. Because you're a wimp. I wanted to hurt you, because that's what I really get off on. And now I am."

He wasn't hurting me quite as much as I think he suspected, but I didn't like him calling my wife a slut. It was time to change the subject. "Tell me Steven, in the year or so you've worked with my wife, have you ever talked about me?"

He laughed again. "Oh sure. We talk about you all the time. What a loser you are. How little your dick is. How much you suck in bed. How you can't keep her happy or provide the life she desires. You're our favorite topic of discussion." I didn't believe any of it, but he was really feeling it now. He was on a roll and he wasn't slowing down any time soon.

"Did she ever tell you who I used to be?" I asked him. And he

got a slightly confused look in his eye.

"What were you some kind of super soldier or something? You gonna call your army buddies and get me?"

"No," I replied simply. "Never served."

"Ok, you used to roll with a bad crew? Have some kind of connections to the criminal underworld you think you can threaten me with? I'm not buying it. You're too straight laced."

"You're right about that. Never ran with a bad crew. Not cool enough for that sort of thing. Never even smoked a joint."

"Alright then, what is it? Enough with the mystery. What did you used to be?"

I had his interest now, so I leaned in over the table towards him and spoke low. "You're gonna love this. We'll have a big laugh and then we can get on with tonight's planned festivities." I looked around comicly and motioned for him to lean in.

As he did, drawn in by my speech and mannerisms, I reached under the table and felt my fingertips brush the end of his tie. It was hanging down and I wrapped my hand around it loosely so he wouldn't notice.

I leaned into him further and looked around one more time. There was my wife coming out of the bathroom and she was

watching us with a quizzical look on her face. I winked at her and then turned back to her boss.

"I used to be a nice guy." And with that I grabbed his tie firmly in my left hand and yanked down, smashing his face into the table, against her plate of cheese and crackers which exploded out from the impact.

Before he could recover I grabbed my own plate with my right hand and as his head bounced up off the table I swung my plate with all my force and hit him flat on the face, knocking him and the chair he was sitting in over and on to its back.

The room suddenly froze, stunned at what had happened. But I wasn't stunned. I was excited. My blood was pumping as I rose to my feet in front of the stunned heap that was laying on the floor before me. He was blinking his eyes trying to process the last few seconds. But I wasn't going to give him a chance to think through his actions. I needed commitment from him.

"Come on Stevie. On your feet." I motioned for him to get up. "I bet it's been a long time since you've hit someone hasn't it. Your hands look soft. Well it's been a long time since I hit someone too. So I'd say it's a fair fight." I raised my voice loud enough for the room to hear now that everyone had gone quiet and was watching what was happening. "I'm a wimp and you're going to fuck my wife and make me watch right? So let's see how that goes. Get up and take what you want. Let's see what you've got. Pussy."

I was goading him. And I knew it. Because I could think and fight at the same time. But he was in shock, and pain, and wasn't used to this sort of thing. So he did the one thing I needed.

He committed.

Steven pushed himself to his feet and put his hands up. He was pissed now and he was going to let me have it. He started screaming at me. "That's right asshole. I'm going to beat the shit out of you and then fuck your wife in the ass. Just like I said I would. I'm gonna fuck her until she begs me to stop and then I'm going to give her to Tony and Scott in the office like I have all those other whores!" And with that he rushed me.

I knew everyone heard his words, and I had a fleeting thought that Tony and Scott were probably going to be in a spot of trouble too, but I had something more important to do just then. So as he charged me and swung with a high left roundhouse punch I ducked under it and and struck him with a left middle knuckle strike to his eighth rib. I immediately followed that up with a right rising middle knuckle strike to his brachial plexus, a bundle of nerves right below your armpit. I can tell you from personal experience that hurts like hell.

Steven stumbled backwards and grabbed his side. I grinned and started bouncing on the balls of my feet with my left side

forward and my lead hand down protecting my body and my right hand up next to my head. "Let's go motherfucker. I'm gonna enjoy every second of this."

I could see Steven was starting to lose his confidence, but his rage was still winning the battle and keeping him from accessing his monkey brain. It was fight or flight, and because I was taking my time with him, he didn't realize he was running out of time to flee.

He put his hands up again, this time like a boxer. Keeping his elbows in tight to protect his body with his fists in front of his face. I grinned even wider if that was possible. "Ok. You wanna box? Let's box." And with that I changed my stance to a southpaw boxers guard and lunged forward with a left cross.

Just like I expected he tried to cover his head. But the jab was never intended to land. I just needed him thinking about my hands. And while he was trying to block my cross, I stepped through with my left foot and kicked the inside of his left thigh with a front kick, causing him to step out wide and lose his balance. With his balance off, I stomped on the top of his left foot with my own left foot, and then stepped off it and then put my left arm up to block his flailing left outward strike and pivoted, dropping low and bringing my right hand into a right inward hammerfist strike to the outside of his knees. with his balance off and his leg already shocked by my kick and my stomp, the impact of my hammerfist was too much and I felt his knee collapse inward and heard him

scream as he fell to the floor.

Without pausing I turned and stomped down as hard as I could on his right ankle, crushing it to the floor and feeling the bones crumble beneath my foot.

Steven moaned and cried and rocked slightly on the ground. He was physically beaten, but that wasn't enough. He needed to be mentally beaten. So destroyed that not only would he never bother me or my wife again, he'd never bother anyone again.

I calmly walked over to him and grabbed his hair in my left fist. The whole room was silent now, other than his moans, as they watched me lift his head off the floor.

I looked at him and his eyes only showed fear and pain now. No smiles. No laugheter. "I told you I used to be a nice guy. I was until tonight. But I guess this isn't very nice." With that I slapped him in the side of the head as hard as I could. I hit him with an open hand rather than a fist because this wasn't about physical destruction. He needed to see how beneath me he was.

I slapped his head so hard his hair tore from my grasp, some of it staying in my fist, and his head fell to the floor again. Without pausing I grabbed his hair again and pulled him up. "You fucked with the wrong person tonight Steven. Are you having as much fun as you expected?" With that I slapped him again, pulling more hair out of his head and causing him

to bounce off the floor again.

I reached down and grabbed him and pulled him up even further, leaning down and looking directly into his eyes. "Here's the deal Steven. I could kill you now. I could kill you later. You can't protect yourself. Your money can't protect you. Your job can't protect you. You are at my mercy, and you always will be. But I used to be a nice guy, so I'm going to give you an opportunity here. We keep this between us, and we'll call it bygones. You bother me or my wife, you file a complaint, if I hear about a lawsuit, if I get questioned by the police, or they come to my home or job, if I so much as smell a powdered donut, I'm coming back to finish the job I started tonight. And you won't be able to stop me. Just like you can't stop me now." And with that I slapped him one last time, making sure to cup my hand slightly and cover his ear with the strike, blowing out his eardrum and smashing his head to the floor for the last time.

I stood up and looked around the room. Everyone had seen what happened. There were looks of shock on many of their faces, especially the women. But a few of them looked rather pleased to see what had happened to their boss. Maybe those were the ones he'd given to Tony and Scott. Most of the men were looking at him with disgust or at me with awe. Nobody moved to help Steven off the ground.

"You all heard what he said. You heard his threats. You saw him attack me. I don't think we're going to have a problem here. But it sounds like some of you husbands may want to

talk to your wives and then to Tony and Scott. I expect you'll want to hurry, as once word of this gets out they may not be in town for long.

With that I walked towards my wife. She was standing still, shocked at what had happened. She wasn't shocked to see me destroy Steven. She knew what I was capable of. But this was definitely not how she thought tonight would go.

"I'm sorry babe. I know it was awards night. I guess I ruined it." I cocked a smile. I certainly didn't feel bad about what I'd given Steven, but it really wasn't my place to cause a scene at her company christmas party.

She stood there for a second and then took a deep breath. "He deserved it?" She knew there would only be one answer, after all, I was a nice guy.

"You bet he did. I'm sure you heard him. He told me more of the same before you came out of the bathroom and said you were in on it."

Immediately she began to shake her head vigourously saying "no no no I swear honey I wasn't any part of it I had no idea this was gonna happen."

I stepped forward and made shushing noises as I rubbed her arms and took her into an embrace. "I know baby. I know. He was just trying to humiliate me. Thought he could break my heart and I'd give in to him fucking you. Arrogant bastard

never considered he wasn't the better man. He should have done his research."

I held her and she cried a little and everyone in the room conspicuously tried not to look at us. After a few moments she sniffled and looked up at me. "I'm sorry I ruined your night baby. When I invited you to the company christmas party I thought it would be another boring affair."

I laughed. "Ruined my night? Do you have any idea how badly I've missed hitting someone? It's been years since I was in the dojo! This was the most fun I've ever had at your company christmas party!" My laughing was contagious and she began to laugh. Others nearby overhead me and started snickering and soon the whole room was laughing.

"Somebody turn the music back on! We still have awards to hand out!" I yelled at the room and somebody there must have agreed because soon the music was back on and people were mingling again like nothing happened.

No one made any effort to help Steven. They just ignored him and stepped around him like he wasn't even there. Eventually he dragged himself off the gym floor, all the way to the edge of the room and out the door. The party continued and they went ahead and handed out the rewards like they'd planned. Everyone else had a great night and just like every year my wife and I were half naked by the time we got home.

Steven couldn't really come back from what had happened.

Not just the beating, but the threat, and then seeing that no one else at the party even cared enough to help him off the floor. I think it was the last thing that really broke him. He could rationalize losing a fight, but facing all those people who'd seen him destroyed and didn't care, day after day, was too shameful even for him. He also heard Tony and Scott got hurt pretty badly in a mugging downtown late one night and feared that either they or their attackers might come for him too.

He was in the hostital for about 3 weeks recovering from the beating I gave him and still wasn't fully healed when they discharged him. He didn't even go home. He'd used that 3 weeks to line up a new job and place to live all the way across the country and when he left he hospital he went straight to the airport and flew away.

That was the last anyone ever heard of him. The next year there was a new boss hired from outside the company that everyone liked and respected and the christmas party was the same boring affair it had always been. My wife won a bunch more awards like she always did. Towards the end of the night her new boss came over and asked if we could talk for a minute. I walked out into the hall with him so we could be overheard.

He started. "I heard what happened at last year's party."

I looked at him blankly, "I don't know what you're talking about. Something happened?"

He smiled and laughed. "Look. All I want to say if your wife is our best employee. You know that and I know that. And I'm damn glad she has a husband like you looking out for her. Losing her would have crippled our company. If you ever need anything, you have a lot of friends here."

I smiled and thanked him and we shook hands and went back into the party. My wife was ready to go and she was looking for me when I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her.

That year we only made it halfway home before we were completely naked.

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Helen1899Helen1899about 18 hours ago

A good fantasy story. Not the best, but I have 4*

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

Loved it! A husband rightfully and properly protecting his wife from a predator! Throw in a fat guy in a red suit and this would have been a Christmas tale!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A fun fantasy. The wife did nothing wrong. The boss was a predator. Such an idiot. Even if there wasn't the beatdown, warning the husband of his intentions just opens up many ways to make the asshole pay. And as the boss, he has a lot to lose. What a moron. 5 stars for thr brutal takedown.

kirei8kirei84 months ago

A nice fantasy

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamer5 months ago

Anyone who knows anything about creative writing knows there are NO ORIGINAL PLOTS. Everything one can come up with has been done many times--the best you can hope for is to read a story with a slightly different twist.

Chad, this is the second time I read this and its just as good as it was the first time. Thanks for the read cd

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