Home Cumming

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Two years can?t erase the dark secrets.
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“Here you go,” the cab driver said.

“Are you sure?” she said, checking the return address on the envelope in her hand against the address on the house.

“425 Cedar. This is it. That’ll be $18.50, ma’am.”

“They paid close to a million dollars for this house. I was expecting more,” she said.

The cab driver looked around, nodding his head, “Sounds about right. Houses ain’t cheap in California.”

“I guess not,” she said, paying him.

When she’d heard what her parents had paid for the new house in California, she had pictured one of those all glass and marble things hanging on a cliff over the ocean. This place was about the same as the one she was renting in Charlotte, N.C. for $600 a month.

She got a firm grip on her suitcase, and headed for the door.

It had been two years since she’d seen her family. Dad had gotten a big promotion, and transfer, a year after that devastating night. Now she was walking back into the tangle of emotions that had nearly destroyed her.

It had started on Tad’s eighteenth birthday. They had planned to make it a big deal, just like Molly’s eighteenth birthday the year before, but things had started going wrong weeks before the big day.

The last straw was the slam-bang holler-fest that ended with dad storming out with a sock hanging out of his suitcase.

Tad’s big day came, and he blew out a candle on a cupcake before mom left for an all-night ‘appointment.’

“No big deal,” Tad said, heading up to his room.

Molly felt awful.

Few people believed that only a year separated Molly and Tad. Molly had been dating since she was fourteen, and some of her early lovers could have gone to jail if it had ever come out. Tad, on the other hand, was lucky that his hand didn’t turn him down.

Tad had started getting a little pudgy at twelve, and it had only been in the last year that his height had caught up with his weight. He wasn’t all that bad looking now, but his self-confidence was still back in his short, chubby days.

“I’m going to go to bed too,” Molly called up after him. “After I do a few exercises, of course.”

Molly could hear his hesitation on the steps, and smiled. She’d discovered the grill nearly three years ago, and after her initial anger, had grown to like the idea that he was beating off in his closet as she “did her exercises.” She could open the closet door, when she wanted privacy, and close it when she wanted to give him a show. She’d give him one hell of a birthday show tonight, she vowed.

“Good night, Tad,” she said at his door.

“Ah, good night,” he said.

‘He’s probably got his pecker all greased up and his chair in the closet already,’ she thought as she danced into her room. The only question was how she could keep him from finishing before she gave him his money’s worth.

The idea hit her as soon as she closed the door. She had never let him see her masturbate, so if she put her vibrator on the dresser, he’d probably try to hold back until she started to use it.

She opened the closet door, so he wouldn’t see where she kept it, and thought she heard him groan. With her secret hiding place still safe, she closed the closet door and held up her “Mighty Mite” for inspection. She changed the batteries; two ‘C’ cells, then turned it on and off. She made a production of sliding it in and out of her mouth, rubbing her breasts as she did, and then set the vibrator on her dresser. That done, she started to undress.

‘Wait,’ she said to herself. ‘Let’s make this a strip-tease.’

She went to her clock radio by the bed and searched for a station with appropriate music. No one was playing ‘The Stripper,’ but she found an FM station playing good dancing music. She kicked her shoes off, so she wouldn’t make a lot of noise, and started dancing as nasty as she could.

Every once in a while, she’d take something off, and then renew her gyrations. She would squeeze her tits, pucker up at the mirror, then whirl around and watch her butt as she wiggled and bounced it. She was getting so into it, she was turning herself on.

A noise in Tad’s room made her freeze. ‘Shit, I’ll bet he came,’ she thought. What to do now?

“Tad?” she said at his door a few moments later. “I’m going to fix a snack. Do you mind keeping me company?”

“No, I’ll be down in just a sec.”

She had to suppress a smile when he bounced into the kitchen. He’d come, all right. A corner of the eye glance told her he had not gone all the way down yet, either. She hadn’t seen him since he’d started growing hair down there, but from here, it looked like he had a respectable package.

“Here you go,” she said, plopping some scrambled eggs in front of him.

“Thanks,” he said, giving the eggs a curious look.

“I felt like eggs,” she said.

She stalled him with chitchat until he yawned, and then asked eagerly, “You’re ready to go to sleep, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” he said.

She could see the eager suspicion in his eyes.

“I’m going to just rinse these off, then I’m going to turn in too. Good night and happy birthday.”

“Good night,” he said with too much of a smile.

She took her time rinsing the dishes. What she had planned would knock him off his chair. It must be funny to see him standing on a chair, in his closet, nose glued to the grill, beating off to his sister’s nakedness.

She finished her strip tease quickly when she got back, and gave him a good show of her writhing body when she was naked. She made sure she was giving him a good view when she got on the bed, and started making love to her vibrator. She was getting very close when she brought the vibrating tip close to her clit, but something stopped her.

Was it a psychic bond between brother and sister? Had she heard something below the level of conscious hearing? Whatever it was, she knew he had cum again, and it pissed her off.

She tossed her vibrator aside, and marched right into his room.

“All right, you selfish bastard,” she said as he nearly killed himself trying to get out of the closet, “just for that, you’ve got to eat me.”

He was in the perfect position. Down on his knees, chair on it’s side, half out of the closet, and cum all over both hands.

She snapped her fingers twice, pointed to her pussy, and stepped right in front of him.

He leaned forward, and put his face on her furry triangle.

“Stick your tongue out,” she said, slapping the back of his head.

His tongue went right into her clit, and her knees buckled.

“Wait, wait,” she said, backing up to his bed and sitting down. “Okay,” she said, opening her legs.

Molly always had a hard time getting a man to eat her after he had cum. With Tad, it was a different story. He wasn’t just eating her; he was worshiping her pussy. He was kissing her pussy with such reverence that she almost didn’t have the heart to tell him he was doing it all wrong.

“Give me your tongue, baby,” she said, scissoring his tongue between two fingers. “This is nice, this is real nice, this is good and you should go deep as you can and wiggle around a lot. And this, right here, this is the ‘crazy maker.’ When you feel me starting to go, you suck my ‘crazy maker’ into your mouth and beat it to death with your tongue. Now, make your big sister feel good.”

She came so quickly, she felt cheated. She had pushed his head back, and now had it clamped between her legs. She kept holding him like that, as she came down, and he made no effort to pull away. There was something deliciously nasty about this, and she felt herself getting excited, even as her passion subsided.

“Do you like my pussy, baby brother?”

He didn’t say anything.

“Do you?” she slapped the top of his head.

“Yes,” he said, softly.

“How many times have you beaten off, watching me?”

“Millions,” he said.

“So you owe me a million pussy lickings,” she said.

“Okay.” She could feel his smile on the inside of her thighs.

She opened her legs and pulled his face closer, but not quite touching her pussy.

“Don’t move. I want to rest for a while,” she said.

His breathing tickled her pussy as she tried to relax with her arm over her eyes. How long could she keep him like this? It must be uncomfortable, but how long?

She never found out. His breathing was driving her mad, and the fact that her brother was only waiting for her word to start making her world spin again was more than she could stand.

She drew his face up into her pussy, and moaned as he started showing her what he had learned.

She didn’t have to pull his face tightly into her crotch, but she loved the feel of his thick, curly brown hair in her fist, and the way she felt like a cowgirl as her hips kept riding her stallion’s face. All she needed was a hat to wave in her other hand to make it complete.

His tongue kept trying to explore the depths between her nether lips, and she had her tongue clamped at the corner of her mouth as she made him chase it. She pretended she was digging spurs into his back, instead of just her heels, as her clit used the tip of his nose for its kicks.

He finally captured her magic button, and her cowgirl game ended. She became a grunting, straining animal, with both fists locked in his hair, pulling for all she was worth.

It started where most of her climaxes let off, and soared beyond anything she’d dreamed of before. It was more than just physical; she had all her nastiness and lust right in her brother’s face, and his years of using her body for his pleasure was being paid back in spades. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, she was mindlessly rutting his face making inhuman sounds.

“Are you all right?” she gasped after she pushed him away.

“Yeah,” he said, holding his hand over his nose and mouth.

His whole face looked like a glazed donut, and she was sure he was hiding a bloody nose or fat lip under his hand. She looked down in embarrassment, and gasped.

His dick was a purple veined, maroon tipped monster; with its single eye pleading for release. She carefully reached out to touch it, and it burned like a brand in her hand.

She stroked it lightly, as if it were a newborn kitten, and Tad shuddered from head to toe.

“It’s beautiful,” she said, holding it with both hands. “When did it get so big?”

“When I was eating you,” he said, in all seriousness.

Molly’s giggle started with a snort, “Oh, it was an itty-bitty until Molly’s magic pussy made you a man, huh?”

“Something like that,” he grinned down at her.

“We can’t actually fuck, you know,” she said, and kissed the head of his dick, “but I think I can make you forget that little problem.”

His dick disappeared into her mouth, and one hand fondled his balls as the other one worked up and down his shaft. He had already cum twice, so it should have taken a long time. It didn’t.

“Is that three?” she said, licking her lips.

“Yes,” he said, with a tinge of puzzlement.

“You’re quite a stud, aren’t you?”

“No,” he said, softly, looking at her in a strange new way. “It’s you.”

They just looked at each other, for a long time, before Molly moved up on the bed and patted the place next to her.

He got on the bed next to her, and she waited until he was settled on his back before she slid her breasts over his shoulders, onto his chest, and planted a deep, lingering kiss on his lips.

Molly still remembered the thrill of those kisses. Exhausted, and sexually spent, they still had all the thrill of her first kiss.

Molly stood in front of the door of her parents’ new home, staring at the doorbell. She could hear a TV from inside. It was tuned to a news channel, so that meant her father was home. How had such a proper man wound up with such a family? Obviously, a slut mother trumped a straight-laced father, no matter how proper he was.

Mom didn’t show up ‘til well after noon the day after Tad’s birthday. She breezed in, flushed and reeking of sex, and was in her bed, asleep, twenty minutes later. Dad stayed away for a week, and every one of those seven nights, mom spent elsewhere.

Tad and Molly didn’t mind. They had discovered something that made their parents’ marital problems seem unimportant, or more accurately, convenient.

“Did you need me to do anything for you before I go to bed?” Tad had said from the hall, the night after his birthday.

“Like what?” Molly had said from her bed, smiling maliciously.

“Ah, anything, you know, dishes, or, I don’t know, whatever,” he muttered from the other side of the door.

“I think my wastebasket might be full,” Molly said, helpfully.

Molly had her flannel P.J.’s on, but she pushed the bottoms down to her knees before Tad got in.

“It’s right over there,” she said, pointing.

He actually tried not to look as he got her trash. His face was beet red as he asked, “Anything else?”

“No, that’s all,” she said innocently, twiddling her finger between her legs.

“Ah, well, okay then,” he said, and brushed the closet door closed as he headed out.

“Oh, wait, Tad,” Molly said. “Could you open my closet door all the way before you leave?”

She smiled pleasantly as his shoulders slumped and he did what he was told.

“One more thing,” she called after him when he stepped into the hall.

“Hmm?” he stuck his head back in.

“You’ve got something,” she was looking intently at his left-front pocket as she waved him back. “A little closer,” she said, and placed her hand on the bulge he was trying to hide.

“Ah,” it was a very short gasp.

“Maybe you could do me one more teensy-weensy favor before you go to bed,” she said, stroking his cock firmly through his pants.

He ate her again, and it was every bit as good as the night before, but all she could think of was that glorious cock, and how much she wanted it inside her. She came, and her eyes were wet with tears, for some strange reason, and he stayed down there kissing the inside of her thighs as she recovered. When he thought she was ready, his kisses started getting closer to her pussy.

“Wait,” she said, lifting his head with her hands. “I want you,” she said, flatly.

He looked at her in silence.

“Inside me,” she said, after a long pause.

It started gently, slowly, every inch a forbidden, thrilling inch. They held perfectly still when his massive cock could get no deeper, savoring the moment, tasting each other’s lips.

“This is horribly wrong,” she whispered, as her nails dug into his ass.

“I don’t care. I could die right now, and it wouldn’t matter.”

“Fuck me,” she said, staring straight into his eyes. Her lips peeled back, and air whistled through her teeth as she snarled, “Fuck me till I scream.”

Though they fucked with tenderness the next night, and the night after that, there was no tenderness that first night. Tad was ending eighteen years of virginity, and Molly was fucking with squinted eyes, fucking in defiance of the world, milking her brother’s cock with her hungry cunt.

He didn’t last long, no one could have. His every thrust was answered by her pussy, pulling down his shaft, demanding his cum.

“Again,” she said, when he was spent.

“I can’t…”

“Shut up,” she said, holding him tightly.

He stayed obediently between her legs as she held him close.

“Do you love me?” she said.

“More than life itself,” he said.

She started rubbing her hands down his back, over his ass, and back up to his shoulders. She kissed his neck, his shoulders, his cheek, and explored the inside of his ear with her tongue. When he squirmed, she held him tighter, when he relaxed, she found new places to stimulate. She purred when she felt him growing inside her, and felt the subtle movement of his hips.

“Yes, again,” she said, and held his face between her hands, staring into his eyes.

It took much longer this time, and she came as he labored.

Molly pushed the doorbell, and instead of a chime, she heard an obnoxious buzzer go off inside.

“Molly,” her dad cried, throwing the door wide, “you’re early. Your mom and Tad went down to the caterers. They should be back any moment. Come in, come in.”

It was strange to see so much of the old furniture in this new setting. There was the couch with the wooden armrests that Tad had chipped a tooth on when he was seven. There was the old grandfather clock that they had all thought was so valuable, but turned out to be a cheap knock-off. And there was dad’s big easy chair, the one thing she wasn’t ready to see again. She shuddered as the unwanted memories flooded back.

“You look exhausted, honey.”

“And dirty,” Molly said with a smile. “Where’s this famous Jacuzzi I’ve been hearing about?”

“Right this way,” dad smiled, proudly.

At least the bathroom looked as if it belonged in a million dollar house. She’d seen apartment bedrooms that weren’t much larger. It had a tile lined shower stall with two opposing shower heads, a drain in the floor, and three people could sit side by side on the seat made by the recessed wall along the back. By comparison, the Jacuzzi wasn’t nearly as impressive. It was a slightly sunken, triangular, oversized bathtub with metal jet ports in the sides.

“Takes a while to fill up,” dad said, turning things on and making adjustments.

He showed her her room while the tub filled, and she was just bringing clean clothes to the bathroom when Tad and mom got back.

“Molly,” her mother yelled when she saw her, “I’ve missed you so much, honey.”

Her mother hugged her a little too tightly, and when her father turned away, her mother’s hand squeezed her ass.

“Look who’s here, Tad,” mom said, as Tad staggered in under a stack of plastic containers.

“Hi, Molly,” he said, shyly.

“Is that any way to greet your sister after two years?” mom said. “Put that stuff down and give your sister a big hug. Come on, group hug, everybody.”

Dad’s arms were over their shoulders in the group hug, while mom got to squeeze the backsides of both her children.

After the group hug, mom went over to dad’s chair and smiled at Molly as she held the backrest, “Doesn’t the old furniture look nice in here?” she said.

“I was just about to try that Jacuzzi of yours,” Molly said, ignoring her mother’s nasty innuendo. “Can I get a rain check on this dinner?”

“It’s all cold stuff, it can wait,” mom said.

“But I’ll feel rushed if you’re all waiting for me for dinner,” Molly said.

“You can stay in there until you look like a prune. It’s all snaky type stuff. We’ll pick at it all night.”

“Oh, good,” Molly said. “I can’t wait to try out that tub.”

Her mother followed her to the bathroom door, and Molly stopped there, without opening it.

“That tub does all kinds of neat things,” her mother said, pressing up close to her. “I’d love to help you with it.”

“Thank you, mother, but I’d rather do it myself.”

She locked the door, and wedged the chair under the doorknob.

The tub was much larger than it looked. It was a little too hot, but she eased in anyway. She figured out how to turn the jets on, but turned them off right away. The jets would have to wait until the water cooled off a bit.

At least one question was answered already. Mom was just as horny as she’d been two years ago, and if she stayed here any length of time, her mother would be holding Molly’s face against the filthy crotch of her panties again in no time.

Why couldn’t things have stayed like that first week with Tad? They’d made love every night, several times a night. Their world had become each other.

Then dad came back, mom stopped her overnight excursions, and they had to be careful. Tad started to change too. He was more confident at school, girls started hanging around, and Molly was starting to get jealous.

She knew it had to happen, she had no right to expect otherwise. She could smell it on him. He’d been with another woman. It was time for Molly to search her soul. She needed some time away from her family to think. A camping trip she’d turned down sounded like a likely excuse, so she announced she was going, and got a motel room outside of town.