Wolf at Heart Ch. 02

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She begins her journey.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/14/2022
Created 09/02/2012
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(please comment. I don't have an editor as of yet so I know it's rough. I can't wait to get all my ideas down..... Aly has a long story ahead.)

I awoke hours later, to a ringing in my apartment. It took me several minutes to realize why I was in the floor with my hand in my panties. Then the realization that what had woke me was the phone ringing. I hurried over and answered it.

"Hello?" I answered more grumpily than I meant too.

"A weak voice on the other line," Is this the number for Allison Spangler?"

I winced, I hate the name Allison, I always go by Aly. "Yes, this is her." I replied cautiously.

"This is Peter from the IT club, we once talked about final fantasy 7. You seem to be really good at it and I am having issues. Could we meet a Duellers and talk about this level. "Duellers is a local ice cream shop.

Peter is a nerdy looking kid at school. Glasses and awkward. No real social life, but I talk to him whenever I can. I had also noticed he has a crush on me, never wanting to embarrass him I have not brought that up.

I have nothing else going on I thought, why not.

"Sure Peter when would you like to meet?"

"Ten minutes ok?"

"Sure see you there." I hung up the phone and grabbed a pair of torn blue jeans and put on a tight tank top. I'm not trying to be proactctive just don't go shopping very often and the tank was a few years old.

As I got dressed I thought hard about Peter. It is not that I care so much about looks, but Peter is slightly over weight and not a work out or exercise person. I like to work out daily and am always involved in sports. I have never had a relationship with a man, I am still a virgin but I know that Peter was not my type. How do I tell him this? Am I making a mistake going?

I fretted the entire time til I reached the ice cream parlor, Peter was already inside and had grabbed us a booth. He motioned me over and launched into final fantasy tactics.

An hour later I had loosened up, maybe I had misjudged him liking me. He was very friendly but made no obvious attempt at romance.

"Allison can we take a walk down to the park and keep talking, I need to move my legs."

"Sure but if you ever call me Allison again you won't have legs. It is Aly."

"Umm ha ok sure...." he replied smiling.

As we walked out of the parlor and down the road I caught a glimpse of a man and woman walking towards the parlor. My heart skipped a beat. It was Ellis, tall and gorgeous. The woman he had with him was short, with spikey blond punkish hair. She had almost no cleveage at all. But was strikingly pretty.

We walked by them quickly, I stared directly into Ellis' eyes, he did not look or register my existence, but stared at Peter intensely with anger in his eyes. I swear they turned red. As he passed I caught his smell in the wind and I was instantly wet. But alas, he has a girlfriend. And here I am walking with dorky Peter.

Peter and I walked near a steam 10 minutes or so away from the shoppe. He seemed to know where he was going. He stood and turned towards me.

"Aly can I ask you something? " he began.

OHH boy here we go I thought. For some reason anger rising in me, maybe because it was near midnight and I was still awake. I need my sleep or I am cranky.

"Sure Peter" Trying to sound happy.

"Why is it you don't date any of the boys at high school. Some sort of religious thing?" he mused.

I was so taken a back I answered quickly, without thinking. "No nothing like that. I just have never found the right guy."

"Well why not at least try? Can I take you out tomorrow night?"

"I am sorry Peter but I don't want you to get the wrong impression, I am not interested in being anything but friends."

He looked slightly saddened."Maybe we could still hangout, I won't lie you are so hot, but I won't push anything. Just what you want to do. If you want to explore."

I began thinking he was crazy. What is wrong with him?

"No way, just friends Peter." I turned to stalk off. As I began moving I felt his hand grab my wrist and throw me down.

"I asked nicely bitch, now I'm going to take what I want." he said in a husky voice.

What the hell ia going on here. Nerdy Peter is trying to rape me? I can't believe this is happening. I felt myself losing control again like I did at the apartment, not in lust, but in anger.

The lecherous boy jumped on me hands grabbing all over in the moonlight. I was slightly aware of the rocks digging in my back and the smell of the boy ontop of me. My anger boiled over and with my hands, I threw him off. He flew several feet. My body rushed at him and began beating him. I heard his nose break and saw the blood begin to pour down. I felt I was not in control of my body, that there was another personality in control, I wanted so badly to stop this. I felt someone lift me easily off of the boy, and put me against a tree, and saw a streak of blonde go past me.

My eyes closed for a second as the big figure held me in place.

I heard a woman's voice."He has some minor injuries, the most is a broken nose. What do I do with him?"

"Escort him away and back to the parlor he can get medical attention there." A male voice said.

I began to thrash around violently trying to get at him. Still not in control of my actions. But I heard the thoughts of my other personality, kill him.

"Relax. Just relax."

I opened my eyes to the man, to my shock and horror, the gorgeous face of Ellis Livingston was staring back at me. My other personality seemed to have known it was him.

"What are you? " he exclaimed.

I was suddenly back in control of my body, confused beyond measure and startled I replied."What do you mean what am I? "

He did not move. Just stared into my eyes. I could feel he was angry and confused. I did not understand how I knew that or what he said.

"You are not human. You threw a man twice your size off of you. You are not vampire," rubbing her cheek carefully. "And you don't appear to be a were wolf."

"Vam.... ire? We're wolf, what the hell are you talking about?" I am a nerdy, girl, I have heard of vampires and werewolves, why is he acting like they exist.

Before he had a chance to retort the blonde girl returned. Looking warriely between Ellis and I.

"Brother, do we have a problem?"

At this Ellis finally dropped me. I fell to my knees noticing all the dark red mud covering my pants and shirt.

"She is different, I can feel it. Lucina have you ever encountered someone like this before." he spoke softly. Almost afraid.

"What are you talking about, I am just---." I began but the girl cut me off.

"I have no idea....... Not unless she just turned 18 with in the last lunar cycle."

Ellis hit his head violently."Of course, Aly when was your birthday?"

He knew my name, Hot Ellis knows my name, and his girlfriend is really his sister. I stood there a big grin appearing on my face, he grinned back.

"Just a few weeks ago. Why does it matter" I asked.

Both of them looked up at the full moon above and then at their watches, two minutes to midnight.

"Ellis this is not good, how did this happen. Is it really possible she doesn't KNOW?"The girls face was scrunched up and looked worried.

Ellis looked at both girls and replied,"Yes it is possible. I don't know how yet but she has no idea she's about to change. We can contain her here til the process is complete and move her"

"What about her others, will they come looking."

"There are no others. She is alone " he replied slowly.

"Will dad approve of this?"

"I can only hope Luc." He replied slowly.

I was so confused my head hurt. Or maybe that wasn't the only reason. It was as if my head started splitting in two. Then just as suddenly it felt as though my body began breaking bone by bone. I Iayed in a heap of pain as everything should, as my skin changed color as my heart began to race. I started to seize in pain and felt as though I had another bone grow out of my back. I swore I had a tail, then it was gone and back again. The bones started to break again and again. I was crying in so much pain. All Long a voice inside of me got louder and louder. Wanting to be free.

"Ellis, you have to help her. Even if they are our enemy, look at her."

"I ONLY know one way Luc. The same story passed down from generations."

He was above me stroking my head. This stranger was touching me but I barely noticed due to the pain in my body.

"Then do it. Fuck her. Lust cures the pain."

"I shouldn't Luc, she has never been with a man before. It would be stealing something away from her. "

The girl stared with horrid eyes as I whimpered in pain. Barely able to move.

"Please kill me." I begged.

"Ok ok, God this oughta be different. " Lucina said in a sweet southern drawl. She lunged at me.

I thought she was going to kill me, this is how it was going to end. Not to die as my mother had that night with the wolf, what but here in a park

Instead she grabbed me by my blue tank top and pulled it up, exposing my breast, my brown nipples hardened in the night air. Lucina went forward with reckless abandon. She began to such and twist my sensitive nipple.

"ohhhhhh god" I moaned. My pussy was instantly soaked. It was on fire, it needed attention now. Suddenly the pain in my bones relaxed as my fire grew. "Please. " I begged.

The girl smiled at me understanding my need. "My my you're a bitch in heat." She rolled me on to my back ripping at my jeans and panties. I was full of so much lust I did not care. I have never thought of being a lesbian before. This wasn't lesbianism this was desperate for anything. She began licking directly on my honey pot. Her fingers expertly working my clit. My pussy swollen, red and hot. Sliding along her fingers.

I moaned out cumming instantly. I was aware as soon as I came down of my pain all over, but quickly the blonde angel shoved 2 fingers in my wet snatched and liked my clit hard. The pain was gone again.

I noticed a pungent scent above me. Looking I saw the girls legs spread open. Her skirt up almost to her hips, and her bare shaved blonde pussy in front of me. I didn't even think about it. I grabbed her by her petite ass cheeks and licked deep into her pussy. She screamed into me and began licking feverishly in return.

I came over and over again, the sex lasted for hours. I must have fell asleep, I was vaguely aware of being picked up and carried to a car. During the transfer the pain returned and I screamed out. Suddenly I felt like I had a fur coat on. I was burning up and in pain. Then a hand found my clit and rubbed my hard nub til I passed out from another life altering orgasm.

I knew I had slept intensely for a long period of time. I woke in a strange house in complete darkness. No pain at all, but acutely aware of my senses. I knew someone is in the room with me.

"Who is there." I call. My shoulder length hair was in a bun and I was naked. How did I get this way?

"My name is Arthur Livingston, I am the head of this family. And you my girl are a were wolf."

To be continued.........

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

It's far too rushed and as you have said you have an editor, I won't say to get one, but there needs to be more information, it's so one sided and rushed and we really have no idea about anything of the characters.

FlpantherFlpantherabout 12 years ago
Just Keep Going!

Even with all the obvious problems, you have a good story to tell. You desperately need an editor, but keep going and get it all out. What's fun for me is the new twists you add to an old theme. Bravo!

jaafrica73jaafrica73about 12 years ago

Good story line please continue and try to make it longer!

TrixinabagTrixinabagabout 12 years agoAuthor
Thank you

I hear you all. My next installment will have an editor. This story has a long way to go. The next chapter will be larger, more detailed. So much more story to go.

Thanks everyone


willieonewillieoneabout 12 years ago
Just a thought

I know I wasn't going to comment again but I was thinking about the attack on her and her mom. Did Ellis rescue her from the wolf because I can't see any other way she would have escaped death. If he is a vampire and she is now a wolf they would be natural enemies. Did he give her his blood to heal her and that is why she feels some pull to him? just sayin'

MizTMizTabout 12 years ago
Trying To Help

The majority of comments below are honestly from reader who want you and your story to succeed. We all see the same things 1) you need an editor and if you can't find one right away maybe you have a friend who could help you out for now 2) the story really does feel rushed and one sided. As for the length of each chapter that is really up to you as the author. Now having said that as a reader I would prefer longer chapters. If that means you might post just one chapter per week or even bi-weekly that would be fine. Again the reason we are making suggestions is because we see something in your story that makes us want you to succeed. I for one will be reading your next chapter and I wish you luck as an author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
First person...

I do not see anything wrong with telling the story from the protagonist view. As for the apparent "jumpiness" mentioned, well, yes it would be nice to to get some of the back story. This can be accomplished completely within the first person viewpoint,with a bit a self contemplation dialog that doesn't even have to be correct, as a first-person 'explained, or 'questioned assumption' can be later fleshed out through discovery by the protagonist, or by (still first person) foreshadowing, or reflection/flashback. So far I find this interesting, so I hope you continue, and best wishes in finding an editor to assist you in your efforts.

countrygirlflacountrygirlflaabout 12 years ago
Good,but slow down

Good story line,but your going way too fast and will run out of ideas at this rate.Also get an editor,make longer chapters,i would like to be able to get INVOLVED with the story instead of just a quickie read.Maybe publish 2 longer chapters at one time,or at least 3 or 4 pages to make it worth reading.Would like more info on ellis,his sister,family,maybe more on aly's background as well.Its getting a bit choppy.Look forward to your next chapter.

dliterdliterabout 12 years ago
good storyline

The story-line is good but the chapters are too short and you need an editor really bad! Improper word choice among many things make it very difficult to read or enjoy the story. Please get help with the proof reading before you post any more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Slow down girl....

By taking time to develop the story and (yes again I say it) get an editor (they offer their services on Lit if you look) you will write the story everyone wants to read. You began alright but then you rushed the attack and subsequent reactions of the people around Aly... Please take time out to re-read the chapters and ask someone to Beta-read for you even if that is all you do.

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