You're a woman, I'm a machine

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Inside of this boy lives a great man
Who's waiting to start all his great plans.
But inside this man is a terrible beast
Whose favourite food is flesh in a feast.
Not cannibalistic in the sense of the word
But a penchance for hardcore and greatly disturbed.
A hand around the neck, a fist wrapped in hair
Teeth embedded into tissue, proving I'm there.
Aggression and passion wrapped in a package
Staring at the body before me, salivating for snackage.
Well read in the kama, versed in the tantra.
Hearing you shouting "Oh God!" my favourite mantra.
Your pleasure, your pain, an interwoven line
The throbbing, the aching, the union divine.
Like a man by demons, I become possessed
By the weight of your flesh with my hand on your breast
I'll blow your mind, leave you gasping for breath
Take all your energy, leave you with nothing left.
I'm an animal mostly, a creature of pleasure
Constantly searching, for hidden treasure.
Debauchery in a well refined form
Holding you safely, keeping you warm
Muscles defined by repetitive actions
Honed to ensure all the right reactions
Like Saddam, I am hung, no room for doubt.
Your toes curled tightly, aching and gaping when I pull out.
Fingers wrapped tightly around your hips
My tongue flickering deliciously over your lips
I'm the kind of guy you'd try to find
But you'll have to turn you're head when I'm kneeling behind
Like you're an animal, you're right where I want
A chance to express, conquer and flaunt
The closest to god that you'll ever get
Leave you limp, unmoving and soaking with sweat
Don't you love being my precious pet?

(Thanks to death from above 1979 for the title.)

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duddle146duddle146over 17 years ago

A man who thinks of himself as a gift ~ could he be just full of himself?

Unbridled_PassionUnbridled_Passionover 17 years ago

deliciously painful

LeBrozLeBrozover 17 years ago

Leaving her limp and wrung out.

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