Remember Me Anyway

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Was I wrong
For wanting
Giving in to you

Your words like fingers
Stroking me
Pulling me towards you
Making me want
To want you

Seducing me with a look
A smile
A kiss on my forehead
Gentle, Sweet
And kinky to boot

Lord what a package
Naughty boy that you are
Wanting to feel you
Lips, mouth, tongue
Hands, cock, nipples
Every part and parcel

To make you mine
And I, yours
To create a haven
A love for the ages
I wish you would
Have wanted the same

Damn it all anyway
No hard feelings
I guess
One kiss for the road
Remember me for this

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IcingsugarIcingsugarover 20 years ago

Forgot to set the rate on my post. Here's what I voted. :)

IcingsugarIcingsugarover 20 years ago

Simple, conversational, straightforward and somehow effective, albeit quite a bit on the banal side. The last stanza stands out as a notch over the rest, and saves the poem.

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