One With Me

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If you loved me, why did you never say?
If you wanted me, why did you go away?
I needed you to be with me.
What did I do to make you flee?
To feel your touch upon my face.
You save me from falling grace.
To have your arms around me so tight.
Holding the dreams of us through the night.
Did I say to much?
Did I not say enough?
If I asked you to love me once more?
Would you come willing to my door?
If I asked you for one last night,
Would you run away in flight?
Or would you take me in your arms again.
Love me, touch me, feel me against your skin.
To hear you say my name on a whisper
Causes my body to shiver
To feel your breath up on my chest
Your mouth covering my breast
Your hands upon my thighs
As I look at you with passion in my eyes
You move to my center most part
A fluttering starts in my heart
Yes, touch me there, feel my heat
As I twist and moan upon the sheet
I want to feel you inside of me
To feel you thrusting inside so deep
The feeling so hard and warm
Oh yes baby, I am going to cum
Cum with me , let me feel you
Be one with me, as time stands still
I love you baby, I always will.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

very sensual.......

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