Midnight Massage

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Midnight Massage
By David Kasimirs 9/97

The evening sky covers like a blanket
Street lights glare
Dim starlight glistens through the daze
Gentle, yet firm,
My hands savor the delicious feast
Warm, soft skin
Thoughts, tender, giving, loving
Tensions fade and are abated
Hungry undulations entreat
Passion licks at my loins
I check the passion,
Surrendering it to my conscience
With each touch,
Each squeeze,
The passion builds,
Longing, Incessant, Forbidden
I long to draw her close,
To lean her body into mine,
To educe upon the moment
To spark the flames of passion within her
My mind knows the truth
Arresting the dream
Imprisoning the dreamer for trial
A trial without decree,
To be held in the halls of time

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