(My) Tongue & (your) clit

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no foreplay
no warning
no sexual energy exchanged
when I unzip your jeans
push them down
toss panties aside
lay you on the side of the bed
spread your pink lips
exposing your clit
slowly circling with my tongue
smelling your excitement
licking just the clit
up and down
two strokes a second
steady rhythm
feeling it grow
throbbing hard
sliding down to enter
tasting you fully
sucking your engorged lips
back to clit
strong relentless tongue
flicking against you
three male fingers enter
so tight and wet
licking, licking, licking
a finger probes your anus
slowly till halfway
feeling your contractions
wanting to cum
needing to cum
pleading to cum
begging to cum
hips like a carnival ride
wanting, needing, pleading, begging
fighting back and losing
surrendering to the wicked tongue

moaning, groaning, screaming
waves of pleasure
tingling of toes and fingertips
nipples ice hard
pussy pushing my fingers out
wetting the bed with cum
turning your over
for a well deserved spanking
a butt warming spanking
intermixed with fingers
sliding inside pink walls
ass cheeks burning
face cheeks blushing
squirming with delight
feeling my cockhead
moving up and down
squishing against wet lips
thrust deep inside
a good healthy fuck
from behind

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GinathompsonGinathompson4 months ago

wow, other than the anus part...that was just breath taking good

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Got me bricked, thought about my girl when I busted to this. Reminds me of a good sex I had with her, she loves to be spanked. The chm got everywhere

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Not into anus sex

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Made me cum so fast. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love a think tongue licking my pussy

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