You've Got to Be Kidding Me


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"Jake, Jake, come quick," Hannah excitedly said, as she made her way from one of the stalls near us.

Taking my hand and tenderly smiling at me, Jake nodded his head toward the stall and said, "Come on, I think you're going to want to see this."


"It's okay, girl," Hannah said, to her mare that was now lying down on her side, ready to give birth to the foal within her.

All at once, Nicki squealed, "Here it comes, Han. I can see its little nose and front hooves."

Jake took Hannah's place, gently stroking the mare's head and neck while Hannah joined Nicki to assist, if needs be, while the mare gave birth. I stood back so as not to get in anyone's way just in case any complications were to arise.

A few moments later, a newborn colt lay next in the hay next to its mother's teats, taking its first drink of the life giving milk stored within. Jake had been right, as this was one of the most beautiful and especially tender experiences I'd ever had, and I was surprised at the tears that were now raining down my cheeks.

"I knew that you'd enjoy this," smiled Jake, as he handed me a handkerchief, breaking me from the emotional reverie I was in.

"It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen," I replied, sniffling, yet still smiling.

Putting his arm around my shoulders, Jake pulled me into him, and as I willingly went, he smiled and said, "I knew you weren't such a hard-ass after all."

"Oh shut up," I smiled, "Smart ass."

Deciding to remain with the mare and her newborn colt, Hannah and Nicki stayed behind while Jake and I drove back to the house.


"I wanted to thank you for coming out this evening," smiled Jake, as we sat out on his back deck, enjoying a couple of margaritas while we watched the sun sink slowly into the western horizon.

"Thank you for inviting me," I said, "But you never did answer my earlier question, ya know."

Jake sat up in his chair, and with an expression of consternation plainly written across his face, he looked at me and asked, "Why do you want to know about all that stuff? Besides it happened a long time ago, and it's no big deal."

"Jesus Christ, Jake," I gasped, "The Congressional Medal of Honor most certainly is a big deal. It's the highest honor that our nation bestows on its heroes."

"Look Amber," said Jake, with a look on his face that made me feel a little uncomfortable, "You don't know so, please don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way." Then he took a deep breath and began, "First of all, the medals that I was given while I was in the Navy only mean one thing to me; and that is, that someone either got hurt and/or died for me to get awarded them. Last, and certainly not least, I am NOT, nor will I ever be, a hero."

When Jake finished speaking, he wore a sad, almost defeated look on his face, making my heart literally ache for him. And as I leaned over and put my hand on his arm, I was surprised at the lone tear that rolled down my cheek when I replied, "I'm sorry Jake. I didn't mean to make you feel bad, but if you ever want to talk, I'll listen."

"You're a good woman, Amber," Jake smiled, his hand now holding mine, "But I can tell that you've got a demon of your own that you haven't yet faced. Am I right?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, feigning ignorance, "I haven't got the slightest idea what you're talking about."

"Its okay to be afraid," Jake tenderly smiled, "And I promise that anything that you tell me will stay between you and me, I swear."

And for reasons that where unknown to me at the time, I began to softly weep, making Jake rise to his feet with me following his lead. He pulled me into his strong arms where I buried my face into his chest and opened the floodgates, releasing the anguish that I kept bottled up inside of me for months.

"Shh, its okay," he softly said, "You're safe here, and nobody's going to hurt you, I promise."

I felt like I was untouchable while in his arms, and I suddenly felt the wall I'd built around my heart come crashing down. It was then that I knew that I was having feelings for Jake, strong feelings. No longer did my heart belong solely to me, and it was then that I realized that I was in love with him. However, I also began to wonder how he felt about me. "Damn," I sniffled, giggling, "I didn't realize that it was that obvious."

"It's not that, Amber," Jake said, while gently running the palm of his hand across my left cheek, "Sometimes I'm able to pick up on some things that most folks aren't, that's all."

"Oh really," I smiled, still in his arms, "Does that mean you can read my mind?"

"Well, no," he laughed, "And it's probably a good thing that I can't, huh?"

"And just what is that supposed to mean?" I giggled, stepping away from him and putting my hands on my hips in mock indignation.

Placing his hands on my waist, Jake smiled while gently pulling me back firmly into his arms, making me place mine around his shoulders, and said, "It means that....I'm sorry that you've been hurt, but not all guys are alike, and I just wanted you to know. Besides, I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." And with that said, he softly but quickly kissed my cheek, and then released me, smiling while my knees went weak.

"Thank you, Jake," I smiled, as I sat back down again, "That was a nice thing to say."

"Hell," he laughed, sitting back down beside me, "It's easy to tell the truth, Amber."

"So, tell me, Jake," I said, changing the subject so as to relieve the not unpleasant discomfort I was beginning to feel, "How do run this place and still have time to run an electrical company?"

"It's not as difficult as you think," he boyishly grinned, "The families of the men that work here and run this place, have all worked for my family since before I was born so, as far as the ranch goes; it pretty much runs itself. I have the electrical company because I was cross-trained as and Electrician's Mate in the Navy, and I wanted to own and operate my own business when I got out."

By this time we'd taken our seats once again, and at the risk of going too far, I looked at him and asked, "Can I ask you a rather personal question, Jake?"

"Sure," he smiled, "Feel free to ask me anything you want."

"Well," I nervously began, but decided to ask anyway, "I know that this is none of my business, but why haven't you ever married? And if not, are you seeing anyone?"

"Wow," Jake chuckled, "You really meant it when you said 'personal', huh?"

"You said I could ask you anything I wanted to," I defensively replied, "didn't you?"

"No, its okay, and I did tell you that," he laughed. Then he sat his glass on the table and turned to look me directly in the eyes, and with a small glimmer of sadness in his eyes, Jake began, "I joined the Navy right after I graduated high school so I could decide what it was I wanted to do with my life. I went through boot camp for sixteen weeks, and then went to "A" School, where I learned to be an Electrician's Mate. Once I graduated I got stationed aboard an aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Enterprise, which at the time was a new nuclear powered ship."

"So, how did you get wounded?" I asked, making his eyes go wide.

"I'm going to tell you something, Jake, but you've got to give me your word that you won't say anything to them for telling me," I gently warned, "Do I have your promise?"

"Okay," smiled Jake, "You have my word."

"I know that you were a Navy SEAL, and that you got wounded rescuing hostages," I replied, "I also know that your best friend was there, and that he died in your arms."


Chapter Four

"Who told you this," Jake demanded, "And just how did you get this information?"

"Relax, Jake," I said, placing my hand on his, "Hannah told me. She also told me about how you put your life on hold to take care of her."

"I guess Mom told her," smiled Jake, visibly relaxed now, Mom was the only person I ever told that to. Dad didn't even know." Then, with tears beginning to cloud his eyes, Jake said, "The Navy gave me an honorable discharge after Mom died so that I could come home and take care of Hannah. After my best friend in the whole world was killed, Dad got killed a couple of years later, and then Mom died not long after that. Hannah was the only family, the only person I had left. So, I knew that it was my place to look after her. Besides, I wasn't about to let my stupid-assed relatives fuck her head up any worse than life already had. After all of that, I refused to get close to anyone or let them get close to me. Everyone I had ever cared about ended up dying, except for Hannah, that is. She's been the only light in my life for a long time, but soon she'll be gone to raise a family of her own."

When Jake was finished, tears were falling down his cheeks like rain, and because of this, he now owned my heart, I could no longer resist him. I leaned over and softly but briefly kissed his lips and then said, "I'm so very sorry, Jake."

Before I could say anything further, Jake stood up and lightly pulled me to my feet. After gently placing his arms around my waist, he pulled me back into his arms and tenderly kissed my lips. He placed light kiss on my lips, slowly teasing me. The next kiss produced a corporeal moan that emanated from deep within me. I put my arms around his hard massive form, pressing the entire length of my body against him. As our tongues began to dance with one another, I felt my panties becoming drenched and my nipples were on fire. I'd never felt this way with any man after just one kiss. However, I began to tremble and I knew that I simply had to have him. Still though, I didn't want to come off as some wanton slut, but it was still a deliciously naughty thought none the less.

"Oh wow," smiled Jake, breathing heavily once the kiss had ended, "That was amazing, Amber."

"Mmm," I purred, placing my cheek against his chest, "I liked it, too, Jake."

"You know what this means, don't you?" he smiled.

"Maybe," I giggled, "But why don't you tell me anyway."

"It means that you're never going back to California again," he teased, "You're going to fall madly in love with me and stay here and raise rug-rats."

"Oh, you think so, do you?"

"Yeah," Jake laughed, "I know so."

"Oh yeah," I giggled, "And just how do you know?"

Then Jake leaned in and kissed me again, only this time I was putty in his hands. The most amazing thing about this man was that, even though were both clearly experiencing a hormonal overload, at least I was, Jake still stayed within the bounds of what would be considered decent behavior when he kissed me. At first I was a little disappointed that he didn't at least try to touch my breasts, until I realized that, for the first time in my life, I was in the presence of a true gentleman, in every sense of the word.

After the kiss was finished, I looked into his dark brown eyes and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was now, and forever would be, deeply in love with Jake. All he had to do was say the word and I would go anywhere with him. I only prayed that he felt the same way about me.

"Earth to Amber," he said, breaking me out of my reverie, "Are you still with me, sweetie?"

"Yes," I giggled, "I'm still here. I was just thinking."

"About what?" he smiled.

"I was thinking about you," I softly replied, "I was thinking that I'm beginning to feel something for you that maybe I shouldn't."

"You're feeling something that you shouldn't?" he teased, "Maybe I need to take you into town to see old Doc Baker he's pretty good ya know."

"Jake, has anyone ever told you what an aggravating shit you can be?"

"Yeah," he boyishly laughed, "Hannah and Nicki tell me that all the time." Then, after a few seconds, Jake smiled at me and added, "I feel it too, Amber. I know that you're as attracted to me as I am to you." I went to speak; but Jake gently stopped me and said, "I also know that you're very afraid of being hurt. Well, I am too, and if it's alright with you; I'd like to take the time for us to get to know each other better and see where things go from there."

"Oh Jake," I squealed, softly hopping into his lap and throwing my arms around him, "I think that's just perfect."

Suddenly, the back patio light came on, temporarily blinding us, while the familiar sound of a female voice that teasingly said, "Well, you don't waste any time, do you big brother," rang out from somewhere behind us, followed by girlish giggling, leaving no doubt who it was.

As I removed myself from Jake's lap, Hannah and Nicki came from behind us, each holding a margarita in their hands and each wearing sly grins on their faces. As they sat in the two empty chairs on the other side the table, Hannah knowingly grinned at Jake and said, "Doctor Pete said that new foal is healthy and that he'll make a perfect stallion."

"Uh...that great Hannah," Jake nervously replied, making Hannah and Nicki fall into another fit of giggles.

"You two leave him alone," I said, a little too zealously.

This only caused Hannah and Nicki to laugh even harder, and when she'd regained her composure somewhat, Nicki teasingly giggled, "Look Han, she's taking up for her lover boy."

"Alright," chuckled Jake, "That's enough, you two."

"What's the matter, Jakey," teased Nicki, "You can dish it out, but you can't take it."

"That's right, big brother," giggled Hannah, "You can dish it out but you can't take it."

Jake slowly leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, making both Hannah and Nicki make goo-goo eyes and kissing noises. While the two of them were caught up in teasing us, he quietly whispered, "Watch this," in my ear.

Then at the speed of light, Jake quickly reached across the table with both hands, and before anyone knew what was happening, he ripped both Hannah's and Nicki's shirts from their bodies. Both girls were braless and Jake laughed, teasing them, and said, "I can see your boobies...I can see your boobies."

Needles to say, both girls shrieked and threw their arms across their chests to hide their naked breasts, while Jake and I laughed like fools. As they rose from the table, Hannah and Nicki both gave us dirty looks, while Nicki said, "You are such an asshole sometimes, Jake Carlson."

"That wasn't funny Jake, you fucker," spat Hannah, as both girls quickly disappeared back into the house.

"Oh, Jake," I giggled, my sides hurting from laughing so hard, "That was an awful thing to do to those two girls."

"That was nothing," laughed Jake, "Those two have been aggravating the shit outta me since they were about sixteen. Besides, that's just payback from when they threw a pitcher of ice water on me, over the top of the curtain while I was in the shower a couple of months ago."

"Now that's funny," I giggled, "I'll bet it was really cold, huh?"


"You owe me for a new shirt, Jake," said Nicki as she threw the shirt Jake ripped from her boy into his lap.

"Me too," replied Hannah, doing with her shirt the same thing Nicki had done.

"Excuse me, ladies," Jake pointed replied, "If my memory servers me correctly, and it does, I remember two girls who though it was funny as hell to throw a pitcher of ice water on me while I was taking a shower.

Suddenly they began to giggle again, but Nicki wasn't having any of it, and while still laughing, said, "Yeah, but nobody saw your dick, did they?"

This time it was my turn to laugh at Jake, as he turned to me with his face blushing brightly and said, "Don't laugh at those two. It only makes them worse."

All at once, Hannah looked at me, and changing the subject, conspicuously said, "So, I saw you kissing my brother. What are your intentions, Amber?"

"Now wait a minute, young lady," Jake defensively replied, "That's none of...."

"No, no," I gently interrupted, smiling at Jake, "I'll handle this." Then I turned to Hannah, and deciding to go for broke, I opened my heart and said, "I've fallen in love with your brother, Hannah, and I hope that he loves me as much as I love him."

Hannah's stern glare melted into a soft gentle smile as tears began to fill her eyes, and beginning to cry, she came around the table and threw her arms around me and cried, "Thank you. I've been asking God for a long time now, to send him someone who will love him, and I couldn't ask for anyone better."

"Do I get a say in this," Jake asked, as he gently put his arms around the both of us.

"No, you don't," Hannah smiled, as she kissed Jake on the cheek, "She's perfect for you, and you know it."

"Oh, you think so, do you?" smiled Jake, while looking into my eyes.

"Yes," replied Hannah and Nicki in unison, followed by girlish giggles.


Nicki decided to stay the night over with Hannah, leaving Jake to drive me back to my hotel. "I sure hope you don't mind doing this, Jake," I said, as were getting into his truck.

"What," he laughed, "And have my little sister on my ass for God knows how long? No, thank you."

"You're a good guy, Jake."

"I think you're pretty special, too, Amber," he replied, brushing the back of his hand against my cheek as he started his truck and put it in gear.


When we pulled up to my hotel, I turned to Jake and asked, "Would you like to come in for a while?"

"Are you sure, Amber," he nervously replied, "I mean, I'd love to, don't get me wrong, but..."

I interrupted him by kissing him more passionately than anyone I can ever remember, and breathing heavily, said, "Come with me, Jake."


The door had barely shut before I was all over him, smothering him with a passion like none I'd ever experienced before in my life, and then said, "I want you to make love to me, baby.....right now."

"Oh Amber," he breathed, as we began to hurriedly strip the clothing from each other's bodies.

In a flash we were on the bed, with me on my back and Jake between my legs. There was little to no foreplay before I felt the head of his cock gently push through the velvet curtains of my pussy, filling me full, more than any one or anything ever had. His hard chiseled body felt wonderful as, with every thrust of his cock, his body rubbed against mine, sending me into one long and continuous orgasm.

What felt like hours were only mere moments before I felt his warm seed erupting from his cock, bathing the walls of my pussy in a loving warmth, that spread all throughout my body. And when the heat had died down, as opposed to rolling off of me, Jake turned on his side, his cock still inside me, and with his eyes filling with tears, tenderly said, "I love you, Amber. I have since the very first time I saw you."

"Oh Jake," I cried, "I love you so much, I swear I do."

"You've got to be kidding me," he teased.

"No, I'm not," I giggled, "So, get used to it

"I believe you, baby," he tenderly replied, "I really do."


That was eight years ago. Jake and I were married the following spring, and nine months to the day of our honeymoon, I gave birth to a little girl that we named, Martha, after Jake's mother. Her Aunt Hannah and her Aunt Nicki spoil her rotten, but I couldn't imagine life being any other way than it is now.

New evidence was found that implicated Ed Hammet and Marvin Brenner in the death of Jake's father, and they were both sentenced to life without possibility of parole. So you see, things always have a way of working themselves out where love is concerned.

The End.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
olddave51olddave516 months ago

Great story just love the story

penneydog55penneydog55over 2 years ago

Timeless Classic! Over the years a few Authors Command My Attention "Your one of them" 5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

drachir53drachir53almost 3 years ago

Great love story! Thanks!

Baton Rouge Cajun Guy

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 3 years ago
Must agree with Romanov comments

But still not a bad story...⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Rancher46Rancher46about 4 years ago
Another Great Love Story

Again your writings do not disappoint. Such passion and character development. Another 5+ star story.

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxalmost 5 years ago

God, I don't know what to say but WOW! What a wonderful story, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and putting them down in writing so many folks can enjoy as much as I did. KUDOS!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

No stars system for this story? unfair. A sweet tale worthy of a decent rating.

flarebel2327flarebel2327almost 9 years ago
nice one

good to see from another angle. since no stars to vote I see at least 6

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

This is a beautiful story and easily worth 5 stars, however I read it before and they won't let me vote twice, I do not remember what I wrote before but just double it.

Ed Grocott


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Rate it a 5 perfect story and length!

Have read this one several times before! I liked the different approach from the gal's point of view. We need some new material M.P. Thanks, The Louisiana Cajun

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