Why Are Black Women So Rude?

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Black author asks the question everyone fears.
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Sometimes, I think living in the city of Brockton must be a curse. Yeah, that must be it. In a past life, I must have done something horrible. How else could you explain the kind of person I seem to attract? The meanest guys and the cruelest of women. The very worst humanity has to offer. I can't stand any of them. Sometimes at night, I pray that God or the Devil, whichever one is listening would send a flood to wipe out the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. Seriously, the world is a better place without it.

I have met all kinds of strange characters in my time. Hell, I am a strange character myself. Friends and fans call me Brother Samuel, America's favorite big and tall, forthrightly bisexual black male adventurer. For a long time, collegiate America was my favorite dwelling place. I loved college. Unfortunately, I had to graduate. And graduate I did, with honors no less. However, I can't say that I am exactly thrilled with the fact that I am now living in a small town packed with rude men and even ruder women. Say what you will about me, I've got manners. My father and mother didn't raise a barbarian. A pervert, certainly. A shameless flirt, totally. A defiant man who takes society by storm, absolutely. But I'm no rude roughneck or thug. No folks. I have class.

What is class? It's kind of hard to define. However, when someone doesn't have it, it's fairly easy to tell. The classless man and classless woman tend to make their classlessness obvious through their words or actions. When on the subway, I've noticed women who blurt out every detail of their personal lives while talking on their cell phones with someone. That is very unattractive. We don't need to know everything you've done and everyone you've hooked up with. We could care less about the fact that your boyfriend is sleeping with your best friend or sister. We don't give a damn about your progeny or the fact that his or her sire hasn't provided financial support this month. It's your life. It's your business. Keep your bullshit to yourself.

As much as it shames me to say it, some of the rudest people I've ever encountered were black men and black women. On the bus, the train, and on the street. At the mall, the barber shop and at the movie theater. It's always the black woman who's making a lot of noise, attraction attention to herself for all the wrong reasons. And the black man is usually an eager co-conspirator, helping her make as much noise as possible. Such individuals are a painful embarrassment to the entire race. I know I'm going to catch hell for this but someone's got to say it. Black women are rude. Black men are rude. And they're not going to change. As a college-educated black man who's written and published quite a few books, they embarrass me. I live in a nice townhouse in Brockton's affluent West Side. Not far from the local high school. The public library carries my books. Men and women from all over the place have read my works. I have fan clubs online. I'm also a well-known community activist whose humanitarian works focus on Men's Issues such as Male Victims of Domestic Abuse, Gay and Bisexual Rights, Urban Life and so on. By all means, I'm an accomplished individual. Not bragging, just the truth.

A while ago, I walked into a department store located deep in Brockton's South Side, near East Bridgewater. A light-skinned black male security guard asked me to remove my backpack while entering the store. He claimed the store had a policy against people backpacks on the premises. He didn't say anything of the sort to the white woman who walked in with her son, both of them with backpacks and large shopping bags. I realized that this security guard was enforcing a racially prejudiced policy. Racial profiling, that's what it was. I walked out of the store with my backpack on and my head held high. I wasn't going to allow these people to disrespect me. Not after my many accomplishments. Not after all I've done and all that I am. I know I was better than this. And I deserved better than the shabby treatment I received at that store. I haven't been anywhere near this store since.

Black men and black women from all over the place have had similar experiences in bookstores, grocery stores, shopping malls, airports, movie theaters, restaurants and bus stations. They have gotten used to being racially profiled. And I can tell you with one hundred percent conviction that I know how they feel. Racial profiling is wrong. However, why do so many black men and black women try their hardest to be the loudest, meanest, rudest and most unruly people anywhere they happen to go? I've seen lots of white folks acting rude and loud. Yes, obnoxious white men and rude white women exist. Once, a white woman cut right in front of me in a line at a food court in Boston. And she showed no shame or remorse for her actions. She did it with a sense of entitlement. Being white and female grants her this right in America. Rude people are a subhuman category which I absolutely cannot stand. I don't care if they're male or female, black or white, straight or gay. I can't stand them.

When did manners go out of style in America? When did men and women decide that forsaking all civilized ways and acting like crazed animals was the way to be? Who is responsible for this alarming trend? MTV? Misguided feminism? The dearth of family values due to the breakdown of the American family? Liberalism gone amok? The eternal shadow of the racial and gender politics dogwatch? I don't know, folks. Your guess is as good as mine on this one.

I thought I shared my city with men and women of varying races, sexual orientations, religions and backgrounds, not human-shaped and human-seeming crazed bloodthirsty beasts. Even more disturbing to me is the fact that while all races, backgrounds and cultures contribute to the problem of classlessness and rudeness in America, black people seem to do more than their share. White men and white women act rude. As do Asian men and Asian women. Hispanic men and Hispanic women. Middle-Eastern men and Middle-Eastern women. However, black men and black women glorify rudeness. They're proud of their rude behavior. They call themselves dogs and bitches like they're badges of honor. When I see their behavior, I'm ashamed for them.

You see, I hail from the Island Nation of Haiti. The first sovereign black nation in the New World. Since 1804, we've been independent. We're a country filled with great upheavals. We've got economic and social problems we're working desperately to solve. However, we're doing better than Americans in many ways. The Haitian man respects the Haitian woman. And the Haitian woman respects the Haitian man. The Haitian family is a sacred unit. Father and mother, son and daughter, grandfather and grandmother, those are sacred titles. So it is today and so it was when I was growing up. Respect for self and for country, that's what is taught to young Haitian men and young Haitian women. Self-worth as a human being, that's what fills our hearts.

We've always had equality. Women in Haiti have always been able to vote. And as a people, we see ourselves as human beings first, rather than to define ourselves by skin color alone, unlike our extremely distant and decidedly inferior cousins the African-Americans. Everything is about race and gender for these people. Why can't the African-Americans see the light? Even though African-Americans in America outnumber us Haitians, we still send more of our sons and daughters to college than they do. Percentage wise, we're pulling ahead of them. Many Haitian men and Haitian women living in America are college-educated, own their homes and run their own businesses. We struggle to keep our family units and our way of life viable. African-Americans couldn't give a damn about family.

The African-American male wants to play sports, or sell drugs, or be a rapper, make lots of money and sleep with lots of women. The African-American female wants to make lots of money and have lots of power. And she wants to step on the head of the African-American male first and foremost to achieve her ambitions. That's why she traps the already irresponsible African-American male with her myriad pregnancies. He can't take care of himself. How can he take care of her and their progeny? She should know better than to have offspring without a means to support them. Welfare isn't supposed to be a permanent support system. When will African-Americans stop using it as such?

If the African-American male or African-American female wants to succeed, here's what they need to do. Stay in school. Ignore relatives who cause drama. Don't do drugs. Don't catch sexually transmitted diseases through unprotected sex with unsafe partners. Don't sleep around. Keep your anger in check when dealing with the arrogant men and rude women you're sure to encounter in your neighborhood, household, workplace or place of entertainment. Don't become a parent before your time. Don't get into fistfights with bad men and bad women who couldn't care less about winding up in prison. They've already got a criminal record. Don't get into fights with them and wind up with a criminal record. Avoid the psycho men and psycho women of the so-called hood. Stop listening to stupid music. Now!

Graduate from high school and enroll in college. It doesn't matter if it's a community college, a state school or a private college or university. Get yourself in there. Work hard. If you're a black man, be careful. You don't want to wind up falsely accused of anything from sexual harassment or assault by some woman, black or white, who hates you for being what you are. Beware of man-hating feminist professors. They hate black males most of all. Work twice as hard as the white guys and white chicks you see in your classes. Your life is harder than theirs. Don't make things easy for them by not succeeding. Get your associate's degree. Start working and make some money. Come back to school and get your bachelors degree.

While you're in college, heading to college or graduating from college, don't get involved with strange women. You don't need a psycho with a jealous streak who acts like you're her property. You also don't need a false accuser. Avoid weird women. Get yourself some porn and take matters into your own hands if you have to. While you're working to improve your future, women aren't to be trusted because they hate men. Most of them anyway. Many men will hate you for wanting to improve your life since they can't do it themselves. Don't trust them either. Don't associate with violent guys, drug dealers, sexual psychos or weirdoes. Keep to yourself. Study. Work hard. Avoid psycho guys and psycho women. Get that piece of paper. Graduate and hit the work force. Don't worry about black women. Being female affords them a degree of protection you will never have since you're a male. Society protects females but treat men like dirt. Men have to protect themselves. Protecting women went out of style since the 1960s. Most of them don't give a damn about men. And they're not shy about saying it. Protect your health. Protect your freedom. Protect your finances. Protect your heart. Trust no one.

Life as a black male isn't easy. Cops hate you and they're dying to use any excuse to kill you. It's always open season on black males. It doesn't matter if you're a thug or a law-abiding, hard-working professional with a degree. They see us as all the same. Don't make things easier for them by being the kind of fool who deals drugs, gets into fights over pride, anger or women. Drugs aren't worth fighting for. Pride isn't worth fighting for. Women are definitely not worth fighting for. You should only fight to save your own life and that's only when there's zero other options. Running away is an option. Take it when you can. Get over the macho pride crap. Live to fight another day. There are haters out there. Men and women who don't want to see you being happy. They don't want to see you succeed. They don't want you to amount to anything. Haters can be your father or mother, brother or sister, girlfriend or boyfriend. Don't listen to them. Don't let them know your plans. Protect your ambition. Protect your interests. Protect yourself. Ignore the haters and get away from them as fast as you can. Good luck.

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betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago

You have a very strong opinion on the subject and you are entitled to it. I feel that I see people as more stereotypical. Blacks are more athletic, whites are more educated, and judgmental.. I could go on but I have my own strong opinion. There are two types of people I do not like and there are assholes and low-lifes. Race and religion don't matter. People as a whole are good. Most of the time we can pick out the assholes and low-lifes. Except when they get elected to political office. Then we find out during their term in office.

Just an opinion

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
well since you want to talk about people as a whole....

Why are black men so lazy? Why are black men thugs? Why are black men dead beat fathers? Why are black men ignorant? Why are black men rude? Why are black men egotistical when they really have nothing to be proud about? Why are black men haters? Believe me... I can go on forever. You black men always try to make yourselves seem better than black women when you're really not shit. Always wanting a woman to take care of you and be your "ride or die". And those rude black women are the ones who march and stand up for y'all black asses. Black women, this is our cue to leave these no good for nothings.

Truth hurt doesn't it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great ideas, average execution

As the daughter of Indian-Pakistani immigrants living in a predominantly black/hispanic neighborhood, going to school with people from all over the world, I think it's safe to assume I'm fairly acquainted with the general behaviours of different people from different ethnic backgrounds. Just like not every Indian eats curry or worships cows, not every black person is the epitome of rudeness and disrespectful behaviour. My best friend since elementary school (I'm a junior now at UPenn) is black and is one of the most mild mannered people I've ever met, until you rub her the wrong way. Her twin on the other hand is obnoxious, rude, irritating and is just a general *****. I think we all have the capability to be rude, some of us more than other, it's just that for black men and women, they don't feel the need to impress anyone. What you see is what you get, and if you can't deal with it, don't let door hit you on your way out. I understand it but I also understand your call for people to behave like they have common sense, frankly not all fights are worth fighting, not all music is worth listening to, and not everyone should be taken seriously.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
get real

If you've seen the video of the lipstick comment, you'd realize that the audience is laughing uproariously almost to the point of rolling in the aisles, and it sure isn't about any economic plans. The audience understood the message being sent. What rude comments on this story, I wonder why!! Kind of proves the author right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

It's because we don't like your ignorant ass. And PS to the lipstick guy...umm, Obama was talking about McCain's economic policy when he made his lipstick comment. Not Palin, ya uninformed dick. Get your head out of your ass and pay attention to what is actually going on and not what is fed to you. Or are you one of those who are still looking for those weapons of mass destruction that GW was talking about so many years ago? Did you find them yet? Oh wait no. They didn't exist in the first place. Good job, asshole.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
PC police

Responses seem to want to attack the messenger or make excuses for the behavior, rather than relate to the issue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
PC police

Responses seem to want to attack the messenger or make excuses for the behavior, rather than relate to the issue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Makes No Attempt At Stifling the Laughter

I couldn't help reading this, not in an attempt to become educated on why Black women are so rude, but, instead, to see what the infamous Samuelx had to say on the subject. To anyone taking this stuff seriously, I say, "Don't." There is no way to gauge or guess why "Black women are so rude". Some people feel certain types of ways about certain types of things, and a college education DOES NOT validate someone's 'opinion'. And a college education, which I have, does not immediately turn that opinion into fact.

Samuelx, I implore you to start using your powers for good instead of evil. In essence, what you are doing is a type of hate-mongering and for someone who obviously has some semblence of talent when it comes to prose, why don't you stick to that. Your ignorance is contagious and there are too many people in this world who would think what you speak is the truth instead of YOUR truth, and that serves to only continue the cycle of ignorance.

Good luck and much Blessings.

EnchantedArtistEnchantedArtistover 15 years ago
I've got a question...

Hello Samuelx. After reading your post I couldn't help but wonder why it was titled "Why Are Black Women So Rude". I mean no offense, but wouldn't it have been more appropriate to titled it "Why Is 'The Human' So Rude to Its Fellow Man"? You're entitled to your opinion, and trust me when I say I did agree with a great deal of what you had to say...But I don't think it was fair to single one group out. I am a black female born in America to Jamaican parents. My Jamaican parents taught me how to be humble, appreciative, to strive for a higher education, to be independent, and well-mannered, but my American environment taught me to speak my mind and stand up for what I believe in no matter the price. I wanted to make you aware of a major flaw I found in your posting. A mistake that too many people make. While earning my first degree, Bachelors of Science in Health Sciences, I was taught about the welfare system in the US. Believe me when I say that black women are not the majority of people on welfare. In fact, the majority of welfare recipients are single white mothers. Even when you take into account to demographics of our nation (the percentages of the different races). Meaning, white single mothers aren't the majority of welfare recipients simply because there are more white women in the population in general compare to black women, but because after you take into consideration the ratio of whites to blacks or whatever race, and you set a standard (statistical calculations) so that the data reports a level unbiased playing field, white women are still the majority on welfare. Samuelx, you seem very intelligent, but also very muddled. Not everyone is how you say. I don't think most are actually. It really depends on where you live. I'm an example...I've seen the good, the bad, and the down right ugly in everyone. I've noticed that all that can change with just a change of scenery. We are a product of our environment, no matter your background. One thing is for sure, we, black human beings, as a group need to start loving and helping one another instead of bringing each other down. How about we start with you and me, strictly platonic. I always wanted to learn more about Haitian culture, and food (yummy).

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Shut Up

I think you should discuss these issues with your friends and family. This piece is inappropriate in this forum.

If the house don't sell you ... the street can't buy you!

TangledinYouTangledinYouover 15 years ago

Is Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, and Johnny Depp beating on reporters a cultural thing? Are all white people racist because their ancestors were once slave holders in this country, and many of their living relatives still abhor any race that has a natural tan? Is everyone from the south backwoods, every one from the west coast a surfer or a porn star? I'm shaking my head right now because anyone with a modicum of common sense and at least, I don't know, a first grade education would say "No, of course not!" But for some reason it's so hard to do the same when you start talking about a group of brown people, like you guys all of sudden got amnesia when it comes to how black people got in this country in the first place, and how many centuries we spent enslaved here. Never mind the fact that once we set free, our ancestors (and I use that term loosely because some of them are still alive, that's how recent open persecution was permitted) were still sharecroppers, still not allowed into the same establishments, still beaten and lynched for speaking out of turn to white people. Stop making generalizations to reinforce your racism and start taking responsibility for your own close-mindedness. The whole point of not forgetting history is so that we don't keep making the same stupid mistakes, i.e. writing off an entire group of people for dumb reasons so that we can make ourselves feel more relevant. If you want to believe black people are rude and less than deserving of your respect than so be it. It's not like we, past or present, ever needed your permission to make ourselves seen, heard, and valued anyway. This country never gave us anything that we didn't earn for ourselves (and for those you about to tout the whole affirmative action/welfare argument, consider welfare, which all races get, our 40 acres and a mule; reparations for separated families, and oh, I don't know, some four hundred odd years of unprosecuted, rape, torture, and murder for starters. And consider affirmative action, paltry as it may be, as more of an excuse to keep us out than in. Once you hit your quota, who needs to look at merit and hard work, right? But then again, blacks were working for free for centuries, so it might be fair to assume that the powers that be might not always be fair when it comes to hiring people). This country never did a thing for us but reinforce our own ability to rise above prejudice, and we'll keep doing that long after the now anonymous racists that agreed with SamuelX realize how pointless and poisonous to themselves their shallow view of the world really is. It's little seeds of contempt like the ones that were exhibited in this essay and it's supporters that allowed generations of men and women to be raped, beaten, enslaved, and degraded for nothing other than the fact that a group of rude people thought that was okay, just so they would have the excuse to justify their laziness and use of black people (not to mention Asians, Native Americans, and so on) for lucrative gains. It gave them an excuse to treat us like shit and sic dogs on us when we told them enough was enough and fought for independence in all avenues of American life. It was viewpoints like this that had people that thought they were better string us up, tar and feather us, force us to walk miles to poor schools while our white counterparts rode the bus to clean, fully funded establishments, and then those same people have the nerve to say that blacks don't value education, as if we were always allowed to get it here and all of us have decent schools to go to now. And STILL we continue to rise above. Say what you will about us, call into question our faults as a people. But you can't deny that as a people, and as individuals, black americans along with all the other persecuted minorities in this country, helped keep America afloat while RUDE white men and women forced them to tend their lands and relinquish their dignity, and black men and women like Sam here, encouraged them. If you're going to assign blame for the demise of moral fiber in this country, then point the finger where it should be, which is at the state of humanity as a whole, at all of us. Point the finger at yourselves. Then maybe in the year 2008, when a black man is for the FIRST time being considered as a candidate for president, we can stop being so utterly infantile about a subject like race. I mean seriously, am I the only one that finds this topic boring and old, and peoples backwards ideas about skin color archaic at best. Views like this are best packed away under the book of embarrassing human beliefs, like leeches curing blood diseases and women on ships being bad luck. Again I say - *yawn*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
kanye west

is beating on reporters rude, or just a cultural thing?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
"Put lipstick on a pig"

Now no one rude or ignorant would refer to a lady as a "Pig" now would they. I think YOUR CANDIDATE just seconded this Author's statements and gave us all, all the evidence we need to confirm his opinions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
"Put lipstick on a pig"

Now no one rude or ignorant would refer to a lady as a "Pig" now would they. I think YOUR CANDIDATE just seconded this Author's statements and gave us all, all the evidence we need to confirm his opinions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Narrow opinion....far from the truth

It's clear that SamuelX has some serious issues with black people, especially african-american blacks, so I would suggest taking his critique very lightly (barely a grain of salt). There is some serious self-hatred going-on.

Secondly, I don't have a problem with opinions, I have a problem with generalizations. As a successful, black woman whose life has been the exact opposite of what SamuelX has or claims to have observed, I take offense and issue with his perceptions of black women and men.

As is often the case, people like SamuelX don't look at their own behavior before offering their critique of others....people in glass houses....And I certainly take issue with his characterization of Haiti vs. US blacks. Let's face it, there is a reason scores of Haitians scrap together tires, pieces of wood and whatever else they can find and try to sail to America....it ain't because Haiti is some paradise and life is grand parade of pleasures.

Also, it's amazing the holier than thou attitudes that seem to undercut the skewed perception that black folks are the only race of people with issues. Yes, I admit it, black people have issues that need to be worked through....and so do white folks, latino folks, asian folks, malaysian folks, etc. So please step down from your pedestals, shake the clay off your feet and take a look in the mirror.

Peace and love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Sad confused frustrated little man

I have often wondered what motivates this writer to write the stories that he writes? Now I'm under the assumption that this man has not met or slept with every black woman on earth and that his observations may... coreect me if I am wrong, be a response to his own personality traits. I mean just look at the titles of his stories and you'll get a taste for his attitude towards... yes the very race and gender that brought him forth. Don't confuse a defense mechanism with rudeness. If you take a black woman and a white woman of the same age weight social upbringing and educational background and inform the media that both of them are missing... guess who the media will focus on? When we had two of our female AMERICAN soldiers captured by the enemy who got the media's attention? How many of you think that we'd even be talking about O.J. if his ex-wife was a black woman? If a black child is missing there isn't any media coverage but let that same black child hold up a liquor store and... forget it there is no point to trying to explain to a man who obviously loves living in-between several worlds. Haitian... American... Straight... Gay... Bisexual... of all the groups listed above I'm not sure if any would bid such a self loathing and sorry person welcome. Seek therapy brother.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Comments are so defensive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Comments are so defensive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Interesting Observations

Almost all these responses are soooo rude!! Exactly how bullies or thugs would attack someone!! Could it be Author spoke the truth?

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