Why I Hated The Guy From The FBI Ch. 07


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Antonia replied calmly, "Frank you said you would be gone almost a week. Philip, the girls and I have just finished packing. We are leaving in five minutes to go to a spa in Switzerland. I will be back next Saturday. Goodbye dear."

Frank did not even have the chance to scream in her ear, "Antonia, I am going to kill you" because she had already hung up. She was getting too good at this game he taught her. He was beginning to think he would never win again. If there was a tree at 9000 feet, he knew he would fly into it, because there was a black cloud hanging all over his head. Then, his cell phone rang, and it was her. He said, "What!"

"Frank is going to spank me. Frank is going to spank me."

"Antonia, Frank is not going to spank you. Frank is going to kill you. Frank is going to kill you."

"I love you Frank."

"I hate you Antonia."

"How long will it be before you get home?"

"I will be on the ground in about 20 minutes. Figure I will be home, in a little bit more than an hour. "

"Okay Frank, I will... Frank there is shooting outside."

"Antonia go to the attic, get under the insulation and stay quiet. Turn off the phone and leave it there. Go, now!"

Frank made three quick phone calls. The first was to the campus police to advise then they were shooting at his residence on the campus. Second, was the local police telling them the same thing? The third was to Philip to advise him of the situation.

Philip was pissed Frank did not call him first, but understood his reasoning.

17 minutes later, there was quite a commotion on campus when a small aircraft landed in the center of the college green.

Frank charged out of the aircraft, with his gun drawn, straight towards the house. Three of Antonia's guards were dead outside the villa, and the fourth was severely injured. The police were all over the place looking for the attackers.

They ordered Frank to put his gun down, and move back.

He told them to fuck off, but he did put his gun down. He asked if they found Antonia.

The policeman said, "There was no sign of her when they arrived."

Frank asked again, "Were the attackers still here when you arrived?"

The policeman responded saying, "No, however, the house was not breached, and the alarm has not gone off."

Frank told the policeman, "Keep this house surrounded, until I have enough men here to guard it properly. I will pay whatever is necessary to reimburse the city. No one is going to harm my fiancée." The policeman nodded and Frank walked towards the front door. He put in the key turned the handle and opened the door. He yelled for the officer to come to him immediately. The alarm was turned off, from the inside. Within seconds, four officers were in the house, going over the downstairs inch by inch to make sure no one was hiding. Frank walked up the stairs silently. He checked the loft and it was clear. The only place left was the attic and he feared for the worst. He stayed silent and pulled down the sliding stairway that was entryway to the area. He walked up slowly and as soon as his head popped above the level of the ceiling, a shot rang out.

He said, "Listen my friend, I can stand here for days, because I have food, water, a bathroom, and people to relieve me. You on the other hand, are alone and will have to sleep sometime. Why do not you give up and get out of this thing alive."

The guy answered, "You forgot one thing, my friend. I have a hostage."

Frank replied, "You do; fantastic. Do you have family?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"You are not going to make it out of this alive, because you have her. I have a €2 million life insurance policy on her, and I am the only beneficiary. I guarantee you I will give your family €25,000 if you kill her. One shot to the head. She will be dead, before she hears the sound of the gun going off. I will do the same for you. One quick shot and it all be over. However, we have to do this quick before the cops get up here. You have to give me a name and address so I can get the money to your people. If I ask for it later, someone is going to get suspicious. I will have to have someone give it to them in cash. I cannot give it to them by check. Do you have a card or something that you can give me?"

"No I am not a businessman. I do not carry cards around with me. I do not have a piece of paper and a pen to write down the information. Besides, that it is too little money, for the service you want me to perform."

"Before we get into that, let me get you something to write on, and then we will continue talking. Is that okay?"

"Alright, get it."

The police standing at the bottom of the ladder understood what Frank was doing, and handed him a small piece of paper, an envelope, and a pen. Frank waited a few seconds and walked back up the ladder. He asked the man, "Do you want me to come to you or do you want to come and get the paper?"

"Neither, I will send the girl. One false move and she is dead."

"My friend that is the object of this discussion. However, I need the bullet that kills her to come from your gun, at very close range. The only thing left is how much money you want, and who gets it?"

Frank looked at Antonia and said, "Come to me my little €2 million prize. Take the paper to this nice man so he can kill you for me."

"Fuck you Frank."

"You have, and very well I might add."

As she crawled towards him Frank whispered, "When I say 'now,' lay flat, instantly."

Frank said to the guy, "How high a figure were you thinking?"

Antonia reached him, and took the paper from him and started to turn.

The guy said, "I have a wife and three...

Frank said, "Now" which was followed by a single shot that went through the perpetrators left eye and came out the back of his head. He never finished his sentence, nor knew what hit him. He died instantly.

Antonia's body had not even hit the floor before Frank fired.

When he took her in his arms to kiss her, she smacked him.

He looked at her in amazement, and asked, "What was that for?"

"€2 million, is that all I am worth to you."

"You little bitch; wait until I get you into bed."

Antonia smiled at him and said, "I cannot wait either."

As they walked outside, Philip arrived with a small army. He said, "Very cute Frank."

"Yes Philip, I think she is too."

"Not her, the airplane. How did you do it?"

"Do you remember what you told Antonia, in a lingerie store?"

"Yes, if your guard tells you to get down, you dive for the floor."

Frank pointed to the airplane, looked at Phil smiled and said, "There you go."

"Are you going to try and fly it out of here?"

"Absolutely, it is going to fly, on the back of a truck."

"I think that is a very wise move Frank. Otherwise I think you would be part of the library for life, or death."

"Speaking of death Philip, we have to find out how they got into the house, without setting off the alarm. When I was talking to Antonia, the alarm was on, and when I walked into the house, the alarm was off. The police said the house had not been breached. That means someone had a key to the house, and the code to the alarm system, or knew how to disable it."

Philip said, "It could even be worse Frank. We could have a problem at Central Station, or even worse with the security system itself. I will have my people check it from top to bottom and let you know what we find out."

"In other words Philip, you want us to stay in the house, and play dumb."

Philip tried to break the stress of the moment, backed up a few steps and said, "In your case Frank, who said you are playing?"

Antonia played it perfectly. As Frank bolted towards Philip, she stuck her right foot out directly in Frank's path, and he fell flat on his face. There was a roar of laughter all around him.

Antonia ran to Philip for safety. However, when Philip saw the look in Frank's eyes, he picked Antonia up and held her in front of him. He yelled, "It was her fault Frank, not mine. She did it."

Frank took Antonia from Phillip's arms, while she was calling Philip every vile name in the book. Frank threw her over his shoulder, and turned to go back to the Villa.

Antonia yelled, "Remember Philip, I know how to use a gun thanks to you. I promised not to kill Frank. I did not make you the same promise."

Philip yelled, "Frank, help me please!"

"If I am alive in the morning Philip, I will think about it."

Antonia waved, "Good night everyone."

A policeman looked at his watch and said, "But it is only


Philip said to the officer, "They work the graveyard shift."

The officer nodded his head and walked off.

Philip just smiled. Then he gave orders to his men to check out the electronics to the house, the people at central station, and the security firm itself. He wanted to know who put Antonia at risk, and he wanted to know yesterday. He wanted someone's head on a 'pike' as soon as possible.

23. Problems

Finally, it was done, and Anthony Caruso was a very happy man. He had purchased the house from Phil and Gloria Gennaro for his son Vincent and his pregnant wife Donna three houses down from his. The listed sale price was $1.2 million. However, to hasten the Gennaro's acceptance of the deal, he gave them keys to a safety deposit box containing another $500,000 and a home in the middle of a vineyard he owned about 50 miles southeast of Milan, and he had the entire contents of their home shipped to Italy, free of charge, using his cousin's freight forwarding business. Lastly, as a parting gift, when the Closing Documents were signed, Tony gave Phil and Gloria, two first-class tickets to Milan, and he had a stretch limousine waiting outside to whisk them off to Kennedy Airport for their flight. He thanked them again, and again for making Rose and he the happiest future grandparents, on the planet.

It had cost him nearly $3 million for a home valued at $1 million and he was not finished spending yet. A moment after the documents were signed, Tony's lawyer called the contractor and told him to begin. The demolition crew was waiting outside Tony's new purchase. That crew was allotted three days to destroy the inside of the two-story house. The reconstruction crews had 27 days to rebuild it from the ground up. The house had a completely new floor plan. The crews would have to install new electric wiring, plumbing, pipes and fixtures, central air-conditioning, under the flooring heating elements, a water heater and brand new appliances. It would also have one very special feature, "A Safe Room." The inspectors, from the city, would be there on time. Money had changed hands to make sure they would not cause any delays.

The only foreseeable delay, so far, was the color paint for the baby's room. Donna had not yet had a sonogram and did not know if the baby was a boy or girl. She was not happy with the color yellow. She wanted to wait until she knew the sex of the baby. The contractor told her that walls would be white, unless he knew the day before the contract expired. Donna was not happy with that choice, either.

Phil and Gloria Gennaro cleared customs, at the Milan airport, and walked out into the main concourse looking for their son. They could not believe what they saw.

Frank walked over to his mother and said in a grumpy voice, "Good morning mom." He turned towards his father and said, "Hi dad how was the trip?"

"The trip was fine, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Frank turned around and pointed a finger at a 5'1" tall, 100 pound little girl. He said, "Her."

Antonia smiled and said, "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro, I hope you had a pleasant flight."

Gloria asked Frank if he was having a lot of trouble guarding her.

Antonia answered for him. "Mrs. Gennaro, there have been a few incidents where people have tried to kidnap me and Frank has come to my rescue. However his main problem is that he is terribly out of shape."

"You lying sack of shit."

His mother yelled at him, "Frank!"

His father laughed. He leaned over and whispered into his wife's ear. Gloria smiled, looked at Antonia, and then at her son. Then she broke out into a hearty laugh, also.

Frank said to his parents, "You two, put a sock in it!"

His mother smiled at him and said, "You mean to tell me that it is in working order, and you cannot keep up with that little girl?"

"Mom, if you keep it up, I am going to put you back on that airplane and send you home."

His father replied, "I am sorry son, but our home is now somewhere south of here. I am going to rent a car with a GPS in it and find it."

Antonia chimed in and said, "Your discourteous son has several announcements to make that may keep you here for a day or so, before you go hunting for your new home. If he does not remember, voluntarily, I will have to kick his ass again, until he does."

"Stuff it Antonia."

"Yes dear."

"I hate you."

"I know you do dear."

Gloria asked, "What is going on here?"

"I am marrying that little dwarf, in December."

"You do not seem very happy about it?"

"If she lets me live until December, I will be ecstatic. If I live to see our baby born, I will be absolutely wild about it."

Gloria looked at Antonia and asked, "Are you pregnant already?"

"No, not yet, but we are trying when it can stay awake. Aren't we Frank?"

"I hate you, you little bitch."

Gloria yelled, "Frank what is wrong with your mouth. I will wash it out with soap, if you are not more careful."

Antonia laughed gleefully. When Frank looked at her she said, "Reverse, reverse psychology. Only this time your mother is using it properly."

"Antonia, you do not let me sleep at night, I am unable to eat because I am so tired and when I have to think my brain does not function. There is only one option left for me. If you do not stop this right now, I am going to spank you right here in the airport."

"That would be wonderful Frank. I have never had an orgasm at an airport. I could check that one off my list, just like the used car salesman and the alligators in the sewers."

Phil Gennaro was now so confused he raised his hands in defeat. He said, "All right you two, I surrender. Whatever game you are playing, I give up. What did you do with my son and the shy little girl that left Brooklyn two months ago?"

Frank started to say something, but Antonia was jumping up and down pleading, "Can I tell the story please, please, can I tell the story?"

Dejectedly, Frank said, "Oh fuck."

Gloria said to her son, "When we get home I am washing your mouth out with soap. You have totally lost control of your senses."

Frank walked over to his mother, put his head on her shoulder, and wrapped his arms around her. He said, "Mom, you have no idea how much control I have lost, since I met her."

Gloria pushed her son away, walked over to Antonia grabbed her arm and started walking towards the exit. She said loud enough for both men to hear, "Okay, how did you destroy my sons' confidence. If it worked on him, do you think it will him and work on his father? I may not be as young as you, but I would like to get a little revenge before I die."

Antonia replied, "If the saying is true, 'Like father, like son', all you will need is three or four days and his mind will be mush just like Frank's."

Frank yelled, "I hate you Antonia, I really, really hate you."

"Yes Frank I know. Did you remember to put the sheets in the washing machine this morning?"

"Yes I did Antonia, I always do."

"That is a good boy Frank. You can kiss my ass, when we get home."

"Fuck you Antonia."

Antonia stopped, turned around, and asked Frank, "Here? Now!"

"Yes, right now."

She reached for the hem of her dress and started to raise it, without any hesitation at all. It was at the level of her breasts when Frank grabbed and covered her body with his. He pushed her dress back down and whispered in her ear, "You are going to get such a spanking when you get home."

Antonia giggled and said, "Do you promise?"

"Antonia, it was not your father who sent you to the convent. It was God, himself. He knew if you were turned loose, on a young, unsuspecting male, too soon in his life, he would die trying to keep up with you."

"Frank, you are being a little melodramatic. Just because you believe you are God's gift to women, does not mean that women agree with that assessment."

"Young woman, if you are not careful, I am going to fuck you up your ass, and I will be the one laughing when they are taking you to the hospital."

"I was not the one that chickened out, you are."

"I did not chicken out. I was concerned for your welfare. I did not wish to harm your little asshole. However, at this moment, that does not matter, because I hate you more than you can imagine."

"Thank you Frank, it is good to know your true feelings. You may kiss my ass twice, when we get home."

"What am I going to do with you Antonia?

"I have already told you Frank. Love and protect me, and our children. If you do that for us I will take care of everything else."

"Little one, you are also going to leave me, without a functioning brain. You must let me have some down time, so I can eat and rest."

"Frank, I read your military manual. I give you more time between our sexual adventures then they give you between standing watch. So, suck it up boy. What am I going to do with you, when I hit the peak of my sexual maturity? You have already past the top of yours. Should I start buying those little blue pills at the pharmacy, and save them for later?"

"That might not be a bad idea, unless you are going to make enough money to buy the company."

"It is one of the stocks I am going to purchase, soon after we are married, Frank."

"That is very good thinking Antonia. You have one deficient husband. They make a pill that makes him sufficient again. Therefore, you make it a point to by that company's stock. That is a wonderful way to build your portfolio."

"Shove it up your ass Frank."

"I thought I was supposed to shove it up yours Antonia."

"Frank your mother and father are right behind you, and they are listening to every word you are saying."

Phil Gennaro said, "Please, do not stop now. I have not heard my son be thrashed so completely, since he was 13 years old. I have enjoyed this conversation, immensely. My only regret is I did not have my tape recorder with me. I would have sent a copy to every girl listed on each line of those 15 books."

Frank growled at his father and said, "You are just jealous. In your day, the first time you got laid was the day you got married."

Phil said, "You are correct. However, my mind is intact. My household works, and thrives, for over 35 years, with a give and take eloquence you have not found. You are not even married, and as you so eloquently put it, your mind has already turned to 'mush.' You are being led around, by your nose, or I have it by a little girl, less than half your weight, whose mind is three times as sharp as yours ever was. She will rule your house and your life, until the day you bid this earth goodbye. If you are not careful, you will take your gun, aim it at her, and kill yourself."

Antonia and Gloria could not stop laughing. Phil wanted to join the laughter. However, he saw that Frank was so angry he was having very hard time breathing.

Phil yelled at him. "Frank, this is not Iraq. Calm down and take your punishment like a little girl."

That was all it took to bring Frank back to the present, and bring his blood pressure back to normal. He began to laugh at himself for taking this abuse so seriously.

Antonia jumped in. "Do not worry Mr. Gennaro, in three years the school will have its 10 year reunion, which Frank and I will not miss. I will show him off to all his former girlfriends. I am sure they will enjoy watching what I have done to him."