The betrayal of cybersex

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The Betrayal of Cybersex
By Woody54

I once was a man with a happy life
That was crushed one day by a cybering wife.
She said it was merely fantasy and games
as she fucked these guys with very strange names.
So the life I had known was finished and gone
Leaving me a distraught and broken man.
So I've had the breakdown and serious pain
It's made no difference, she is at it again.
I've tried to be tolerant, fair to her needs
but she continues to indulge in her secret deeds.
She thinks her life will be over at menopause
It's made her go crazy, yes, that is the cause.
She wants to be unfettered, free to savour
All the bounties of life before its all over.
Those human things society keeps hidden,
Sex, love, relationships, they all seem forbidden.
My wife, the sex addict, is at it again
Seeking secret sex pleasuring from her special men.
Others will follow, thats not hard to call,
They're out there now, waiting, hard dicks and all.
She makes them promises of meetings and great sex
She knows the right words to bring out their best.
They are all long distance lovers, that is her plan
But words now dont do the trick, she's gone and got a cam.
She has great fantasies, I've read quite a few
But she will never consider including me too.
For her, it's all fun and all in her head,
For me it's real anguish, sorrow and dread.
For six months now she has sated her needs
Killing me slowly inside with her selfish deeds.
She has someone special, he's half my age,
He does it for her, really rattles her cage.
Her lover is in England, 12000 miles away.
She burns for him and craves contact each day.
If he came to the door, she'd be off in a flash,
like a gambler chasing a big wad of cash.
She has a cam now, this is the end, I know
Is it a matter of time before she will show?.
"It ain't never gonna happen" she said to me,
Mmm! Double negative, a Freudian slip this appears to be.
She knows all my secrets, thinks I'm a little staid,
Not the exciting man with whom she now wants to get laid.
Oh, we do have great sex, its often quite torrid,
But to know they inspired it makes me feel horrid.
I check her involvement from time to time
but I'm left overwhelmed by saddness and shame
That the love of my life prefers other men
To take her to places that we've never been.
Her sexual interests have become very wide,
But she keeps a lot secret and often has lied.
She wants things from them to follow her dream
But still wants me here as part of her team.
Internet sex is an emotional deal,
I fill in the gaps with something that's real.
God knows how long I can continue with this,
She's lost in her own world of sexual bliss.
When I talk of these things she gets angry then silent
with cold shoulder treatment till I relent.
I love my wife with all of my heart
I'd hate this sickness to cause us to part.
I know she's an addict, to be treated as such
But damage to family doesn't concern her too much.
There's 6 other people involved by this mess,
If only she could see what we need to address.
She said she would leave rather than be trapped here with me
But it is the kids who would suffer if this came to be.
The sorrow of all this, without a doubt,
Is the loss to our family, thats what it's about.
I know I'm not perfect, not a great catch
but for 30 years we've been a fair match
Oh God, what do I do, what do I say
To restore some balance, there must be a way.
For me to keep silent only continues this pain
Makes me an accomplice in this very sick game.
The future looks bleak, not good at all
It's hard to determine where the cards will fall.
I must do something, what? I'm not sure
But this pain must stop. I cannot endure.
So my love,don't be reckless with my heart,
Is this a diversion or just a new start?

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