
A little bit about moi...

My name is Sandra. Born and raised here in Montreal some of my hobbies are; Reading (horror and erotic horror ex: Laurell k. Hamilton, Anne Rice etc.), writting (horror/erotic horror), listening to music (my likes are a mix of dance, trance, and some gothic). I tend to lean toward wearing black but i'm not goth by any means. I'm just me. I'm 256 pounds, 5" hair is currently dyed black and I plan to keep it this color in future. I'm also very shy but friendly and I do open up to people quite fast. I'm hoping to soon post some stories on literotica as well as meet some new interesting people ;-). A lot of my fantasies are very dark, gory and twisted. I would love to meet someone who is the same as I. Who knows...we could end up being the best of friends. I like people who are as open minded as me. Closed-minded people tend to annoy me. If you are going to come and tell me my stories and thoughts are nothing but sins...dont bother because I know this. On a brighter note... have a lovely day/night.

P.S. Feel free to email...I wont bite (unless you want me to that is *evil grin*)


Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

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BDSM, S&m, Bondage, Mild Pain, Vampirism...etc...

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