Erotic ?

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erotism in my art is set in the mind of the beholder
107 words
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/24/2020
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Just take your time, enlarge the picture and have a look.
Can you make up the story behind the portrait?
Can you see what I aimed for?
Most of the portraits I made have something erotic in them. \
Even when there's no nude to reveal.
Sometimes one sees it immediately in the eyes, sometimes it is in an eyebrow or an expression of the face.
Since you know this now, you might want to have an other look at them.
Please be my guest and leave a comment.


I overexposed the hair and underexposed the rest of my face. Just to get the focus on what was important.

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DiTo_DDiTo_Dover 4 years agoAuthor

@paulthewetcd like I said it's all in the eye but most of all the mind of the beholder. If that's what you see... be my guest!😉

paulthewetcdpaulthewetcdover 4 years ago
Light and shadows.....

The highlight on the nose looks like an erect cock with prominent balls in the scrotum....the erection rises on the lit left side of her nose, extending to the left eyebrows...the balls sit on the tip of her nose and the left nares....

Also, the lower lip has labial folds, as it extends laterally, to the left corner of her mouth. Do those dots on her lower lip make a smiley face?

Might the highlight on her left jawline be the outline of of woman's pelvis and right leg? As her leg falls open, exposing her labia?

Or maybe I am seeing things through the eye of my libido?

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