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I have a few questions to ask. What is in the future, or the past?
Those who we meet? In a room, in a place, on the street?
What do we have when we have nothing? Is this life on a string?
A line of fate, destiny, or hate. We are to determine what is on our plate.
What do we have to offer? Something that can be given to a prince or a pauper?
A gift of truth, honesty, or kindness. Find the right person and then you will find this.
It is something that cannot be sold nor bought; it cannot be dropped nor caught.
It is straight from the heart or soul. It has no luster neither shiny nor dull
You can compare it only to what you see it as. Take it for granted, you will lose it fast.
Cherish it, and the person from who it came. For this gift will bring you no fame.
These are the important things in this life. Ignore the misfortunes and the strife.
Focus on what you have, not what you cant obtain. Seek sunshine and not rain.
Who we have is what is of a greater meaning. Be thankful in what others are seeing.
It is not easy to change who you are. Not an easy choice by far.
By always taking the easy road you forget to learn you forget to grow.
Learning to be a better person can be achieved. In many more ways than perceived.
Heed the words of what others have to say. Watch what you do day by day.
Learn what makes you and others feel the best, that is a true life test.
By creating true harmony and euphoria you may be able to generate a healthy aura.
By emanating kindness, peace and love. Teach others to let their soul fly like a dove.
Now the favor has been returned the cycle renewed and maybe some one has improved
Those are what mean the greatest, maybe that is what determines what our fate is

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