Silence Me

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Silence me
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Silence me,
With your mouth on mine,
Lips claiming me in a kiss,
That leaves me breathless and aching.

Tongues dance together,
Fleeting but unmistakable,
Your hand in my hair,
Or under my chin,
The other in the small of my back.

Silence me,
With your hands and fingers,
Cover my mouth,
As you whisper "hush now",
Even when I squirm beneath you,
And try to nip at your hand,
Press firmer, hold tighter.

Push your fingers into my wetness,
Force them into my mouth,
Making me taste myself.

Silence me,
With your cock,
Force me to my knees,
Pinch my face until,
I open my bratty little mouth for you.

Ignore the tears in my eyes,
As you leave no room for anything,
But my moans.

Silence me,
With my own panties,
Tear them from between my legs,
Force them into my snarling mouth.

Making me taste and smell,
My own arousal,
As you take your pleasure,
In my slutty body.

Silence me,
In whatever way you choose,
Steal my words, muffle my cries,
Ignore my pleas, punish my profanities.

Laugh as I fight,
And mute my protests,
So that I am forced to listen,
As for once,
You are the one,
Who fills the air,
With filthy dirty words.

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